Newmarket Era, 31 Mar 1900, p. 6

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i THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY MARCH J I ijjr V- t lie around the AMI ftp WOItTJlY TO The in aid of ho In given bcueo hero Monday night a great program aimed of rccitatinns itc and most of the little acquitted themselves in an manner The Mr Aurora in hie usual happy style acted an chairman amounted to nearly and Miss the teacher deserves Mrs J received a letter from her son with MK now in Africa Ho enlisted at Mooe Jaw Brown returnee on Mon day last to Dominion City Manitoba after upending the winter At homo Mr Geo is under the Buffering from attack of Mr and Mrs of Ux- visiting friends in vicinity week Ida McMillan of Mutual Cor iters well known in these part has gone to Dakota to the Mr Chan has purchased large stationary engine which he in tends to put in at his chopping mill Mr of Toronto Junc tion ha moved up hero with his fam ily and is engaged in building a house on his farm spring approaching and I think it is time for our surrounding neighbors to hear what has been going on hero alter having been frozen up all win tor To seo the young gentlemen rush ing to our one cer tainly think they were very important business people or wore very anxious about their loveletters Mr Jos Cutting has engaged with Mr for the coming season much to pleasure of surround ing community as Joseph is a favor ite in this neighborhood It is with pleasure the news ap me that there are three dings to place in tho near future on the and two on Wo wish them happiness and prosper- We are much pleased to note that Brown is improving very much after a severe illness We regret hear that Mr Lloyd and family are about to move from our midst Wo understand that Mr and cons about to leave for Winnipeg is becoming a vast hay market but an opposition buyer is required Mr Joseph Andrews a flying visit among friends this week Mr Manning has disposed of his driving horse for a nice figure Mr J Andrews was the purchaser Mr has engaged with Mr Webster for a term of months A Newmarket doctor got lost in the Klondike region on Tuesday night Two of our bachelor friends John Taylor and Duncan Crawford last week bowed their heads to and meekly promised Now I the boys pet along tip top if they pull evenly on the yoke for they have- chosen good mates Now all old bachelors cheer up theres hope oven at bout We hone now thai Commander- inChief of Era has visit to Button that we shall have reg ular news from tho northern lis bores not all con fined to South Africa There aomo in York and when they get into the editorial sanctum they make things Our scribes should be careful and not write up follows aa editor is the innocent suffer er of their The Jersey Fishery Inspector end a bog of big Jersey red apples dropped in at last week The In spector left shortly after but pies stayed to gain a further acquaint- unco with the Owl Win Crittenden had bis annual wo d sawing bee on Tuesday last no trouble for to get help ho is very popular with and then reckon considerably on get ting a first class suppor after work is done The Richmond Hill oc casionally comes to band We would naturally expect it to he with Irish wit as its editor is a witty eon of Emerald Isle hut instead it is almost Quaking plain But when youre counting the good Grits friend Mo ahem is there time as ho is cut by a Grit pattern Though timber is getting almost a3 as hens teeth yet Yates has secured a large stock of sawloga consisting largely of cedar Wo have taken much interest in the letters homo by out boys in A some of the yarns were rather long drawn The students of natural history will laugh to hear that ostrich feathers so easily obtained by grasping the birds by he till Trav ellers say that it requires a swift horse indeed to catch those birds But per haps our lads sprinkled salt on their tads I was taught in my youthful days that that was the way to catch birds Andrew had a splendid lot of potatoes last fall which he pitted On opening the pit this spring he found Jack Frost in there They were a dead loss One of our boys is surprised he is not more popular with the gals The girls say he is too liberalhearted If they are out to a picnic a May or a 1st July he squanders his coppers on peanuts or a candystick and di vides with them The girls like a fellow to just buy a whole pound of bullseyes and chuck them into their lap then theyll dispense them with smiles at their leisure There will he a deal of moving in the neighborhood of Orchard Hill Gum Swamp in a week or so The snow is slipping away so easily J who for bin running ft blacksmith shop in lias leased a in Raven- shoe lately occupied by Mr Draper Mr Fisher is counted of beet fi floors of tho west of Hake and no doubt will tho good sat isfaction Mr Willie Hicks left on Tuesday morning for Dakota making has begun lots of trees tapped already Mr delivered an sermon bo also read tho discipline MOUNTALBERT Mr Jos Wilder died on Thursday of last week after a long illness with cancer of the stomach Our viltago is lively with commer cial A grand party held at Dr J Forrests on Tuesday evening con sisting of the members of church It was got up as a farewell for minister Rev Mr and hie wife who about to leave this place Mrs was the recipient of a fine silver Tea valued at James Moore and bride arrived home on Friday Mr M Stiver has moved hero from Paris for business Mrs I presented her with a fine baby girl J A Miller and wife from Baldwin were calling on friends Mrs sold out her house hold find is moving away Dr Wesley had friends from New market Monday Res Mr has an invitation to stay hers another year but dont know whether ho will accept or not Mr Pearson and family moved hero from SUTTON Button mixed train duo To ronto at morning met with an when approaching Mark ham station Had a truck which was found tobe broken taken the notion a few minutes earlier serious aults would have certainly followed as the track south of mass of Happily however happened as train was on a straight line when the trouble was discovered All trains on the Mid land were delayed about five hours none aniving in city three oclock A- a box to or BINDER TWIN time receiving- order from for flintier at Klng- ex rphrtlCT tioa to J Piatt warden of Penitentiary baa been extended to of May next tioa to J Ktieton on who spent Sabbath last in this vicinity were Mr White and Miss White of guests of the Misses and Messrs and of Noble ton guests of Mr Alex Davis Mrs Stoker has jut from spending winter with her daughter in Mr and Mrs Irwin of New- market were visiting at Mr on last A vary pleasant evening was spent at homo of Mr Jan on the hist the occasion being a farewell to Mr Thos before leaving for Western State Mr Angus Council moved onto the Intnl and Blackburn have moved onto Mo- Grill property at the sawmill on the eon Win Curtis steamed up his engine on Wednesday last as the beginning of cutting feed and circulating Jesse Tat ton is getting ready to put some more wire fencing Comfortable Home fop cores of Nicely miles of Albert Good well plowing Fruit trees school and from Flour and mill ten walk to ox Is Albert We Pride Ourselves in Standard Goods I Pure Mocha and Java Coffee excels all other coffee J its richness of aroma the true flavor of coffee and will enjoy that stimulating beverage Brown Gelding for Sale years old It a ads very driver and can be driven can or Newmarket- Have You Tried Shredded Wheat package a favorite breakfast prepared with milk i Blended Black Tea pep lb I has and flavor combined possess that mildness 5 I which you like in Black Teas entirely free of the agreeable taste which so many kg called Black Teas have J Soda Biscuits tins Pasture to Rent foaled Tenders will bo received by ihe up to of 1800 for Town Plate of Timothy atrccl for one PiirtlCK barn or lata separately or both together By order DAVID jw Town Clerk E Delicious Cocoa in bulk J We sell considerable of this Cocoa because- we have it always fresh and at lb is a great deal cheaper than package joods Mil John- is Agent for the at Sutton and is authorized to receive subscription collect accounts Orders for all kinds of printing promptly attended to The shoemakers in tend moving from their present place of business into thf store lately vacat ed by Messrs Cuttle Bon They carry a large stock in their lino and aru known for upright dealing Mrs Emerson Earl and sister went to last week to spend a few days with friends Mr Ernes who has suffered severely from paralysis for some time has improved considerably of late The has resumed publica tion in new quarters A portion of Messrs McLaughlins shop has been temporarily obtained for an office un til a more permanent one can se cured Mr J left for Manitoba last Thursday to ex amine into the merits of a certain property offered for sale there Miss Nellie Hawkins who has been that there will probably he no flood spending a few weeks here with her parent returned to the city last Sat urday Mrs Hawkins accompanied A very pleasant event took place at the residence of Mr Robert Ian on Wednesday March the occasion being the marriage bis eldest daughter Minnie to Mr John Taylor of Baldwin mar riage ceremony was performed by Rev A Mctfadden of Mount Albert being witnessed by about guests The fair bride looked very charming be ing attired in stone blue cloth trim with white satin and white chif fon while her bridesmaid Miss Mary Taylor looked very pretty in a fawn dress trimmed with pink Mr John assisted Mr Taylor After the ceremony the usual con gratulations were given to the bride and after which the- company repaired to the dining room and par took of delicacies so temptingly served to which they did ample justice Presents numerous and costly showed the esteem in which the happy couple held by their many friends The guests present wero Mr P Mc Mr John Taylor Mr Fred Taylor Mr Mustard Sirs lor and son of Newmarket Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Moles Miss Maggie Mr and Mrs Taylor Mr and Mr Will Aird Amy Taylor Mr George Button the Misses Station Mr James and Miss Emily Yates Mr and Miss Cameron About four oclock Mr- and Mrs Taylor for Goodwood amid pro fuse showers of rise and good wishes They were accompanied as far as Zephyr by several of the young ftie They intend going to to their honeymoon Ml their many friends join in them long life and touch this season Astronomy is a absorbing study and yet how very how extreme ly ignorant our pupils and even our university are of it It should be put on the Public School Curricu lum and dry old Euclid or jommethry as an Irish schoolmaster would term it relegated to the dark closet We would respectfully notify the Roachs Point scribe were not in the cutting out business Its a contempt ible business Besides were not cut after the right pattern ourselves to make a success of cutting out Mrs made a most successful job mounting and dressing Chas bucks head ft is handsome and shows that Mrs understands the biz I am persuaded that the Queens viait lo Ireland will be a factor of knitting the Empire bonds more firm ly It should have been undertaken years ago Bay wouldnt us Cana dians have whooped her- up if her Majesty had so honored us I once knew a good old Scotch lady who had a very humble opinion of the Methodists If anything mysterious occurred grannies inevitable remark was I beet bet you it was Method Mr Welly Morton has developed a new wrinkle He has found out that he is the prince of boss traders He started out recently with a tolerably By night he had traded round till he had a big wad of bills and a better horse than he started out Miller has purchased a hand some pony thirteen hands high from Welly Morton Its a little beauty with lots of po in it The Owl A London cable dated March states that Duke at Duchess of York are planning a visit to Canada as soon as the war is over They will tour thru the country and extend their trip to alt other British colonics which have contingents serving in Africa The tour will hi of with distinctive characteristics of a royal visit her and will remain in Toronto a week Mr Fred Lake son of Mrs Alice Lake has volunteered with those go ing to South Africa to fill the ranksof those who were slain in the first con tingent Mr Amos teacher near Zephyr was in the village last Satur day St James Church has been im proved All the old windows have now removed and new stained windows put in Mr has been teach ing on Georgia Island for over a year has resigned and moved to Sut ton for temporary residence prior to going to New Ontario Mr the new for the Island arrived on Saturday with family and will take up the work at once has gone to the city to reside for a time Mr V Crocker intends to leave here next Tuesday for British Colum bia to take a situation there The best wishes of this community will go with him Several young man talk of leaving here soon for west country Mr and Mrs Martin Taylor of Sutton spent lost Sunday week in Holland Landing Last Sunday Mr student of Knox College occupied the pulpit of the Wedding bells in Egypt settlement Last Wednesday Minnie J was united in the bond of matrimony to Mr John Taylor Also on the same day Miss Rebecca Clarke was joined in sacred marriage relationship with Mr Duncan Crawford The nuptial knot in the latter case waa tied by the Rev A P Brace of Sutton brides in each case tho re cipients of many valuable presents Mr and Mrs Taylor went a trip to Gait to friends Johu will give a lecture on the Transvaal War with illustrations in Victoria Hall Sutton Friday evening KESWICK Mr Hazard home from a few days on account of cutting tho end his finger while cutting turnips I understand that one of our young men Mr Alex Mcintosh is going to the NorthWest He will be greatly missed returned home on Monday last after spending the win ter at Keswick Mr M Ernes is out again after having a bad attack of la grippe Mrs Hazards birthday was celebrated at Keswick on Thursday of week and she received quite a number of presents We wish her many more birthdays Mr J Hopper of Richmond Hill spent Sunday here Mrs Mary McDonald has returned after in the city Mr Moses Ernes sick with in flammation- Mr returned to Toronto Monday mot to resume his juror Mr Morton took in the of the City on Monday Mr Howard Morton has charge of Jesse store here has been that the previously by S Morton is now in partnership but the is false Mr J sole proprietor and is bound to conduct his business on honest principles Miss Etta is at present in Newmarket A number of young people from here took party at Perry on evening The Christian Church organized P on Wednesday evening pre vious arrangements of the Endeavor con flicted with the preaching Wight return ed home after a few days with May Mr Fred and wife left day for Toronto tor a few days Mr Alfred Mann visited Toronto on Monday of our Silverware Premium Silver Sugar Spoon Either would be a useful article Start at once to order your supplies at Grocery and you can soon have a pieee of silverware A GO are the latest style of photos They can be had at mith THE NEWMARKET Take a look at them Do we do the Black Dress Goods Trade Privacy for the Telephone We are sorry to have to report that the Christian Cburch at their monthly meet ing on Saturday decided to from the Union Endeavor in operation for the past year and a half The society held its meetings in Methodist Church last flanday evening It la announced to ha held in earns place next Sunday evening Mr is to the subjeot The the are having a of officers next day evening to be conducted by Supreme Commander Sir Knight George entertainment constating of tableaux and an by Mr Town send will also be given the same evening Good or bad fine weather or fool we are lotting for a full On Friday evening of next week they Intend holding their annual oyster supper for the members and their wives special lady and a few invited Mr and were Mr on Tuesday Annie Stephens Pleasant is with relatives here this Mr John Oldham left on for the Northwest Wo to eaoh fts The of meets on Saturday evening now Election of officers Saturday evening Richard returned home from In- on Monday with Mr cud Mrs Richard Cole Sunday lest with friends in THE BELL TELEPHONE CO for M prices Sound Proof Cabinets of design and with ell the which Expedience Suggests bo able to give you full particulars Term Define Monday April Sod Central Business College TORONTO Twelve regular teachers Sixty Typewrit Machines Equipment no more or a in a half equipped school No vacations Work right along through July and August Write for Catalogue PRINCIPAL We have the Largest of Goods in Town TORONTO JOBBING HOI e Newmarket Depot ALL For the Spring trade Large variety of patterns to choose from Prices Right WAR Another consignment of handsome brown ware just opened Dinner Sets and Tea Sets FRAMED PICTUR Add much to the appearance of a home Preserve your pictures by having them framed We have a large stock of Moulding and can fiauie them for little cost Come and see Looking back I see 1 never saw before the exclamation of satisfied customers We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed In Satisfaction Consultation free Atklnsori GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co NEWMARKET M f f county to represent in fiufrciiudiny counties pay yearly payable eiobanytJ A WW NEW Now on sale LIFE OF L MOODY paper doth FROM CAPE TOWN TO LA paper two last wars by Rand AVAR ATLAS Central Telephone N STARR o Bed Wheat Wanted Bushels White Wheat Wanted I Bushels Wanted Bushels REMEMBER WE DO f a Vi

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