J- leeks teal WHAT IK IK A Sent Down In of the allowed stolon be- Mr last man was sent down for trial- before and elooltcl to be tried by jury co up in May w Them men country had scrap market morale Chief an information against them acknowledged the corn and paid lino but man hat oat of Town Hell not escape ad thai Chief Anderson has We open for Methodist Meeting last Bon day was largely and much enjoyed Sunday is to bo Day aormons to bo preached by Rev Prof of Victoria University Toronto The professor spoken of as a very clover man and It is hoped that largo congregation will avail the opportunity of bearing htm flew Are tho moat stylish in town Mr Jlrilllnor has an addition to Huron doubling his former capacity and has it filled with plants Mr J titration of baa rented the factory and tit tint it up for tho manufacture of pumps Mr C has pat up a now stable near his residence Banquet to invitations a Banquet at the House wee to bo held last night under auspices of the Hookey Club a splendid this year tho the boys had a of bad look in dropping oat of the championship series Just when they did Oat of matches played Newmarket won five had two draws and only lost in lira championship match with Midland Depot The returns for past week as follows Outwards cars stock cars grain caw sundries marsh hay care car pickles oars screens car clothes pine total Itiwarde cars sundries cars pail wood car oar 1 car coal I car lumber car fruit car hind iron cur granite total Out Paints Are to satisfy All shades Get color card at store of A Great and try their tfoofuB on the superiority of nut offering ft Trip to for tho beat composi tion on that subject The good at ill continues and the program pood was very Inter eating Mrs Cody presided Mrs Jtoksou as organist and the con gregational slotting was splendid Excel lent readings were given by Mrs- and Mies the Utter being President of the of Middlesex Co and At present her sister Mies Palmer a very appropriate Rev Soon gave a capital address rotating a touching life in Southern States refcrrod to the growing evil of the habit and urged cooperation In alining the Triple Pledge in fiohoola on citation by Mr J filled the hour with much profit Next the provide program and a good is promised Clothing advertisement oof on About half past one oclock last Sunday afternoon roof of Mrs Canes residence discovered to be on aup posed to bo by a spark from the chimney By the use of ladders and on the the fire was extinguished without giving an alarm but required some exertion A smell patch of and a piece of board were The fire was discovered in the nick of to save a conflagration Sehool Debate A debate will be held in the school on the afternoon of Thursday Inst The subject is Resolved thavludia Is a great the British Empire than Canada The will he argue by R and Bennett and negative will upheld by A and Pearson On ac count of the limited accommodation a gen eral invitation cannot be extended to the public but any visitors who may attend will be made welcome Crescent Are very much to the front in price quality and appearance 50 and each better wheels made at price For sale at A I The Triple Pledge AH the Pledge Rolls Cards and Ribbon in connection with inauguration of the Triple Pledge in North York have been distributed and be in the hands of the of School before next The pledge is against tobacco and bad language and all officers and scholars will be asked to sign it on Sunday The pledge ia instituted under direction of the York School Association and it is hoped that the project will have the hearty operation of all workers millinery Opening la on this week the delight of their lady customers The Works The main shaft In the old building at the Specialty Works broke morning and nearly all the metal workers were thrown out work for a couple of days Another new for stamping sheet iron was put into the Factory on Monday The new heater Is satisfactory and is a great saving the fuel Some new radiators are being added to the ground floor in the new factory for heating purposes The dry kilo is being refitted to some to its capacity Of Dentist The Fiends wood preached two good sermons lent Sunday In the morning from words He that alow to anger mighty and he that ruleth his spirit than ho that a city ill the evening was Christians Armour ago last Sunday an appeal was read on behalf of the cause In Cuba and a collection war taken Later a childrens letter was received frothy Havana Cuba was read In Sunday School last Lords day It was asking for assistance to build a Friends Meeting and School House which will be first Protestant church in Cuba A collection 2 was then taken up for that purpose The Society also a donation lor the same purpose making a total of whioh has been forwarded A number of bookmarks wore distributed by the Superintendent laat Sunday to all who had been punctual in attendance at the opening of the school the of March The entertainment provided in the Town Hall last Friday night by the Junior League was fairly well attended and off very satisfactory by Mayor Cane and in his remarks stated that the Hospital for Children had treated patients during the 24 years a few being from town The recitations and dialogues were not only well rendered but selected with pare The singing particularly The Flag Little Golden Curie and Gold en Boat Song The Drills were all well done and The Umbrella and Doll Drills were something new and have occu pied a great deal of in their prepare- with a neb little toie boys and girls also did well in their The Tableau What we have well hold well but Mr large St Bernard was to have its own way end rather spoiled the The decorations were very pretty and patriotic candy was well patronized After all expenses were paid remain ed for the benefit of the Childrens Hospital Those who had charge of the prepara tion deserve great especially Miss L Irwin who shouldered of the re- The Cabinet la a sure and preventive for all affections kin and throat Send your dn to Union A At meeting on evening of last the Agricultural and collars Boards the committees were appointed for the year The Society of the Church will hold TlanUoffcring Service and Tea at residence of Mr It Manning on Thurs day April at Aire Joel the Mug to shoot birds times only fi A Tennyson Club Meets t at Dr Booties next Tuesday evening at Heading begins at Bee It is the intention of the to finish poem at that meeting as it will be last meeting of iheassabii I Home The Board of And ft met on Monday and pissed accounts amounting to which the fjoarters salaries for the officials to were follows Dry and Groceries Dan- ford Roche Co- Bread Starr Beef Worth from IB and at There was a very good martlet last Hat- day but the drop in the prices and was depressing to the farmers there waa good demand for both commodi was paid for l7o for butter Hot many potatoes were offered and prices from id pee bag Quito a lot of dressed beef was also on market Something Good Dont forget the Pan Cake and Maple Supper at the Christian Church nextWednefliav followed by Panorama Britains Girdle Around the The scenery South Africa will be specially Interesting just now The en tertainment Is in of Mr John bniicattd the brick for en implement ho to occupy at once and eomo changes being maris to the front at to facilitate handling of form machinery Oft Thursday night of last a large Royal Templars met at homeotMra Albert Queen and a farewell party to her sou Mr bad been an of the A social time was Fred has Sturgeon Fella foraooopleof and of to British Colombia after that Taken to Toronto After a very struggle for several weeks Mr Alex succumbed to erysipelas at yesterday morning His father and slater had been In constant attendance for somo time Mr- was a clerk at store for about half end was very popular the boys remains will be in- toned in Toronto leaving last night by train Football The High School Club organized yester day by dealing the following officers Hon J A Coombs ViceFrfis Arthur Oliver Treasurer George Captain Leslie Jackson Man Com Sutherland Chapman Talt end Hughes Cones The ate putting in a new Heater this week and to have connections made yesterday Notwith standing the waste from many saws the firm find it to economize on fuel The welder was to start up again yesterday A of specially colored etc for the Eastern in now going through the factory Anew rip saw was added to the machin ery at Canes factory last week Signs of Spring The lengthening days and warble of birds are cot the poly signs of spring This season of the year is brought forcibly home to us through the of the milliners windows in which are exhibited all that new and dainty in the form of hats and toques These are made chiefly of straw a branch which has great ly developed of late years The now hats are extremely pretty and becoming and so far hero little preference given for any particular or shape ftome have the trimming in front some at back end Others at the side according to ones own individual fancy Ll x v i from 5 to all warranted fast cuLf EMBROIDERIES Largest and most complete stock in trade Prices from upward This is the Latest Trimming this sea son We show some handsome Fringes at Very Low Prices A Baking Powder the only Pure This has always been our This season we are especially strong French Serges Worsted Wales Figured Mohairs Cashmerrs we are selling at the old low prices while they last ouseKeepers Needs Sheeting Pillow Cotton Pillow Cases Towels Towelling Napkins Specially Low Prices for the Spring Season j CORNER The York County Departmental Store THE CHEAP STORE Pile SO to Mens Tweed Suits regular Your choice Mens Tweed Suits regular 3ft anil Your choice Pile Mens Ulsters regular and Your choice Pile Mens Tweed Overcoats to G Your choice MB Pile 3 Mens Tweed Suits regular and Your Choice la Pile 12 The conUibattoria to the Fend through amounted to 11 Ad dition to sura the Hod J Davis very At the meeting lest Friday the ladles decided to make up a parcel of dozen flannel shirts knitted pairs sex and 1 handkerchiefs The parcel was valued at and sent away on Tuesday The ladies very generously took up a col lectio a of among themselves to defray printing expenses so that the would go to the purpose intended Newmarket has done well for the soldiers in South Africa having contributed oyer thru the appeals the Fund and the Red Gross Society Supplies Daisy Leader Hooker Dash Pound prints vexed paper bowls etc cheap at Rev Weeks preached an excellent sermon on systematlo benevolence The greatest evidence of goodwill was the gift Gods only Son Money has a fatal dream have been largely christianized money attU serves self Close Coll There was nearly a fatal accident at Factory last Monday morning Mr Job was assisting to shift a saw table while the saw was in motion when his foot accidentally slipped sod he fell forward the table Raising his head the saw struck it end inflicted a wound three inches long the bone An artery being cut there was much of blood Mr singularly unfortunate this the second time he has been laid up within a few months This time head was cut similar to the accident at laid Roy op for several months and very nearly coat htm life Mr is doing nicely Pile Mens Beaver Overcoats regular and Your choice Pile 19 Boys Three- Piece Suite to Your choice Pile Boy Suits regular 55 to Your choice Pile 21 Boys Suit 8 Your Mens Tweed Suits regular and Your choice Pile Tweed Suits regular 12 and Your choice Pile 13 Mens- Denver Overcoats 8 9 and Your choice 75 Pile 14 25 Management J Cane w what we owe to the ft m i Kay and Martin GroundsandTrackN Wesley Roe J Wesley end Hughes Finance Br ton E Cane and Jackson Excursion J Cane Keith Jackson and Woodcock Horses Wesley Fortune Proctor and Webb Cattle J Wesley and Fortune and Swine Hughes and Lehman Poultry Wesley and grain seed Geld crops Webb Woodcock Roe and fruit garden vegetables flowers and plants Martin and Domestic Products Proctor Martin Vehicles and Mfg bits Woodcock fe Cane Lehman and Wesley Natural History IiineArts McKay and Ladies Work Hughes and 11 Childrens avid fluence of the Gospel We cultivate a benevolent and spirit The poor give as well as the Only and habit Most people give what they have to spare after self has been We should discount dollars and worship the Lord In the evening the pastor preached on the Prodigal Sin wastes the sob stance life is a wasted life This parable will be continued next evening R Humane Appeal There seems to have been an unusual amount of calls upon the sympathy of the public the past winter but the terrible of distress that comes from on fellow sub jects in India move flioo The famine is the worst in its re sults ever known in Men women and children are found dead end dying on roadsidea from want of water food clothing and shelter Relief works pro vided by the Government enable nearly five million people to earn from to a day is simply enough to preserve life The people musk be fed by the hand of charity or die Inspectors bam and are appealing to of York Comity to deny a little for of poverty- stricken children of Wo hope all out echoola will to tbia call fllethodist The meeting as provided by dis cipline took plane last Tuesday evening in the Room and was well at tended The pastor Rev occupied the chair All the reports were very encouraging The school is the largest in its history The treasurers statement showed were for missions and to the Century Fund year besides ex pending over on books All liabilities are paid except about 8280D for supplies The Librarians report fcbowa 419 in the library all in good repair nmes were among boys dur ing the year and among the girls election of officers resulted as fol lows Jackson Cane Secretary Walter Will Smith Treasurer- Hughea jr Librarian Brimson Howard Cane Organist Miss Eva Lush Leader of Orchestra A Teachers J Mrs Cane Cane Miss Millard A E Coombs Mies Millard Miss Jack son Mrs Rev G J A 3 Green Mrs Geo filial J Mrs A Miss Lifts Mabel Cans Miss Hooyer Mrs L Jack son Irwin Primary W and Mrs Cane Substitute Mrs and to the Sunday Aid and Extension Food end a committee was appointed to consider of Pile Mens Worsted Coats and Vests 8 Your choice 525 Mens Beaver Overcoats to Your choice Pile Boys TwoPiece Suits 2 to Your choice Pile Boys TwoPiece Suits Your choice Pile Pile 15 Mens Spring Overcoats tegular and Your choice 225 Pile Mens Pea Jackets regular 3 and Your choice 245 Pile Mens Spring Overcoats regular to Your choice Pile Boys TwoPiece Suits Your choice 285 Pile Boys Ulsters and Overcoats to 35 Youhoice Mens Rubber regular Your Choice 195 rrrfm Pile 9 Mens Ulsters regular 5 Your choice 95 Pile 17 Tweed Suits Your choice 75 Pile 18 Youths Tweed Suits regular to Your choice 475 2 Pile Boys Ulsters and Overcoats to 550 Your choice Youth UlBters and Overcoats choice 265 Youths Ulsters and Overcoats regular A 7Q Bargains Work Blouses House Jackets In Print and Goods And Dressing made of were each your Fancy Eiderdown Flannel with and Wrappers And Dressing Gowns made of Fancy Eiderdown were now 170 A without Prices were 200 now reduced to 115 Dont Fail to See Them or So Fancy Knitted Wool were your choice JACKET and SKIRT German Tailor Made in Blue Todies Cloth at and