fX J a bah U NEWMARKET BRANCH A General linking TRANSACTED nterest Allowed on Deposits T DRAFTS ISSUED A7 AH ana and Collodion a MEDICAL Aliped Now market Office of first Of not to I A I opuooitu Church Guaranteed Dp P R lei Ilia iii he At Dr Porter ford Monday Jackson tastier of CARRIAGE LICENSES the a Newmarket J OF MARK AGE LICENSES SUTTON j for Ml Money i at Current R Ramsay Fire Agent Low and Isolated Of woe MISCELLANEOUS JVIps Simpson W Main St Fancy The Prepared for he Era by and UP FIGHTING April 1000 MHUynM4 Whatsoever would men should do lo you do oven bo to thorn Verse others is A Near sighted men often can others a beam filled lea Fault finding whop judgmpnc that ffrong child has all he needs within easy earnest quest of the good man succeeds asking necessary things is filled to satisfaction 10 never exposes the trusting one to Human fatherhood faintly shadows divine fatherhood Put in The way to permanent blessing fa difficult The natural choice is toeaso and not to PRACTICAL J us from self righteous judgement Vorses Lawbreaking not qualify for a judgeship Verse Holiness is not by dbg like men Verse keeps things his children long for thorn The to the storehouse is its wealth i If I II A AND CONTENT THE PASSES NORTH Verses Fatherhood for generosity to the children Verses IB The entrance to beat life is straitened and hidden Verses 12 Somewhere is harvest for all seedsowing Jacob reaped for the deceit of his Gen drowned Hebrew boys and perished in the sea suffered the cruelty ho practised Verses J Personal infirmity should make us charitable in judgment Wo must become faultiest ere can judge righteously The man without fault may cast the first stone Tho sinless Christ alone can and destroy sin Wise discretion must be used service The gospel of the child illsuit the enemy Tho graces of Spirit are not for tho unclean treasures of grace not for life Vorses blessings to the persevering soul There is a blessing given for just asking Pauls came after thrice Cor Jesus was saved after and Hob fi Verse God promises good not the desired The answer to is always good to prayer always satisfying The answer to prayer abundant The end of life should determine course of life Moses chose in flight of the abiding reward Jib Paul braved moment for Jesus gathered ring for coining fflorv 12 Ik ABSOLUTELY FAST BYES Cant be Washed Oat on Soapsuds Simple fop Pneumonia Willed i KinnJUnBic River CopyclapliWby Kilmer tTnOUOH4he results between and Boer bay been so heavily the favor of InUer It cauuot be mild the by It I to and Butler allowed a tack of tight- stuff on the part of the men Hirer nod were fields neither army peed blush for In spite of the disastrous endings of some of thorn Tor the party of assault The battle of tile war wits not a chance encounter but a well ordered conflict The position of tin advance and Inter of the main column was In bed of a stream while the Boers were on ill tiled lias been called Smiths hill British knew of the presence of Hie enemy but not his and astounded when the Boer rifle fire was followed by a vigorous bom bardment tit yards rouge British at opened at very long range afterward within AUOtt yards At a in the Boer ceased and the Brit- 18b supposed them Then ordered an will eh he led In person column was about strong For a distance the march was up a gentle slope of open ground This was crossed lire and the reached cover woods at Smiths farm break In slope of hill that the ground Is the way Imrivd by a stone wall I frown J was in the wood- for the Brit ish gun- work upon the EtuWs lie id himself gallantly all the his last words wircThe hill in Half an hour after their leader fell the ftiHlloers nod rifles up the bill creeping cover cover and at length the wall There tin Hue halted for a could In view of tho prevalence of jto such an and many deaths resulting there- not show himself without getting from wo following lured but the Boers kept out of sight six to ten onions according to About there wnsn in the scaled the reactor of of all If you want a elf has a slick Cutteioruneortliu the cull on fl r rtuy ft I on Garni some Sound raocrlpplw some some slow some very ana thoy Money to At IK- percent on filsj loans vffectod on by Davidson- toner for J Conveyancer and Estate Agent o for following reliable Liverpool and Mutual Block Mount Albert Diamond all made espe cially for homo use will cotton ailk or wool or fabrics of heavy or light weights and pro duce colors that never fade or wash out No other dyes oh the market can equal the Diamond Byes in strength brilliancy durability of color or aitn of use of severe testa have made Diamond Byes the moat popular every civilized land As Borne dealers sell inferior arid weak dyes put up in packages to imi tate Diamond Dyes always insist on getting the genuine with the name Diamond is a sure protection to every home dyer No fuilures ho disappointments or loss of when you Use you interested the making of hooked Mate am Hags If ho send for our 11 Diamond Dye Bonk Any Wells ttiehardsjh Mountain St Montreal P The Insurance Co in the Leaf Woolen Mills insure all their employees the ease of Mr of Mi Joy in behalf of his son who wits summer by the payment of and chop A lie in a large over a hot fire then add about same quantity of rye meal and the steep ascent which lay between them ami the pla teau liy the The losses of the were heavy Colonel the III- flea was shot In the out of I In the were bill or wounded The In si of the bill wait taken at the of the bay Hie Doers not waiting for the charge to he carried home At the held a rltlge at right angles with the railroad between and Dundee about from the latter and one of physicians New land never lost a patient and won hi renown saving patients by simple remedies after the best medical bad pronounced their oast persons Wre saved by I at winter in Boston aft- had ft lltmn die ft renird wns li the lust nix it would fill a ixed Money to Loan At per coat on Barm Security by- David Heat Marriage Kio Also Agrcnt for the Quecu of oDUtnct Mutual oeiebliBbad in Office Corner of Mate Street Hag to Inform the public ima moved to flaitooS House on and that he Co Loom with alt late to date and that lie jrijvared in do Work In WcavIhk- Send In Early in in their own and to yearly with flythaiecO nvl pc OF AnewsCatarrhal Powder price of Dr Powder has been reduced by from sixty to fifi cents per bottle remedy hat been recommended as other one it existence by members of Parliament ministers and educational men can had of any druggist at a bottle It relieves and all pain banned by colds or catarrh It is delightful to tee cures completely Sold by W Faminestricken India is in desper ate raits and reports from that heartrending of of the people The fantino is than experienced either in or in 1893 and of thousands are starving Large con tributions being forwarded yet the distress is causing great ravages and calls are made for increased assistance vine gar enough to it a thick the meanwhile stir it thoroughly letting it simmer five or ten minutes Then put in a cotton bag large enough to cover and apply it to the chest ftB hot as the patient can bear When apply another and thus continue by repeating the In a few Hours the patient will be out of danger This simple remedy has failed In this too often fatal rnftlftdy Usually three or four will be sufficient but continue The Boer rlaht a wftyaiuitiperspirauon starts freely upon kopjes or little from the This simple remedy the between was many years by An open veldt lay between the Brit and the Bolts and the moment former showed In column the Dutch opened with Rood shell Are French led In person the Devonshire regiment In for a froutol attack and sending the Manchester and hlghlauders turn the Boer left As the Devonshire advanced the Boer guns mined shrapnel hut the aim wad too high only three men were bit At voids from the hill the men halted under cover of ant heaps opened with their taking of a shower from a black thundercloud the mov cd across the toward the kopje the left to the railroad At yards from the crest the path beeamp rough with rocks and Intersected by a liarbed wlrt fence forward over the It tuiiRt he added over the bodies of comrades who fell the men lis bed for It was impossible for sections even to keep men stopped nod lay under the shelter of the steues to tire Perhaps they were shot as they lay there or when they arose to make the rush for the est cover At the wire fence score went down but seems that the hoi lets of the Boers had wires Half the wuy was won but the line balled At that critical moment Inn Hamilton of the ordered tin charge soituded was answered by the luigte of the down the plain end both lines In the twilight bayonets nut unit Ing until fliey were over I he force was one or rvgiuu driving It from the pass of the flilt I tost A and men and Si arid wounded the the eomiiionder and artillery chief Slilel were victims several other prominent was upon the position under a lire sheils and when within yards the Dutch began to play with their us well as As not a Boer could tie by the British There was do sort of cover for the assailants and they went down In scores and hun dreds Hot In spite of the ball of lead which met them the British tried to rushes ami two or three parties actually wtided or swam the only to be driven buck A dozen of the Coldstream guards led by swam across and the place too hot joined hands swam back The made attempts to cross After getting a foothold near the riv er the poured cannon shots upon the liner trenches had guus In The only real success of the British was crossing or a of the Scots guards late the day and the holding of of the river This was the battle which General Mel linen Is sold to hove colled the bloodiest of the century but loss was less ban per cent on the side of the assailants force numbered and the Boer strength was estimated at about the same The Boers left works In the and the next day the crossed and began the advance toward Kim- which led to the second stub born buttle of the campaign at It been staled that telo the Highland brigade which led the attack and lost enormously made a six mile march through unknown ter ritory and engaged the enemy without the i This command Billed and wounded among them the leader Gen eral and 1 other officers The attack was sprung at daybreak but before they had broken the close formation heavy lire was poured them close range It was another case of Boer General was killed the first plunge hut his men fell back In good order reformed their Hues The point alined by the Highland brigade was a bill or kopje on the Boer Hank The column within yards of when tired upon unex pectedly as some The Boer position wan six miles long extending ninth from the river mid covering the mad to At tacks ordered other were Check Id by the rpuft of the highland and the high hinders went to succor of the brigade A I this time the Boers inside which was met by the Coldstream guards From the time of the highland the British kept up artillery tire un til late In the day receiving no re sponse except from the Boer Mausers At oclock the Gordons tried to curry the kopje where fell lint were met by a fearful shrapnel tire and driven hack The commander Colonel fell At night lien in front of the Boers but retreated the next day to lis old camp river minus over killed and wound ed As at Modder river the Boers had been Invisible to the enemy but stood the ground tor hours under a hot Are from the artillery fVll I r Catrd We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty five bottle of Dr Pills if after iiyng contents of bottle do not so warrant that four bottles per manently the obstinate case of Constipation or par Wills English Pills are used Lehman Druggist J Druggist Oat Scotts Pharmacy Slain St Newmarket Tugela River is classed as a British disaster but there was good show ing of AngloSaxon grit there neverthe less The Boers held a strong position with hilts oo thp north bunk the south side and the drifts di viding the river current they occupied trenches General Butler ordered three columns to attack at different simultaneously but as usual the com bination failed tieneral Harts brigade bore the brunt of the fighting Colonel Longs artillery out paced its infantry supports and when the guns and the Irishmen were close Colljogwijod ratepayers carried the bylaw to in the of blast furnaces and rolling mills At- Kansas City John a trainer has been found guilty of murder in the second degree and to ninety years to the pent tcntisry PLUM PUDDINGS AND MINCE PIES have bad effects upon TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY I small boy who over Tako Laxative them as a All refund I for all ills money It falls to euro equalled Avoid Groves signature each hut on PainKiller and fought bis way to fiver hut he to cross tin of toe flier wits no rent tun tie The north to on the The the bridge nil hud fortified the the cross a wide end gnu il i Ivttive The UAL Killed at to the river and unsuspecting for not a Boer could lie Seen they were swept from and liritisb guns were wheeled but the men noises weut down the iiiiineiivers were complete Burleigh I be Kugllsh war wrote to the Telegraph a account of the gnihtntry Hurts column At he says there suddenly burst nu of tuukeiry tion luiiierles mid fciiovn so heavy a fusillade but neither the Kelt gunners nor the Infantry wttteed Irishmen marched- and less than hour the enemy front the south brink then Into water But the IhhI of the river was imrred with Wire and the drifts flooded ten deep with water by tin tus the after of men got across by swimming but the volar was guns were nut geuerul ordered of volunteer Ibrm Lord Unbelts son tried to lesciie nuns from under nil lei Hie Boilers was 1 id killed and wounded AtgelaWdPepaTflltonrorAs- iberoodfltidRefiula- THATrtin I FACSIMILE SIGNATURE -OF- Not Narcotic Iff for Constipa tion Sour S lomach Diarrhoea Sleep Simile Signature of IS ON THE OF EVERY Oli Ml J-JJ- la It Il sot told In balk Dont ijcis to tell pits or jrctft tad got The Universal Favorite nnly Harrow has la valudoleon bard oruneveu feouQd jjjx nut XfiSS- Cultivator fitted with grata ana grass towing with reversible cutters If The draft boat working and moat The teeth work directly the axle aad within ibeTDeel lino Bee the Spring Lift THE CELEBRATED and Drills Our old reliable Drills are so well and favorably known that they speak for themselves There are now over In use among the farmers of this country Wo the of which we are manufacturing tor season Jo jVtvawfti call to New Victoria Binder oar Spring and and will amply repay all- sw nor lines before placing orders eUwhera Send for our TUB Out Space r and Time 111 t I Him avVl mm a a Si in a mi Shannon rS1 w Cabinet manufactured by he Office Specialty Factory Out and Toronto ITU Notre Dame St P J in 1 RIFLE meet I I i3tti3 Ira till Jan cash