Newmarket Era, 6 Apr 1900, p. 8

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i I fi WM A K I DAY A I as DIE BEST ROUS HOC WL itWtwxw fa you lure a wheel from lite Bicycle Livery look at the tires If they are Tires then you can assured wheel has a in every part Tires oil good wheels die around the AND ftKMAUK FIND WORTH TO of Mr and Ira King on morning after an of four cerebral meningitis Wo worry to hear of death of Miss May daughter of Mr Morrison of former of Htm was a general favorite in yea of Jiev age Death wan by typhoid or fur p Toole Game IJtauu Taken from oar fireidf many people axe interfiled all in the Ontario a InUinhmimfui Mr has measure consolidating end vJHated the old AoVand adding thereto some licit I The Leading Specialists of YEARS IN DETROIT GORED WE CURE EMISSIONS Nothing hi to imftJea tfao a unfit a for warned matter thfr by evil youth natural vrtilcoefof ual Km Treat will NO CURE- NO PAY Header you help later may have you- you OucNtffilolboa Man you are id J imUblo K- citable and despondent and uokta and lU9Ukbtofyourest5UQG0 WE CURE VARICOCELE boi your can It lit WltTlUf rrmr ToOr tf fttcMuio an JaiiL jjnipanAit home of Mr way invaded one night week by a of bib Keulebv friends who took him rather by After ami profitable depart ed leaving in tin possesion of pastor many their ant esteem A very profitable hour was ppont by of Sons of Temper Saturday gmieial routine The that Country prefer able than Oily lift- created iniereat and lie ynve in favor of On Wednesday evening the 14th Division of P a It is need Ivsa to say that alt thoroughly enjoyed ml Division is spteitil ibe manner in its visttorH were en ertmned Asa rtsak fresh interest in the here CASTOR I A Nothing Success For a of His own Well think of Mother often Of all liar And when There in a vacant chair Her iutenso- And He who known beat lie brittle thread of life And shes safe at rest Heady for summon Lifes trials all aro oer Safely now across river On the other shore The pursuit pleasure is life as the pur- of even at the cannons hours the How lonely Ami the family in grief alone can lib will givjp you relief Mother Sister Brother All Mum And we today Hinging Happy on the Golden Shore Pi rcb wo bad givaa brief of its main turea lb the firt it provides for the Issuing of licenses as hereto- fort but nonresidents must pay a fee than In of of ether provinces tho Dominion the Government allow them to hunt on same as of Ontario The season for deer is between the of and the 1st of of following year practically mtftoe that the season days of For rvindeer or caribou tin will Rive- to 20000 It her viwit and pay other Her will lined with soldierH A has been tken by and an which patriotism in a tanyibi- way They have air- ihlirtd supplies and tin- soldiers mi South nt or lina at 5HriTi Do you think of now fcniuji your caw ipny lone ha baft it Stormy emj return tol A BOON HORSEMEN spavin Liniment Lumps and Blemishes from Blood Spavin Bone Sawney Stifles and Swollen The one bottle may make you flfl Warranted most WliinerJ lindsh Cure oyer known- Sold by I mm e we fr- em i AND Kin KV If to call write BLANK for HOME SHELBY STREET MICH PATENTS GUARANIEi Our Ice we fail one and of any invention will receive our opiutou free concerning be of same How to a sent upon patents secured through us for sale at our expense Patents taken out through us receive notice charge TUB 0 and widely circulated journal consulted by Manufacturers and Investors Send for sample copy REE Address VICTOR J CO Attorneys Building Best Gold Fill J We perfect GLOBE OPTICAL CO Street Toronto ALWAYS OH HO OP OR ACHE OR EXTERRAL THAT COT LOOK OUT lUiTATlONS the annum bottle THE NAME mm THE RECORD MA trio tlifa county to rnin thflr wn VrlliiiB- to pay yearly iayahlo with ungual exchanged frtumped P A llulldlnv Two or three years was only a noway paper that or might make headway in the over crowded of journalism but by miracle for audi it be The Toronto has sprung into greater prominence any Canadian paper So a circulation it has attained that the one dollar a year daily now no longer striving for in creased circulation but its lying as it were upon its and taking in the subscription of one dollar paid in ad vance or a year as fruits of past labor A daily paper for one dollar a year is indeed a great boon lo the country and tho success of The Tot onto is another proof of old adage Nothing succeeds success Picion Out March Piatt was arrested on ilia in formation of Inspector for issuing fraudulent circular letters through the mails in connection with his advertisement for a com panion for a married lady going to the Paris Exhibition lias a electric light company The town pays a year for lights of c p each from dusk until midnight Com mercial lights of will cost residential So a year Lamps with wiring complete will cost each The town hall council chamber and public library will he lit by incandescent lamps of for a year Do not the children to form the habit of disputing and with eah other It may be prevented like other bad habits watchfulness particularly if the begun when the children are very young Separation in the best punishment breaking up the play taking away cause of dispute- Children are social beings and do not like to play alone They dislike soli tude and if they find it is invariably the result of quarreling they will take pains to be more amiable so as not be forced into it April Ladies Borne Wide belts are coining into fash- Eon again They more like corse lets than belts They are worn both for day and evening wear Some aro made of dark silk others of silk in the paisley pattern An infinite variety may bo displayed both in the choice of material and shape- There is the Swiss belt style which is point ed back and front This shao is most becoming to stout figures if made of dark material Then there is the swathed corselet made of some soft thin fabric which is mounted on to a shaped and boned foundation This bolt fastens on one side be neath a small frill which finishes off the Many shaped belts are made to fasten at the left side with large fancy buttons a girl gets to wearing hat she needs looking after a a Red u 1 as Cross Society first of war pris oners has started from Cape Town for St Helena Over have been banked at Port Season by arriving American sutlers It has been found the electric light and station that runoff mine coal at more economical than slack at and equal to dry hardwood at The council has this season bought green wood at to 2 For conspiring to rob Marie bank James wits sentenced to five years in St Vincent do Paul penitentiary who was already under sentence of three years in the penitentiary was to five thus adding years to Ins former Sltorme Trent Cows Well It Is extremely difficult to get a great many men to see that why are not with cova Is because heartless Dairyman They tie up la rigid force to bare young cruet compel tlieiu to lie Jo own filth sides It shut them up in dark damp underground stnhles forcing to with fumes half them winters and midsummer droughts tbey dog them and abuse them with blows and curses All these things are of common practice and then such men wonder that this wonderful mother de nies to them a profit from mother- rtvM 4tt4t J Advice to ft Infants and Children Is There are three great dies that every person with weak lungsor with tion itself should understand These cure about every case in its first stages ana many of those more advanced It is only the most advanced that are hopeless Even these are wonderfully relieved and life greatly prolonged What are these remedies Fresh air proper food and of CodLmr Oil with Be afraid of draughts not of Nutritious i food and drink plenty of milk Do not that Scotts Emulsion is oldest the most thoroughly tested and the highest en dorsed of all remedies for weak throats weak lungs and consumption in all its stages all SCOTT from the 1st to November for but after year the ope in three and no elk if bo hunted or killed at any time The elope season tor grouse ant prairie fowl partridge and grey and hares day of Decern and flapiomberof the follow Quail or wild turkeys only ho hunted or billed between of and loth of The close for swans geese is from the first of May till of Open season ducks of all kinds is fixed from the til the of Decern her for snipe onail pliver other as birds open season from Septum her till the 15th December Turkey Mongolian pheasants prairie fowl are protected and inn not he hunted till the of With regard to certain animals the bill provides that vi and otter shall not he hunted or killed till 1905 and after that the do season is fixed between the 1st and the let of November The close for tho 1st of May and the of Deem No shall shot ing the month of April nor house cut or destroyed bin if are likely to do damage to dams or drainage embankments may be destroyed No perion is allowed to hunt or Sunday or use a gun for that mil pose Power is given for the Govern to vary the of the close Reason in certain outlying districts north end west No person is to hunt deer moose reindeer caribou without a license and no on- shall kill this kind of game under old A licensed hunter is allowed two deer one bull reindeer or caribou in any except said animals are private property and upon his own lands Hunting deer in water or immediate after leaving water is prohibited this however only applies to the In dian peninsula in Bruce County killing dear or moose what is known as trusiing or yarding is also prohibited No hound is permitted to run at large during clogs of deer under a penalty Killing ducks geese other fowl from Rail boat yachts etc declared unlawful No decoy shall placed at a greater distance than yards from shore or other natural growth of reeds rushes etc Sww punts monitors or bat teries are prohibited in taking or kit geese or ducks The of poison is also prohibited in animals or bird where dogs or usually have Shooting before sunrise and after sunset is an offence and shooting of gam birds or animals for hire or consideration is also forbidden an punishable of game hall not be taken or destroyed It if likewise made an illegal to be marked or disguised and have firearms neat any preserve or shootintr grounds close season Except as specially authorized by license it is made an offense for any Rame animal or bird found in posses sion of any person during close sea sons Licences are not transferable and no snipe quail or par tridge shall be bought or sold before the Sept except as authorized by license to res taurants for some days after the close season Regulations are made for the ship meet of game during the open season by the use of coupons etc No person is allowed to pursue game into any standing grain nor per- mil his dog to do so without permis sion of the owner Shooting on en closed lands is forbidden after notice The remaining portions of the bill re to Game Commissioners War- dona etc- and defines their duties and powers foods Irregular reel must result In a depleted vitality There is a feeling of languor the appetite fails Bleep docs not refresh life loses interest arid nervousness or hysteria may life miserable The preservation of the healthful tone of body depends chiefly on keep ing the blood pure and the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition In a condition of health When any of the above mentioned symptoms appear the timely use of Dr Pierces Golden Discovery will restore the body to a healthy equi poise purifies the blood nourishes the nerves and restores the deranged stomach and its allied organs to a condi tion of sound health There is no alcohol whisky or other stimulant contained in Golden Med- leal Discovery troubled frequent Hen accompanied by tre vomiting writes Mary Bell tfmniiicrton of San Co Texas Bowels were jircjiita ami my I stomach find liver Kerned continually of j order Often I could for twentyfour hours a time wa entirely tin fit for work and ytm run down I visd to try If you do write I IS Gil THIS SUMMER i 11 NEWMARKET ONT get prices of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows AND Artistic ffe Inside and Am so before fitiUltlnKtbf Ibttl ftlt to the AHtlKllHX public lift- must ilio with inCiMo its ftftii Pierces cleanse and regulate lie liver and They man en icnefit and not react on the system Ojic is a gentle laxative Lessons in Painting j i Woodwork Factory id for the of TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc CYCLES The a Sons Co I Pollock of School tf A i ft If you are not a subscriber to the Era Send for a trial trip of months FORTH is as necessary as a broom for the house For in the blood accumulate the germs of disease which if not swept away become manifest in boils blotches sores ulcers eruptions eczema tetter and like that flay the flesh and scar the skin A of all diseases that begin in the blood What other medicines drive in Sarsaparilla drives out Where other medicines make a surface show of health by cleansing the skin Sarsaparilla lays the dation of health by cleansingthe blood It is conceded that I The annual boat race be tween the crews representing the of Oxford rowed on Saturday over the course from Putney to and was won by by about twenty lioat lengths The Wjw delightful rtiI tho con test by immense Cleanse the blood a fair body The the larger portion have their origin in impure blood and you cleanse the skin Foul blood cannot make shortest way to a sound bod a clear complexion and a vigorous life is to purify the blood with Sarsaparilla lean truly say chat saved my life after doctoring for years ior blood poisoning Not one bit of help in any way shape or manner did I receive before cut by advice of a friend I took It made a new roan and cured me HARRY BROWN Hanover St Manchester year I badly troubled with boils I could not get rid of until I procured Two relieved me of my tormentors and never made their appearance since BRADLEY Five my little boy became blind from the effects of Our doctor to to help him Wo began use of Sarsaparilla and two bottles cured C Canes After six years suffering from blood poisoning I began taking and although have used only bottles of this great medicine have neatly A A MAKNING Houston Tex was afrlicttd ttlth catarrh for a number cone of ifce doctors being able to help me When almost of cure a advised me to try Ayers ffter using only thro civowaa and today I healthy JOSEPH MURPHY ifiMuibwy St J A A a A A fm

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