Newmarket Era, 20 Apr 1900, p. 1

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v B urn- J r J The Eua gives more home news every week any 0 other papers in North York combined and is acknowledged to be the Leading County Paper NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER UJ i lUnr l0 holy Recording to conscience above all other liberty No IB Cents teach j Newmarket Ont Friday April 20 No paper sent outside of North York unites paid in advance per annum I if paid in advance AH u which decay upon File breed great ha rdtr Cold end a bra la nil we recommend It ftrHu wUdinUPplie4lllntilllly on show while of In bulk needed Voreammtaia It sold HA ED PAINTS OILS GLASS ETC to Victory On that hinging of battle In ihickbt of Many bravo lads Have for old Englands lights Many brave hearts for Britons Have fallen in dark I And out on that far battle field Are buried along tho way Many are breaking In our own land For all of brave young heroes Now buried beneath the Bear in your minds noble deed Your ancestors achieved How many worthy Britons bled To have children freed And raise your voico to spread the fame Of Canadas noble lads Who fought and died to win the name Of old Englands Victory Newmarket April M J Oar Toronto better A Try Coal Oils- Our Bread Trade twelve cut in I he Why on you We iw on over liuiUred in Newmarket We carry variety Tan Rub Cake Short Pried Fruit Cake elan and Wine Cube ami Tea each day JACK Opposite Pip her House HETANDARdI ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its 74th year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity- Accumulated FuodB about wtrretAL Annual Revenue over onuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year 1898 Polices were The STANDARD has investments in amounting to over Four teen Millions of Dollars BONUS YEAR Assure now and secure a share of the profits GEO HUNT District Inspector J A Agent Clover and all kinds of Field Seeds Hungarian and Ontario Fam ily and Pastry Flour J Cor Main Huron Spring Goods have arrived collection of woolens Cannot Ijb Surpassed for extensive variety designs and general com pleteness The latest styles of fashionable shades of ex ceptionable value and wearing durability and Fancy Trouserings are included and examine and make your selection MeLAUGHLIN A little son of Mr Hugh Kyle was struck and killed by a trolley car at Toronto Junction Child fen for draft agreement under which the City will permit the Metropolitan to run along its atrcetti from North Toronto to the Market a annually for the use of streets Co was more in dealing with County and Local Councils where everything in sight was obtained A respite of hours was to the murder Williams so that instead of being executed on Friday the tragedy did not place till next morning A from tho City Council proceeded to Ottawa this and had an interview with the Govern ment respecting financial aid towards a Dominion Exhibition in connection with the Industrial next year It is expected if gone on with that the exhibition will last three months The date of the first parade this season of the Highlanders is fixed for April Architect Lennox has the stone steps all ready to place in position as soon as frost will permit who got hurt by a falling flagpolo at the Woodbine last May and sued for damages was awarded 350 by tho Assize Jury last week and this wound up the business of the court The dog show last week vas quite a success there being entries Tho largest number of entries in one class was the collie there being a total of 110 these animals found special favor with the fair sex Thieves broke into St Simons church Sunday afternoon and got away with in cash of the days collection and about in checks Aid has been chosen president of the Toronto Driv ing Club The Private Bills Committee of the Legislature has again almost unani mously refused to sanction legislation giving Mayor power to publish letters in his possession writ ten by the solicitor of the Toronto Street Railway Co The Mayor pleaded for permission to expose what he declared was a fraud A member replied If the letters were stolen you have no right to publish them The others concurred in the observation On invitation of tho Provincial Secretary members of the Legislature visited Central Prison last week and expressed satisfaction at the way it is being conducted It is said the recent smallpox epi demic at the Junction will cost that municipality about A meeting of Magistrates in ad journed Session will take place at the Court House April when the list of Constables for the County will be revised Onto trio College An instructive synopsis of tho ex cellent work bong done by the On tario Agricultural College is presented in twentyfifth annual report of that Institution just issued by the Department of Agriculture It is a record of steady progress and increas ing popular appreciation of the ad vantages conferred by tho college in raising the standard of Agriculture and imparting practical instruc tion of modern scientific methods which necessary to enable Cana dian farmers to meet competition on terms of equality The interest taken by farmers in the work of collage is shown the fact that no- fewer than 30000 excursionists visited the Institution in June last year The attendance of students in was tho largest in the history of the college being entered in regular course and for dairy instruction the be ginning of present course 153 nun now students have the total number being in of present dormitory accommodation An analysis of the College roll for general course shows that of students from Ontario from other provinces of Canada and from outside Dominion ton of these come from Britain three from the United States and three from Jamaica the Ontario stu dents were nominated by County Councils The increase of students has created the need for new buildings and alterations in the existing struc tures Accounts of the work and experi ments undertaken by the different de partments are giten in the reports showing that in line the scope of operations has been consider ably extended An extra course of three weeks in buttermaking was given in dairy school Dec municipal legislation Mr bill providing that cities and towns separated from the county shall pay the same sura to high school purposes as would if not separated and to admit pupils from on same terms as within said corporations its second reading Mr Holmes bill which proposes giving additional self- government to police villages or vil lages not large enouch to be was read a second time and sent to Committee The bill pre serving to Canadian officers non-com- missioned officers and men now serv ing in South Africa the rights of the franchise including war correspond ents has passed a third reading A bill respecting a new kind of fire escape for hotels and factories has been referred to Municipal Com mittee Ontario STAGGERING UNDER Simeon farm com prising acres at Oak Ridges was sold by auction a few days ago to Thomas of Oak Ridges for School Reports NAMES IN ORDER OF MERIT FOR MARCH HO Ml Minnie Annie Ill Lundy Annie Curtis Jr Ill Beatrice Lucy KeJ- Wesley Roy Watson Arthur Sr Myrtle Hilton Grose Jr Robert Trusty Edna Sal ter Lizzie Trusty Alfred Norman Curtis Jr Harry Trusty Ross Curtis I Dorothy Mary Trusty Etta Teacher NO WHITCHURCH Starr Winnie Spalding John Alfretta Percy Frank Oliver Jess Lundy Glen Case Walter Brown Bam Ill Harry Spalding Beatrice Allan Case John Shanks Jr Ill Ira Delia Leslie Hannah Wright Stevens II Frank Rose Sr Edna SpaMing Lewis Jr Willie Nellie Penrose I Jess Dewsbury Fred Penrose Ross Gordon Clarence May Hon Mr Stratums bill to encour age sanitariums for consumptives re ceived no opposition and was passed Owing to the great increase of late years in the number of companies created everywhere and anywhere Government has considered it wise and prudent in justice to the Com panies incorporated in Ontario to cise some oversight with respect to the operations in Ontario of extraprovin cial or foreign corporations and the legislation now being enacted has this object in view Many of those out side corporations or companies come from countries or states where no uni form law obtains and hence may be conducting a business difierent from what the name implies The bill pro vides that none of these shall do business in Ontario without first obtaining a license for which a fee is charged is all right foreigners who seek privileges and ask protection should bear their just relation of the cost of government The legislation proposed by Hon Mr Davis amendment to the Act to establish Forest Reserves provides that no lands within the boundaries of such reserves shall be located sold leased or otherwise dispos of for ag ricultural settlement and except der special regulations no person shall use or occupy any such lands prospect for minerals conduot mining operations hunt fish shoot trap spear or carry or firearms or ex plosives within or upon such reserves The Opposition will not grumble be cause of any want ofprotection in this bill The sheep and dog question was fully discussed in the Municipal Committee of the Legislature If the amendments to the present law go through as reported by the Commit tee owners of dogs destroying sheep if known will have to pay the full value thereof A change in the dog tax will likewise be made Hereafter the dog tax will be imperative Own- era will be required to pay for the first male dog and each for all above the first Owners of female dogs will be taxed each without distinction The loss to farmers an nually from he Instruction of their sheep by dogs Is enormous out hit wee On Monday Hon Mr Davis intro duced the Mining Bill which important bill In introducing he said that the bill was of such import ance that some idea of it should be given to House and the country The mining industry was one of the moat important in the Province It was gratifying to know that there been a steady development find active growth The year seen a greater development ever before The moat sanguine man in hie most optimistic anticipation Mr Davis believed to be below tbe real wealth of the district whenever he made an estimate From the indica tions we are on the threshold of a won derful development There is great activity in the iron industry and smelters have been es tablished at Hamilton and Others are in course of erection in Midland Colling wood and Souk Marie Capital is being attracted to the country through the development of iron The production of nickel is another important factor There are large manufactories in course of erection in Hamilton for the reduction of nickel steel for nickel steel rails and is very gratifying to the people of the Pro vince One of the principal propositions in the bill is to enforce the manufactur ing or reduction of minerals in tbe Province By the amended act royal ties are abolished On some claims there were royalty regulations and on- others there were none By abolish ing all royalty regulations equality prefer Tho there have been royalty regula tions no royalty money ha ever been paid If present conditions held it would be some time before any rev enue could be derived By abolishing regulation no financial loss will ensue- Thoae who are opposed to royalties say it frightens away capital The bill proposes to ask the House to grant power to the Lieutenant Gov- eraorin Council to impose a tax upon the ore mined throughout the Prov ince The result would be the estab lishment of refineries It is not a revolutionary act Discretionary power is asked to per mit the Government to make modifica tions in favor of the Empire and the Colonies Mr Whitney- Is the fax for the purpose of raising revenue Mr Davie has two purposes Revenue may be derived from its operation and there is another provi sion respecting explosives It is to protect the lives of the miners The provision was made after consulting with mine owners Pate Compound Is the Power That Every Load of Disease in Springtime It is the Most Noted Remedy For Blood Cleans- Bracing and Now that Spring is at hand he body is ready to cast off unhealthy tissues if it is only given a chance The great work of renewing and building up health and strength is surely and quickly done by Celery Compound Celery Compound cleanses and purines every drop of blood in the body the excretory organs kidneys skin and bowels are made to work actively and are able to furnish sufficient energy to the digest ive organs Celery Compound is the beat spring medicine in the world because it is far more than a mere spring It brings a healthy appetite perfect digestion and regularity of the bowels As the greatest of spring remedies it banishes morbid humors and poisons that cause neuralgia heart trouble and other dangerous For long years physicians have re cognized Compound as the one scientific spring medicine and it is universally prescribed by them whenever there an urgent need of a vigorous and prompt restoring of health and strength to the womoufc system Thousands of men and women have found from personal experience that Celery Compound makes sick people well and keeps all from sick ness who use it in springtime AN EASY WAY TO SAVE MONEY OB A CHASES CATARRH CUBE direct la the Improved lull clears cults One of Thousands Miss Lily Cox Gladstone Ave Toronto contracted acute catarrh through taking a severe cold some two years ago Her suffering was very in tense at times tried several rem edies but none gave her any real re lief Dr Catarrhal Powder was recommended to her one applica tion gave instant relief and when she had used four bottles says she was entirely cured Bold by Lehman Pharmacy s bo Easter Exams Only the names of those obtaining appear Br Arithmetic Milton Geography Minnie Earnest Watson Milton Frances Dan Moore Grammar Earnest Watson Mil ton Herbert Wright Dan Moore Jr Arithmetic Johnnie Fogg Lewis Albert Maries Literature Ma mie Rose Lizzie Lewis Teacher Dr by the pineapple a for of w It on in etui of and train of follow One tablet after Bffl cor SJ la a box fiotd by Rheumatisms The Relentless Pain Giant is Shorn of His Strength by the Aid of South American It Mr Duncan of Mount Forest says I was sorely afflicted with rheumatism for over a year I was almost totally disabled and at times suffered agonies of pain I tried many remedies and without avail until I began using South Cure I derived great benefit from one bottle and was so pleased with the results I continued using and my advice today to all sufferers from rheumatism is to use this great remedy feel satisfied it is of cures Bold by Lehman leys Newmarket At the list of coun cil of of the old system of statute labor was abolished and all arrangements completed for giving the commutation idea a fair trial year it will be at a day A Diamond Dyes by Mil Economical Women Dont throw away your old blouse skirt waist or dress simply because you are tired of the color or because it is faded or soiled Buy a ten cent package of Diamond Dye and with little work you can produce a garment that looks like new If you make over clothing for your self or the children be sure to dye it with a new color of the Diamond Dyes Beware of imitations ask for the Diamond Dyes and take no others Direction Book and Card of Colors sent free to any address Wells Richardson Co Mountain St Montreal Colorado Springs Col April In the breach of promise suit by Nellie Lewis against Presi dent Strong of Free Coinage and other Cripple Greek gold mining companies the jury today awarded the plaintiff damages THE JAPS DID IT imp elled us with the menthol con tained In that wonderful D Menthol Plaster which relieves Instantly backache neuralgia rheumatism ana Manufactured by Da vis Lawrence Co fJUhat the Old may made a pie- sure the pleasure of a thing well car ried out without discomfort to family or distress to yourself It is well to plan ahead for the kitchen the week you mean to do and dont try to do it in one week or even in two Do all the other work of the house each week Clean one two or three rooms as your time permits and then take one day to fin ish up the little things such as glue ing a chair a picture or two or getting bureau in order where the drawers push in too far Get the washing and ironing out of the way before you begin cleaning make ajar of cookies for the children day you iron make an extra jar of baked beans and cook the things for dinner that can be done in the oven aid do not require much attention We are sure everyone in the house will enjoy a picnio meal if you can on ly enough to make them think it is one IK It baa become quite common physi cians to prescribe Dr Chasea Food for patients wbo ate run down by rav ages of disease They recognize la It a restorative of IntaUmable north in are found very elements of na ture required to build up the system and form new flesh and muscle action on nerrca end blood places It be yond the reach of rivals as core for dkasea of blood CO box I Man is greater than a world than systems of worlds to more in the union of souls with than in creation of a

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