ill Weeks Itoeal W OH IK A ABOUT The Ret Mr Boot intends to be away risxt and fa and Mr Toronto Will prjw eat to conduct services Boll Boys iraot largo crowd In Tow Hall with tfaet Walk by Messrs Banjo and arista with and Mtea iTiVvo Admission and I60 THE NEWMARKET ERA DAY I 2 TCTy ttrboiHnXoWn Ball tonight the last total of the in this country years to pass before next consequently bo total oft tbo Ontario next month being only its kind within a period of than a quarto of a century in to bo of School should begin now to in form pupils and bow this occurs- and Veilings Ac at Hughes Gospel mooting last and was splendid throughout program by ho WC1YI Mid Cody in the soil Mrs organist Royal three selections and Mr a Splendid given by Mrs Win sr and Mrs of gave a address and Mr J Green somo closing Trio meeting nest Sunday will bo in charge Army The Game A meeting tbo of held at following elected for the coming Patrons Hon Win Hon 3 Hon I J Gould Mr 3ohn- Carrey Mr Herbert Hod Mr J President Mr Vice Mont gomery Manning Manager J A fiapiMii Mr Mr Jjxoentivi Com J J Kelly J J The of enuring a team in the was left to deoieiou of the Ksecuiive and also of club The first meeting of the ex ecutive been called by the at The or h aljy to bay ftortoi Irons to if high and to hayg with at PjhUm Fair on market latt Saturday Mim about the tame the week pro from 10 tto to lo to appt doz maple Imperial gallon and Monday Lloyd Sown ho gave whip atari broke a and aa ran the Ml down breaking one of them be- fore could bo to a on the on The of lato David in Dead at NowniBrket Cemetery in tbo winter buried on afternoon Among who attended the Interment John Harvey the Northern Mr David and Mr It Us all o Sporting Football and Cycle choanal one The flpmy Now officers 4 in Town week anal now in time aro ladles and here from Sud bury labored for months great aucoosa and Lioot homo fa in appear to ho and will no doubt rally corps In town Snaps at Hoes fipadea leeU f v 860 an Rakes rf and fipadiiig Forks long or abort handle Carpet Whips J Mowers inch In Demand Hewmarket three en- already Hill Spring on 24th of May Band going to serenade down Town Saturday approaching comple tion for Concert on of May the have decided to new cape Good attendance last Monday cvaninn Mr and ha wave an excellent paper on Joyful vice of officers for en- year resulted as Dr Tat Vice 2nd VicejMtea L- Richardson 3rd VfcaIMiaB Hoover EL Mr and Wert Sunday rib if wboWitl aeeembielo the root Beautiful anUi to hand wettb at A mooting will take place on Tuesday at In Council Chamber work will willing to Invited to attend The tad lee are 18x12 inches and to have con feathers from farmer friend to fill ibem CYtn for are wanted aao towels and not will bo received fay Foray An Other will today by the ladles T7 RebaUding pari commenced to re- that destroyed by ilta it wstoomplevd on Wednesday Kit Friday wKad- for one owing to absence of some the are about to taken to a and with tow boats The Thing on fitted with Morrow Coaler You ride miles pedal only Boo at Q A JiSOO BSD T K A of hue mm in before A California the sad tba of Mrs Geo of Co of the lite Win of Newmarket Mr John of Sharon which occurred on the 10th of April following information will be read with interest by relatives and friends connected For more than a year past Mrs George suffering from what was be a tumor and as her tton to grow worse she of business and determined to seek relief on the operating tabled She went to San last week make preparations and on Monday the the operation there com plications a malignant cancer being the growth It apparent that operation a hopeless and it abandoned unfortunate lady was that she had but a abort lime to live a day or two but ahe tank rapidly and away at an early boor next morning The news of her death wbb not altogether unexpected hot received with a shook by her who bad been hoping against tor the of the operation Jre had red nested that her be cremated and her wishes were carried out Wednesday at A number friends- were present besides the family tad Rev pastor of E Cburcb of was a member conducted a brief in the crematory chapel Mrs was a native of Ontario Can years She to Wwr- mors with her husband soon after their marriage The family home baa been here ever since and wore born two Ethel and who with their father remain to mourn Ion of a devoted wife and a loving and mother her lo the and lavs of the whole community and not a person in who knew not keenly regret the death of woman and a christian Spiting Rain A new salt rone talk bonflrea Beating of carpets That tired feeling Building operations Greater rush at the Cleaning up the Small boy and big fishpole Sidewalks filled the i In of people meet the evening yi Kxfierfit Ho is a nearly inches in height straight a ramrod j lithe and sinewy His forehead blonde hair and long denote the AngloSaxon Ho is a fite of those reckless who patrol and the endless British borders in South Africa His loo- tore is instructive and entertain ing from start to finish Hie lightning sword is a marvellous exhibition of outs guards anil evolutions To view his great collection of curiosities that decor ated the walls fa worth more then price of The above gcntlvman is to appear in Newmarket on April and Tuesday May let under the auBpicos of the Templars posters Please Everybody To see the Boys Drill and Girls Drill at St Church and The on the day gives Allans round a qui a military meeting of the at the of Mrs fi Cody Tuesday afternoon Presbyterian Sunday has de cided to hold an excursion and appointed a to make arrangements Police Court On Monday before Jackson Mr was with a of Law He was ready to pro- with the defence and at his request the case was till Thursday after noon A of young men brought befoie Col Lloyd on Tuesday night charged with shooting within the corporation limits The plaintiff was to prove hie case and it dismissed with costs against him The shooting of firearms within the will bo severely dealt with however in any where It can be proven- The for the of is now ready for and anybody can get a copy by applying to the Secretary Mr Keith The Flower Show is to lake place in Wed- and and and engaged to give a Concert on evening of the let day The List issued now so people can at once and ready for the About are offer ed in Prizes for Plants Flowers Early Fruits end Garden Vegetables and every body that Is a member will not only get into the Flower Show free but also privilege of exhibiting at the regular Fall Fair and get into the ground free on that occasion The membership tickets are only and every family in town should have one by way of encouraging the Board For the of members resid ing in Town a van will call on morn ing of the Flower Show and take exhibits w building of charge Direo- tors will loan free of charge of uoi form size in which to exhibit cut Mowers bouquets and designs School children can enter for Bouquet of Wild Flowers free of charge All entries to mads on or before July WHITE GOODS Fancy Dimity Hair Stripe Muslin Muslin Check Muslin Tucked Pique Fine and Heavy Lawns sod India Linen and Swiss Muslin all in endless variety HOUSE FURNISHINGS Rubber Blinds complete- Lace Curtains at I and Repp Cretonne very heavy for curtains or draping Damask inches wide for Art Muslins from upward Art Sateens worth for Cretonnes fast color and soft finish COTTON GOODS I Crumbs English Prints fleayy Dutch Mercerized Sateens Mercerized Foulards Me tallie Skirtings Metallic Blouse Boa- Flannel Cloth Scotch Zephyrs its Colors and Black and White- Cotton Bunting In all Colors at be per yard Print Blouses Blouses New Stock Collar 5o Lawn Blouses Insertion white Collar and Cuffs You never fail with Baking Powder CORNER The York County Departmental Store THE CHEAP STORE Departments AtAlAWsiSMSMSWt The Citizens of Newmarket will hold their Annual in the Town Hall on May This will be the best Concert ever given in this lo cality as ovary artist engaged is a profes sional and the beat that can be procured following will appear Miss Teresa soprano soloist ton of the Redeemer Toronto Nellie lamed St Cathedral Toronto Sir J A Cons of the Vocal 0 Toronto College and Choir master of the Street Methodist Toronto Miss Marietta La Celt season is now its graduate of National School of heigh and are Philadelphia Pa Mr Paris Green and Bine Stone cheap at The following obituary was Intended for weeks issue but owing to the illness of the writer in it did not arrive time spring Our are also busy these days selling spring riders should remember they have no right to ride on the sidewalks in- the corporation- Chief will have to be strict in matter If those who have the use ef the sheds free of cost week day and Sunday would meet together and spend a day in needed improvements would add comfort to their that they the favor enjoy Mr has the sale for Vapor Bath They to be a good thing King meets at on Monday is the last day for License Commissioners to pats new regulations governing etc Next Tuesday is May Wednesday is lbs last day for Municipal Treasurers to am J eh Bureau of We are pleased to announce an increase of 45 per cent in our sales of Dress Goods so far this season We dont think you will be doing justice to yourself until you see our stock and prices Enough said AAA Died on Sunday evening in Town of Newmarket Alfred in hie year Brother was baptized into the Baptist by Elder and for about thirty ycare been a in the The owes to his and efforts in her behalf and in his decease has lost of her pillars He was much of not only in family and but throughout the tire Integrity humility love of peace and faithfulness were his chief Ailing for soma years he was taken and- fleply and seriously l while visiting rela tives In Newmarket Bedridden for three months ho patient- and to the end wae lt arms are underneath and round about ffa held the Bap- lUiChuroh vfhiob waa fliled by the many to their for the The funeral was baaed following appro priate to our brothers I ihe good fight I have finished the kept faith henceforth April industries on form furnished by fioancee It is time that the ratepayers had a glimpse of the audited Town accounts for Next Friday is Arbor Day The Grounds Committee la fixing around the High Work has on Newmarket Cemetery grounds Another new member last Monday night Mr B baa planted bis new flag pole on the of Main and Ontario A movement in on foot to have a here on the 24th of May with ball and matches on the Grounds Mr got a fine lot of hew buggies this week The Industrial Home meet next Tuesday to pass the The High School have invested In a the Fair after two week if yob Want a flrl class ready mixed paint aek for esses every lime for sate at Bennett vocahst Toronto and Miss Lilian Hall pianist exorganist of Elm Street Methodist Toronto- Mies is doubt the lead- log soloist in Toronto and comes to Newmarket highly recommended Mies a wide reputation and will appear in duetts with Miss well as contralto solos say anything to good for Mr as the following press notices will show Mr A appeared several times and with honors on occasion His fioldfera Bong given with much and power Mail Mr J A a powerful voice sod his solos were well received- The greater part of program was taken by TO J A Carnahan baritone soloist of Toronto patriotic wore heard with unrestrained enthusiasm Miss La Dell ha appeared throughout the leadiag towns of America and Canada with eminent She comes direct from New York for this engagement and those who fail to hear her will miss a treat as she alone is worth the price of admis sion T says of I will wait with utmost impatience for your return that I may again your delightful end artistic program of recitation Mr is without a parallel a funny man If he cannot make you laugh your case is hopeless Read tha following Mr Qanpatt rendered comic with spirit and humor- j the audience Insisted on encoring htm again and again London Mr Bennett of Toronto made the hit of the day singing several comic songs was recalled twice after each program number He possesses a good bow Hamilton The pianist Miss Lilian M It of the beat musicians in Toronto and was Mr special choice The admission will be fivo and thirtyfive cent Toll your friends Wit and programs This Department has also forged away ahead of last seasons business Night work every night tells a tale namely satisfaction is being given in Style and Makeup As regard prices we have heard of more than one lady compare favorable to ourselves on our 3 and 350 Hats to the 5 Toronto article Ladies New Blouses in Silk Gingham Muslin Print Metallic Sateen c Ladies New Dress and Ladies New White Wear Night Gowns from up Chemise from 30c up Corset Covers from 15c up Drawers from up afc mL i Were to Were to Were to Were to Now 445 Now 500 Now Now ReadyMixed Paints Ground in Pure Linseed Oil There is none better than the Brands we sell pint quart gal 135 gat Spring Medicines Burdock Blood Bitters 65c Celery Compound Celery Bitters age Mother Seigers Syrup and Pitchers Backache Kidney Tablets 40c Blands Iron Pills for Yerba Rheumauside Celery Lanes Family Medicine 2oc Diamond Tea Garfield Tea Karls Clover Root J to ni the crown- AiianaQes wreaieaiu program J Hi i 9 -j- i a i