Newmarket Era, 27 Apr 1900, p. 4

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J V J V Best York County J ftdvotusoj moots cents per IMOrtlout breach insertion tor HO County toileting Pa THE The- Beet industry f inches SMC tarn Id oh with Inserted until accordingly will once each month Ifdwirod For month tUO irtual paid for tit regular rate for contract bo In the office by noon Wednesday Jxyv for to Kent boat and Found etc A reading notice will bo Inserted for any or Society No to tin rule GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY wet Ho Had for from Eld- Trouble Tried but Failed Pink Pills Him ftgfi a a S 9 a I at N- ft 1 J Rdbittsop flarriaWr Publlo lo on good Farm t 0arrlater Solicitor Honey to Lean Division Court Ontario South flce Herbert Aurora win bo at Newmarket Saturday and Court Solicitors for A Co and Ontario Bank Aurora Fonda to Loan i Mr James Upper of gentleman well known in County Upper was proprietor of village for oyer thirty years and no bettor landlord ever catered to a travellers wants Mr Uppers over Ontario a to his prom- in and circle Ilia pi went vocation is farming and in this catling ho veryaupces Mr has boon a for years from and bo- to that good al together passed him by but and is again happy and vigorous In regard to Mr and euro ho In I was prostrated with focoi of trouble to this I was slightly afflicted in same way but at this time matters toft climax as result of exposure and To say that I suffered docs not express it back wore terrible I gradually grew worse and was compelled to my bod for months hideous dream I had considerable nausea and for food was greatly reduced in flesh The pain daily grow more intolerable I got sleep was loft weak and liausted and of getting well remedies were tried without Filially I was persuaded to try Dr Williams Pink Pills and pro cured nix lwxcfi This was about Maieli 1st took pills faithfully and at the end of two months I felt well again to attend to my work The following autumn I experienced a alight recur rence trouble and again used a few boxes of the pills and now consid er my cure complete as a year has since paesed and I have not experi enced a pain or ache I am now to follow farming pursuits with per feet ease My wife also speaks as warmly in favor of Br Williams Pink Pills as I do having used them for headache dizziness and loss of appetite the pills comfort and relief Since my illness I have learned that a good remedy is none the less good because its cost was so much less than I expected From the Interest continues unabated in sugar boot sections and farmers aro making plans for a liberal acreage iHo have signed with the factories this part of the business was loop Bast of the River Michigan probably show mpreaotJYitv than any other one owing to already large of faotorios es tablished in that stale Dot farmers are also very much to boot sugar proposition in Now York Ohio Iowa Indiana whore the industry has become estab lished on a firm footing all in terested hopeful that coming season wilt prove satisfactory In Northern Ohio- several thousand notes of boots have contracted to per ton be work ed sugar at Fremont In North ern Iowa the territory to Storm Lake grow enough sheets this to afford a practical test of soil and conditions while at Fort Dodge farmers have pledged nearly acres offend to be devoted to this crop a year later meanwhile experi menting in a practical way to perfect thempolyes in the art of beet raising In Michigan situation fa some what complicated over the delay in payment of the state bounties on sugar already made owing the fail of Jjegjalature to appropriate money for the purpose but the in dustry is there to farmers to abandon this im portant money crop At Kalamazoo percent- boots will command a ton j an advance of over last year and contracts for with a probability of a further liberal increase The Bay City authorities will pay this figure and if state bounty is available growers will receivo per ton in ad dition At Fremont Ohio a flat price of ton will bo paid for percent beets At Holland Mich will got more than year new price being per ton will bo a big producer this year At Grand are asking per ton for per beets and per n extra for each additional per coot of sugar The factory Grande Oregon of fers farmers across the line in Wash ington per ton cars At Rocky Ford Colo many will put of culture and- grow beets for fijj- erected there The beet sugar industry of Nebraska and California continues upon a firm footing STRONGHOLD- OFTHEBOEItS KOP- JE8 WHERE WILL LAST STAND tf nntkit Qnn Up or Pretoria capital la a country town- asleep back mountain the frowning of seven modern forte Hero unless all present fall the war earlier than en expect the will- make their stand against the English and endure a possibly lengthy and bloody capitulation- Whin that will come how it will be do may say In war la a country of the defin ite predictions are worse than reck less Nature hie presented to Doer so topographical nations defense that- the ouicomi stern stand must be unknown Dunn CarrlateM SoHoltors But Arcade West mejr Toronto 1 Money to KewnuUKet ttti4difleld Block to H Toe leading rears experience In all branches of the business In Papers Ask to see them 2nd door North of the Primary School Church Street flonie Pal alios training Paper Ac Done promptly and la Iftnialsoaaiocitod with a Painter Sign Writer can be left at Hardware or t the residence of Mr JSGrcen head Street West It is gaining The Differ Sunday morning in Its raining the boy Guess Ill not go to Sunday School Ill get wet J might take cold a bad cough anyway Then there wont be many present if the teacher will be there Ill just stay in and keep dry Dont like to soil my clothes Monday morning in May Its raining says the boy whizz- what a day this will be for fishing Hurry up breakfast mother while I dig bail and be off in a jiffy Youll see what a string of fish Ill bring home this evening But youll get wet and might take cold know you cough a little at times as it is I Oh I wont mind getting wet thatll not hurt me that cough doesnt amount to anything so glad it rains for then the fish are sure to bite Painter PaperHanger and House Xiane and n wot Corn street ptrank for the Co of fiod4 sold able Sales attended a g8SHEoSlincoe Street NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones tiJ Ordering His Money in the Street Catarrh Remedies Him Hundreds and No Two of Catarrhal Powder Oared Him Fred jr distiller Rail road York Pa on January last wrote of Dr Catarrhal Powder like this I had catarrh of the head and stomach tor two years and in the worst- form I spent hundred dollars in reme dies and might as well have thrown my money in the street I was re commended to try Ca tarrhal Powder two bottles of it have already cured me I am a well man and wish its makers the greatest of Sold by Lehman leys Newmarket A We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr Wills English Pills if after using threefourths of contents of bottle they do not relievo Constipation and We al so warrant that tout bottles cure the moat obstinate case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay when Wills English Pills are used Lehman Druggist Newmarket J Boughtpn Druggist Newmarket The York Leader and Recorder Publishing Company of Toronto Junc tion is in financial difficulties a ing of having been held at which the companys affairs were dis cussed and a committee appointed to consider what steps to take It is un derstood that the meeting was in favor of continuing publication of the paper THE result until the finish But Pre toria hoc a elty tremendous interest just at this time because Paul made every projara- tlon there to withstand a and step by step- backward his lines how on the and Orange are retreating to Pretoria There ap ples trees blossom rosea have their lull awing in front of the windows and at the bloom the azalea and three of Pretoria- the mountain rise to elevations of and feet above streets of the city which itself feet above sea level hut feet lower than the site of Johannes burg to tho On the fourth south arid facing the ap proach from range away to a vast and level plateau treeless desolate exposed at every point to the sweep of any guns that may command it The town is miles from Cape Town from Johannesburg On the map it as easy of approach as a prairie village In Manitoba the topographer fails to present the lofty Wile that face iho southern plateau the precipitous of the narrow few in Innum erable or lookout kopjes that seem literally jo lprrom the bosom of the plain and sullenly si lently oppose access to the capital city The civil engineers who laid out the railway from Johannesburg to Pretoria found such problems of grade and mountain resistance offered them that the road was finally forced to enter the city on a lino resemb ling the curves and twists of a great boa constrictor City look up to the mountain fronts as your train struggles to find its way into Pretoria and where- the eye rests there appears to be the lines of a fort a redoubt tho front of masked batteries or the domes of bombproof rifle and cannon pits To the north east west and south these engirdle the city They command the few narrow entrances to Pretoria They watch like great dogs the dusty veldt over Which any English troops from the south must pass bltnk the railroad to Johannesburg and tie one barques They face the north at lha ways tp Hebron and location has been with pur pose now on Eng lish- one at from plans obtained in Bex- Jin He brought special assistants from Berlin to aid htm in the work Amsterdam engineers built others of the defenses After them came French engineers and then those of Italy so that the completed struc represent the genius four nations Wien you for fif teen years Oom Paul has been quiet ly with much secrecy putting up these defenses paying it Is said for Hi fcpies have penetrated forts and mastered sccrot r la appwranca the seven aro alike They have masonry faces earthwork which vera front to a great- depth In they conform with plans and Suggestions to bo found in much studied- work Future of War upon pile of are stacked up- wherever shells from enemy might strife There are many hidden recesses secret passag es complete telephone connections not only with each other but with government buildings a Pre toria Searchlights are mounted in each so as to command the country night The magazines underground and are reported to be mined has it also that approaches are mined and that the electrical con struction such that considerable portions of an enemys army might bo blown into before sur render came For the event of siege enormous quantities of maize have been accumulated enough it said to feed army and population of Pretoria for five years The supply of ammunw is to be aufflclontfor two years many guns are mounted or will be it is to estimate The total artillery force of Doers at present is estimated at guns by the British authori ties The guns originally placed in the fort were centimeter but their number is not definitely known has estimated that It will but men to each of these forts each force supplied with tea modern gunsto keep the English at forever or wrong he ro nnd Come he of largo said to be of A great many Maxima and other machine guns ere ready for It the flits A British view of what can he don with- the Pretoria fortification found in the following description of the siege train en route from Eng land This Is the second train kind sent out- by England during If Year Are fiyctin by Acid It to the peculiar of to filter the blood to separate tho Impurities the pom Wood the Wood way wbJIeihepoiioa uric sent the ti the bladder and hence out of the of this work slcedby fact that the and fatal as disease diabetes dropsy lamoagd arise from kidney disorders the presence of the blood Tfre distinct symploiDsci disease are Backache or back deposits fa the urine seen for hours and difficulty or too great in The remarkable efficiency of kidneyLiver a prompt cure is known They act give quick relief and care backaches lame backs sod kidney aches and disorders One pill a dose a at ail dealers or Toronto POPTBB CHURCH last fortysix years The occasion was when heavy guns and mortars were sent Woolwich for the of where with fifty ship guns they took part In the bombardment of that city la connection with French siege train The de fense however developed so rapidly under the inspiration of that before the assault which placed It In the bands of the allies the number of guns In position In the besieging batteries had been rais ed to The train now on It maintain tjiat occupying a besieging way from England comprises thirty position devoid of sustenance the English will danger of starvation than and that convoys supplies cannot bo brought in with such rapidity and succesa a to make the siege successful No- never did more for a resisting army than she has in the ranges of Pretoria- in the peaks and about the town whose aven ues the flowers trail and the glim trees hang their houghs The ele vations are jammed together the openings narrow and crooked he approaches so open that any fire zone might keep them clear until eternity of invaders The of the forts are laid so as to cover all the main approaches to principal points of defense rounded masses of rock aid In guarding these ap proaches- Places concealment are howitzers fourteen of 8inch calibre eight 5inch and eight 4inch number Is not formidable in itself under the condition in regard to explosives but if they are as may be inferred intended to throw lyddite shells it is an exceedingly formidable armament and unless the Boers are in possession of projectiles charged with melinite or some similar high explosive with which to respond to he lire the siege of Pretoria should not be of very long duration It is calculated that the investment will require fully British troops leaving the of tho army to guard the communications occupy certain strategic mints and operate against trat part of the Boer army not required fur the defense of Pretoria This part of the Boer arms Is expected to fall back into Everybody Is those use Chases Syrup Turpentine a bottle TO With good stable on Prospect Ave opposite the Reservoir May 1st form to Sell Bent acres on the Town Line of Beat bury hair a wile from depot or trees Good market farm Apply to TO CAPITAL OF THE TRANSVAAL About Land Adinioingthe residence or TO BENT acres Good orchard house and out buildings Immediate to tenant Apply to WEBB Newroarfce Birds Eye- View of and Artificial A writ for alleged slander was issued today by Barrister t of Aurora on behalf of Annie Myers of Aurora against Herbert Winch of North Tho plaintiff claims damages WW A setback has breath Dr Vim euro those the fitera head- heat the worm for Only 4 feWJitfja Wild with Piles iiUet a I was with plies whan I began to nee Dr Chases Ointment It has com This is the of scores of letters received at these coo and corner of Canada If you could only look over these letters you would be sure lo find the evidence friends and neighbors You could not then be skeptical of merits of Dr the only gnaranteeduure Ask your it druggist what he knows shout Dr Chases to to pay postage will bt sent by mall ftspertjiv be fcbulW care nor fcil in of ef how iiyoue and rtgularty it For Dr CIusob is a relief- also and all skin distasw is of in entry a fcav all or Hilts Co PRESIDENT the seven like ten dollars you are fascinated You would know more you go to the to the law courts to the Fountain anywhere and you ask ques- But that is yon The are few and to one point No one just or admit Inward inechan of thefle forts the battery ibcdHbns say that taul can tell but not one would ask him- When the forts were building workmen employed on one part of structures were not allowed to work on part Gentries were the of the details Way kepi from all but the They innumerable for defenders abso lutely lacking for the assailant Centre yrttnii The center of the system of about feet to the westward of the northern end of and a radius of more than yards The center the city is only about feet nearly duo south on the fort on Signal which about feet above the tie west aide of the railway to and about feet from the fort oh to the Coat the railway and the iBlver to the north Between this fort arid the river are the foun tains that furnish the water supply of Pretoria The distance between the forts on either side of the rail way is feet The railway where the lines from on the south Boy On the east and Petersburg on the north from their Junction is limned- lately outside the city on the south I aide The railway to after winding some distance to the westward posses out of the plain on which Pretoria IS situated through the or defile in the range of hills behind the- city Through- this also rune theAapIes River way and river running together the plain through Winder A proof I Both river- and railway a large from the center of fort is on the range of hills behind and lies at a distance of frpmthV citys center There to a powerful redoubt to southwest on range of through- which the transport road to This completes with various earth batteries the circle of the defending the Boor capital great- redoubt mentioned are the principle magazines one out of the solid rock with a roof and the the north In the Moun tains which the Boers are- reported to intend to make their stronghold and where before the surrender of they expected to carry on the war against England Indefinitely town The Boers call ranges about Pretoria Mogalies The town laid but after by them and- named one of then- first and strongest leaders He was the first president of the commandant general of their army The real growth the town not commence until eitcr the victory Hill in 1881 Johannesburg is the centre and home of the the adventurous ele ment of the Transvaal But Pretoria is essentially the center of the pas- 1 built into the bombproof Communication between the two dotibtand the maga zine Is by- means of covered way- Roads connect all these forts with the capita and they pipes for water as for search lights An estimate rondo a short before all liner pins at Kim her ley and started hack to number of can non in forts and redoubts at Til JtBpOBRilKTBK other Boers Tropical flowers and plants coyer the which It libs and Willows grow in all of the buildings are white In color On the dome of the 13 a golden statue of The mines which yield annually are but a short distance trim prevalence lie bicycle hi Pretoria the tele phone and the car indicate outside PHOTOS Finished In all the Latest Styles of the Art FINISHED CABINETS AND CABBONETTES Also ENLARGED fioiehed in Crayon AirBrush India Ink and Water Colors AT LOWEST w 0 Graham Jones Old Stand NEWMARKET- a m tire The wheel fitted with Dunlop Tires gives no trouble to the dealer after its sale J That is one reason why dealers favor wheels They know that Tires are the out- Ward of inward worth in of a bicycle Thooar too m A COMali WITH PainKiller la ItxeK QcOk for arid OF I TAT IONS- BUY WILY THE PERRY

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