Newmarket Era, 27 Apr 1900, p. 5

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T THE io6a BASTE NEWMARKET- BRANCH A General Banking Business nterest Allowed onDeposlts- DRAFTS ISSUED At and And attended to a HOBS MEDICAL Dp door South DENTAL fl I Dentist Block opposite Church Poller Dentist OrJIItR be Dr Pother ford every Monday layman Jackson MARRIAGE LICENSES the Papers issued at private If Mired MARRIAGE LICENSES BUTTON WEST ONT INSURANCE J A Agent for Fife and Companies i r Money to an ntcr est at Current Rates fl fl Ramsay Fir Insurance Agent Low llatea on Farm and isolated Town Property Shop Newmarket t It it it if Sunday School I i i ii ii k 4 April Golden hath dona all things heart man help the man who is hindered Doabte about should be told to 20rWetnaT bo channel of Weeing though not creator His Mesdiahehip by doubters find in infinite patience Too servant may hot rules for the Master A man is not to bo estimated by his moments of weakness sun is not to bo judged fay of his eclipse 20 A man may reach Christs ideal of greatness To bo with is hotter than W bo To bo Spirit is hotter than being born of woman Vorso are shut in needing our help 1020 are conditions that suggest failure do hotsuffor by spiritual depressions Wo make make Jesus to Words of eulogy are cdramonded by example To herald Jesus Christ not the supreme EVERYDAY Verso 18 Witness bearing is believers privilege We can only bear witness because Christ is a All wo can know a matter of personal experience Jesus is an example faithful witnessbeating Verso 1020 Moments of may come to any believer looked on storm and began to sink Elijah forgot and in fear fled for his life heaven promised salvation comes from look unto me Vorao Personal experience is reliable evidence of Christs Divinity is proved by fruit bearing Healing convinced blind beggar that Jesus was Christ wounds led Thomas to worship the Saviour VorBO Jesus for reputation of his friends Ho John test bis miracles should shadow him He excuses the Sleeping disciples lost men them He opens prison lest Peter should be misunderstood Verso is a literal interpretation of the to be shunned When Jeaus said leaven disciples said yeast AVhen Jesus said sloopoth said sleep- When Jesus said living the woman thought of well Tho least of greatest is greater than the greatest of the least David Gods lad was greater than giant Gideon Gods farm hand was mightier than The cross of Jesus is stronger than the worlds empires 1ST TROUBLE Thousands Compound The Great Bahishet of Dyspep sia Indigestion and Stom- Troubles TjDder certain which are veryTiro rimHAihU ikld an old Jeweler a diamond may he shattered to atoms by a smart sudden blow seems to disintegrate and fly apart as nearly as I can and when too gems into the market the brokers claimed that they subject to that kind of accident For the time being the story had its ontrade hut It was proved to bo untrue and the Incident is how forgot ten In toecourse of of nearly years I have known of only- two of diamonds lng broken One occurred many years ago when I was working in a shop In the old House in Chattanooga A- lady customer dropped a cluster brooch from counter to the tiled floor a distance of about feet It struck squarely on the center stone which was broken Into a number small ir regular fragments The diamond bad weighed about two carats other Instance took place here In New- Orleans about six years ago A St Louis traveling named Crawford had a solitaire weighing carats set In a ring He was standing the store and while conversing about something made a sudden gesture and struck the stone against a metal fix- It was split into small Jagged splinters a number of which we found on top of the showcase The drummer The most prevalent trouble in springtime is dyspepsia in its many forma This common but dreaded disease is produced by acute inflammation of the centered about the stool It a well known fact that the stomach is oho of the nerve ceo- tree and physicians will tell you that moat man i 1 ever He had rr Attempt to OXO- Supposed to be by SyKiipatixeFs -xox- illSCEIiliANEOUS Simpson Mala St Droplets r of Culture and Violin Tuner of and all String Instruments St April This Vicinity was into a high state of on Saturday evening when it become known that an un successful attempt had been made to blow up one of the locks of new canal at Two dis tinct reports were heard and many buildings higher up the mountain were shaken while in this city and Port the noise of the ex plosion vas distinctly heard Two parcels of dynamite were exploded by strangers one at each of the heelpath gates of lock 24 but as the charges had been tied close to the wall very little damage was done except to shatter the ironwork and puncture the gate with a hole about a foot in dia meter It is gates can be repaired in time for the opening of navigation and new gates will not be required The attempt was made in broad daylight Two men got off a Niagara Central train about and started up the track to the bridge crossing the canal Each man had a telescope va lise and it weighed heavily consider ing the the men made to the other Numer ous people noticed them come down the street from the bridge to the lock but no notice was paid to them They were seen in the vicinity of a storehouse where they went to arrange the fuse and then about oclock- both men set out to carry out their design The man who was to blow the lower gates into the air had his valine let down with a rope and tied to the railing of the gate The explosive was then about ten feet from the top of the lock The report of this explosion was heard the district and brought everybody in Along the street leading away from the lock nearly every building buffered and the glass in every house as- far away as the Presby terian Church The damage cannot be stated now but it protWyeveral dollars It was evident that the mm intended to blow out the gate at both ends of the This have let down a mass of water half mile in length wide and feet deep which would have carried out the entire system of locks arid submerged the- town of population and swept out the great tunnel of the Grand Railway j What the motive for the crime can be people here can only conjecture The trouble with the Buffalo grain shovellors and the development the St Lawrence route is mentioned while many it to the- strong pro- Boer feeling in the United State grow- intf into a desire on some ones part to get oven somewhere pm for and young men KALI April I bate last the three men who wants Nicer Buggy anybody a slick Cutler or the best In the country call on or ftoykin4 of a I have big some some tome Borne nice and some very hornet and they we all for sate to At percent on flratlaaa farm aocurlty so loan effected Life policies hi Davidson J for taking affidavits Conveyancer and Agent o Agent for following reliable Insurance Companies Liverpool and London Norwich Mutual r Mount Money to Loan At We per cent on Security by David for vita Conveyancer Marriage Also Agent for Coin nani Queen of London and Gore District Mutual In ortho Confederation Life ttestry Office pa ijtrctta on the canal were arrested hern by Detective Mains of the On tario police Ottawa April The attempt to destroy lock of canal lias created a big sensation here There is abundant the possession of the Government pointing to the existence of a movement to in flict injury upon Canada on account of her participation in the South African war The attempt at injury has been but hardly at tho spot where it was looked for Great vigi lance has been exhibited at different points by the authorities both police and military but with a boundary line of 4000 miles to watch it was not easy to foresee where the enemy would strike Two months ago there was trouble at Esquimau Suspicious char acters were seen around the fortifica tions and the Royal Artillery guards were conequently doubled became so fatiguing to the small body of regulars there that assistance had to be given them and this accounts for the presence in the for tifications today of men who were originally enlisted for the Halifax gkrrisbn regiment Here in Ottawa the police authori ties have also been on the alert A special night guard has for six months been detailed to watch big vault of the Finance Department where millions of treasure are kept Within the post week or two supernumerary Dominion police in plain clothes have nightly patrolled the Parliament grounds Careful investigation leads to belief that the headquarters of this Boer movement were in Chi cago and it is said that confidential information showing the existence of a conspiracy was some time ago com municated to the United States Gov ernment Should tlm be the case the outrage may assume an important in ternational character the United States Government would under the comity of nations be held responsible for permitting certain parties within territory to work out the details of a plot against a friendly State without healthy vigorous nerves the stomach cannot properly digest food It must also bo thai the tis sues and all organs of digestion are quickly weakened By blood overwork worry and care The first and great work for all sufferers from dyspepsia and indiges tion to accomplish is to nourish and brace the nerves and purify the blood Paints Celery Compound 18 the medicine of the ablest physi cians for producing nerve fibre true nerve force and pure rich blood When these blessings have been se cured dyspepsia and its train of evils are completely banished and solid lasting health is established Celery Compound has done more for dyspeptics than all other combined agencies Thousands of testimonials from the best people tell the story Paints Celery ui ike sick people well Mrs of says a time dyspepsia and indiyesli a made life miserable for me I so bad I could not out of the house do or get regular sloop I bought six bot tles of Paines Celery Compound from Mr Austin our druggist and commenced to use it regularly My doctor advised me to continue with your compound and told me if I had not been using it he would have re commended it to me Your Celery Compound has worked wonders for me it ha banished ray dyspepsia indigestion and sleeplessness and given me a new life mends were Indestructible simply be cause they were bard New Orleans TimesDemocrat Quick 490 to the Collection A man came up to me one day after service in a frontier town and was pleased to address me in this manner Say Parson that there and sermon was grand I wouldnt have missed era for five dollars When I suggested that he band me the differ ence between the amount he had put in the collection basket and the figure he mentioned for my missionary work he stopped suddenly looked at roe with his mouth wide open and thn slowly pulled from his pocket four dollars and ninety cents which he handed to me without a word Rev Cyrus Brady in the April Ladled Home Journal Dairy Professor A Henry dean of the Wisconsin Agricultural college advo cates teaching of agriculture and especially dairy subjects In rural schools He wanted the state normals to fit teachers to teach children the meaning of such terms as protein and carbohydrates He to the result of such education in Denmark Where agricultural products are per capita while In Illinois they are but He charges that the place where filled cheese originated the result of the raauufacture of which has reduced export of American cheese from to and Increased the Canadian output per cent La Grippe Made Them Dr Heart Will Bring Joy and Health La Grippe ha left many a heart weak and diseased Dr Cure for the Heart because of its great merit as a heart remedy the magical quickness in relief and the al most incredible cures ife performs is snatching from deaths door many who bad been given over as hopeless oases Its a wonder worker its a for all heart and no matter how acute or seemingly hope less will give relief inside of min utes Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket When it is prayer meeting night the mother allowed to go to rep resent the family but if it is church concert the father and daughters at tend One I rt DAY SCHOOL Jfeittobr School Work EVENING CLASSES TO CURE A COLD IN ONE BAT Take Laxative Quinine Tablets Ail refund the money If J alia to signature Is on each box Several bridges in Quebec have been freshets The railway bridge at the Chan die re was moved eight- inches on- its piers DONT RUN CHANCES by tak ing whiskey or brandy to settle stomach or stop a- chill Pain- Killer In hot water sweetened will do you more good Avoid substitutes theres but Killer Perry Davis 25o It is fashionable today to have a new heart scare every hours The commonest symptoms dys pepsia or nerve trouble such as pal pitation weak spells loss of appe tite and poor axe magni fied and distorted into serious sighs of Heart the object of frightening tie public into taking this or that heart remedy If a hundredth tije heart trouble we hear about were A wrong is id order to humbug the people belief that disease is prevalent whereas heart trouble which is so sadly and suddenly does Is a rare disease arguments cannot convince an intelligent people vital element of the blood means of Spirit pallid cheeks shorties breath nervousness loss of vjtaj force ending in general breakdown The iron Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills is in form you need in combination with other curative agents in such a resist their action Ydaicel yourself getting well you take Wards Blood and Nerve Pills pa tor AnreKU Co Sold by J VfrnmaWreL You May Have Free The Illustrated Diamond Dye Hug Book Have you ever tried to make a band Hooked Mat or Floor Rug from old rags or dyed with Diamond Dyes have not tried the fascinating work for a free copy of our il lustrated Diamond Dye Rug Book that fully explains how to do the work and how to procure Scotch Hessian patterns made by us The Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Designs are the newest and most popular sold in Canada- Orders are pouring in each day from all parts of the Dominion Send address to Wells Co 200 Mountain St Montreal Scientific American truth fully remarks that wherever land is valuable for agricultural purposes the fact that wire fences take op little space is becoming more and more rec ognized Stone fences are three to six feet wide and therefore waste many acres valuable soil oil every farm The zigzag fence wastes a con siderable amount of lend The hedge is also wasteful and they may profit- ably all be torn down and by wire fensea bribe which could be obtained the area thuB reolaim- pay for the fence A l y ierbs roots and barks of the greatest medicinal value form Our Native Herbs the best remedy known for diseases of the Wood stomach liver kidneys The most stubborn cases of Dyspepsia Constipation Catarrh or Rheumatism yield at once to the won derful efficacy of Our Native Herbs It is a powerful blood purifier an active kidney and liver regulator and goes directly to the source of a like Rheumali in all its forms and stages and expels it permanently the system I suffered with rheumatism for about jeara crippled at times that I not walk without a cane I was not even able to drive After using Our Native Herbs about three months could go any whore without click and am able to do as much work of my age Wiiaxam Golwi Stayuer A box of Our Native Herbs contains enough tablets for days treatment from to the quantity will usually effect a cure Each box bank note and contains a registered guarantee If not benefited your money back Also sold in powder form If you cant get it from your druggist we will mail you a box either tablets or powder on receipt of CO at Montreal Can LEADING HOUSE I THE Spring Stock SHARON Of DRY GOODS Just Arrived Extra good Values in Prints Lawns and Muslins I Call and See Before Purchasing Elsewhere PAPER cannot live years unless it has a reason for existing that time it will have died or proved its right to live This is a strong point with The Newmarket Era The hundreds who pay oo for it do so HeeauVe it contains what they want and they cannot find it elsewhere This gives you a chance to impress them with your advertisements Mr John Johnston a pioneer and highly respected citizen of West township died suddenly at breakfast- table on- morning A of Liver Oil Is a great builder It weight A BOON TO HORSEMEN SpavinLiniment removes all hard health Lawrence Co or calloused Lumps and Ltd makers from Blood Spavin Curbs son Rev Splints Ring Bone Sweeney Stifles was drowned at Sore and Swollen Throat Coughs The use of one bottle may make you Warranted most wonderful Blemish Cure oyer known Sold by Lehman Children cry ASTORIA QV Help- and How art w1dOW Bend or iXid wo vm tell to it Is Wo rejected In a tta Kevin 1 Afcuilcui U- -r- I J

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