Newmarket Era, 27 Apr 1900, p. 6

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THE NEWMARKET ERA APR L7i90o iTiViTi wteT a die around the Huh AND TO MOUNT Mr got hie leg Woken while ho was bolloV at exploded blew all to piece Mo Hurt Wesley was calling on brother Dr on Dr Forrest out or Friday- Two mails a day tiotfi now la up yards and patting their gardens has opened a waggon and repairing shop He a firfltplaes vorkraati Mrs Dong is away en a visit HOLT Farmers our section are all busy Mr Las moved from pur midst to Mr John Rogers farm Mr Josh Loach baa into the bouse Mr loft Wood and taffy pulls arc a thing of post are latest One hold fast at residence of Mrs John Hogg on Monday even ing giving Mr and Mrs Geo jnott a entertainment George used the boys well joins in wishing them every happiness Holt mail service- has been somo what One mail goes west to Sharon at am and one goes cast to Albert at pm PINE Mr Herb of pent at Pines Mr accompanied by Mies Flanagan of visiting Mr on Sunday Oaeo of lip Park are for a days Mrs has been staying in daring past week Boiling Bros are busy filling or der for shingles farm still remains without a tenant Mrs Johnson who has boon quite ill is now convalescent hut Mr Goo tundy wo are to learn is but improved Mr Kenny has lft those carts to take up bis residence to Uncle Barns domains BALDWIN Mies Dorothy Graham who baa boon very sick for about a month is much bettor Mr Geo Wright returned from Toronto last week whew ho has boon working for some time Mr Morton was Toronto a few days last week- Mr Thomas and fam ily were visiting at on Sunday last sad news reached hare on Sat urday evening last that patsy daughter of of Robert St Toronto was dead had been sick for some and an operation was performed on Tues day of last week hut to no avail She died at noon on Saturday and was buried in Newmarket Cemetery on Monday Mr Goo was visiting in Mount Albert a few days last week previous to returning to High School on Monday last Seeding has commenced around here consequently our burg is quiet Mr was in Toronto on Monday last Rev Mr Amos of Aurora and Mr of exchanged pul pits on Sunday last Mr Amos re mained till Monday evening to at tend a congregational in the church hero Judge SUTTON Mr Bab is Agent for the Era at Button and authorized to receive collect accounts etc Orders for all kinds of printing promptly attended to Miss Minnie Leek of Albert spent a few days last with Mis Our enterprising townsman Mr Martin McLaughlin has put a new platform in front of Ins store Mr Anson left hero last Thursday for Toronto where he has secured a situation One afternoon Daleys team of horses which had just arrived from Keswick with the being left standing alone for a few minutes in front of the Drug Store took fright at something ami started up the street Before getting very far they came into collision with a tree which suddenly their mad career Fortunately no barm was done except the breaking of the harness Mrs Leighs second daughter Con nie who ban been living in North for some time was married on the of April at her brothers bouse to Mrs left on for Zephyr where she intends remain ing for a fow weeks previous to her departure for Manitoba Mis Jennie Williams eldest daugh ter of Mr Williams of was married at to Mr Ingram school teacher Union villa Quite trade in suckers just now La Grippe has taken a hold of this in some Instances a has been correspondent is one of vic tims having a very severe typo of La Grippe complicated with Bronchitis and is still confined to bed Mr who always his in good repair has Jiitii down anew walk to back en Miller has received notice from his landlady to Vacate therefore ho Is preparing to build on his own lot It is reported that Mrs Owens will again her house is booming Mr Hudson the expectant teacher not being able to fill his appointment Mr Colo has been engaged as our teacher doubt but will bo satisfactory children are delighted Glover at has on auction sale on April Mr Glover has bad the misfortune to loso his wife and two daughters within a therefore he has resolved to retire Win has a now miller arc said to ho up in enor mous shoals at Sutton The dry land have over been plentiful in that and many a poor unfor tunate has been a sucker from their earliest formerly a popular store is going to to try and better his fortune Distance lends enchantment to the view water rats is the amuse ment ac present Quite a of loons have boon besporting themselves on Emerald lake recently Leslie Crittenden blam ed away at them five or six shots and tore up the water with bullets but a Dame Crittenden our riflemen bagged one the first shot Mrs is dressing and mounting it Monday Mr celebrated his birthday A num ber of friends took Ha with him and loft presents as souvenirs the occa sion Mr John a magnificent set of antlers trophies of the chase at Pdngles last week but the city work couldn compare with Charlies deer head the work of a home talent Some apparently very happy bene dicts here are Will Dick Small- wood Line and Jos Foster The secret of their happiness seems to be that they got good I almost envy them of Baldwin is intend ing to explore New Ontario with a view to locating a homestead Sammy jr is down at the Briars helping Br- to farm Maybe if Sams a good boy hell get a slice of the fortune Geo is giving his rasp berry briars their annua overhauling and clearing out the dead wood You cant a crop without care Im on excellent terms with alt our ladies but they dont admire my name in the least To Mrs Owl oh horrors The delight of the kids a great Fishings good The Joker is working for Street and Walker these days He is can vassing agent for the The History of said to have been the man that ever lived but he fail ed to display much wisdom when he took to himself a multiplicity of wives I fear it taxed his wisdom to utmost to govern them and keep their tongues and jealous passions in check An ordinary man has aplenty to do to get along happily with one woman Perry Crittenden has a hen that lays phenomenal big If she couldnt beat the one the Joker gave the history of Perry would give her to make Owl hash He will not haz ard reputation for veracity by pub- giving the measurements but I assure you its all previous fruit It is said that at a recent wedding in this everybody guests groom bride and all blubbered A sad awakening from dreamland I rode on the Queen St through Queens villa which methonghfc had grown to ah enormous town con taining immense factories and palatial the equal of any millionaires homo Whence a to Sharon which was but a dream of the down eta A most delightful sensation is to dream of fly ing Did you ever experience it Tub MCMILLANS all wheat and clover is look- log section Satur day nights rain did much Who wore those parties that were in a certain stable on and were treated to pie Mr John McMillan fa haying ex tensive made to his barn raising the wall Mrs John weather is homo from Elgin where she has visit- her daughter MrThoe Cunningham is digging out a cellar and making preparations the how bat 1 Mies Mary a short time ago found gold and is anx ious to know the lawful owner Mr was ahead of most of out folks on Eaatcr roastod wild his dainty dish having Hon marsh Mn Pat is improving from of la grippe- Mr Ambrose Young is the- most tidy wood in these parts Tim Fox FISH MARKET Mr Robert Rose is under tbo weather We hope ho will soon be around again free and market can be had just by catching them smell good Mr John of Queen street and Mr John of Union St were the guests of Mr Henry Ed wards for a day or so Some men act as if they had done their wives a great favor to marry them A woman never blames a mirror for casting reflections on her Miss is homo enjoying her Easter holidays A party composed of her many friends from and other places At Home with before returning to the city Mr Tbos is nearly thru seeding The pin cushion is not to blame for being puffed up neither are all scribes to for the mistakes make by paying attention to puffers The frog band is mobilising fast and their music sounds something like horse fiddles The Joker passed thru hero hust ling up the orders for the War Book He has a dandy prospectus Bloom the April the train- load of settlers from Parry Sound Ontario was speeding Its way weut- ward between Medicine Hub and Cal gary tho nineyearold daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas met with an accident which might have proved fatal fi very fltrong wind was blowing arid as the little girl was pacing from one car to another while the train was at full speed was blown off the platform into ditch full water She was not missed by her until the train had gone fully forty miles as the children constantly passing back and forth from one car to another moat providential that child foil into which was riot deep so she did- hot- sustain much injury She herself up just as the last coach passed getting on the started to run after train Presently came opposite a shack and struck He prairie to it but ho personthore so she returned to the track and continued her pilgrimage westward A section gang at- work on the line picked her and to them she told her They took her back bandcar to tbo station house where sho got her clothes dried and way refreshed with food Then they flagged the express which followed shortly was taken aboard At the first telegraph station tho news of her recovery was wired ahead to- tho anxious parents who awaited with joy her arrival Calgary A beautiful in Newmarket and two or three be fa Mo required Apply Co AylJ A ALL KINDS for all Wada of people ones for the once for poor poor ones for one for good people Bad to THE GROG please STRAYED ONE WHITE SOW Cams on lot or about April Owner prove pro pay expenses Keswick Caretaker Wanted Methodist Church Newmarket Par- as to duties be obtained from the Tenders to be aealod salary per annum and delivered up to May The Board all All kinds of Fresh Garden Seeds sold inbulk Our PacVago Seeds are Standard Goods Dutch Set Onions EARLY PEAS Potato Onions gQ EARLY CORN Top Onions Onion Seed Clover Seed grown by reliable farmer Largo Yellow Prizetaker Onion Seed Turnip Seed Mangold Seed Ensilage and Fodder Corn Flower Seeds sold in bulk Fresh Pickle Roll Bacon Iflc Choice Cucumber Pickles quart DAVISON Newmarket May tenders April Ourr Ottatjua Turkish torpedo boat blew up in harbor rfcsultirJff in the M of live Farmers in this vicinity are wry busily engaged putting in their seed and no doubt some the acreage of fall wheat to be plowed up with present prospects will be a very small per cent of the crop this year There seems to he famine this section as about third you meet are enquiring porkers yet wo have an idea that if wo may judge from the unusual supply of suckers that came from the Hol land Lauding and offered in pur village pork will soon drop vThere is one think noticeable the price of is away up but we are opinion the vendors are preparing for license they may have to pay in itio near vs- Cook arbitration came off on Tuesday relative to the dower on Cooks farm particulars of which we have not received Some of the members of Court Sea- bright visited Newmarket Court Wednesday evening Again on Saturday afternoon last our tried their hand on their rifle range at target practice Mr headed the list with count of I0o the highest score that lias yet been made leaving our Spring- dale crackshot in the background i Mrs Samuel of Michigan having spent several- weeks visiting relatives and in this section left for her home on Wednesday Mr Alfred bad a very narrow on Saturday last which in dislocating right should er pleased to state tbathe is improving nicely While a ladder in the bam that was chained at the top the chain came unhooked and let- Mr back- coming against the or- beam- be was com pelled to relax his hold and fell a dis tance of or feet to the floor- Mies Addle Smith of Toronto bade her farewell on Wednesday morning and returned to the city A large gathering of manufacturers of agricultural machinery met in Toronto on Tuesday last to consider the question of exhibiting fairs The thus reports result pearly all the prominent manu facturers in Ontario have signed a peti tion agreeing not to exhibit at any of fairs whioh are held from year This include Toronto Exhibition Ottawa Fair and the fcohi Fair et tendon The manufac turers claim that it very great to the late summer and autumn when they are busiest They do not think that tho results display of their implements year after year warrant further expenditure this line Ottawa April The House has reassembled after the Easter vacation any alarming- decree dfenergy ind drags on the Budget which has already outlived its usefulness save in that it is affording an oppor tunity rank and file on either aide of the fiousoto secure a consider able amount of campaign literature and to arm themselves generally for approaching rights of the ballot box whenever it may come upon them Altho is well into its third month everything is jogging along in tho rftost leisurely manner and there will have bo a marvellous of speed if our legislators are to complete their labors by Dominion Day There is something decidedly humor ous in that remarkable antiimperial istic of Sir Charles in Quebec the day with its dire prophecies of disaster to Canada if she shows herself so interested well- being of the Empire and his warning that the Dominion would be dragged into complications and entanglements that will under the guiso of imperial federation in some form or other work most detrimentally to the welfare of this country Of course everybody knows that this is the very everything that Sir Charles has pro fessed to believe up to within the last few mouths of even within the past few weeks- but then this depart ure is supposed to be a good move in Quebec and isnot intended for west ern consumption at ail Fine Brick Residence FOR SALE Situated on Millard Ave In the desirable part of Newmarket o fall Water Works connections fur nace cistern and everything to tnaVe Apply to or Newmarket Newmarket Hand Laundry ox- THIS WEEKS SPECIAL HOUSECLEANING SNAPS We want to help everybody do their HouseCleaning and have Greatly Reduced Prices in that line for 30 Days Only AT LEHMANS MM IS Woollen Blankets each- Curtains washed at home will fe and stretched for extra pair TOILETSOAPS Tenders Wanted Separate Tender will received by May the 1900 for each of pieces of work 1st Grading the grounds of the North York Agricultural Society 2nd Moving rods more or less of tight board fence For particulars apply to J McKay prat nor any tender not necessarily accepted KEITH North York Society Lace Curtains per pair extra large Pillow Shams and 15c per Counterpanes each We employ only the most skilled workmen and use only the purest of soaps and no machinery whatever custom ers need have no fear of the most delicate articles being damaged EMBURY let us know and we will call for and deliver all work TUE A favorable pastime with the Op position in the Federal just now to to the ideal to the riegleec of the practical Take for example the Redistribution Bill Which an immediate remedy more need Sir Charles Topper an which if it had carried could not operate for two Then in the trade preference the a policy which at once result in very tangible the Empire proposes a course which would if adopted kill the of prefer ence absolutely and delay indefinitely if it did hot entirely destroy of any preference at all the session of developments in Re public south info the Canadian becomes According States of Well rected agents of the Canadian Depart mentare bearing Abundant and a party of specialiy the intended Immigrants are now in the west Commenting feti press The iiw and as soon as ilje delegates make reprtthe ts will leave for their homes In Toledo- vicinity families have intention making in ail about who will em migrate U all that now of old asylum building at heap of dust On Friday last men pulled down the last piece of standing wall and on Saturday morning there not a foot of the walla standing Tired eyes cause Because the eyes tire easily some folks say they are riot well In most such Is eyestraia Neglected eyestrain i sure produce sickness Be wise Have your eyes examined their exact condition from art expert Consultation free GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co Store GALLERY SMALL ENGINE FOR SALE Three in firstclass con- ditton Can he seen at the office any Thursday afternoon Is a bargain at but will for less Enquire at this office ill Fori the Summer Tenders Wanted Healed Tenders will he received by the up to Tuesday Kay let FOR MoYing the Buildings On the Fair Tke low est or any tender not accepted For apply to BBIM80N Newmarket on Top jHiUbs the weeks urn fined two of Torontos Photographic fltook notifies with to carried oy their a of work done by the use of their and a wholesale dealer la photograph chemicals with a carried by be attained by the Careful Measuring a stylish cut and a stylish cut makes more than passable the poorest figure Thats why the tailormade gar ment is so superior Its style exclave shows the best there to ycu form arid is cot to any defects that may ei3t Oar Elegant Spriug Goods are here an I your Inspection my GRAND TRUNKS Quick and a Superior Service be as an exhibit of and our SMITH BR0S Studio Opposite ST flriDTfiE PRClplC COAST rates and all from to dearth In and tike jareaumeopeiiUptuaiaoonaa all toy old of OTGrahain KNOWLES Wholes Ale PROVISION STORE Two North Furniture Halo St Supply a Weak of Pari Bacon die Th boat Mildest Cored on the will con Boiled Botur Eggs Potatoes Bill Canned Cora Peary Bologna Ham Orders fiiUd on the shortest A Agent Station J Station J IF YOU Are Away Leave your older at tons Store and I for your Trunk or and take it to the depot moderate charge without any furth er worry I meet all passenger trains Town Carter at tie fiaA lc per i r

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