Newmarket Era, 4 May 1900, p. 1

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H The Era gives more news every week than two other papers in York 9110 if the Leading County Paper I NORTH YORK AND mo th liberty to know to to argue freely according to conscience all other liberty No paper sent outside of North York unlet paid in advance Copies Knob Newmarket Ont Friday May 4 Terms per annum I if paid in paid in No Sermon hut it no It want l km1iIi I or llu- Hint mill Wall pile It liilMriKUi ami limine llv nil akc vim will nil It wont it if Is no a Iron a of mi it I In hulk Alabastine by PAINTS OILS GLASS ETC A Try our Coal Oils MS NEWMARKET Our Bread Trade Has increased twelve per in the lam Why not call on you We now call on over one hundred and la Wc carry a variety of Tart Shells Cream Roll Cake Short Dread and Fried Cakes Fruit Cake- also Fresh Buns and Tea Wine and Tea day P JACK Opposite House I The S Life ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its 74th year The following figufes testify tp its Stability Liber ality Popularity Accumulated Funds about Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already The D EMULSION EMULSION It ViUUble preparation of The EMULSION Is prescribed by ludlug f Canada D EMULSION fleih will git you A ft BesuroTeugcll LAWRENCB Iho CO Limited Montreal Claims Paid During year Polices were issued for The STANDARD has in Canada to over Four teen Millions of Dollars BONUS YEAR 1900 Assure now and secure a share of the profits GEO M HUNT District Inspector J A Agent New Spring Goods hare arrived and colJeottoa of woolens for the Cannot be Surpassed for extensive variety designs and general com pleteness The latest styles of fashionable shades of ex ceptionable value and wearing durability and Trouserings are included and examine and make your selection Mr Michael foreman lumber mill at Lindsay was caught in the machinery and had lug arm torn out in Clover Timothy and all kinds of Field Seeds FLOUR Hungarian and Ontario Fam ily PastryFlour WJ WILLSON Children Cry for- TOR I A a tornado passed through the southern part of Texas last Friday great damage to DR fi WCHASES aUO is direct to the diseased by Improved Is utecic dean iff tOpS ps lb raat and fctaribndilj or Vtfhta vid Wart April principal work done by contingent with Gen who occupied was at poort where occupied two naturally strong kopjes which they hod strengthened with trenches entanglements The Canadians supported by Gra hams Horse moved forward cleverly under Otters directions They made successive rushes and al most reached the foot of one of kopjes before the Boers fired a shot There they found entanglements which evidently marked the range of the enemy The Boers then delivered a rifle lire but they did comparatively damage to the fact that Canadians took skilful of the Cover Lieut Col Oner lel another rush up the kopje but before he and his men another cover ho was strut in the neck a nasty but not dangerous wound Another bul let ripped his shoulder badge but did not hurt him Notwithstanding his wound he did not cease to encourage his men who rushed up the hill Boers tied as the Canadians tho summit This other hill was simultaneously without difficulty The British looses were in killed and wounded April Further reports from distressed declare that though there arc water food and am munition there enough to last until middle of May they are only so on a restricted scale the food nor be ing more than enough to barely sus tain life Two pints of soup and two of oat bran are everybodys daily rations but if the siege lasts much longer it will difficult to find more than one ration A census which has just been tak en shows thai tho population numbers Saturday April Tho Daily Chronicle has following from Bank dated Wednesday April For two days the Boers have been fighting a series of rear guard actions Crossing the j here and hotly pursued by General Hamilton including Mounted Cana dians got into the kopjes south east of the crossing and narrowly missed being captured by General who was coming from that direction But on sighting his ad vance they turned eastward and slip ped away between General Alderson and General The troops are now at Thaba They find plenty of provisions and forage There is sniping daily at aid ing but casualties are rare The Boers have only a small laager near Lochs today cap tured hundreds of cattle engin eers are progressing in their work of building a permanent bridge across the river at Glen A despatch from Roberts April gives General Ian Hamiltons report of the British casualities at Israels April Among those slightly wounded is Colonel Oeter of General Hamilton reports that the Canadians and Marshalls Horse did particularly good service The army clothing factory at Mil- bank England is sending out full kits per week to South Africa Vast quantities of woollen are being sent out The Boers are reported to be get- ting short of lead for making of bullets and are commandeering pri vate stocks Fortyseven British prisoners have died at Pretoria in six weeks Two hundred of them are sick with fever and dysentery At Pretoria an explosion occurred in a magazine containing smokeless powder on the opposite side of the street from the Begbie works and used by Government as an arsenal Thirteen of the of the building wore blown to pieces and fifty wore injured We present to our readers an excellent photoengraving of Mr who is Choir Master of Elm St Methodist Church Toronto and one of principal teachers Toronto College of Music Mr possesses a voice of rare quality and power and as a patriotic singer he Ho is acknowledged to be the favorite baritone singer of Canada and as an evidence of this has been specially engaged by Madame the famous prima donna Soprano as Soloist of her Concert Co which shortly leaves on a trip the Pacific Coast Mr will delight his hearers at the Baud Town Hail on May Conflagration in flail people Homeless ard out of Work O Homes Destroyed and 8 People missing Some arc pale weak and puny from otaerB become waaa result of all arc fully restored vigor by a treatment Nerve Food It greatest restora tive for pale weak nervosa men women and children It gives roundness to the form and color to the cheek of the pale and and new vigor to every motion the body Ottawa April A calamity like unto which overtook old London after the plague and Moscow after the French invasion has fallen upon the Canadian capital Desolation and Smoking blackened debris lies upon the sites of erstwhile- busy mills peaceful stores and quiet dwell ings Hull is practically demolished Western Ottawa is devastated Truly terrible is the vista which greets the eye of the observer In front of him to the south a dreary waste of black smouldering ruins stretching for a mile down to the river where stood the tall match paper and pulp mills of the Eddy Company and the acres and acres of lumber piles belonging to the Hull Lumber Across the river and stretching for two miles along the western side of Ottawa the same deso late smoking fireswept streets To the west blocks of ashes and glow ing debris To the east the same spectacle down to the Roman Catholic Cathedral and the Eddv sulphide fac tory on the eastern corner of oily Behind him to the north still the same heartrending eight back to a narrow fringe of houses skirting the northern boundary of the Nearly two thousand house and stores a dozen large factories three or four churches the Hull court jail and Hall millions of feet of lumber all destroyed Mil lions of dollars worth of property lick ed up by the flames in a few hours thousands of people rendered home less and fitript of the savings of a life time The fire was complete It did its work well stopping only when there was nothing before it to devour CHIMKBV The fire started oclock yesterday morning in the heart of Hull A burning on Chan- attracted little attention at first The Hull firemen leisurely start ed pot out But the fire fiend had concocted a fine little scheme with the howling gale from the north and before the bewildered firemen fanned into a reaching mass of flames The rest was easy Wooden buildings thickly clustered every hand caught like tinder la twenty minutes the fire was beyond control Half a tired were blazing within half an hour and the terrorstricken firemen saw themselves powerless to stop the swift onward march of the flames towards the Eddy mills and the lumber yards to the south What a place for a fire it was Dry buildings on every band Pulp mills match factory saw mills and acres of lumber yards directly in the roaring raging mass of fire fanned into fury by a gale blowing forty miles an hour Cinders flying high in the air and lighting hundreds of yards away on wooden shacks and warehouses filled with inflammable material or piles of dry lumber wait ing but a spark to hurst into flames In an hour the fire was blazing fierce ly in half a dozen different spots be tween street and the river The Hull fire brigade the Union bri gade of the Eddy fire bri gade and a large section of the Ottawa brigade did ail they could to check the flames but they might as well have tried to put out Mount Vesuvius with a syringe Hull was doomed and the thousands of spectators who lined the of Parliament Hill knew it CEOSSEDTO OTTAWA Until now no danger was appre hended for the city of hun dred yards away across the river But shortly after IS a flying fall the lumber piles of the Companys yards In an instant they were in flames and the fire reels were hurried down to combat the new danger were too late flames burst in a dozen places on the Ottawa side Booths lumberyards the yards the McKay Milling Companys works and a score of houses were ablaze al most in less time than it takes to write it Consternation seized the city It looked as if the flames wore bent on as well as force were called out to help the fire men Thousands of citizens hurried to the flats and formed brigades or assisted in carrying valuable property from the burning houses Buildings were blown up with dynamite to interpose a barrier to the oncoming flames Many pious French Canadians hung out sacred pictures and crucifixes as a last resort to ward off the flames But all in vain conflagration laughed at mans puny efforts and tbe flames leaped in ferocious glee from house to house and from block to block In Hull the firemen bad been beat en back step by step and finally aban doned all hope of saving the- city Eddys pulp and paper mills offices were in a hundred places Scarcely a house in the whole central district was Families made a vain attempt to save some of their household effects but so fast did the flames spread that tbe work was speedily abandoned and they fled for their lives Bedding pictures and furniture were thrown out into the street or carried a short distance away only tobe left to the flames which leaped in from side fcCEKEK Mothers became separated from their children and ran wildly about crying that their darlings were burned Children lost their parents and for hours afterwards it was not known whether tbe ones bad been burned to death or not The scene of the wildest and heart rending description Fortunately the number of lives really lost was small er than it was thought to be last night Bo far as is known now four lives were lost and a dozen people more or less injured by falling ruins The death roll may mount up higher when further particulars are learned At oclock the fire on the Ot tawa side bad grown almost to as large proportions as that in Hull The Ottawa Company were flames The Canada Atlantic freight yards the the intervening houses and rail blazing fiercely Fly- embers started fires blocks away and by oclock the whole from Hull southwest across the bridge and away out five miles away to the experimental farm on the south western outskirts of Ottawa was a cracking belt of flame The Ottawa fire brigade assisted by a detachment from Montreal fought solely to save the rest of the city A of the wind to the west would have meant the destruction of nearly the whole of Ottawa The blazing embers flying for would have ignited the big buildings along Sparks street and the fire once started there nothing could have saved the capital But fortunately the wind shifted a couple of points to the east and by heroic work the flames were kept from spreading in that direction Till oclock at the flames raged with undiminished fury From to house they leaped and from block to block until the open country at the south of the city half a dozen from the starting point Then as though satisfied with the days hav oc the fire fiend took pity on the pan and heartbroken citizens Nothing more was left to burn and the flames gradually died out A sad days work indeed Nearly five square of houses stores factories mills and warehouses were burned Twenty million feet of lumber de stroyed Ten thousand people burned out of house and home and worse still de prived of their means of earning a live lihood Property variously estimated at from ten to twentyfive millions of dollars sacrificed to the flames the fire the city darkness was in completo The city council this morning de cided to place at the disposal of the committee which it appointed for the relief of the fire sufferers Mayor Payment acknowledged the receipt of checks for 1000 from the from the Bank of Ottawa from Sir frid from the Ottawa Citizen from the Evening Journal from Hon Scott from Hon Ma- lock from Geo bags of flour from the Lake of the Woods Milling company He had also messages from many cities and towns The Dominion had placed in immediate committee and he felt safe in saying that when the House met on Tuesday the recommend a grant of 100000 Ontario Govt has recommended One Gasp Death And Yet not Beyond the Power of Dr for the Heart to Save and Cure You is not Fiction But Pact The constant terror and distress of those the of heart disease only the sufferer can know hnd what a boon so magical a relief and as Cure for the Heart has proved itself to be In many cases re corded the patient seemed but a gasp from and this liquid heart specific has tided over the crisis given relief in and after taking a bottle or two perfect health has been restored and all the distressing pymptoras- and sufferings seem hut as a drvai It hearts by la grippe Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket The Queen in England MAJESTY LEAVES ISLE AMID HEARTY DEMONSTRATIONS knew what hoy were about the wind destroying Ottawa as well as Hull bad carried the spares to a dozen Telegrams were sent to Montreal or buildings where they were soon ho and pouco THE BUBXED AREA The total burned area in Ottawa is is about two and a half miles from north to south with an average width of about a quarter of a mile along the western side of the city It is esti mated that some Wildings have been burned on the side of the riyer Over in Hull fully twothirds of the city are in ashes Not a build- is left standing in the whole cen ter and western district Last night fully inhabitants old and youog weak and feeble slept in the open Not a has been left sending the food supply has been cot off people are face to face with destitution and hunger The scene is one of inexpressible 1st ion Ottawa power houses were destroyed early in fire and last night for the dying glare of April Queen Victoria and Princesses Christian and Henry viceregal lodge at noon and drove to station on their way to Kingstown and Eng land Large crowds at every point of vantage gave her Majesty a loyal fare well The train started for Kings town at amidst the heartiest demonstrations Enormous numbers of people had preceded the Queen to Kingstown and occupied the piers and other places from which the Royal yachts Vrctoria and Albert were vis ible A memorable demonstration oc curred as her Majesty attended by a brilliant suite boarded the yacht which steamed away at pm amid firing of a Royal salute by the fleet and hearty and prolonged cheers from the throngs lining the waterside Before her departure from this city the Quen briefly with the Lord Mayor and the Lady Mayoress and expressed her regret she was obliged to leave She said she had bad a most pleasant viajt and inti mated that she hoped to able to re turn Business pans Faith Tortured by Rheumatism fop Months He Pins His can Rheumatic Cure and is Healed It cores in One to- Three Days Mr Barker is a business man in Toronto and lives at Suffolk Place He contracted very acute rheumatism and for months was a great sufferer He treated with best with out any relief He took South Ameri can Rheumatic Cure for what it claim ed to advertisements when he read of it and when ho had taken two bottles he was completely cured says I voluntarily give this testi monial- that other sufferers may bo benefitted as I believe the remedy is a perfect specific Sold by E Lehman Newmarket Mr John head sawyer in Co s mills at Tarn caught in the machinery and had one of lib legs sawed off At Chatham James Wilson for forging his brothers name to a was by Justice to three in i

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