Newmarket Era, 4 May 1900, p. 7

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J i CHINA HALL most complete liob f up todato FINK BOOTS AND Shoe A FRTDAV MAY Weeks Local WHAT IB OK IN ABOUT Home mot on Tuesday and accounts to They also decided that aorta corn be planted and a alio built coming to It i o M i at IATHST N Pkikkct Should I King Shoe cany si Stock in Town anil have done so even if v lilt Sole Agent The most Easy fitting for Misses MENS BOYS AND YOUTHS Box Calf and Vie Kid good wearing Everyday Shoes In Boots and Shoes we give VALUE and uptodate in St Pauls Concept Town Hall was fairly well East Friday night and Church England Concert wad qaito a success The Toronto with banjo and were good and Drill waa really splendid bat the audience have predated the lengthy program moon If there had boon numbers Not proceeds Orders Office Specialty Factory crowded with work In department Mr too Toronto manager ma a In town on Saturday and orders lor a lot of now work has returned from tbo ho was with and has decided to open a branch salesroom at Winning at With the coming it beta boon found boat In glue room too great for men and a gang men at work week covering the bolters and pipes with asbestos ixofge Increase Anderson completed the Assess ment noil for Town of Newmarket on Monday last and delivered it to the Town Clerk totals tarnish Interesting flares corroborating the statement that is progressing The total population ie an of over iMstvear and if wo add the population between Huron Street and tbo which practically IB part of Town our present population exceeds There arc within the limits ohildron between the aces of and years and and years tote I value of real property placed at property at total of being an in crease of over last year There in the Town 177 dogs cattle and aheap There are also 19 in opera- Hon vital show and deaths daring the year York The complete list of Liquor granted for the North far the year May let as follows KINO Tavern J Sutton Watson MoBrldo tranoia coagrove Agnes Tavern Jobn Beer Wine J A Hose Tavern Wine Beer Elizabeth Tavern WbeaUey Beer surroK west A Sbeppard Beer McDonald Tavern Tavern Miller J Q Martin Tavern John Han puna following the Fond been by Mr A to May 1st BOO Newmarket High SO Roach Point Hope fiO laakay P 150 Total Tbo Band gave their firat open air Concert Saturday evening at the corner of Main and ats refloat their band master Mr MoOonald rendered and result of daring tbo winter months If their first concert la any some excellent will bo given Weather permit ting to be out again next Saturday night on South flfpioo lectures by In the Town Hall Monday and Tuesday oven fairly good houses and the well pleased with lions of country and people their hab its and of etc scenes were well portray and described in a fascinating and En telliKont manner He a high opinion of Cecil Rhodes and exactly tho contra of Pan Kcuger both of whom he knew per si as by the opinion they live among His collection of are used to good advantage In help lug people to both military and native tactics In limes of war If ia how familiar ho with that weapon and his manner is very and plefleing Royal Templars to bo congratulated on their success Hid to Che According to announcement made on largo packing and a of clothing was to the at Ottawa on Monday and another on Wed from the members friends of tlii Presbyterian Church At meeting Town Coun cil last Monday evening all membors being present except Mr a grant of was mads to the safforers in the Hull fire The Ottawa Citizen of May 2nd has the following paragraph The Cane Sons Manufacturing Company of- Hew- Limited of whim Cane Mayor of New market president acknowledged a copy of last Fridays Citizen by sending the firms for one hundred dollars pay able to the relief fund for Ottawa and Hull which was handed by Mr A to the Citizen relief fund morning Good congregations last Sunday the pastor In ex- Major gave a very interesting address on Mission Work in Africa He spoke for threequarters of en hour and was listened to with great attention His personal ex perience and the of such men an Ontario Legislature Now that session is over it is needless thai detailed survey of all proceedings should be made later on a few general remarks may bo made But the ses sion which on Monday April 80 was likewise busiest on of the most important of any session in any parliament of Ontario On Monday April Mr Davis presented the Drainage Amendment the Assess ment Amendment Act 1000 and Municipal Amendment Act 1800 Mr Davis policy throughout has been to make but fewchanges in the Municipal Law of the province The Municipal is doctored and doctored every session and in the past changes of questionable utility have been made Unless was a need Mr Davis said let bo no change of a municipality is too serious to bo experimented with Mr Davis had difficulty in keeping off bad legislation proposed in Iho Municipal committee The three bills just quoted a few changes and some very changes have that little fault is with a single section in one of three bills On the following the bills by Mr Davie to amend the to pro- serve forests from destruction by firs and to amend the Algonquin National Park Act the third reading and aro now law On Wednesday tho Government in troduced its Railway hill gives a very modest amount of aid to railways in ths newer part of the prov ince lb may bo said here that lator on this rmestion came up again and as has always been case the members of the Opposition voted against bill The followers of Mr Whitney have done little hut oppose that which the Govern ment have been doing to develop the resources of the province This was seen more plainly on the day follow ing A railway will be built in the prov ince of Ontario which will up for rt dew district of the coun try the Central Rail way and will go north from St Mario the now district of Ontario The Central Railway being promoted by a company of capitalists the president of which is Mr This mans name is begin ning to be known in every district of Ontario for he has with the primary direction of Ontario Government made a now era in the development in that part of the country Space will not permit to tell what he has already accomplished that of his achievements are miraculous But in the building of this railway a greater task is before him than he ever under took in times The Ontario Gov ernment have driven the beet bargain that was ever made by any Govern ment with any Railway Company For this reason or on account of a disposition to oppose tho Conservatives objected to the bill In Railway is the least and factory step in tno long line which has beta leading up to development of a newer and greater province in the North The and Mr particularly tho great est approbation from every Canadian for this bill Tho Government bound to de velop New Ontario They suc ceeded during past week in making with two other companies for tho development of two districts in tho pulpwood This session has of development from the first day to the last the has shown the greatest activity and of that activity been in tin department of Crown Lands Toronto May Red Wheal per bushel a Wheat bust Wheat per bushel Barley per bushel Oats per a Peas per buobol n a on an i a Potatoes a a Sheepskins a a SO I lay per ton CO per So qrs CO per pair f Turkeys nor lb Bed per bushel buBhcl ISO Clover per bushel nab Jos Luke Doyle Prank Stylish for Evening Wear Special Value DIKHBH SEP TOILET SETS TEA SETS OUR GROCERY Department is fully as sort with the Best Tavern James Richard Welts Geo Lemon The Grocer R A SMITH Have you Tried The New Metallic Song Telephone Equipment BETWEEN Montreal Toronto Hamilton Buffalo and Service Perfect i in hi the Day is Iwh ml Very lively a town Saturday night Sidewalks crowded with people Mr Frank received in excellent on Friday of last west strawberry from near Ottawa tor his Urge arm cut at has something terrible Inkier started on Monday As supnaQ the frost not the sidewalks neei In many parts the Town This is Arbor Day Ebst Council meets to- row Regular of Town Council next Monday Public School Board meets next evening Mr A Roe has down the barn on the homestssd property and remoyed lie to his farm in where he id it in the an addition to hie residence The Boa flats have been recently par chaaed by Mr Mr J Green has improved his by a new front walk The adjourned The Is on Mr house again and building ready for plaster Mr A Is a new floor in bis stable on St A new root adorns the residence Mrs Height Prospect Ave week Our citizens are getting very The following erected now flag poles Messrs John Geo Williams jr and the Doyle Bros The material on the Model rounds to erect some seats to be placed the trees tor the gtrla to on North York Farmer will hold its annual meeting the first week in Jim Dean is to tend and give an ad- drees Members of the preserve were there this weak building a boat home Only another week left to get your baek yard cleaned up before will bo srouod war will muoh longer- and when It is over his opinion is that the christian should Hood the land with mis sionaries as their influence for good greater than any number of soldiers and war He sympathizes with England in effort to give to the white man and black Hie to the Sunday School lag along Hue of liquor and tobacco was very practical and inter sited the and girls very much As Triple Pledge woe being pawed thru the Bible Class Mr it and all to do so regular quarterly services will take place next when clone are iiticipied and Sacrament following the morning preaching service In the eyeuing a re ception will be held when several signified their intention of uniting with the Womans Society of the Methodist Church will hold their regular meeting at the Parsonage on Thursday May at oclock Livingston and Taylor iu Africa were vv idly He does- not think the Mr IB to get acres per mile which not large when it remembered that any settler in that district can get as much land as he wishes for nothing In return for this Mr to build the railway and if the bargain is con cluded then the Government would do very well But in addition that he to double the capacity of his power company and that big con- He will double the size of hie and this is another big concession for men are employed in those works there He will a sulphide mill which will em ploy a large number of hands and will solve dome troublesome question in the pulp business He will do more than this put four large sized modern steamers on Lake Superior In the veins of that district lie iron enough to beep running three times number of smelters in all Ontario But there lies and the question of transportation is a largo one Hero it solved alone and one clause in the agreement justifies the granting of every acre of land even no rail way was built are further concessions as locating a town lot where necessary of placing a sta tion in the district and building a school all of which are very important But there is one seems that few men would undertake ihe great drawback to our country our small population With a nation of many men this province will be- most prosperous on earth Mr agrees to locate settlers in that district each year for ten years Ten thousand settlers and men set tlers each one of whom shall erect a house in that district Ten thousand men or between fiO000 and people Some of the members believ ed that this concession could not be carried out and wanted a reduction in the number and the task does seem to be an impossible one But those who know say that be will fulfill the contract and de more When he made a contract with the Ontario yovernraent respecting pulp he said that he would spend so money in buildings He spent twice lie promised to employ a certain number of men he is Mob at April Members all present Reeve io tho chair The following bills were passed W Robinson serving writs Harper gravel J opening Irelands pit Wilkinson Plow Co bottoms repair town- line J Ballard repair W Proctor day man and team repair road J Billings salary 00 Mills repair 2nd con I freight White damage to buggy- J blacksmith bill Webb on salary account J A Watson on salary ac count Road division No con was extended to include west halt lot in con and eaat half lot in con The statute tabor in the village of commuted at per day for current year was granted A to grade hill on sideline between lots at Mill Road and the grant for gravel on the same side was cancell ed Mr was authorized to engage Joseph Billings for one year to work on street aba salary per month term to end April 1901 Meaars Lemon Bun3 Rogers and Gallaagher were appointed to pur chase a road around ONeills hill 11th con and to make provision for grading same Messrs Lemon Burns and Rogers were appointed to inspect hill opposite in con also hill opposite lot 18 on con and hill sideline between lots and in fab eon- and order any grading they may deem advisable meeting of Council will he held at the Temperance Hall on May Register An imported of Mr Draper Bel- haven travel thru North and Scott making home with Mr Hy Broadway is just horse to get cavalry which is now In demand A beautiful heavy draft horse property of a Syndicate will thru East North and dur ing the season borne with This is an Imported and slock year give promise or very fine-aoi- See cards Parlies bills printed at office will receive a notice similar to the above FREE of Sale Register By a landslide near two houses were swept away and the Intercolonial express ran into the mass of rock and was wrecked No passengers were hurt The schooner Blanche Alma from Quebec was in collision off St with the steamship St and was almost cut in two Four of her crew are believed to be drowned THE I AND Bicycle Sundries Agents for Massey Harris Repairs J A ALLAN CO We Are Doing The Dress Goods Trade OF THE TOWN TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE L- Newmarket Hand Laundry HOUSECLEANING SNAPS We want to help everybody do their HouseCleaning and have Greatly Reduced Prices in that line for 30 Days Only Lace Curtains per pair Woollen Blankets each extra large Curtains washed at home will he Pillow Shams and per pair and stretched for Counterpanes each extra 25c pair We employ the most skilled the purest of soaps and no machinery whatever therefore custom ers need have no fear of the most delicate article being damaged P EMBURY Prop Just let know and we will call for and deliver all work hi Witt Great loot and Sloe Stare Ladies New Shoes for worth do do do do do do do do I I ft 1 I 1 May Mr E have an extensive site at his resi dence Church Newmarket of a well Outfit fltop And ox1iiti9M Judder Ikilv etc Duncan employing twice as Any This agreement Government Mens New Boots for 1 do Buff Boots for 1 do do do do do Box Calf Boots for A full line of Boys and Girls School 00 worth SI I 00 Newmarkets Great Clothing Store Mens Tweed Suits for worth do do do Mens do do do 10 If CI I 50 G We have the Stock Clothing in Out Dens Furnishings and Stylish Ik J

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