Newmarket Era, 4 May 1900, p. 8

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THE NEWMARKET MAY Dont Guess Results This man know what ho did and how ho did It Such endorsements tut tho following arc ore a sufficientproof of it merits jour took on your I with we bottle FRANK JlBEftlKN As for Price fit six for family It no fiounl for TrcGiitwon tlio free or address FALLS VK a 1 Our fee if we- fall Any and description of Any invention receive our opinion free be of How to a Jit or our k receive ntitfcci charge Id ah mid circulated jounuti Scud for copy A lucent WASHINGTON NEAV6liS DISEASED MEN WO CURE- NO PAY Til NEWT METHOD il ia of or of SO oriji euro any Bexul riteniM in lbs treatment oil WE CURE SYPHILIS Blood He of jioldi readily to our If teniae palm In Ibe or I fctomtich fore tic you hate lboeondryU of Wo solicit the and the lor ok ho for I anil care our treatment the ulcer heal Be aain i4 CURES GUARANTEED and mlddlrffeaj have end vitality tapped lir tail later xMes worry matter the xa ilelbod Treatment IS the ret And II lo normal I Ambition nd one men cat is Irfctttdladi- hence our 1 cod to uar4J2lo to ho CURED Wa treat end care EMISSIONS VAItTCOCELE SYPHILIS fiTlttcrUKU WtEE FREE to call write for QUESTION CLANK or Kergan Cor Ave Shelby St DETROIT AND tOt- WORTHY TO BECOME RICHMOND HILL small occurred the donoo of on The in front room wet ignite J from a lamp but prompt measures flu was out after a of about linl been who has boon mathematical master at High for some two years hie resignation The Spring held hero Wednesday fitirly well attend ed and of this Owing to of the pastor Mr occupied the Sunday in a most Wood of do ll a lecture in Methodist church on lOti innt Hjing a largo crowd present and for folly two hours holding lion of all of her father for a daya Geo Street out otico more after winter Win Huston of Albion and Holland Landing- were married on Wednesday of last week and spent low days with Itiijo of Lloyd lovvii el Sunday School exceedingly in connection the Triple out of SI in the signed it Children Cry for Tot late for teak BETHEL CAST R a Th are busy seeding hay looking fine Schools rt opened with good at tendance Mr Win William who died hero Saturday hurled at on afterrjoon A sptcial collection for the Indian Famine Fund whs taken Dp on Bun- day The pupils of Lino School ore for In dia Famine Fund Kindly lot your heart be in your and give them a kindly In their noble work Inspector Davidsons circulars this fund to the should awaken a deep intercut in this subject WtB home from for her Easter holidays pisses and leader and of the the new material worked into a pretty good choir Mips SyWidu spent holidays parental roof and M I Siiyphr ityrted on Tuesday for May the their new home Braces brother him around circuit on Sunday A number are ill IrtoK with their Hooks springs losing lambs sheep Hit Alone eutftalaed Editor IT fionccHj 111 all doctors and to relieve his pain Arnica fialve wholly- cured libs Infallible tor or Bodily Cute guaranteed Only 25c a box Sold by School Repottts OK the late Mr Ball of Oak took place from resi dence on Tuesday afternoon had been kicked by ft a snort violent until death him Ho leaves a wife tux children to mourn Much in felt for the family in their sudden- and Bad be has commenced special meetings in Chris tian Church Council of has linowlcdge gift of Mr Jacob of the building for tho of tho Library Boom by a beautifully en- V V- Sunday nights rain carried away the dams of Job Joseph Woolen mills and itamr his son had a narrow escape drowning While trying to rcmovb a the flume bridge which thoy lay was earned away down stream Into the came to anchor a tree where both had to till daylight Do you of Already of visitors appeared P Addison has opened up his homo and is putting in his garden Turk Campbell were here three or four days last week straightening up their premises and Rev Dr Young is ex pected sho W Mr and were here last week and opened up Bay View Villa for the season ilr Thomas has purchas ed the Blake property formerly known as Point and we that the summer residence will be occupied by a married daugh ter Dr Warden who occupied the Blake property last year en the property at Roachs Pointformerly the residence of the late May and will occupy it this season The Collins property near Morton Park has been purchased by Mr Air York who la now settled there Dr is not only making ar rangements for the erection of a fine summer home by SO feet at Hollow but has also decided to put up a bank barn on the farm adjoining wliich will entail an expenditure of Mr John Mann has commenced the erection of a twostorey building along side of his boat house to be used as a summer sitting room and accommo dation for boarders The owner of was hero on Friday straightening up the and observer that the adjoining house Zephyr Villa had been broken into during the winter Mr Jacob Buck of Newmarket passed through here this week with two loads of window and door frames improve a vacant house at Roachs Point Frank Fred Webb Charley White Dolly Mary Elliott Ada Jr Stephen Love Pearl Lapp Mary Mary Shanks Alhorfc Stephenson Ill Maud Webb Harvey Burling Viola Charley Harry Stephens- Burling Paulina Campbell Susie Shropshire Shropshire Lily Campbell Bert Pax- ton Maurice Watson Fred Ste phenson Preston HoWrd Proctor Pearl Campbell Willie Campbell Charley Bertha Campbell Watson Frank Pearl tor Dove Jams Gertie Clark Levi Brown I Roy Greer Mary Lloyd Wiles Nelson Shanks George Love Gertie Roger May Rhino Frank Ernest Brown Charley J Teacher FROM ALL OVER CANADA come letters telling of the great benefits derived from the use of The Menthol Plas ters in eases Of neuralgia lame back etc Davie Lawrence Co Ltd manufac turers Mr Miller of has returned from a two months trio to the old country Mrs Henry J Davis of Ibe 15th Hue of East was fcilled by falling from the driving floor of the to the basement MOUNT ALBERT Mr Mains left for Midland Mr Win left on Tuesday for Winnipeg Mr A left on Monday for Manitoba service in the Presbyterian church will commence at in future iosleud of Mr Crane of Newmarket High School was the guest of his chum Mr Tail last week While building the foundation of Mr Oliver new house town lino Mr James had the misfortune to slip cut a hud gash in his foreman on the sharp edge of the stone he was raising The wound required several stitches Miss Long who has won- such a reputation for training children a kindergarten class in primary form of the public school here and will give kindergarten concert in the town hall on Friday evening May For further particular bills- Rev A and family have gone to Hazledene near Ems- dale to remain during the summer where it is hoped Rev will recuperate his health r I THIS SUMMER If you do write- I Mi NEWMARKET ONT At And Vaneere Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Screea Doors and Windows n Artistib Effects I nside Wood wotk J in VwN in Canada A PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHeS PINS Etc BICYCLES Days for All of Us We Repair all abort notice The Wm Cane SonsaWc Co NEWMARKET The Average Illness is days pet annum fop each in fieuimafket Every good act Is charity Giving water to thirsty la charity remov ing atones thorns from road your fellow men to virtuous deeds Is charity smiling In your brothers face Is charity putting a wanderer in the path Is charity A mans true wealth is the good be does to this world When he dies mortals will ask What property has be left But aogcls will Inquire What good deeds hast thou sent before thee Mohammed Solid Gold Best Gold Fill Gold Fill tmtmfjf Best Glasses guarantee GLOBE OPTICAL 3 Yonge street Toronto ALWAYS KEEP NO OF PJIIM OH on RTcanAt WILL HOT LOOK OUT and sue tub THE NAME a employed by engaged at bia work dropped dead his anvil CASTOR I A Infants and- Children tM Are You I was visiting Miss Minnie in the city Easter week Miss Lizzie Mitchell of visiting with Mrs H -Wed- dolls last week Children cry for OASTOniA Kings and people will petition the Dominion Govern ment to stop the of natural gas from Essex County the supply is fast exhausted A BOON TO HORSEMEN Spavin Liniment removes ail hard soft or calloused Lumps and from horses Blood Spavin Curbs Splints Ring Bone Sprains Bore and Throat Coughs ete The of one bottle may make you Warranted most Cure oyer j known Bold Lehman Just remember that all atrenjth must ftom yoxu food you ever of your need more strength or your or your Is weak and what yon eat if you ed more tr3ictb then SCOTTS EMULSION The Mouth doubt the sharks mouth Is placed so much beneath the projecting muz zle under which also the nostrils lie that It may serve Its proper purpose In the best way In ell records of the habits q the fish we are told that It can and does out large chunks of flesh from the dead bodies of and even from living victims of Its at tacks and It Is easily seen that If Its mouth was like that of other Ashes the necessary leverage would he lacking A further- reason seema to he that the shark by this peculiar position of its mouth IS compelled to turn upon Its back to strike and thus de liver lis onset from below with more deadly effect This formidable strength of Jaw Is backed up by a most terrible array of teeth of which In some species there are all round Each tooth Is saw edged pointed and some of the largest ore as as two Inches In breadth at the These He fla against the Jaws and can be raised by separate muscles at will so that as the shark darts upon prey they spring on end as a cats claws ate stuck out from Its paws This arrangement will not allow any thing once bolted to return so that a barks mouth Is a veritable death trap Cincinnati Enquirer A careful computation gives the estimate that the average of sickness in Canada is days for each person Keep track of this in your neigh borhood for one year and see if it not a close estimate will find out that eigth tenths of this sickness is caused by faulty action of the kid neys and it will show why Br Backache Kidney Tablets have so quickly become prominent in the public eye Scores of people know have used them with such good that they feel thankful and them selves like Mrs Jacob says I suffer- for some two years from a and kidney trouble due to overstrain My eyes bothered me a good deal and I was very the pein in the back was very severe I tried many things without relief and finally got a bottle of Dr Pitchers Backache Kidney Tablets from J drugfiat and must say they worked admirably All soreness of the eyes and dizziness is gone and the kidneys in good order I can conscientiously recommend them to any sufferer as reliable and sure coots per bottle A free sample of Dr Pitchers Backache Kid ney Tablets mailed to yxery applicant you doubt the testimony of your neighbors you can prove for yourself Get a sample absolutely free- Send stamp to the Pitcher Tablet Co To ronto Oat The collapse of a temporary foot bridge at the Paris Exposition on Sunday the death of six persons and seriously injured about others The structure bad previously been con as unsafe The Manner of Dunkirk Y- says that Noble of that City who was granted a patent on a bicycle tire a few weeks ago was sub sequently offered 5000 for a half interest in it hut he declined He is just twice that amount The Universal Favorite iVoxon Disc Tie only Harrow that adjustable pressure is in valuable on hard or uneven ground Alt UK tori New Sectiona SpringTooth J to ana cowing attach- menu i dealred ordered draft working and nut operated cultivator The teeth directly under the within the eel line Bee the Hew Spring and Drills iMj Our reliable HOOSIER Drills arc and known that are now over of country We invite the closest inspection Farm Implements and machinery which are the coming season v In addition to the above we call apecEal attentjjsn to oar New Victoria Binder and Oxford Clipper Mower and Spike Tooth Barrows and friction aha Ratchet amply repay all intending purchasers to oar lines below placing their orders elsewhere Send for our sew Catalogue- TUG Co Out oil la Hoot of all foods atrenth are beet ionics the easiest for of every fox all oases of do end loss of flcah M 1 rt- iKvftiA To This word is In use In England It has two meanings being to throw Ill sock a stone at you A fa vorite diversion among boys Is Bock- birds They proceed along th one hoy or more on each Bide all armed with atones with which they unmercifully any poor bird they come across The other mean of the word la beat or to clout Ill fetch you a sock hole I have known sock to this tten ah my life and it Is now used here ITU sock him ill give got a good Booking are common A for- fighter is called Bock- Is common when speak ing of thrashings given and taken give one meaning to give one a good beating is in common tiffin East Aoglla And so is pull tip your seeks for make and set to work A stone In the heel of a sock or a known extempore life or taker Notes Queries FOUL BREATH PRO CATARRH Tells of the Decay the the Nose Ho symptom of cansea more annoyance than fool odor cornea from the ulceration of membranes -and- an indication of the decay which Is taking in linings of the now and To the well to Ms this of the la To counteract bad breath and to eradi cate catarrh from the system- treatment la more than Dr Chases Catarrh Core remedy that can be relied to cure chronic Catarrh Cum Is sent direct to- the diseased pajrubytha improved blower which accompanies beats the ulcer clears the air relieve which causes stop the decay causes foul and absoluCety cults catarrh and coo box blower alt or Hates Co Space and Time by putting in- Shannon pile Cabinet manufactured by The Office Specialty Mfg Co limited Factory Newmarket and Bay Toronto Notre Dame Montreal P SCHOOL I English French and Music receiving life two ii ititrf lor y OUT

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