Newmarket Era, 11 May 1900, p. 8

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THE v s I MAY J Often a warning liver Is torpid or inactive Morv roubles follow a prompt euro of Headache and liver troubles lake While they the restore full regular of bowels they do not or do no or Inllnmctlio Intejiial organs but have a at all druggists or by ill of Hood A Co Jewell Moss Tills man knows how did it Such Ilia following a proof of ib llorfe jnuf it i on your bottles 1 Spavin Willi two at your Cure In four Price lor Ah a llolmcnt for family mo it has do your for KUflfMlXS A on book or OB J PALLS 444 PROMPTLY SECURED Wrtlaforour Kelp owl How an rough akvtch or J of your Invention or tal t you our opinion a it is probably of Unheal references fur- I ION PATENT A of of lo Aipll6d Itthwltr Water V Water Work Alice OAK A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Very all affection of the THROAT or LUNGS Large DAVIS LAWRENCE CO Props- of Perry Dart PalttKiUer if 20 Yeses la Cured of young and twlnlDff difficulty la 1 and U tjmptoirs of nervous will not euro METHOD Tit AT bU will curt Our thj or items J tcan no our fcj intihod jtij young a ad middle vigor continually failed ifcia foe are ycDoral Wi Foil- 2 IauIiXrd Poor at Smarting uoo dark tbrunfaeu etc family no in on you rf- cure you a wo accept for sod around the AVD TO BLOOMINGON A Aid tea will bo at ibo homo of Mi II Tianmcr on evening May All are in J McLean to kUv uuiicrly Meth odist church wiw hold There wju no service AAtkifion formerly of has routed Blacksmith On Monday evening at about oclock form of the lota Joel Phillip which in situated near Wis to ground wye by John Jiniiius flnd a the cook ignited the roof on the south east corner high wiod was blowing at the time but lew willing were In nearly all the furniture Toe had for nearly years and her duugbter were atone at the time and tried to extinguish the but were unsuccessful Mr Doyle is retiring from the hotel business Ho finds it dont pay Henry Perry has sold his farm to soninlaw Ma reliant from near Mr Perry will try the North J nines of the line wan dered into Anews yard on Sunday last and caused quite a sensation When asked what he wanted has answers showed plainly that his mind was deranged and that he a very fertile imagination He was driven to his fathers home and will be examined hy a doctor Children cry for CASTORIA The special meetings in the Ring- wood Christian church conduoted by the pastor Rev Hamer are well attended and a deep interest is manifested throughout Forty one members of the School signed the Triple Pledge in the York Assoori at its last convention A small stable on the property by Mr Geo Conner in the was destroyed by fire at noon on Thursday of last week The fire was caused from a bonfire the children had near the stable While out in a field harrowing on Wednesday afternoon Mr took a fit The fine black hearse team which was hitched to the harrows ran away and in their race across the field the harrows flew up one tooth of which eaiight one of the horses on the hind quarter and made a terrible gash Mrs Hamiltons fine brick residence on the line miles aouth of was burnt down this morning at oclock There was nobody in the house since last Monday a Mrs Hamilton then went to her soninlaws Noah It fa said that the fire started in the wood shed in the form of an explosion Most of the contents of the house were except what was in one room upstairs The origin of the fire is a mystery At a well attended Cricket meeting the following officers were elected President J Stark Secretary J Lennox J Captain Scott Executive Com P Dougherty J Campbell A present appearances it looks as though cricket will be the leading sport here this summer WrtiUn for In Of wJfo pi For tier Now market who departed life Tues day morning April WOO aged A down a soul Thou art gone dear called thee to abov work begun thy of love And entered in Another soul from death and em And from earth thy has away To dwell forever the realms of day Farewell dear Joyed one farewell farewell I How we may join one can tell For the hand lead who led Ami voice will call us that voice lull of rove Oh give mo Oh give me the wings of a dove mo hasten my flight to above Ay now that my soul on swift And in bid earth evermore Thou arc the grave but not deplore Though sorrow and darkness encompass tho tomb bus pasted thru portals be- Ami the of 1Kb love is thru the gloom- Thou art to the grave we no longer Ijehoid thee Nor tread the rough paths of this world by thy hide wide amis of mercy are spread to enfold thee And hitmen may hope since the sin less died Oil never can we know how Each loved in till we have known deep regret he hitter tear came when this loved one win gone One voice of welcome forever more A farewell word spoken by a mother dear To husband and child three To her and that were near KXlkSUlVE op Probably the cheapest silo to con- struct well as the one having the smallest percentage of loas of contents Is the stave silo It is the One of alt others beat suited to the of the small farmer ami dairyman is as durable as It and easy of coo structlon In silo It is a good plan to build a little larger Is ac tually the time la order to provide for jocivnau of stock or Increas ed use of The step In the construction of sin alio la the Excavate to the depth of throe or four and to the diam eter of feet greater tbat of the silo Fill the excava tion with large stones using smaller ones to till lo between the spaces Pound thece down ism ho thai there no after settling Make a of good quality of one part cement and four parts of sharp sand and pour ft over the stones and luto the cracks between them After this is set put on another coat working it down level with a and finish off after this coat dry with dlist of clear cement placed thinly and smoothed over For slaves use hemlock or white pine sound and free from loose knots If the silo la to be 12 feet or lets In diameter make ihe stares of by material Blight beveled on the edges lo order to form the needed circle If Tap lnp all day at until the head throbs every tap And hen the machine the day the throb still goes on More than any class of women the- large army of women needs to watch health of the organs peculiarly womanly the general Jiealth will disturbed hi propor tion as the local health of the delicate womanly organs is disordered With irregularities there will pains the head the or side and feen- The the future life and mother maybe en tirely mined by neglect of the health this critical- period Women offices shut out from necessary exercise will find a faith ful friend in Dr Pierces Javorite Pre scription It so regulates the womanly functions and to strengthens the delicate organs that pain from these causes will be absolutely done away with and future health be perfectly assured There is no opium cocaine or other narcotic Favorite Prescrip tion Neither does it contain alcohol whisky or other intox icant I not faavc Jreath to walk across loom writes lafbtil Miller of New Providence Calloway Co Kyi My periods too often and the be prolonged and the blood excessive- I also spell were hint- Do you Vj If you do Si- fill THIS SUMMER NEWMARKET ONT And get of Vaneere Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows Artistic EffectS- A wife ftud mother float A faithful slater a daughter kind A ftifctev from this earthly home With now and Jesus May father mother here And all who mourn our sister dear Receive from God His saving grace To fit us for heavenly place Oh friends of mortal trusted and true are still in the valley of tears But I wait to welcome you Do I forget no For memorys golden chain Shall bind my heart to hearts below Till they meet to touch t Each link is strong and bright And loves electric flame Flows freely down like a river of light To the world from whence I came Then why your tears run down And your hearts he sorely riven For another gem in the Saviours crown And anothersouj in heaven That unchangeable home is for you and forme Jesus of Nazareth stands The King of ah kingdoms He And He oar crowns in His hands Oh how sweet it will be in that beautiful land free from all sorrow and pain With songs on our lips and harps in our To meet one another again Why Be Wnt Arrested There a thing as being alto too clever You think I know It I was walking the street yesterday when I noticed a Co lylngoo the pavement stooped to pick It It looked like a coun terfeit so I passed on And the note turned out to be a good one of course No It did not but I was arrested before I bad gone ten steps farther Arrester What fort For passing counterfeit London Answers I were on but me -wtsW- My stomach last for I did not trng1h otic period to was very Wtafc mad all time I was by a to try Fa vorite which I did ami I bad two of it J could aU day I took in all the iavarile And about five bottler of Id let I I a return of this itotilrlcincC and never ran praise Dr- Fierce medicine J know my life in Inside Woodwork Factory in Canada for of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc We const root Repair all kinds on short Cane Sons Co tiuiizn NEWMARKET 7MJri tin litr t Engirt iff it fojwird ft One If you are not a subscriber to the Era Send for a trial trip of 3 months i GUARANTEED VAItlCOCKIiK money Thrive If unsblc W write for pRAIK8yjfNATUKAIJl and jjCor Michigan Ave and Shelby St DETROIT MICH PATENTS GUARANTEED Oar Ice if we op receive our a upon U4dvetilficd out ibioxigh rcCTjve Patent Record fin and Journal by Ma intra Investors J EVANS CO Out May Alexander Rosa has been jail for robbe ries committed here during past six months was this morning sen tenced to five years in Kingston Peni tentiary At the last meeting of Council a motion passed ordering that as soon as the present licences for the sale of cigarettes in expire the fee he raised to such a figure as to be prohibiting of Helped in a Trice and Permanently Cured Persistent use of Dr Oint ment will eradicate almost every kind of skin disease No mailer how long standing or allays with one application Its quickest cure known for eczema and salt and will cure blind piles in from 3 to nights Sply No wmarket i if A ir If your baby is delicate and sickly and its food does- not nourish it put fifteen or twenty drops of Scotts Emulsion in its bottle three or four times and you will sec a marked change We have had abundant proof that they will thrive on this emulsion when other food fails to nourish them It is the same with larger children that are delicate Scotts Emulsion seems to be the element lacking in food Do not fail to try it- if children do riot thrive It is as useful for them in winter Ask your fatter if this is net SCOTT ft to W KG Tot en to SILO diameter Is to be more than feet have the staves of by material left plain so that and drawn to gether the of contact on the Inner edge will become tighter as hoops are drawn closer Set up four- posts vertically of by stun die- apart on the circle them En place Build a working scaffold about the outside of these posts Set up the first stave plumb it and toe nail at the top to of the four posts As each stave fa set toe nail It at the top to the one next to It already set and for a silo feet Id diameter have a lot of sugar barrel staves to nail hori zontally to the silo staves on the In side to preserve the proper curve Nail two of these staves a foot apart on a line with a above and over the space between the two having a row near the top and bottom put on In this way The hoops used are fiveeighths inch round or may be of woven as used for fencing bottom hoop should he about inches from the base of the silo the second two feet above the first the third two feet and a half above the second and so on increasing the distance a half foot each time until the two hoops nearest the top are four feet apart Draw the hoops tight enough to pre vent anything getting between the staves and only tighten up after the silo Is filled A Piece or Pore The discovery of the famous Trojan mine Id Calaveras county Is curi ous as an Illustration of pure luck cud doubtless has heartened many a miner In January Henry Becker a German John Trimmer a Connecticut man two poor ragged discouraged mining- prospect ors went Into the mountains of Cala veras county tccut wood for fuel They expected to make something like or each per month during the winter by the sale of the wood They made their home in an old abandoned miners cabin A heavy fall of snow had covered the ground to tbe depth of two or more feet One day the two men built a great of brushy heat melted the snow left an area of hot earth Becker determined to an oven out of the hot ground ami securing a haunch of deer meat be the digging of a hole which to bake It At the depth of two feet he came upon a bed of rock lie had been- a prospector too long to resist the temp tation of examining the rock and ac cordingly before placing the meat in the hole he broke off a piece of the rock Then after the venison was burled and roasted- he examined the broken bit of rock carefully by the light of bis cabin candle To very great aston ishment It proved- to be whet miners call live rock assaying to the top- For several months Becker Trim- kept their great find a secret In the meantime gathering Information the dip angle and length and breadth of their new discovered edge Within a year from Its discov ery this mine had and Trimmer rich BEST SARSAPARHLA Best is an easy boast But theres no best without a test You expect something extra of best something extra in bread from best flour something extra in wear from best cloth something extra in cures from best medicines Its that something extra in Sam- that makes Ayers the best That something extra is quality Remember its quality that cures not quantity Geb Smith of the Peoples Drug Store Seymour Conn says I have sold your goods for twentyfive years and when a customer asks me for A I says If you will take my opinion use Ayers Sarsaparilla I will guar antee that you will receive more benefit by using one or two bottles of than you would by using half a dozen bottles of some other kind When they take it I never hear any complaint Ayers cures all diseases that have their origin in blood sores ulcers boils eruptions pimples eczema tetter scrofula etc It cures cheaply it cures quickly and it cures to stay why its best After meaty years experience a a I consider to toy similar preparation the market and I give the preference all others A C WOODWARD Worcester mn oar estimation at SaraapariHa the Wo carat It of in other than very highest terms State Street V Sajtapiiilli the bill Wood purifier on the market Dr CO Gardner tf I tlnnlc it failed to euro If to re Cttii r- J i

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