Newmarket Era, 18 May 1900, p. 1

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J A Jm r C- f I gives combined and is ackttowledgcd to be the Leading County Paper jo NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCEE AND ADVERTISER mo the liberty to enow to utte and to argue reply according to above all other J No paper sent of North York paid in advance No Single Copies Each Newmarket Friday May 1 900 per annum I If paid in advance No Thus Is a id vice tf If you to linn I thai von for walls and cMliwsof your rooms of wall lues Wall ior often contain germs ami decay on lliC Willi roll It harder with you Wont STOW it Wont water mill a to It if Is no painter handy I never hart a complaint from a customer hits bought it inc Wine out often I have tint card shnwlnuMxIccn tints and while WDiciiiaiillookflttlicm Alabastine Sold by PAINTS OILS Try our Coal Oils NEWMARKET if Our Has twelve per ciut the Why not hi ye call on yon We now call on over one hundred and sixty families in Newmarket We carry a good variety of Shells Cream Italic Props Snow Drops Bread and Fried Cakes Fruit Cake also Fresh Bone Cokes and Tea Cakes and Tea Cakes each day JACK Opposite Pipher House ASSURANCE GO The Company has now enter ed upon its year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity Accumulated Funds about Annual Revenue over Keep Hoeing and Praying Bald Farmer Jones In a whining tone To good old neighbor Ive worn my through to he bono But It aint no pray 4 twice as good as mine Though you pretend to bo A in the church to And tell salvations free Ive prayed the Lord a thousand For to make that grow And it Id gin a deal Raid Farmer Grey to neighbor In easy way prayers got mixed with lazy bones dont make farmio pay J il I notice are good tall of all prayers You may pray for corn till the heavens fall If you dont dig op tbe tares J mix my prayers with a toil Along in every row An I work a Into the soil Quito with a boo An Ive discovered though still in sin As sure you are born This kind of well worked Makes pretty corn Bo while Im praying I my hoe An do my boat To down the woods along each row An the Lord does all the rest Its well for to pray both night and morn As farmer knows But the place pray for thrifty la right between the rows You must use your bands while praying though If an answer you would get For prayer worn knoea and rusty hoe raised a big crop yet An so I believe my friend If you mean to win day From ploughing clean to harvest You must hoe as well as pray l t 1 I r I i i A m r A 1 j r f m OttQuia J with Company Royal Canadian now serving in of Mr Haines of Newmarket whose letters home have been read in the Era with- such interest Success of gritisfy forces of Kroonstad Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year Polices were issued for STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to over Four teen Millions of Dollars BONUS 1900 Assure now and secure a share of the profits District Inspector J A Agent The EMULSION It of Cod EMULSION I br leading of The D EMULSION It a girt an appetite SI per BottH Bewfeyoaget DAVIS LAWRENCE the CO- Limited New Spring Goods have arrived and collection of for the coming season Cannot he Surpassed for extensive variety v designs and general com pleteness The latest styles of fashionable shades of ex- value and wearing durability Fancy Vestings and Fancy Trouserings are included and examine and make your selection War Practically SEE Clover Timothy and all kinds of Field Seeds FLOUR Hungarian and Ontario Fam ily Pastry Flour J WILLSON Cor A largo quantity of gravel caved in on John Bryant at His collar bone was broken and other in juries inflicted Children Cry for CASTOR I A- as well tin you can to day and perhaps tomorrow you may be able to do better Newton ae a chases M Is Jit direct to I he he Our Toronto fetter The Veterans of have decided to hold their annual decoration cere monies on Empire Day May in stead of June as formerly The Swimming Club will open their club house on the Island on of May iV A man named Abraham Cohen was up before the Police Court on Friday last on a charge of bigamy He elect ed to be tried by a jury and was re manded for a week If Cohen had not taken from his wife and hurriedly left the house the bigamy might not of been discovered While hunting for her money Mrs Cohen No came across a summons for her supposed husband to attend- court as wife No 1 had applied for an absolute divorce This led to Cohens arrest Evangelist and family leave their summer home on Lake next Monday A tragedy almost unexampled in the criminal annals of this city took place on Thursday of last week in the office of the Richelieu Ontario Naviga tion Co on St wharf by which the companys agent Peter Molntyre died at the hands of his son a lad of years who shot him thru the heart The boy is under ar rest and said he shot his father be cause he refused to allow him go to St Catharines to work for his At coroners inquest the prisoner said he did not want to shoot his father only to frighten him The coroners jury after digesting evidence signed this verdict We find that Peter came to his death on Thursday the 10th the result of a pistol wound The pistol when discharged was in bands of his son Arthur We find there was no malice afore thought We the distribution and sale of pernicious novels to child ren Alfred Cosby one of Torontos best fejown and most high- respected citizens died at his residence College street at oclock on Saturday evening an illness extending over a period of about three months Cosby was a liberal but never took an active part in politics He was a Presbyterian Js lbs Toronto JJ r Jamestown St Helena May Yesterday one of the Boer prisoners confintd at the was discovered scaling the fence which encloses the grounds the burghers are detained guard who saw him challenged him three times but tho Boor made no ireply whereupon the guard shot him London May 10 Lord Roberts sends the following telegram to the War Office Zand River May The are in retreat They occupied a miles in length Ours was necessarily longer With the widely scattered force it will lake some time to learn tbe casualties but I am hopeful we have not suffered much The cavalry and horse artil lery are pursuing the Boers by three different roads Rift Thursday May morning The Boers opposed the British advance positions Zand drift back along whole line from Gen Hamilton on the east and Gen on the west Chiefly artillery was engaged The Susses Regiment charged a kopje at the point of the bayonet and the East Lancashire captured another The British is insignificant London May Lord Roberts telegraphs to the War Office under date of Geneva Siding May 11 as follows My headquarters with Pole-Car- division marched twenty today and are now at Geneva Siding fourteen miles from and about six miles from where the Boers are holding entrenched posi tions Gordons brigade is in touch with them I Tuokers division is a short distance southeast and Hamil tons force is still further east brigade overtook a part of thaenemys convoy yesterday afternoon at Laaget south east of Venter8barg and captured sev eral wagons and some prisoners with Porters and Dick sons brigades and mounted infantry is some distance due north of this place We have taken nearly prison ers during the last two days All the Free Staters who could give a good account of themselves have been dis armed and allowed to return to their farms Geneva Siding Friday May morning The British forces have ar rived here marching Gen French in the advance Firing was heard yesterday- in the direction of his force Some of the had approached a kraal where a force of Boers were concealed A white flag was flying from the kraal While the troopers were un saddling their horses a deadly fire was poured in upon them from the win dows of the farm house killing sever al of the A score of thorn were also captured most of whom had been wounded KhoonoTad May arrival of Roberta was hailed with en thusiasm by nil the inhabitants hundred Free Staters were anxious to bridge to tho south had destroyed hut large bridge the town had boon demolished The Irish Brigade with the Federals yesterday burned the goods shed Ac cording to the townspeople many of them were drunk Tho Boers are now trekking to the River where they are entrench ing Gen French encamped north east of the town despatched a force to cut the line Tho project suc ceeded late at night but unfortunate ly after the departure of the last train Although the troops had marched miles they were in excellent form on entering the town Many arrests have been made chiefly of those who had British It was found that many persons have been depot tw from for ultra- faympathy with the British President has gone to ley the new seat of the Free State Government A number of the burgh ers are trekking homeward The op position in the Free State is practical ly over All the prisoners who were in the hands of the Boers here agree that the- quarrel between the Free and the is so acute that the Transvaalers have de cided to leave their allies whom they accuse of cowardice and lack of patri otism Most of the Transvaal prisoners think that if they are defeated at the Vaal River the Boers wilf retreat to Pretoria but there appears to be a growing distrust in the Transvaal Gov ernment In a word the back bone of the Boer resistance seems to have been broken The burghers are fighting without their previous stub- They seem ready to retreat on the slightest pretext The prisoners even the appear glad to have been- captured They they are sick of a war which can have only one end Several have exclaimed We have lost our liber ty but why should we lose our lived ANOTHER CANADIAN WAS KILLED War despatches on May state that A6 Floyd of the 7th Hers London was killed Also that Armstrong of Quebec Leonard of Ox ford Rifles and McLean of Rifles were wounded Hamilton May 13 Canadas as sistance to the Motherland in the South African war has resulted in an immense order for clothing being given the Mfg Co by the Imperi al authorities The company is now busy turning out a contract of uniforms of khaki serge for army in Africa Tho contract calls for delivery of the uniforms in four months in lota of per week The order is the first received from the homo Govern moot and it opens lout great possibilities in the way of contracts tor finch work Port Hope carried the water works by a majority Tho volume of trade between Cana da and Great Britain continues to in crease at a most gratifying rate par ticularly in the amount of Canadian goods purchased by old country consumer The returns or April show in that month alone follow ing substantial increases over the fig ures of the same month wheat full cattle bacon 150000 lumber flour pulp horses cheese and ham 000 each and peas making in those lines alone an increase of 300000 in one mouth against which there is a slight decrease of 10000 only in butter the result of a scarcity in that article for exportation Canadas imports from Great Brit ain shows a healthy increase woollens cottons carpets lines jute and wearing apparel besides many other lines all revealing a growing tendency the total increase being over leaving a balance in favor of the Dominion of a million dollars for the month This is the SOLID AND SUBSTANTIAL ADVANTAGE which Canada is receiving in return for her preferential tariff toward Great Britain and merchant the manu facturer and the farmer will have ho difficulty in deciding whether he is the more by a policy which is at tho present time giving this increased market or by the policy of Sir Charles and his colleagues who have declared they would give no con sideration to the Motherland without receiving an equivalent in the shape of parallel concessions or in other words that they would do nothing to improve the trade relations between Canada and other portions of Empire un less was prepared to put an actual tax upon her food imports which did not happen to come from one of her colonies Sir Charles knows and every reasonably in formed citizen knows that no Brit ish Government could hope to secure enough supporters to form a corporals if he went to the country with such a policy and if they did not know it before they have no longer an ex cuse for ignorance for Mr Chamber lain has told them so in very unmis takable terms RAILWAYS IN MANITOBA While it is true that there no problem of greater national import ance to at the present time than that of railway construction and transportation generally it is also true that probably no part of the Dominion is more vitally concerned in this mat ter the Province of Manitoba Theconveneinceand cheapness of rail way facilities touches the Manitoba farmer more closely and personally than any other matter and it is there fore only to be expected that the ques tion would become one of paramount importance in every election fight whether federal or provincial No Government did more for the develop ment of railway enterprise in the prairie province than the late Green- way Administration and it is open secret that he incurred the enmity of the railway corporations because of his refusal to surrender the- rights of the people and load down the province with heavy liabilities for their benefit and that this enmity was a potent factor in bringing his defeat Having succeeded for the time be ing at least in hoodwinking the peo ple to tbe true position of affairs in provincial matters AN IS NOW BEING MADE to misrepresent the attitude of the Federal Government and the presi dent of the Northern Pacific Railway The truth of the matter is the Northern Pacific is figuring upon be ing able to induce Mr Hugh John to do what Mr would never do construct these branch at the public expense and then allow them to be absorbed into the Northern Pacific system This is not a now scheme by any means all parts of the Dominion have too often experienced the same sort of thing but it is only since the present Government assumed office that any kind of a check has been placed upon the railway corporations Friend and foe alike will be gratified to learn that reports of Hon Clifford aro assuring eminent anrisc he Jilted in Vienna give him great marked imorovemeni in his hairing already ho ha dorivid able ben tilt from their ireim- J health of the What fcheQlcl Soys J Walking has about become a lost art The carriage tho street car the bicycle the automobile have practi cally banished this royal recreation The shadow of the flying machine is even now in the highway As a means of locomotion Shanks mare has been placed in humanitys junk shop along with the ox cart and tho pony express Only and the tramp twin relics of the earths days of chivalry and romance saunter along the road Most people take the cinder path or a trolley car Even in spring when the whole earth blushes with the suns good morning kiss and every bush beckons with its flag of green the average man walks not He sits down and employs an engineer an electrician or a home to draw around The physical effect of non- walking is already apparent When the horse was a luxury reserved for princes who were warned not to trust him the race of man was stronglimb ed broadchested with the biceps of the village blacksmith and the diges tion of the ostrich The gymnasium was an unknown No Jew was roundshouldered and lived into his tenth century Man lived in the open air drank of the sunshine and dine1 on the dew He used his legs and arms as well as his heart and brain There were giants in those days Laziness and the love of lucre sought out many inventions and the scene The groves give to other and more substantial temples The wigwam fades cabin and the cabin into the city mansion Cheap transportation comes shorten- mans step and shortening his life The buxom beauty is no longer the belle of the ball but the spiritual Io creature all eyes rare beef- stake complfxion which the original Venus wore is only in the drug stores and the gipsy camps In its stead is the pallor of tho lily and its If this thing keeps on and man who once swung the stone ax and wrestled a with the wild beast will become an apparition a mere ghost upon the stage of earth The only use he will have for his will be as a tas to label bis spirit pawn ticket for the undertaker to redeem the rigfit indi vidual for the burying Sent Free By Mail Ladies or gents superb ivory han dled knife or goid plated chain or beautiful plated seizors or latest pocketbooks or silver butterknife or sugar spoon or five sheets of latest music and hundreds of beautiful nov eltie of merit no space to mention here free one dollar mail order of our famous any price teas or coffees cocoas bakingpowder chocolate pep per mustard ginger etc at and a A by gets you any twoaticlo in the list or half doz heavy plated silver forks or tea table desert spoons or half doz gran ite pie plates or large sauce dish pre serving kettle or splendid large tea or coffee pot all Davidsons famous Your choice Trial order will convince you of the saving and exceptional quality Agents wanted Stamp for big prize list Write to us Select your prize or we for you and lbs order of anything lb and lbs order 200 Mention what von want teas or coffees or some of each GREAT TEA CO 1464 St Catherine St Montreal Que l I the Interior was obiter Ottawa May Mr McCarthy M P has made tno announcement in advance of the supplementary esti mates that Government intend to make a at 125 feet wide and feet in depth during coining summer As cutting of rock as the length of the channel is very considerable will ii is run away up in thousands

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