I J- THE NEWMARKET ERA MAY Warm Go Wall Papers Starr Farm xoii Co To Ladies Todd Land Plaster Sail J Holiday Rate Grand Trunk Maobtncs- Central May Smith Boyd- ToFarmers Standard Co Attention Allan House to Rent Stratum Man Wauled- Smith Astray J Card of Thanks Band tlectric By Co Toronto to Each TIME TABLE Leave North Toronto Leave am 9 am am M to pm GO am 11 am pm a is 15 pm rtOO pm pm Return Fare either way 120 TRUNK RAILWAY DIVISION 35 a ft a manna a HP c IF a CO MO tic Si u a fr T- in LETS UP BOX BRIGHTER WITH all FRIDAY MAY Goyeruraot presided oyer by the member for York in the House wonderfnl tivity along calculated to develop and enrich the people of Ihie Province We now learn that an Order in has re cently passed requiring tan bark on lands in Ontario to be consumed in the or words the ex portation of tanbark oat on Crown lands prohibited is Premier Rosa will leave Toronto on of bo speaker a at a of ibo Canadian in Now tbo following honor of Her Majestys birthday Hon Mr Gibson yesterday for CMlforufa tot a short vacation Tub three dynamiters bo wore on of to land canal have all committed for trial The canal hue the arrest took been fjuardod by this weik a of twenty men Royal baa been ordered for duty to the local for a time From at the only predominating that men wore hired to by the of Britain tho Crown Lands Do at Toronto rccolycd of bush flros in Rainy district firo in Denton Township and from through a part of Township Many of been burnt out of and home but boon providod by their fortunate neighbors What Commissioner of Crown Lands statod the Assembly Mr Whitney swinging his arms and sawing air because Government was trying to torn our forests Into money boon Those bush fires do occur and devastate largo sections being extinguished Among the measures last of the was one to amend relating to travel ling shows first so as to make the Act applicable to all travelling shows prohibits muni cipal from issuing a license to any droits or travelling show until applicant produces a llceneo from the Treasurer allowing ex hibition to bo shown in Ontario Any cor poration official granting such license in violation of will bo liable to a doe of This amended also pro for punching the licensee if he per- mite gambling or any game of con nected with hi Money a for to he paid fit advance Society Column PERSONAL The leader of the Opposition and hie lieutenants Aaembly having failed to accept the challenge given Mr Preston to meet htm In pub- insinuations made against him on the of the House where he apnoar- before the West Elgin CommUstnn sni made a ft at on en oeth As Mr Preston denied Mr Whitneys impeach ment the latter prosecute foe pur or hold his longne Preston Paid wire to Hug the but had tho word which had a byword through a cartoon pub in tho Telegram and party workers in East Wellington as threshing machine The whole story wrongdoing is now purely imaginary of to At the opening of the present Assize Court at Toronto Monday last Chan Boyd reported to have closed hie address to the grand jury with these very and forceful observations re specting the wonderful progress of Ontario during the century now closing The first generation la this century saw the dawn of responsible government and ab solute freedom from all Church privileges so that was as ftaid the freest country in the world The second generation saw Canadian Confed eration established and now at the end of the century there was still a larger going on the federation of the Em pire ih- growth of this country had been of a steady progressive and its future progress would not be by plans of theorists or schemes of politicians but by its own dovelopement i A e8patch dated Pembroke Opt May announces the unexpected of Mr A drew White P North Deceased entered at the general election in 1698 bis death a has been created in the Assembly and as North Renfrew re garded us a constituency no doubt the contest to fill the seat will be one of more thin ordinary interest news comes from England that Chamberlain the foremost man in the British House of Commons today has the general basis of hie project for the formation of the highest court in the Empire formerly known as the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council A city the project as follows The court is to bo representa tive of the Empire at argeand each col ony is to have a judge upon lie bench who will ait for seyen years and will ha a life peer the salary will be that of a Lord of 000 per There is a greA position looming up for sotne jurist with a fine salary and attached to it The purpose is lo another bond of In the case of and Sherwood the two bribers in the election upon whom sentence was reserved last month the court recently rendered judgment posing a fine of on each or six months imprisonment in cate default The fine recorded against Storey was re duced to Down in authorities were hauling up the de faulters lately to convey them to prison for defsult- The Pickering News thinks it a Lard case to take the defaulters now tie there in plenty of work to ho hid at or no work the Perhaps they v ill lea imirl6riimrt is to interest is being created among farmers and over the in creasing demand for sugarbeet and that they can bo grown in Ontario with profit The Ontario Govern ment are assisting this by distributing free seed to those farmers who will make a trial test of the different varieties and if satisfactory there is no doubt that several factories will be established branch of industry comes under the direction the Agricultural Department and every thing is being done to assist means of supply of the very many articles for which is a rapidly increasing de mand The Opposition spoke in vary strong terms the appointment of a Minister of Agriculture and the establish ing of a College but it been proved that this was a very important move on the part of the Government Since the establishment of this Creameries and Cheese Factories have sprung up in every farming turnout the pro vince and are today an article which ie demanding the highest price in the of the world The Creameries and Factories are managed by experts who received their instruction at the Ontario Agricultural College Stock Register Broadway An imported property of Mr Draper Bel- haven will North bury and Scott making its home with Mr Parks Broadway ie just the to got stock which is now in demand A beautiful heavy draft horse the property of a will travel thru and ig the making its home with Kcwmsrket This Is and his year Hives promise of very fine oials Bee card Mies is from for a while Mr Will visiting in days last wceb Mies of Toronto la here on a visit with Mrs Cane Mrs A K visited her parents at on Wednesday Miss Emery of Toronto cousin of Mrs is hereon a visit Mr and Alex Millard of Toronto spent over at Misses of Richmond Hill the guests of Mrs Coombs over Sunday Mrs of Toronto vieitiog her sister Mrs in Town week Tho Secretary of Richmond Hill Spring Fair for a compli mentary Rev it Industrial Homo last Sunday afternoon Miss Gain and her sister Sarah of Toronto wore calling on friends in Town last Saturday Mrs an to a couple of days last week Mr J I has been roeleotod Superintendent of Methodist Sunday SchoolatOrlllift Mr and Mrs of Toronto op on Wednesday for a of days fishing in Mr WiddiQetd St arinea this week owing to the serious Ill ness of hie sister Mrs Collins Mr Ed Barry left this week a of weeks with hie parents at as he was not foaling very well Bey Ml Turk and family of Toronto passed thru town on Monday on way to their summer at Orchard Beach Mrs and Mrs Koowles nave returned from St Catharines and report their Bister very low little hopes re covery Father of Hill in Newmarket on Monday mak ing a fraternal visit with Rev Father Ontario St Mies of London who has been here two monihe or more left yesterday for homo Her sister Mrs Jack accompanied hereto Toronto Mm day last week and having brought the in formation that her mother was very sbu left next day to visit at Mr J postmaster at City formerly of Aurora has our thauaefor a largo baton Yukon papers They appear to bo pretty well on the war news Tima Mr J E Boilings bead Mathematical Master the New market High Sohool speot a couple of days this week with hie old principal Mr J Rev M has passed his ex aminations at Hall and la now in Town on hi holiday He was success ful in passing ah and obtained second At the regular Board Meet ing of the last week Mr Jackson was elected represent to the District Meeting which tikes place at Tottenham next week Warden and the Commission ers of County Property Messrs Johnston and Engineer pot up at the House on Wednesday nigbt on their tour of inspection Toronto Globe of Wednesday will leave on Thursday for New York and will sail on Saturday for Europe where they will spend the sum mer His many friends to hear that Mr Lyman is rapidly recovering from his recent illness Mrs of Brentford and her Mr of Indianapolis call ed on Mrs one day week on their way to visit friends at Bradford Mrs was well known In Sharon about years ago where she taught school her maiden name Miss Tim Mr Millard re turned from Toronto on Tuesday where he has been attending the horse He disposed of his span for a good round sum and purchased from Seagram the horse king a pair of ranners young Animate which he will train here Mr Millard Is a great admirer of good and had an exceedingly pleasant time in Toronto The young men of Newmarket will remember Mr Chas Thompson son of Rev Thompson wbo resided here se veral years ago Charlie joined the First Contingent to South Africa and last week chum here Mr Elgin got a letter from biro from which we are to take the following extract had the misfortune to get wonoded at the Battle of While attacking the Boer position there I received a bullet thru my left arm above elbow ran th ing the bone The doctors I am unfit ted for at present as my arm will be useless for months and I am be ing sent to England for treatment wilt probably be Hospital It is rather hard to bo out so early iq the gams but I bad aatUfaollon of bowling over of the enemy two that I am sure of It is with a feeling of pride I think of our chaps in action they acted splendidly firo Give my regards to your mother and all the At I station destroyed by Are In fam ine duo to Ottawa dally journals their prices Jlov of was tho of Hamilton as successor in- r Vl special from Minn days all tho lines of tho now Canadian road boon con solidated undor the Canadian Nortltorn An old man William bat himself in found dead after ton within a furlong of his homo largest number of an American port in one day arrived at Now York on Wed nesday in ships and numbered tallest soldier of tho rank and filo in British army private of Guards foot inches shortest being Grace- who is barely foot In Italy on tho Lake of Vioo during a celebration of fete of St two boats filled with young people capsized within yards of Thirty or forty people were drowned r Now that the British section of the Orange State has been thrown open to trade it will bo speedily ob served the people will begin to banker more for peace and profit in stead of war and wooden legs At Joseph was jolt ed off a laden cart in the vicinity of mill Ho ft- 11 directly in front of the wheels which pushed over him killing him almost instantly The has cases against and their successors Co of Mont real for customs undervaluation each firm paying and costs There were from in three days in the famine camp at Bombay while at the deaths are so numerous that authorities are unablb to collect which lay for days in Horse are being killed wholesale in the wood near Morris Park L for into and corned beef for shipment to Italy France and Belgium The health au thorities arc interfering because of till odor The fact that many servants been leaving the employ of Americans in Manila and other sus- incidents create a fear at the capital that an outbreak of natives is on the tapis A The enormous trade of last Week has left with a lot of remnants of Carpets and Wall Papers To clear these ends at once we have marked the prices much less than regular Ends of All Wool r arrets that should sell at ioo to clear at Ends of Union Carpets that should be clear at Ends of Tapestry that should be clear at Ends of Ingrain Carpets that should be clear at These ends are in lengths of from ten to thirty yards Joe the old- ton of A of was run over by an electric car in Ottawa and cut to May 18 barrel- 35 White per bushel SI Rod Wheat per Goose Buckwheat Barley per bushel per bushel Pea per Bushel- 0 11 roll per Potatoes per bag per W Wool per lb Ray per ton SO Qeesoper lb pair 0 turkeys per lb drescd per too HI a a a a a a a a a a a OH a fl I 10 a CO a WW a tO a a a a a air CO 18 Bed Wheat per Whit per bushel Goose Wheat per bushel Barley per bushel Oats per bushel Peas per bushel Rye per bushel 56 Eggs per 012 Potatoes per bag 0 45 Sheepskins Wool per lb- IT 70 a 15 13 OH 125 0 Pore per to CO Chickens per pair Ttirkeysperlb per bushel Timothy Seed per I f0 CloyerSeed per bushel a a a a a a a a a a a a a WOO a a 50 a 0 It a a a 4 a a a Fresh Seeds AT mm mm I About twenty lots of handsome Papers some with ceiling match and all with borders These are all new goods that have sold and to clear out quickly they go at about half the former price Pair Handsome Lace Curtains this week a Pair Parasols from 75c to 200 Ladies Sailor Hats to New Blouses to 125 Fancy Muslins to Cotton Hosiery 5c to Childrens Straw Hats all kinds A Mew Suit for the Boys Suits from to 8oa Boys Washing Suits to worth double Mens Fine Irish Worsted Serge Suits 9 at 750 Mens Extra Fine TailorMade Suits reg at Extra Fine Worsted Suits well worth 15 for 10 Boys Brownie Suits very swell for little boys 250 to 3 50 OUR Trade grows in tlvs department every day Mens Fine Dongola Kid Lace Boots 175 special at Boys Swell Tan or Chocolate Lace Boots reg 150 special at 135 Ladies Fine Oxford Shoes reg 7 5c our special at 69c Big range in Kings Fine Low Shoei from to 300 Our Children Shoe Stock is very complete test it if in need H E MAD DOCK The Leading AND News Depot SLAUGHTER OF THE SEASON IN al WALL Remember this is bargain for all those who intend to paper this spring Our stock is heavy and the assort ment greater than any previous year therefore the chances given here will not likely be repeated very soon of Wall Papers a dozen of the best pattern in Gilt and Floral designs with borders and ceilings match at price See the window Ingrains with ceiling and or inch Borders to match also some paper at Drab Blue Yellow and Green Shades at the old price per yard In order to reduce our stock and give all a genuine bar gain we have creat- ed a Undertaking House Telephone MILLARD Special quotation this week for new seeds We only commenced handling seeds this year therefore you know they are fresh Mangel Wurtzel per lb 1 Sugar Beet Imp Danish per special per lb Turnip New per A full assortment of Garden and Flower Seeds Table Vegetables Onions Lettuce Radishes and Asparagus from our own gardens daily DRY Central Telephone The At Aurora on le lb wife of Wen A Baldwin of a eon Rostra At Aurora April wife of Roberta of a At Aurora on April wife of James a At Aurora on the wife of of a eon At the Richmond Hill May to Rev N a son At The Manor Aurora the of wife of Dr Hillary of a daugh ter At oh May to Mr Foster a daughter The filtai At St Jobna Charcb Re Father May Mr Joseph to Mies Sarah now of Toronto but formerly of Tomb Found In on May 3rd Eliza wife or James Found aged year to Queen of England is the sovereign living feet in height j tho of iiUesl indict Main All Orders will Prompt Attention At van- killed when working hundred and ten tons ft barn fiart of wall of the build- have bun shipped to inn fulling in on him South Africa