I v peeks teat WHAT OH IK ABOUT Christian of w with Roy Weeks The big boiler the was cleanedout on Monday lower and reservoirs to bo cleaned week Board Health recommended this to bo that there bo no doubt as to purity of the well supply for warm weather Produce There was a flno business in Town and a wry good Arm at Ho from to An quantity of were brought forward a bag was good many aold loads At Wo and some took their potatoes homo rather than sell at that The Trolley thru care from Toronto to arc being up with a much needed a wo A concession for business now made- in roto to Toronto by tho on Wednesday leaving Newmarket a m and pm Tickets for Toronto good to return only same day now sued at Gospel Temperance to warm weather attend ance at the meeting last Bun- day afternoon was quite limited The protim was provided by Mrs in chair and Mra Lush organist Two stirring addresses were by Mr I Moore of the Friends Torontoand Rev ERYoung of diet Hook Room The Royal provide the program next Bun- day float Ruinous The of allowing boys to their evenings on streets Is one of the moat ruinous dangerous and things possible and surely marks their acquire under the cover of night an on- healthy etate of mind vulgar and profane language obscene practices criminal lawless bearing In deed it is In the streets after nightfall that boys generally acquire an education and the capacity to become rowdy despot ic criminal men Parents do you believe A Good Investment Sixty typewriting machines of the new est and btst represent a Hula of money The Investment of the required amount been by Mr Shaw of the Central Business College Toronto in behalf of the young people who attend his school by purchas ing new Underwood machines and of standard kinds The Central College the firat Canadian eohcol to adopt method of typewriting which requires a fingering of the keyboard and the use of all rigor a band Under the direction of a teacher the students in this school can scarcely fail to expert typewriters and we are not surpris ed to learn that graduates of the short hand department of this college are always in filling the best situations go- The Way to Get A writer in the Hews Letter has this to say of mail order business of tho great departmental stores What many local merchants are doubtless trying to lied out is bow to prevent the loss of home trade resulting from the mail order system of the departmental store There is only one preventive You have to beat the departmental at its own game and Its game is advertising It is the system of advertising as adopted by large stores that attracts and appeals to out-of- town customer The mail order system in itself does not attract It has no unless they in the ity which afforded of contributing to the revenue of the express and transportation companies Advertising alone the secret of saccess of shopping by mail in every merchant knows or ought to know that advertising is the foundation atone and the keystone of M The Villi of their popular open air concert on toe Wotha lawn on- evening next I j-s- Day With loyalty Empire will in Newmarket villi great en by The and aro assemble in the Town Hall on Wednesday when patriotic addresses and songs will bo Is to contribute to the and to the doubt the Hall will be crowded Tho object loyalty to he British Empire Id children and in the Union Jack Queens Birthday anniversary of Viotoriafl birth will be in right loyally Two flno lacrosse and have been arranged The Broadway of Toronto homo while the of Toronto J not ion I cross with out famous Both will no doubt be matches and ahould draw a good crowd At present there there will bo a tremendous crowd at Ex hibition Park on Birthday Baseball match at p The boys have potting in good this week and should give a good account of themselves The Baseball nine will be picked from the following Weir E Doyle Howard Howard Gamble Haskett Collin sj Marrow J J Kelly A The from J Kelly Kelly Kennedy Smith Knowles J Doyle Doyle Manning Doyle Simpson provided for and escorts Encourage the boys by presence Coming Fly time Windows Doors and The small on Monday was a workers Cooke tho elocu tionist rendered her In- an ad but one not In keeping with the oocasEon Mr gave a solo and the also sang well nolo was warmly received and Orchestra played well program was worthy of a foil house Drug apprentice Apply at Lehmans Drug Store Cement Pavement of largely price lumber and Its comparatively short life for sidewalk It does seem tons that It would be wise on the part of the Council to make some proposition to the properly owners or tenants along Main from at least Street to both sides for the laying down of walks If Main is going to ba torn up thta spring by the Metropolitan things should readiness for some thing of this nature We by the Georgetown paper that that Town a proposition for carrying on such work something similar this AH property own ere who petition for comont walks may oppcuite their they to pay many mills a year for thorn and they will not be taxed for any within the cor- juration Perhaps our Council could Its way to make some sucb arrangement It certainly worth thinking over 1 Things are coming and point to Newmarket County Town in the near future Oar Indus- tries are booming and by the way the farmer are taking hold of the Soger Fan- JJVtty it will boom too and to help our manufacturers Mr George has succeeded in organ ising a company to a test welt upon his farm to ascertain the quality of natu ral waiting for an outlet Before sink a well the company the corporation to give them a franchise of selling gas for a period in case they the anticipated flow and ft hat right that company should It is not reasonable to expect them to sink a lot of mousy and- not have some protection The should do everything In their power to further this project Those hold ing property in the vicinity should not expense of this company with out a seasonable length of time elapsing Boy The Brooklyn publishes quit a lengthy sketch of Or George A Robinson brother of Mr Titus a family that resided for a number of years in Newmarket and on a farm in Whit church adjoining this town Or named as a probable nomi nee in approaching election and the Is certainly favorable reflect ing much credit upon educational in- of hie early homo is also by excellent half tone graving The following portion will be road with interest by the older residents of part of the country The only man who considered for Assembly nomination next fall by the Republicans of the Second District Suffolk County Dr Geo A of and all hands considered that he will make an exception ally strong candidate Be is on the best of with all of tbe leaders of his party throughout this dletriot and the country is mixed op with no fractional contentious has an immense personal following among the young Republicans who will poll off their coats and work for and would certainly add tail 10 the strength of ticket Dr Robinson although a native of Can ada has been a resident of for more than and has become one of the beatknown citizens of Suffolk He was born ago at Newmarket Canada of English parentage who traced their ancestry back to daya of William the His youth was spent on a large farm and he received liberal educa tional advantages a tad and after thorough preparation be attended the Up per Canada College at Toronto Having a natural inclination towards the medical profession he began its under Dr Wells at and for three read under that preceptor Failing health obliged him to go abroad and ha spent some time in London under Sir William Ferguson the eminent court phy sician Upon his return from Europe he entered the medical department of the State University of Iowa from which he graduated in He began practice in with his former preceptor Dr Weill at on account of his health sought a more congenial climate and the same year located at which has ever since been his home He is now the sepior of the village and bis keeps him very closely oc cupied taking him into a number of of wealth and position who spend much of the year in this favored sec tion He however equally faithful In ministrations to the humble and lowly and probably no on Island doea more charity work or is better be loved by the people for miles around- Not long after coming to to live Dr married Amelia A daughter of Mr and A Foster esteemed residents of have a delight ful home and a charming family of two Primary Report for April Names in order of merit Stork Maggie Laura Cora Wilsot Violet Waits Frank OBrien Martin Emma Holmes Eva Osborne Georgle Boas Arrnitage Essie Kennedy Leslie Johnnie Frank Mabel Albert Holmes Lulu Davy Gertrude Weir Jr Pi Johnnie iloTavish Barry Meyer Frank Frank Phillips Roy Smith Toilio Cookrill Lite Smith Elgin Fisher Millard Names of pnplls neither late nor absent during the month Carl Norman Stork Bertie worth Carl Watte Boron West Leslie Hughes Morton Rosa Frank Barry Meyer Roy Smith Harry Clifton John MoTaylsb Freddie Wilton Albert Holmes Leslie Oswald Georgia Martin Russell Stork Beatrice Amy Eileen Hewitt Otto Collin Ethel man Cora Laura Violet Maggie West Eva Osborne Emma Holmes Frank OBrien Coming to Town making arrange men for a herb of June The flfmy St any on of Toronto aula ted by the Aurora will conduct a very special meeting la Barracks on Friday commencing at 8 pm Ail are In vltcd to attend During of pastor last Sunday the cervices by Rev Mr Mercer of and the congregation were very favorably Impress ed with W It understood have been so far completed week as to as surance that the annual of the North York Society will take on the of next month The route this year will be to by two Steamers to Ban waterlog place amon Islands of Georgian Bay Get ready for it J Correction With reference to tho display of musical Instruments and relics belonging to the Band in tho window of last a mistake was made about the date that tho subscription list was cir culated It September years ago Ont of the contrib utors we dnderatand pro only three living MesJire Joseph Millard Dr Patter son of and Edward Randall of States I A U3 of Dress Fabrics has never been Equalled in Newmarket before 1 white Hair Stripe Muslin Lace Check Tucked Skirt ing and Lawn and India Linen and Swing all in endless variety Rubber Blinds complete Curtains at and Cretonne very heavy or draping inches ride for Art Muslins from upward Art Sateens worth for J Cretonne fast color and soft finish 10c English Dutch Mercerized Mercerized Foulards Me tallic Skirtings Blouse Bon nie Flannel Cloth Scotch Zephyrs in Colors and Black and White Cotton Bunting In all Colors at So per yard Gingham New Stock Collar Lawn Blouses Insertion white Collar and You never fail with Baking Powder I 24th Decorations Flags all sizes and prices Hardware The Bond Conoeft Two things must be growing upon the of the public one that the Citizens Band worthy of public confi dence and other is that the Band Con certs are always worth going to The Town Hall was taxed to more than its seating capacity at concert last Friday night and everybody seemed to be delighted with the program ExMayor Robertson presided and the best of order was main tained The talent all proved to be most excellent artists there was a feeling of disappointment at the announcement that the Mies and one of the soloists James were to be present However the substitutes were very lea Teresa Flanagan the soprano showed that possessed a voice with great and much power She was repeatedly encored Mrs contralto soloist exhibited a strong melodious voice arid with much composure ap pearand was very attractive Mrs Lilian Burns was the elocutionist and grew in favor with the at appear ance responding to all encores Mr J A of Toronto proved to be one of the beat that ever appeared on stage in Newmarket patriotic songs were immense The Band made no mistake when they engaged Mr who was good both in solos and in duetts Mr Harry Bennett comic vocalist was even better than anticipated Every number was splendid humorous dean and yet Attractive patriotic song Canada will be there brought down the house The accompaniments were played throughout by Miss Lilian Hall of Toronto together with a piano solo proving her efficiency most admirably The operatic selection by the Band from the Bohemian Girl was preformed with remarkable and everybody proud of the progress that tte making under the leadership of Mr The stage decorations were artistic and unique and deserve special mention The fret work with hanging baskets fire place and general surround- were certainly arranged with much ability proceeds were over but the being over will only leave Band about clear Bind un dertook great In engaging ex pensive talent but the reputation of Band Conceit is now established end boys Me to bo on Us kitchen of Mr Toe Goulds residence has a new roof The pall timber for Canes Factory has commenced to come- In by train again The addition to the rear of Mr residence about completed Messrs Martin and Foster are putting op a new line fence this week on Mr Robert Pearsons vacant house at Collins corner been over hauled and made into quite a respectable looking place Millards Plaining Factory is again this week Mr Webb is adding a couple of porticos to his residence Canes residence has been greatly improved by a coat of paint throughout The brick wall at the rear of Mr David Millards residence been removed and the bank is being graded The row of tulips along Lydia street in front of Squire Pearsons premises looks lovely The Concert Company billed for the Temperance Hall on Thursday night of last week failed to put in an appearance The lads were running Town barefoot on Monday for tbe first time this season A travelling troupe engag ed the Town Hall for three nights this The sodden change in the temperature of the weather is considerable sioknesa Two big willow tree at rear of Mc Laughlins Tailor Shop have been removed thiB week which make a big Rap in the yard Dont let the apple worms get ahead of you now time to destroy them The machinists at Canes Factory have had their bands full this week changing the engine in the West factory for the new one Everybody should take a holiday next Thursday Correspondents will please send copy in early The York County Departmental Store a Departments AM THE CHEAP STORE r a- Percale Silkaline Solid By getting a Bios Flame Oil Gas Stove at once Sea samples working at Hardware All Kinds of Prices and Qualities White cotton Underwear Night Gowns Chemise Drawers Corset Covers Skirts Corsets 50c Blouse Extenders and Buckles Print Wrappers from up Blouses in Print Sateen Gingham Metalic Muslin Pique Linen and Silk ranging in price from 50c to 5 00 Wash in Pique Linen and Duck from 135 to 300 Underskirts in Moreen Sateen Silk and Satin from to in Meltons Serges Plain and Brocade Lustres Tweeds from 125 to 6 00 Shoulder Capes in Black Silk Chiffons and Lace 550 to Spping Coats in several shades of fawn plain and sateen lined just I dangers and As Mr A J Hughes of Sharon was driv ing Prof of College In his distribution of seed for Beet experiment they had on Sat urday morning last a moat narrow escape from serious injury to the want of a sufficient guard rail to the western approach of the high railway bridge on the road a mile north of Newmarket They were about over the bridge from the east as the train suddenly sp- peated Endeavoring to get over the bridge before the train should be beneath them bores became restive and to Bide of the bridge Ah there was no rail continued from bridge and a having taken place at that spot some or 12 feet in depth horse and Mr Hughes were suddenly and with great force precipitated to the bottom The hind wheel of the rig having canon on the of the bridge Prof worth by having a firm bold on the seat saved him self from being thrown out the rig was in an almost upright position The depth that when the traces with difficulty- sere by kindly aid of Messrs And A who by wore near at band that the horse dropped below the lower end of the shafts which were In a lar direction from the rig to the to cay the only injuria received were a strain to the ahoulder end sriii of Hughes and tome slight dam- to rig well attending to portions our cioitr and 275 Parasols all qualities all prices from to 275- Childrens Parasols and 50c Ladies cotton knitted Vests 5c and 50c Ladies Black Cotton Hosiery 20c 25c and Ladies and Childrens fancy plaid and stripe Lisle thread Hosiery week Skirt Linens Piques Sateens White and Colored Swiss Muslins Organdies Lawns Ginghams Zephyrs American English and German Prints TO ncr laee to the exceptional big demand this Springs Stocks that would last us the season were sold out Lines sold out have been rebought and are now in stock Prices range thus too 125 to 475 Our line is exceptionalvalue VV1 i