Newmarket Era, 18 May 1900, p. 4

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f Hit the Malt On the 3 If ft fttUngs of Hit iht fa he Hoods SwMptftittp Mr w W Ins it for doing ihb muting iht body I took Hoofs my by it me fttt new She J Best Advertising Medium York per for icscmon Advert I own outs with writ- Instructions Inserted until forbid ana changed each month if desired ottencr thu each month must bo paid Tor at regular rates Tor must bo Special I laid for Notices Kent Alleles nod Found A roiling will bo Inserted any where are fur ah ad rnlBBlJjn collection IttajcijnihtrylaoflnycUnnipobArtccd for riflWM No to tJU rji la flft No i I A political gathering otouffville on whim of Grown and John deftv The gathering a but wbftfc to point out in connection to JfwW5 prophet jiyi Hon Mr- Davis About time the prorogued our- lo of dissolution and London Free the World that Rosa of Government next Hon Mr Ravis declaring in stability of and also with all authority of aomoihing bo a to Mr viz no for Ontario am not telling you any Stat at all when I say bo that far an ioday thcro no reason why Legislature should not run Ha full If it does that still two i bo bold Wo Opposition in North York will boar this Jfiwt to work up a of program and possibly to provide another 0PRM fiX PA UN DERGONE ITS HARDSHIPS i Hard Work and Exposure to all Kinds of Weather etxiongeBt JctnartitIone How he ibtaned of I ftnctlalnes Book- Your Kidneys Your fitom- Next Day J Barrister Notary Public Ao Newmarket to Loan oh F public on Court Building P Cboppln a dome Herbert Aurora will also boat j SeWyLWKrtoii Saturday ud Court y8ollcituirorJ Co flankera lundOntarioank Aurora rndmlVionnatX p Barrister to loan floras at Toronto op- pointed oi t J of Chatham tor jturio poo ilP of KtORrtoV In most needed if of Mr Ran kin will bo Block Money to Toe and Paper la branches of in Papers to 2nd door North of Primary Street militia week wo find folly- York 2nd provisionally vice be word ion be dropped nu orator Our will be known as J Silk I reply to tbo question by for the the Allan and Elder- Steamship Compaoies bad en into ao agreement for the laiion of men material etc- the two Canadian to South Africa at the rate for officers and and for horses igoo of independence it la very fur from being one very nature of calling ex it to all weather it la not that so many chronic ailment Mi of Via example of this Mr iwasalwavs looked upon as having a rugged hardWork with exposure incident to on a farm ultimately proved too for About eighteen ago was at taoked withpains in the small of At first nature and while thy extremely painful- would after a day or two and might not bothor mo again for the after each interval grow more and more I alarmed consulted a said trouble lumbago Hie treatment would temporary but nothing and ultimately was almost a cripple To walk or even to move about in a chair or turn bed caused intone agony and in about I had to depend upon a cane If I attempted to stoop or pick anything pain would bo almost CPhia condition of had effect upon my whole ftyatam and for a man in the prime of my rendition was deplorable I think I had tried at least half a dozen rema dies i found relief and a cure and this came to me nigh the Will ante Pink Pills wbioha friend me to try 1 nomr the box waa att and limp I had taken five boxes I us well and as vpr and although months have now not had any return of the trouble entirely to he use of Or Pink and the only regret have is that I- did not try so J would hive saYoi much a A Poor Millionaire starved In because he bio rood Early use of Dr Khigs New Pills would hare Raved him They the aid digestion promote assimilation Improve appetite Price back It not Sold druggist The recognized of Pitch- Backache for Backache complaints tiai led to a lot of temodicx bobbing up an There only medicine balanced for relief of ant Kidney complaints Dr Tab lets indicates what for advertising is always directed that way not a jock of all trades medicino curing liver troubles to kidney troubles next and so on through list of human ills for Backache Kidnoy troubles all other remedies combined cannot refer you to such a volume of evidence in as follow- Mrs Willis Prospect A says Backache and Kidney have been a trouble I suf- fered from for some years not to the extent of laying mo up but still a lot of bother As it did not respond to ordinary treatment I got a bottle of Pitchers Backache Kidney Tab- lots at J It drug store and am happy to aay they acUd All trouble I had is gone and what is more I have given them to with results in in- I them early and break up the attacks I have recommended them lively and shall continue to do so f like hem better than any other remedy and shall always keep on hand If you have the slightest symptom of Kidney or Bladder trouble you can test this free Ar rangements have been made whereby every this paper can obtain a trial package of Dr Pitchers Back ache Kidney absolutely free by two cent stamp for post age The Pitcher Tablet Co Toron to When giving address men tion this paper If are convinced Pitchers Tab- mil you want you can ob tain regular size for cents per bot tle If not obtainable at druggists mailed free of on receipt of pike A UWi 4aT with at years hart coax fltrikts at the heart Which out jU forget Iq wild for JClt On rtnif to Not Out Word for It till Hit And til wWU Bui the den ki From Of child THE TEST OF LOVE i ircrrld en ipg Up Man Wot wholo world over tot her in vain ho the truth and wrfnjrta Ht tw known to to aota glamour With upon an early refused apparently to at tie constant bis sweetheart and Cecil Underwood Arid Barbara was at Uobai no she Slid to herself Ono wild day when the wind cried through the tree tops and the water along as If Id of pain to her in an mood You must come walking wJtb me bo said day expresses me I to speak of the torment of my heart and 1 will keep still no longer even at your bidding went out wltb bins under roar fllliil file world witb their were of storm souls hex us boat said Barbara when they bad reached the river Ko but she seem ed not id hear htm and untied her Ho but boat tbo lift of the pain In tighten and cor- rent carry ber along of the passage Of Suddenly Cecil cried out Barbara rapldsl Bee where you have taken us She glanced behind her it was true that the tossing white mane of water horses was not more half a mile away and boat was quivering In the pull of great power Barbara smiled a little It would not matter to tier so much she reflected If her great problem were to be solved that way But still ft was cowardly to die She set One young strength to a resist- July sunshine was as much at rowing up stream and Inclining home upon tbe river as on land the boat toward soutbern shore and the firm all Its comfort Bo absorbed was she In this task that and beauty could never give her the she did not notice the man with her till Back Iht FT kidney tw 1 and falter in h5 a work of filftrioKtho blood natures j that and that tho blood fa going tbo with foul poisons will or other fatal 7 Prudence to- fet their kidneys right of of thousands of tell them that to accomplish this there no mew so successful as the use of ChaAoi KldneyLIver worWi cure Pills con p Of all noble rivers that ao bound ing to sea none Is apendld than Columbia Its- pin clad give a majestic setting for silver stream But why should It bo callsd sliver deeper and more luminous than of a Jewel There hours when Its cascades have a thousand col ors like mother of pearl There are dawns after tbe mist has lifted when tho broad surface of the river above tbe cascades Is actually saffron or bur nished gold Barbara knew It la every mood and loved It whether It was with storm or sullen In harsh autumn day or under kidneys and are wonderfully efficacious As a prompt and positive care for liver complaint and the cations of organs are approached by any remedy pill a dote a box at all or Co a ROUGHS and COLDS tirAlnlug Done promptly ncatly and In I am a and Sign Writer I dp St Hardware at tire rciildcncu Mr J head of Street West Newmarket Bolton painter- House Corner Millards and Street AUCTIONEERS for the Co of Bold on Terras reason able- to Newmarket Tan Toronto to the staff the World on this wise The Montreal the Toronto World wires to the paper Saturday that the will not bo held until after another session of Parliament According to of the junior conservative organ at Toronto rumor at Ottawa- widely differs from same fickle authority in Montreal Ottawa fire fond now amounts to and the Patriot io fund to cattle have colic and crampa will cure every time a bottte In hot water a few times there is one perry ana MEDICAL fllftted Newmarket Office the laic flret of Post DENTAL Post opposite ICO Methodist Church guaranteed Dentist will boat of Dr Porter Brad ford James an inmate of Kent County Rouse of Refuge to while bin dinner Children Cry for remarks on is to bo a military as by Militia General orders issued on Wednesday the of s is removed from Bolton West to on With the military that ftp attention at present a company can be up But what will Sot say of Sutton now Ik viawof of paper the Toronto of the Cans Press at a unanimously adopted asking the to the present postal tax and a was sppoloteol to wait on the and for action on the lines of resolution will either have to increase their prices or get relief by government I of Whitneys vision fabrics presented on floor- of as gospel troth has all Before the tinder oath that the statement made by Mr on floor the Ho that Mr It A Grant bad paddled back and forth to West Elgin with confession and that had been signed in the presence a Cabinet Minister waa un true A lbs Telegram from Ottawa states that the present parlia ment will bo to a not than he and that authority the statement made a general will follow in ibe possibly within a month alter the adjournment Now get a good ready decks for com battle at fif while It may not be amies to state that another prevail that a good many members favor another session of parliament before an io country taken place flo for is ore they not the one or up to Ottawa Om May Col P for who taken with a fainting spell at the Parliament buildings on Tues day last is very low at the General Hospital Hi physicians have about given up hope of saving his life Watery Blood blood is thin endwatery the are actually starved ead exhaustion sod prostration soon follow Peed the nerves with Dr A food nod you- Impart to hem the new life and of perfect Pace cut sod of Dr A Chase on every box of tlic genuine Since we cannot get what we like us like what wo get Spanish Proverb town council is planting trees on the streets opposite tbe properties of for fifteen cents each The old hen and her chickens always a pretty eight but sentiment all knocked out of the case when she get to work with her brood in newly made flower garden WE THAT The A Menthol plaster will cure lum bago backache sciatica or pains quicker than any remedy Made by Davie Lawrence Co May The 14-year- old child of J of Centra to death on Saturday night The child a table cloth Upsetting the lamp A youthful customer of one of our inquired of artist other day if a should shave up or down The barber re- that in his he generally with the accent on the word down- THAT HACKING- COUGH is warning not to be lightly treat ed with certainty all recent coughs and colds Take It IrJ nlanufatured by -pro- of Perry Davis Pain- neat clean and style of wearing the street dross short enough the ground is fast giving the dirty skirt that slops around the heels of the wearer manner that is clean comfortable artistic But fine demands it of that settles it and wa must submit But we can at least thank our that we dont to wear them Davis was killed at the pumping rig of Englehart near Jlartha It was starting the engine and in some thrown into the flywheel was The Better Fart Of valor la discretion and the better part of the treatment of disease Is prevention Disease -la- of the blood Hoods purines People who take It at this season say the aro kept health the year round It la because Imparl tie and the blood rich and health- giving i v All liver cents Ills are cured by Hoods of Von Stans Tablets are no prove a far renter the dyspeptic If he potency Theyre veritable- in prevent- tor of stomach find stimulating the K health pearls they cost hy the people- fee hy ot sine at pose a i3 Sold by TV Lehman have a heavy loss Tobako near Luzon Two hundred riflemen and were proceeding to attack the town and Captains Lester and Simons company of Volunteer advanced to meet them and killed many Twenty dollars a month on a farm is very much better than a month in a city store As a general thing at the end of nine the farmer haiI60 cash three pairs of overalls and a straw while the latter has two or three suits of clothes a pair of socka and in the hole Yet there are for the latter job tonelor the former- TO HORSEMEN Spavin Liniment removes all hard or calloused Lumps- and from Spavin Biine Stiflca Sprains and Swollen Throat Coughs of make yon Warranted most Cur ever known Sold by Lehman Joy that she iTelt when the currant took boat in its strong embrace She wont river m her sorrow Jul moments as well In her nappy ones She fled to It to a friend When told her that he loved her aba ran to river to it of the blessing that had corns Into her But some way- she did not feel the ecstasy she had expected to The pleasure in her heart did not rise to meet the splendor of water and sky and shore She bad often looked ward to this hour as thecrownlng joy of But grief she discov ered tliat the song of nature bad a higher pots than the love lyric heart Perhap3 It was because the hour had been too long expected George Cot ton and Barbara bad gone to school together They knew every event of each others lives They bod always been attached to each other George had never thought of soy other girl with emotion sod Barbara had long felt that she was destined to bs his wife bad said yes to his ear nest question with gratitude and hap- yet now in the by the river with the sun shedding its last glow upon an nfareil world she felt a weariness of spirit at the moderation of She was turning from her beautiful river humiliated at the Inadequacy of her own emotions when she saw walk ing the pine with eyes fixed distant glory of the sky a young man whom she had never before did not see her till close by him and then he looked with a start at face of the girl spiritual and with Its deep emotional experience He stopped and looked at her rapt as If been soma re cently embodied soul created for this wondrous and she stopped too enchanted Ijy of Ms When he It Was to say thfng remarkable It always mysterious and fear- fully beautiful in these he Is always beautiful she said speaking If In a dream And sometimes It unreal and like a phantom world as it does to night Never before In her life had she spo ken In the way that she desired It was habit to speech In commonplace words i I should like to walk out on that golden water he went on It seems as if It might hear one up does it Barbara had a fancy and Indulged herself In It will bear up any one whose heart ia light she em lied But mind no care at alL must be as llfatas ether 1 Would It bear you op he asked She shook her oily and he said In a voice that moved her And should RlDb lite a stone It seemed Impossible for tbecq to part while that witch light gleamed upon their wood and when the shadows grew gray they became a part of them like shadows they faded fromeacbotbers sight Barbara went about duties and afterward when she lay In bed she found herself happy the elate and triumphant happi ness which she had dreamed George her lover a Part of the workaday world thoughts turned away from him in spite of her efforts to felt sure she would meet stranger again In the woods and she did limes He was writer by vocutlou He to being a poet He was not well In nlr1- The city worn on for Ions rest there the pine I J la was Cecil Underwood founil It to resist the charm of bis personality Ho She heard blm crying with wild Im portunities to bis Maker Row Barbara row ROW girli Then looking at him she saw his face was corpse white quivering with fear and the next moment be sank an Inert heap at the bottom or the boat Get up she commanded and take the tiller Get up Instantly He Cariidhn Remedy or THROAT aud Large Bottles oU DAVIS A CO Perry filler Mew York Tired eyes cause sick ness Because the eyes tire some folks say they are not well obeyed dimly shaking and sick with cases there is Neglected eyestrain is sura to sickness fee wise- Have your eyes examined Know their exact condition from an expert Consultation free GRADUATE Atkinson NEWMARKET terror Barbara bent to heavy task and made by means of brave efforts a lit tle headway But the wild horses plunged on and dragged her at their heels She almost on the verge of yielding to their relentless strength a boat shot out from the bank It came toward her quaking with magnificent momentum- Barbara rec ognized occupant at once was George A hideous humiliation filled her soul She was almost tempt ed to yield to that togglogof the wild She looked at the half faint ing praying creature beside and Chan at the approaching man And a saomentVf came to her fffaen white and courageous she re newed her efforts A moment later a line was thrown to her She made It secure Then she In her boat and In his began a against the powers of- the river in which they soon conquered George helped the Cecil to shore but Barbara leaped lightly to land and stood there- smiling strangely am thankful with a great thank fulness that I owe my life to you George she said It Is a prlrltege She held out her band to the other man she whispered Pity me Pity me be cried do she responded went slowly under the waiting feebly like a man who Is old and lit George looked after him with eyes but Barbara was relentless Give me year arm she said with tender We will walk homo together George Chicago Trib une Two Bailer Stories Ones when General Butler in Congress rose in bis place and gently Insinuated that the member who was occupying the Boor was of debate Why general said the member in reproachful tones you divided your time with me 1 know I did rejoined the grim old warrior mat divide eternity with you But perhaps Butlers most savage re tort was made in a political convention in which distinguished Unitarian was Clarke its a delegate Wblletbs subject of candidates dis cussed this clergyman announced that If a certain nomination was made he would bolt It Very likely Butler blurted out xou are good at bolting In your re ligion you bolt twothirds of the Tila- The convention broke into a roar of laughter- In which the clergyman Join ed- New York Mall and Harked by Tiny Number On every piece of worthy jewelry there will be a series of numbers so fine that a glass Is needed to cor rectly read them These are there to protect the owner In event of loss It Is unkind to say it hut pawn brokers have also adopted the inher ing to protect themselves from thieves livery knows where to for slnltliant oiid in the case of a bit he hud of Jewelry Ha travels from the factory to store and from store to pawnbroker and from shop to shop can he traced with aggravating accuracy ii When you lure a wheel from the Bicycle Livery Wok at the tires If they are Tires then you can rest assured the wheel has a good pedi gree in its every part Tires on all good wheels WoU SMALL EMI FOR SALE owerjn Three firstclass con- iHtion Can be seen working at the Era office for Thursday afternoon Is a bargain i will sell for lev Enquire at this office EASTER merges into the Stammer Term From July 3rd in College TORONTO A strongs reliable school with equipment including sixty firstclass typewriting machines There are no vacations and members are admitted at anytime for particulars SHAW Principal if v

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