7 I head rt w president- Manager NEWMARKET- BRANCH A General Banking Business aterest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED AT rolliia fltorllne and American and aold attended to BOBS J ft Agent for Lift to intercut Current Kates ft ft Ramsay Fir Insurance Agent Loir on Farm links Isolated Town Property Now market a MARRIAGE LICENSES At the an Newmarket Papers Issued at private residence If J W RRE MARRIAGE LICENSES BUTTON WEST MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Main Qr intuitu and Fancy Goods PIPS ft of Culture and of and all String Instruments IT -Tl- ltelJterjntioiaISbndaySciib6lJtiesso rPwedfortheralEiWji THE NEWMARKET ERA MAY jVf r Parable of Matt 16 Verso May Text The Boca is Word of Tiiona 1 Tho teacher goes the people are is not to person in Word of Jeaua Ho disguises it anxiety About Stones may hinder cannot prevent life Every has good in It- Faithfulness to duty our calling Sow generously some part work will pay to heed to word Is to reject it teaching of word Joy cornea from ho word a hindrances christians aro not christians at all a to grow and thorns wilt die Harvest depends more on the soed than soil of truth should draw not follow Gods method still is forio word to fieah See Jhat tho and life harmonize 18- apolt heard- Satan best in an unguarded life I I ft 1 nrlJ tlQ of a groat rf Paines Celery Compound The Lift and Health Giver F Verso ft Good soil needed to insure bountiful Ingatherings 1 Go out is part of the divine commission Heaven for wanderer The place for the apwer whero spiritual barrenness Hoarded up seed and aower fltnoBBfpr his calling fail as seed are reapers who cannot plop or sow Grid asks ua to pray that ho may send the laborers Even Gods word may fail in reeblts The feet of sowor may harden the soil Not world but caresmay defeat Gods purpose Not their deceit may destroy There but one people The word is all auflioifintand almighty In land it has proved saying The garnered results are from every nation and people Many things are involved Jhe must bo good and for God The reception of the word must be generous soil must bo prepared by Holy Ghost The final responsibility Is in the soil not soed Pro torn believers are in all ages that is of Satan The harvest depends on reception rooting and cultivation of seed A Noted Physicians Opinion Old Materials Profit- ably Used HAS OF Diamond Dyes the Favorites of all and CQakets Mrs Stanhope of Victoria writes I recent discovered that I had sufficient old materials such as flannel cloth yarns and underwear stored away from which could a couple of fate sized rugs for floor General Grant was once asked why he never swore Well said somehow I never learned Whoa I was a boy I had an aversion to it and when I became a I saw folly noticed that wearing helps arouse a mans temper and when a man flies- into a passion his adversary who cool always gets fetter I never could see use in swearing Wo young man in town could say the same and would of naiad General Grant Compound was the production of Americas most EPholps Such a could only what was worthy of great and elevated character human ity His beat hours were devoted to the of what is now known in of homes in Britain Eur ope and onjthis continent as Celery Compound bine the nerves brain and blood our long winter and late spring a host of people of every age have been left in a weak languid and depressed condition of health The nerves are unstrung the body Is emaciated the blood Is stagnant and impure diges tion is faulty and constipation is do ing its deadly work Your safety health and future phy sical happiness demand the imme diate use of- Celery Compound marvellous virtues are recog nized by our ablest phyeiofans many of whom make personal use of it in their homes Dr A K Newton writing to the of Celery Compound says The formula of Painoa Celery Compound led me to give it a trial and I was much pleased with the result I prescribe it for men and women ho have no appetite cannot sloop and for the weak and rundown For Condition and for disorders of the Mood and nerves it has equal It is the host possible remedy up ones strength and energy during the spring and summer months 4illit3gjGOJn Watoi While of Ontario are undergoing their annual amend ment the Legislature should put end to of killing deer in water It is not sport to bo pad dled up to a deer that has been hounded into water and to kill poor brute with a rifle club or It may gratify our Anglo- Saxon love of killing but utmost charity cannot regard it as sport Last year the express car ried carcasses of deer There wore deerhunting licenses is sued and Settlers took out per to re turns published in the Game Commis sions report show that there wore deerhunters in tho woods dur ing the fifteen days open A rough made on that the laws were generally ro places of deer killed at but there are many bold that a round ten thousand be hearer the number The figures are sufficiently alarm ing to warrant radical in law to prevent depletion The prohibition of hounding has been sug- That would be retaliation for the settlers who feel that the laws have been from time to time for the benefit of city sports The average hunter from the city whose feet entangle fallen limbs and who cannot see one till it jumps would stand a poor chance of killing one in fifteen days or even fifteen weeks still hunting There is a special clause in the game law applicable to the Indian peninsula of Bruce County making it illegal to kill deer in the water or immediately after they have landed This law should be made ap plicable to the entire Province Much can be said in favor of genuine sport but butchery should not be encourag ed aa a pastime i The tendency to substitute the camera for the rifle is growing and worthy of all com mendation Editorial in Toronto Globe April fc I r J afjgt Infants ami Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drop and Soothing Syrups It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance It Is Pleasant Its guarantee thirty years by Millions of Mothers destroys Worms and allays cures Diarrhoea and Wlnil Colic relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency assimilates Food regulates tho Stomach and Howe of Infants and Children giving healthy and natural sleep Is Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend CaJtorU it an for children Mothers hate repeatedly told me good effect upon their children C Osgood Man to children that I It hi superior to any pre to t A Brooklyn THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF for all kinds for nob map for the poor poor ones for mean folks easy for good to all Money to Loan At per cent on a aourlty loans on Davidson for taking affidavit IT J Conveyancer and Heal Ao Agent for olio reliable Insurance Couiartea My pool and London and Norwich Union Mutual- or Block Mount Albert NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call Ordering Allan Money to Loan At five per cent on Security by for taking Beat Es tate Conveyancer Marriage Etc AJso Agent the following Insurance of London Montreal Gore District Mutual established In aleo tor the Confederation Life To ronto Old Offioo Corner Main and Lot Si We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- I sent to and Co five cent bottle of Dr English Montreal for two of their handsome if using threefourths of After were contents of bottle they do not relievo washed my old and Constipation and Headache with Diamond Dyes to mafcbh tKsbades bo warrant that bottles will per the most obstinate case hooked the two they are of Constipation Satisfaction or no Wills English Pills axe mire them The Diamond Dyes are I think the best and moat reliable for home dyeing I certainly recommend them to all who make Eaoh of the three tele passed into the hands of new managers during the past weeks two Retail STORE Will in Thousands of Save to Tight Unless Agras fer vent rtaSowlng of The wife of a prominent physician of Toronto was a victim of Catarrh in itaworat form 8he every treatment known in the world of medicine without receiving tasting benefit Hearing of the al most miraculous cures made by Dr she pro cured it use for eight and was fully restored firadicatedfrom her system- She says After years of suffering Ire joice to be- freed fcmijiwa on application used Lehman Druggist Newmarket Out J B Druggist Scotts Pharmacy Main St Newmarket It is surprising to see the number of housed and marred by iron nails driven in the siding and on post a in order to fasten strings to carry vines ft hails rust- and in time a rusty streak on paint There are galvanized hails that dont rust as TO CURE A COLD DAT Take Laxative Quinine Tablets All refund the money If it falls to euro IS- Groves signature la on each box Win Saunders of the hotel was fined and costs for having his bar open Mrs Jones of was Origin o The use of visitingcards dates back to quite an antiquity Mrs Van Schuyler in May Ladies Journal Formerly the porter at the lodge or door of great houses kept a visitors book in which ho scrawled his idea of the names of those who called upon the master and bis family to whoso inspection it was submitted from time to fine gentle men a scion of nobility from Faubourg St Germain was shocked to find that his porter kept so poor a register of the names of those Who hod called upon The names badly written with spluttering pen and pale or muddy ink suggested to him the idea of writing his own name upon slips of paper or in calling upon his neighbors lest his name should fare as badly at the hands of their porters This became generally who can do some one thing better in the world sure to for disservices Li APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER IM MUJMJIT If ft burning chips near a woodpile when Sold by Lehman Bent- her dress fire She jumped Two North Hi A Fresii Supply Twice a Week of flame q The best Mi Ideal Cured Meats on tht llftrbet today A viiice Alto Flour Rolled Oats Corn Meal Iiuitrr Cuceae Halt Feet and n on leys May 111 A man named Paul who em ployed in Pwters mill met with a i into a rain barrel near thus saved her life at hand and IF TAKEN IN TIME The Emulsion will cure the fatal accident He was engaged on affections of the jack ladder sorting when a largo j lungs That run down coni rolled back on him knocking dltlon tho aftereffects heavy cold quickly counteract- down and then started forward hit by the tinhimou the bead smashing bis j Lawrence Co Ltd skull and killing him instantly not express out of the Hotel Springer of Pa Dr window in sleep He fell three Kings New of a back- stories to a board walk but was ap ing that for many years baa made uninjured life a burden She aaya After all remedies and doctors failed It remov ed the In my cheat and I can now False modesty causes many people to liuf misery Imaylu- Bleep J can re- application of member doing before feel like a will soothe Its the and ease the Itching one box wilt -om- a to cure pletely euro the worst case of Hen- all of the Chest or lug bleeding of protruding pllea Vow nave price Wc and Trial bottle free at to run for A Chases Dlfjt- drug tent la guaranteed to core pile ABOUT Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills No remedy ever introduced In Canada has gained so many words of sufferers all over the coun try as these thoroughly effective pills WHY9 Because they positively cure all dis eases brought on by impoverished blood such as heart trouble dypepsia etc also Because they induce sound healthy feftore VIGOUR ALSQ Because use enables the to successfully resist attacks of colds the inseparable re sults viz lung and kidney troubles a fact of especial importance at this season of the year CO box flroUitJ CO All drczA by J Checoiet Hopes Gone Not Worth the Living South American Nervine Restores and perfect Health- Four years ago Annie Patterson of had a very severe at tack of La Grippe which left her with a very acute form of stomach trouble She had about given up hope of a per manent when South American Nervine was recommended to her She procured it and in a very short time experienced relief After taking six bottles she was abso lutely cured She sata I believe it to be the most effective remedy for stomach trouble in the market gold by Lehman Pharmacy The Vitality of Seeds A subscriber a list showing how long seeds retain their vitality he does not want to throw away any good seeds he may have hand The following is sufficiently correct for practical purposes Cora egg plant onion parsnip pea and spinach seed is good tor two years asparagus celery lettuce pepper from two to three years beet radish and turnip from three to four years to matoes for seven years cucumbers melon and squash from eight to ten years Fresh better in all cases old sped germinates slowly A Skin Ointment will Cool aiji Heal It With the akin fairly ablaze from itching burning diseases such as eczema tetter itch salt rheum scald head and other distressing eruptions one application of Oint ment will quench the fire give instant relief and comfort will cure and leave the skin clear and soft In three to five nights it will cure any kind of Bold by Lehman Bent- leys Pharmacy Newmarket After four negotiations the United Presbyterian Synod of Scotland has unanimously resolved in favor of a union with the Free Church Frederick James aged was killed in his fathers shingle mill at on Saturday of last week The boiler exploded throwing the young a distance of yards CAS i For Children rr at Wheel Roller Roller for Elevator AH the Infest best improvements The Oxford Cor Mowers ALL Roller ana Serrated ledger it desired our to show New Patented Ball Clip ordered Weaving to Inform he has moved to House no Wilier Hi win 1 and that haatbat Celebrated Co Loom nil lie late Improvements to date that he Is prepared to do Best Work Hag Weaving Call and see- Bend your to Early We also manufacture the best and most complete line end Seeding Implements on Earth Spring Tooth Cultivators tilted with grain and grass sowing attachments if desired Spring and Spike Tooth Disc Drills all kinds Rakes friction and ratchrt dump etc etc If anything our line for oar Catalogue tent free will it very moch to your interest to do Out AEON Stock of DRY Just Arrived r t Extra good Values in Prints Lawns and Muslins Call and See Before Purchasing Elsewhere The Era till Jan 1901 for cash I