Newmarket Era, 18 May 1900, p. 6

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i a NEWMARKET ERA- FRIDAY MAY Idfe he Hal ALBERT K Ladies intend ipWiniJwg Afield lhirtk on owning Tor onto 10 contribute II10 enjoyment is fine Oscar Thompson for trial by J I on a charge of arson in with of Chapman borne Thompson will come up for trial at the present sitting of the ses sions is very changeable tbo past week The- dry weather still con with the fall wheat Farmers are all done seeding The funeral of Winch was conducted at his late residence last Sunday afternoon by J number of friends and relatives present funeral sermon is to be at Keswick next Sunday morning funeral of the Into Cross of Sutton passed through hero last Monday on its way to death of Mr was sudden Mr Stephen of ttndodjthb funeral of bis father on Sunday He returned borne Monday Mrs of Forest re- turned homo Monday after a weeks visit to Winchs Alice Winch attended Band Concert in Newmarket last week Mr S friends in last Sunday Mr Wilson nowaohool master commenced his duties on Monday BUTTON Mr fJpHM Bah is Agent for tho Eiia Button authorised to Buboripons ace gnteto for all kinds of promptly to Ono thing thai should bo to all Is if there was night there would be fewer- and kindred deeds to deplore Whore men are found constantly carousing until two and three oclock in morning it bodes ill for moral safety of tho community Yet society is to blame for this con dition of things It says Lot this thing be nurtured and protected let it bd licensed it be exposed at every other street corner for ealo that men may have to it so that may and thus vitiate and brutalize whole nature and thus render themselves in a condition to commit crime of blackest enorm ity A track for foot passengers is being constructed between Button a id sons Point Osborne has returned from Mr Bam Winch of North limbury is dead His remains interred in James Cemetery on Sunday afternoon was an by marriage Mr of this town Mrs J has been spending a week in the city It becomes our very painful duty this to record the sudden death of one of our moat esteemed citizens M Cross jewotler Mr and and Mrs of bridge woro visiting over Sunday at Mr Halls Mrs FToole is ill and has symptoms of typhoid fever Mr and Mrs are visit ing at the farm Mrs M Hopper is spending a week with her father at Mr and Mrs A Newmarket spent- Sunday at Play tors KESWICK funeral of Winch will bo preached in the Christian on Sunday May at oclock by J W Deceased a of Christian Church The Christian Endeavor in with Christian in numbers and Interest was introduced last Wed nesday evening by Howard Mor ton Tho Sunday serviocs in Christian Church are increasing in numbers and enthusiasm especially Sunday evening service The pastor la doing a good work Mrs Morton has returned to Pleasant and is preparing for the reception of son Morton an family who are returning from City Montana MORTON PARK The Celebration Here on the of May promises to be the best of its kind over held here on the Queens Birthday The Salvation Army Corps of Now market Aurora and are on grounds that day accompanied by their and sports of different kinds will take during day The Football Tournament will no doubt draw quite a crowd Prospects are fair for a gain day Union on Juno will be grandest over held here Special are made to give all the children a good time will be given to children forgamea and sports tor o uppJM and ff work notice All work AT A of Hose Co of Toronto will boat on fly Iho for tbopurpoioof part to for ihoo at Wo una an to do work aaU for it Ail fur her cordially invited to call at between and pm OB Davison THE GROCER COLLEGE CORNERS Spraying fruit trees is the order of day around Mr John last had ft raising and put an addition as well to his barn is the summer months at Mr Hawks are becoming a destructive A pai rattled down in Mr A and several The butter factory is running full blast at and a fair supply of milk is furnished but an increase is later on It good thing to have an wife but rather too much of good for a certain woman to leave her household work entirely to finish Iho seeding while her hubby health and strength of a giant sits and in the sunshine This wind up the in this locality which is early after cold weather Mr John is be sieged with contracts for building this season His star of men is always ready to help him on knowing a lor will furnish them with steady The highway The Queens boarding house No has quota of boarders asusual sheep and cattle and an odd hog Or two Gardening is in full swing around here and sowing mangels The many friends and relations of Miss Lottie will be pleased to know that she is progressing fine since operation for tuberculosis and will be home in two or weeks from hospital The bikes are beginning to move freely generally get a steady pace when they pass over a corduroyed portion of road on the con cession Miss Newmar ket was calling on friends here The Sunday School at is on the increase The staff of officers same as last year Mr Joseph Dent is certainly tag himself a profitable worker in his Masters vineyard and by his persuas ive influence he has won two of hie friends to lead a bettor life The fences around are undergoing a straightening up Mr J lost a fine Mr the special attrac tion of fair sex around A good butter maker always is See I Mr Smith is contemplat ing a cement floor under his barn Mr Grant is building an im plement house Papering is in vogue again also in ladies are prov ing ibemselves adepts Mr Barney has started to draw milk for the creamery the two weeks ago Mr Cross was seised with which quickly developed into pneumonia and notwithstanding medical attention and good nursing he passed away on Sunday morning about oclock On Mon- remains were taken to for interment He leaves a and two small children to mourn their loss Our most sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs Cross and sorrowing relatives Two more of our buainces men Mr and Mr Johnston are suf besides a number of others The Gospel Temperance Meeting will ho hold on Monday next In addition to usual program three tableaux bo steps on tho road to a drunkards grave Mr will the address of the evening About j The regular meeting of the SHORT HORN BULLS tho was will bo held in iho ball next Wed nesday afternoon at oclock nil rod twelve Sutton West BALDWIN BREEZES I hope by time you this column that will blown up a good rain storm It is much needed Trees arc late in leafing out Man proposes hut dis posed Borne of our lads proposed to have a nights sport spearing got everything ready and were awaiting necessary mantle of night to veil them oer when a breeze sprang up and knocked their sporl endways A number of our young men propose striking towards the settiug sun to seek their fortune hot they cant toar themselves away those fire suspects get liquor for carousal on that mem orable better watch out or a goblin in the form of license inspector will ketch em Too much such doings going on often see fellows with ardent spirits Where do they get it Thats the question A noble deed Some time ago a wellknown North got on a big bast Being the way long and the two bottles he carried heavily laden with intoxication- lie fell by the wayside and was there lying when a good Sa maritan cams by and spying the bot tles he resumed his journey Gum Swamp history does not record the sleepers surprise when he awoke Amisunderstanding has arisen re specting somo remarks I made relat ing to Thos Yates selling his old mill Hell be pleased to see thee at now mill which is now in most complete order County Constable Boyd is here pro secuting the inquiry into tbo author ship of the fire Somebodys got to sweat for it thats certain The dont believe twill be fiiddel Monday in the shade Mushrooms very plentiful about here My boy friends sent me a good lay out All Canadians must feel proud of the flattering report of the gallantry of our soger boys in South Africa I feel very patriotic just now but blame me if I didnt use to think I as about half Yankee Prank Torailson has engaged with uncle Henry Arnold to drive his milk route to Newmarket Cheese Fac tory doubt if Billy Ed goes far from Button Hes got a fair daugh ter thats the apple of his eye He cant leave her Grandma Was up to see Aunt at Sutton last week Rev Jos brother of Billy Ed is off for a three months tour of tbc Emerald Grandma was giving him some pointers on their Mr Wirt was up last week old Irish homo from bis now farm Ho liken his now Owl sends his regards to neighbors first rate numerous find friends in A wedding is not far off nice dress on QueensviUo see them Ho feels tf I bis and a longing to Mr Robert of Toronto was on friends around hero last week Mr Geo Fogg came homo from Toronto on Saturday whore ho is at tending Grand Jury Ho returned on Monday Mr Don of Newmarket was visiting at Bun- day last Mr Kavanagh shipped a carload of cattle on Monday last from Newmarket Messrs Morton and Mr Fos ter wheeled to Zephyr on Sunday last Quito a number from hero attended tho Band Concert in on last Friday night report an oxcellent entertainment Rev A MoGillivray of Newmarket dispensed the Sacrament last Sunday afternoon in the Presbyterian The interior of Presbyterian is undergoing repairs The step in front of the Post Office has been repaired It was much need ed Mr McCausland purchased a wheel- What is puzzling the community now is How is hotel roof going to be built While returning home from New market last Friday night Mr George had the misfortune to break the singletreo on the buggy shafts but after utilizing all the spare straps on the rigs the break was made safe for the remainder of the journey Judge BETHEL CORNERS Bethel Church Ladies Aid held their annual open meeting on Thurs day evening last There good attendance and a very pleasant and profitable time Rev pre sided over the meeting in his usual pleasant manner Revs and from the and Sutton Presbyterian Churches respect ively gave two very fine addressee along the line of Womans Influence in the building up of the cause of God Each gave an account of her showing their work dur ing their first- year With a strong and ever increasing membership and a commendable balance sheetpf some on hand the society enters on its second year most ehepuragin The male members of the congre gation wish them God speed in their noble work of assistance Mr Harry Bennett moved his house south of the Base Line to the north of it last week Mr Dunn did the work Mr Harry is spending a couple of days with his brother J A The welcome rains of Tuesday has made a good eflbcton the fall wheat Mr Bart Reed who has been home from BC on a visit returned west last week v Mr Ellis spent over Sun day in Toronto has lostits pedagogue arid Mis Hamilton is endeavoring to find the discipline left behind but so far has not found it Rumor says Board has ordered consignment from down east Wo are pleased to hear that lire at Baldwin are apt to fall into lap of tho Lav The quarterly mooting of Church on this circuit held at Mount May Brown chairman of the district was present by invitation presided over its deliberations various reports from financial and other departments of work wore quite satisfactory An import ant discussion regarding changes in parsonage property and prospective alterations circuit boundaries engaged careful consideration of all present Tho pastor Rev was unanimously invited to return for a second year and cor dially accepted invitation AURORA The good impression made by Temple of Fame performance has reached Newmarket and ation has boon requested to reproduce the entertainment in that town for benefit of St Pauls Church Rev Dewey pastor of the Methodist Church has been asked by the congregation to for the fourth term A largo sale of farm stock will bo held at Queens Hotel on Saturday next friends and members of Red Cross Society will hold a tea and entertainment on Friday the Farm hands are exceedingly scarce in this locality Tho vestry of St Johns Church Oak Ridges has decided to assist in repairing the rectory here RESORT On Cooks Bay All of Fresh Garden Seeds sold in bulk Our Seeds are Standard Goods Butch Set Onions EARLY PEAS Onions EARLY CORN Top Onions Large Red Onion Seed Clover Seed grown by reliable farmers- Largo Yellow Prizetaker Onion Seed Turnip Seed Mangold Seed Ensilage and Fodder Corn Flower Seeds sold in bulk Fresh PicMe Roll Bacon 10g lb Choice Cucumber Pickles quart DAVISON CO I i Street Formerly owned by Mr Morton open board era nd convoyed to and steamer at Point Boarders will And every convcnleneoln boning batb- cnjtAV early The annual meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge of British Amerfca will be held at London on the and To look after i or cows and do chore work aleo a good boy Apply at once York TO Church of England Parsonage house ie la splendid repair per month Apply to BHUKTON Astray marked the rump and shoulder with Plue Information of their where abouts will be thankfully received PO Hit J Card of I been Instructed by thoCititehB Band to convey their sincere and hearty thanks to the people of Newmarket for their patronage at the concert on tspeeraiJy to those who entertained the and to all who so freely loaned article for decorative purposes ecrotary Newmarket May Land Plaster Salt SEEP CORN Red Cob P Sweet Improved Learning Early Butler Wisconsin Yellow Dint Longfellow and other varieties Mangel Turnip Sugar Beet and Car rot Seed Huron v NO Co Regiment York Rangers AffENtlON a ferry between and Point commenced reg tip on May All of the above ftt the of and bo YdCdday And Friday oven Inge until Camp will on Ike of for drill be oclock to Company to full BOYD- smiTtf BROS A In cameras make a loato CO make an hour but Typewriting the flnwt equipment in Canada expert operators THE- Central Business College TORONTO baa and baa tbe eat of expert la Canadian College Is open every In year and may enter any iltae and for business positions on hort notice Sum in Terra frtm July 3rd Principal Your attention is drawn- to a medicine prepared for women The form ula of has no equal It is the favorite prescription of the most successful specialists in their medicinal treatment of wo mens diseases It will strength en the nerves reduce tion and encourage a free and healthy circulation You should use it It will then speak for itself may rn lick els wilt be at SINGLE FARE all In Canada Canada to and Mich Port Fort Covington Bombay Jot Helena ilaaaena Point Vt all Black Bock Niagara and Suspeoalon Good Going May Valid returning from destination and from Grand Trunk Railway A Agent Newmarket Paaenger union Station J Toronto STRAYED On Monday April from lot Qwllllmbury one mile south of FOUR SHEEP W m of and right ear of the others person giving Inform will lead will be suitably GORDON PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music Pup la receiving primary Instruction here have atood eat In after examination Sold by a reliable at per box or boxes for or from THE TODD REMEDY GO Pearl Street Street Toronto That desirable House lot on St of and adjoining the residence of Sam For particulars apply to WANTED Fine Brick Residence FOB Situated on Ave being in desirable part of Newmarket convenient io Hall Water everything to make the place good stable and wood- shed- Apply to or Newmarket House to Let In the village of Sutton pleasantly situat ed on the containing Id condition bard and toft water Good garden by mouth or for a term of years For particulars tfpply to wick or to BROOKS North Yopk to hereby gives that application has been made t the License Board tor the Tavern Weenie granted The and HORSES from lbs must be Sound Good Con dition and from to old Will be at the following May Hotel Hotel Bond Head at pm Tuesday May Painter House Richmond Hill Wed May Central Hotel Bradford Friday May fiS Royal Hotel Newmarket Saturday till noon May A MA HOIS Montreal Flanagan to Flanagan A J HUGHES wie License THIS WEEKS SPECIAL AT LEHMANS DRUG STOHE IS TOILET SOAPS Men of Business Our tailoring establishment produces suits which pleasure to business No suiting an individual and making fcbe garment fashionable When yourself in our hands we Jake care thai aro never disappointed or dissatisfied my Tailor Solid Gold Best Gold Fill ffyiaGoldiill perfect To a full line of MACHINERY will bo liberal ly deAlt with Office or at tue per leva over JO Its Id DAY SCHOOL School also fifeNINfl CLASSES for f the Improve your J POLLOCK J

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