a CHINA HALL The most complete of FINE BOOTS AND Shoe Tin Style Fitting Should you J King Shoe We carry Largest Stock in Town and have ho even if wo not the Bote The most comfortable Easy fitting for Misses MENS BOYS YOUTHS Box Calf Vici Kid also Solid good wearing Everyday Shops Boots and Shoes we the DEBT VALUE and uptodate Stylish for Evening Wear Special Value in DINNER SETS TOILET SETS TEA SETS OUR GROCER- Department is fully as sorted with the Best The Leading Grocer A SMITH Telephone FRIDAY MAY Excellent Patriotic Sermon Delivered iq Methodist last Sunday Evening -XQX- Geo a nation bat a to nay Irov This is but expression of a uni versal and unfailing law of nature of the people Her powerful influence the heads of Europe and earnest remonstrances against war have again and aain saved from being plunged into the horrors in individuals or of a continental war No of then that Britons delight to honor name of their Queen for under the has- known Its greatest growth and its most splendid glory No wonder that on the occa sion of her Diamond Jubilee throe years ago nation all over the world brought their tributes and laid them at her feet Even oar American neighbors who acknowledge no earth ly ruler the men of their own choosing joined with loyal Britons the world over in saying God save the Queen But we not only live in a glorious empire and pay tribute to the noblest sovereign on earth but we belong to the greatest and most Important colo ny of this vast empire In the mighty procession of colonies belonging to the British Colonial empire we are marching right in very front We have in person our Gover nor General the representative of Queen Victoria the old Union Jack the emblem of civil and religious lib erties guarantee of freedom jus tice and peace flag which has braved a thousand years and breeze floats oer our fair Domin ion and wo love our Canadian home the fairest the dearest and the best country in ail the world bolted alt land of dead appt in protest or treason our pari Who among I would like to see bur connection with the motherland coder whose protecting and fostering wo enjoyed bo many Who would to see oar by any other nationality how oyer be old flag by an other Each of two great political parties In country baa in tarn trying to the pan nod gainst the would array it tbey one province another and out confedera tion If would build up a healthy nationality every attempt to the bitterness and strenuously endeavor to a of patriotic unity from ocean to great length if novbnllt well together in danger in I DAY SCHOOL Public School for Children EVENING CLASSES From to pm for young men lathe limoto your J Huron Seeds Seeds I Fresh Garden Seeds AT W WUHANS DRUG- while Bin debases and and reproach This fully and Iwrne out by the history of in dividuals and nations- of past But not only lifts indi viduals and nations to positions of ox and honor but it also brings down upon them richest bless ings while sin not only drags and nations down to the but calls down upon them the judg ments of Almighty God Blessed says the Psalmist is tho nation whose God is Lord and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance and prophet says nation and kingdom that will not serve God shall perish yea those nations shall bo utterly wasted God rules and among nations and controls the destinies of empires and Ho has spread out before us of history of the great nations of the past so that wo may read our destiny and learn wisdom has spread history of the Jew ish nation before all nations of tho world as a warning not to her in her departure from God If they do doom shall bo their portion sooner or later if wo take history of tho great nations of past as an index for the future any nation no matter how great in popula tion and wealth and power that al lows murky waters of superstition or or infidelity or social im purity or intemperance or political corruption or sin of any kind to in undate tho land can easily read its own destiny in characters as legible as those traced by die myster ious hand upon tho walls of the kings God hath numbered thy kingdom and finished it We live in a glorious empire and under a glorious flag we belong to a nation that has risen to the highest place among the nations of the earth and today exorcises in fluence in shaping the destiny world But how has this come to bo how has she attained a position of suoh prominence of such Go back to text and you will learn secret of her prosperity her exal tation and her power Righteous- a nation Her consti tution and her laws are founded upon word of God based upon principles of righteousness and justice and equity and truth who sits upon throne says This is the secret of greatness and she has incorporated the teachings of that blessed book in own life and God has crowned her with peace and prosperity and blessing and honor wonder we loveour gracious Queen no wonder we offer to our deepest and warmest tributes of love and devotion No wonder we delight to sing Long live our gracious Queen long may she reign over us happy and glorious God save the Queen Next Thursday she will have attain Pit birthday and if spared till the of Juno next will have com pleted the year of her and in view of this it not eminently fit ting that we should rejoice and con gratulate ourselves not less than our Queen Her reign has been the longest in the of British history- and not only the longest but the happiest and best Her whole life has beautiful illustrated her fit ness for the position she has so emit A3 young queen was dignified and womanly calm and teaohable One littta incident bears out most beautifully touch true womanly spirit On the day of her wedding the Archbish op while having an interview with her asked if he would omit the word obey from the ceremony Her reply was of her whole life It ismy to be married not as a Queen but is a woman As a woman wife and mother she has won the love of the nation arid the respect and admiration of the whole world Her life has been in the pos session of the nation for more than half a century and all her domestic life all her private life and all her as a sovereign has been crowned by actions morn kingly than that of any king in the past As a sovereign she has exemplified the full beauty of constitutional monarchy Her reign has witnessed a phenomenal and rivalled growth and expansion pop ulation in territory In commerce- and manufacture an unparalleled science education gener al intelligence and Christian Her reign lias been marked by a most magnificent procession of parliament in in of Oar f country He remote from on another In more other with want loyalty to wave an one the re the and I firrnl and of that groat boar of the people was and to Brit ish and British an now have we no given the world a practical exhibition of have we not bar loyalty with oar blood Oar brave aoldUera have crossed broad and Africa have been stained with their Wood in defending Brit Intoretta and in principles dear to heart of every loy al Briton patriotism animates cur breasts we cherish father who tor the sake of and freedom all that was dear to them and to land add hewed a home for and laid the of a At we revere the memory of oar brave fellow country men who fodgbt and fell at Lane and la defending her against Invasion end the noble vol unteers who fell at in defending her Fenian hordes we will bo interests we will seek not only to defend against the any every foreign foe wo will seek to preserve from in enemy that threatens to disintegrate oar fair confederation we will to pre- serve her from every vice and would bring her fair name and endeavor to thai note which a nation people is true patriotism Tree IWcCuIloGh PsLBtop of Love of country is an instinct plant ed in the human soul so that it is the moat natural thing in the world for a man to love his country and it is the most unnatural thing in the world for a man to belittle or despise his country Breathes there a man with soul so dead as never to himself hath said this is my own my native land Now principle which binds one to hie country Is called patriotism Patrio tism with some chiefly a matter of senti ment Hence we find men attached to the worst countries and most miserable in the world Bit patriotism with as is not merely a matter sentiment it a matter of reason well We have the more than a mere persuasion that birthplace and home is superior to all other lauds it is some thing more than waving the flag end sing ing Caking the muzzle off the lion and rearing the world that Britons never can be it Is Ihing more than that kind of a thing shoots with the Pope True patriotism is that lifts a man and morally to the level of bis entrys and which animates and governs whole makes him the centre of holy and elevating na tional which filla him with every day for fats countrys weli being and boner which sends him oat to battle with tongue and pen and vote end hand Against every vice that patriot inspires can people within oar become a colt only thus a Friends we have a great there is no finer country under the sun and we have a fnreat mission among the nations of the world and if are true to oar cor oar as a nation will be great and glo But wo mast wage an warfare against every evil in oar land We mast war against selfishness in every form as it appears among ourselves Wo must against cruelty In the shape of starvation wages We most against the forces of green and pleasure that would rob us of the Holy Sabbath day best gift to the- workiogman We roust be the uncompromising foe of devil In strong drink who as roaring Hon la walking about seeking whom he may devour and who Is coming into oar public schools oar and our homes and oar This lathe good flgbt of faith in which every Canadian is now called to engage in But if we would from all her evils and bring about that which alone a nation wo seek the righteousness of of individual Oct a man ly converted to God and you a pat riot a patriot In the sense a patriot Jeremiah a patriot Paul was a patriot and the noblest of all I do not see bow a man can be a patriot who is not a christian We hear it from almost every quarter that we want righteous men at the helm of the nation and so we do I do not know any better place to have them But we mast remember that those who are re turned to Parliament are the representa tives of the people and that a righteous government implies a righteoai people We most high christian stand- 11 we desire troth and righteousness to prevail in the con of Parliament It is the sheerest to talk of making a righteous government a good nation oat of a corrupt people You might as well try to make an active and influential church or congregation out of drones and unconverted people as a strong and prosperous nation oat of immoral citi zens stream cannot rise higher than the fountain and whatever the tone of the people may be on any subject the gov ernment will be accordingly Be lieving then that he serves better his conn- try who beat serves God let first and aim be to lead coanlrvmen to God then with faith in God fiaviour righteousness and peace shall spring in every home and community and as a mighty wave will over the whole land enabling to say as a great and mighty nation is the nation whose God is Lord and the people whom He hath for inherit ance very best reasons in ah the world for lev- fe me oar country if ever patriotic fire fl K w and thats the kind of patriotism we need just now Canada and the kind of I would like to inspire in every Canadian breast Now if this is the kind of patriotism thai animates we will as I have inti mated seek to free oar country from those evils which obscure the keep to blaze in ours Canadians we ought and I we do feel an honest pride in our country because of its ex- Cent and natural advantages its material resources development its free institutions and generally diffused nielli Its edaoattcnal facilities and civil and liberties Oh the land of the maple is the land for me The of the stalwart the brave and the free But we ought to ova oar because it is the heritage of noble ancestors The memory of their devoted patriotism the in loyalty to the old flag and of their birth and the hardships and they endur ed in opening a and clearing this country memory of these I say ought to the patriotic within bur souls and bind us to oar native land with ties that time can never Beyer No or memorable episode met within the whole range of British imperial and colonial history than of the who or consciences sake to of the Rather than a life of comparative ease under a flag hostile to that of their they homes of comfort and wealth and in many cases Urge estates and lucrative professional connection and came to this then tone land to hew out a home for la the wilderness of this country Inhabited by the wolf the bear the wolverine and other wild animals scattered tribes of scarcely leas savage or than tbey Herd they and toiled and and died crowned with honor and glory leaving us the glorious heritage we now Noble men and true How could wo the fcuch noble taiho trust io rts vebe in away a better and a brighter day We will demand righteousness in the administra tion of public affairs Heaven forbid that the this country should wr be degraded to the leyel a political plat form that the Methodist should ever descend to the level of the organization The moment she becomes that God will some better means to advance His kingdom But there are times when we as Christian ministers and christian men and meat apeak one We cannot dare not remain silent We would be unworthy to be called if Corruption election and public affairs in this been rampant of late years and brought shame and re proach upon the lair fame Canada The revelations that have corns to light from timetotims have been enough to make ovary Canadian blush with shame If would servo our country and oar God let set oar faces like flint against corrup tion all kind We need not copy time in speaking of the many methods corruption from lbs bogus voter to the misdeeds and of cabinet ministers Out whatever be the of corruption or wherever we find it in municipal cono- or legislative balls let us thunder out against fa let or do all in our power to cut down this deadly upas tree under whose branches blighted national hopes and honor sullied Again if we true trials give no the tir ip an 1 i If a i Tho War Office announces that eleven vessels will leave homo ports during the thirty clays with officers and men and horses Toronto Haricots May Red Wheat per White per bushel a Goose Wheat per bushel- Barley per bushel Oats per bushel- Peas per bushel Bye per bushel Butter per lb IS Potatoes per bag Apples per Sheepskins Wool per lb CO CO Beef fore Beer bind Chickens per pair to Turkeyspsrlb Vmi Timothy Seed per bushel per bushel- a a a a a a a a a a a 1ST r I THE LEADING HARDWARE STORE IS W AND icycle Agents for Massey Harris Repafe J A ALLAN 5s We Are Doing The Dress Goods Trade i TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Newmarket Hand Laundry HOUSECLEANING SNAPS We want to help everybody do their and have Greatly- Reduced Prices in that line for Days Only Lace Curtains per pair extra large Pillow Sham and per pair each Woollen Blankets each Curtains washed at home will bo and stretched for extra large pair We employ only the most skilled workmen and use only the purest of soaps and no machinery whatever therefore custom ers need have no fear of the most delicate articles being damaged EMBURY Prop Juab let know and we will call for and deliver work JO Soot am Ladies New Dong Shoes for worth do do do do do do do do SI 1 It 1 1 35 Mfe Ai Mens for 1 worth do for do do do do doj Calf for lineof Boys and Girls School Boot 2 Newmarkets Great Clothing Store Tweed for do do do Mens Black worth 10 DO EC El El We have the Clothing in Out JSlecugand Stylish 6 j r i i