i The Era gives home news every week than any two other papers in North York combined an3 is acknowMged to be the Leading County Paper I I INTELLIGENCER AND AD No sent of No York paid in advance No Binglo Newmarket Friday June I if paid In advance is always gained by using PAINTS OILS LAS ETC FKOM NEWMARKET June JACKS BAKERY is noted for Wedding Cakes lieave of early and have it filled to your satisfaction jr jauK SOUTH END BAKERY TRY OPH IQH Ay i i T j ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its 74th year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity i Accumulated Found Guilty BENT mil if ay The just re ward of dynamiters was dealt out to Karl John and John County jury to night when a of guilty was returned and then his Chan cellor Boyd flontorfcci all the men to life imprisonment case taking into account its- importance was of short duration It began yesterday morning and end ed ahortlv before oclock tonight when a verdict of the jury iwae re turned after an absence of They bad been in their room from oclock until oclock The addresses of the arid the charge of the court had been deliver- prisoners were- in their cells and the customary crowd of specta tors was absent Only the court core and a few others were in their places when the summons of the jury Boyd appeared at- most immediately and the three pris oners were brought up Throughout the afternoon they had been guarded by five extra constables and now when the crisis arrived they were sur rounded by a dozen guards They en tered the dock handcuffed to each other and the foreman of the jury arose to deliver the verdict He said and said it in a low tone but everyone heard him The prison ers rigid and then the jury was polled Each man answered guilty in his turn and in the dimly lighted court Chancellor Boyd delivered his sentence REMARKS Theso three men who have kept about for the weeks that have elapsed since their capture refused to make a final plea for mercy and they listened in stolid silence to their life sentence Chancellor Boyd told them that the crime for which they had been guilty was a novel one in his country it might Annual Revenue ove Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year Polices were issued for STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to over Four teen Millions of Dollars BONUS 1900 Assure now and secure a share of the profits GEO HUNT District Inspector BABTEDO Gold i 100 We perfect OPTICAL Street Toronto Hew Spring Goods of be Surpassed for extensive variety designs and general PR The latest styles of fasbionabJt shades of ex- vatueand wearing durabiity and Fancy Trouserings are included and examine and make your selection la on til rump witfi Blue Information or their will bo thankfully MM J by only this from which they professed The crime he said was of a most grievous nature and indicated that danger which we little suspected lurked around The for which the crime had been planned had not been discovered It might havebeen done for hire or hatred Possibly and Walsh did it for hire- If so their gain would be the filthy they were to receive for their work to his connection would be hate which- in itself was aoriraftagajnetoivilisaljoh The deed was in coaseqaepce and the law prescribed As a he could moderate the sen tence but as the prisoners were aliens who had come into the country a commercial highway be saw no reason for doing man he in plot and he would hold equally responsible for the deed He would therefore sentence all three to life imprisonment The impressiori in police eeems to be that John Walsh one of the dynamiters who is of a very morose disposition will suioideon the first opportunity that presents it- end We life Kmosrox May The Canal dynamiters were behind prison bars at oclock last They were not depressed on arrival AWagreedto make the best British forces Boers Evacuate positions BAD KNi JELL TELLS Ma I am happy to inforea you that was relieved to day The north- cm and southern joined on May and attacked the yesterday and after a email engage ment entirely defeated them with loss The British casualties were killed and wounded The relieving force marched into at- this morning and the relief and defence combined and moved out and attacked the enemys head laager We shelled them arid nearly captured and took One gun a Hag and a large amount of ammunition etc Five dead Boers wore found The enemy to bo retreating in all directions except one commando which is lying low possibly to cover the retreat of the remainder Captain and Corporal Murray were found in the Boor hos pital They are doing well The townspeople and garrison of are heartily grateful for their relief May 22 About rebels have surrendered at north of Kimhorly and a little more than half way between that place and May A Pretoria tele gram reports that the first train en tered eking from the north on Tuesday The first train from the south is expected to arrive thoir next week There is no confirmation of the re port received Wednesday that the force that relieved had sur rounded the Boers who had been be sieging that place Pretoria May The advance guard at retired on the main body at the northern border According te Free State advices the May Lord headquarters was at andthat the British rapidly ad vancing Geo Hamilton had effected a junction with Lord Roberts The country in front of them was clear of Boers to Drift The Boers wore evacuating all their positions south of the and bad crossed to the north bank Probably Gen Frenchs cavalry the fords of the the engineers who opposed the blowing up of the have been dismissed Commandant has been appointed to defend Johannesburg and all the British sub jects turned fear that the Brit ish will blow up the bridge at thus cutting off their supplies from Bay and a commando of is guarding the bridge against any such attempt by British raiders It is reasserted that President Kro ger will retire to when fighting is imminent at Johannesburg and Pretoria Concern is expressed at Pretoria with reference to the possi bility that Gen may come down from Rhodesia with men to operate with as more en tering the Transvaal by way of Horse sickness is said te have broken out among Gen animals BadenPowell declines to act on the suggestion of his friends that he re turn to England for rest He is de termined to retain his active command at the front May Advices state that the Boers are entrenching 10 miles east of The railway is now to within miles of the town Ample supplies of plain food are coming in Col BadenPowell voluntarily gave up British of whom were funded to Drift on the River Boer commandant who thanked from with a large stimulated by the On Sunday engaged the Brit- successes attacked the between and tvw at and The Federals bad to retire before an took much loot They released Sun overwhelming force losing killed the old chief who had rendered and wounded- service to the supplied with r news of the Boer operations London May say thousand- Boers are near burg besides small roving with the British to Lorenzo State gee- of the Transvaal bis Boers last Monday and family were on the same Spiring them and f recalcitrants into theservice and train River May The Boers have evacuated their strong po sition at this point Before they left they wrecked the bridge across the river and two long cul verts It is said that Irish are now the Boer dynamite train altogether i The of any wreckage be tween and this place is ex plained by the fact that the Boers were anxious to hold the Orange Free burghers in line is said that the latter are angry over the destruc tion of the bridges in their territory A drought and a cold wind are pre vailing and there have been many accidental fires on the veldt London May spatch from Newcastle Natal saja first need for light ing purposes in For Infanta and Children tort Urn rules and had no Boers is disgusted with their conduct trouble on the way down persons were at the outer station to see May were driven to the penitentiary cabs Tho after Warden received them failed to blow up the one of the men said more sue- begone by others The first newspaper was publish ed in in CATARRH CURE Atlft- it direct ho Gail by Improved Blower clear the tuijgeiKop In and cute- Fever Dr 25 An tempt was made very early this morn ing to rob the Canadian Bank of here The Burglars after a futile attempt to effect an en trance by a back door to to get in thru the front door but in doing so awakened the ledger keeper who slept above the bank He could not see the intruders- but fired a re volver thru a grating in the door The burglars then went into the street and opened fire on the bank waking Chief of Police who arrived oh the scene after they had disappeared Nothing was taken away by the and has requested the Czar to recall A despatch from says The general opinion isthat we will arrive at Pretoria as fast as we can the the Boers announced to all the countryside that they intended bo fight to the death Ian Hamilton is in the advance on the rights Thus Lord Roberts who presumably a few miles behind Gen French will reach the River before the end of the week i Natives report that the buried two guns in the A Pretoria despatch says that the Federals have resolved a de termined defence of the city of the State mining engineer has been given months leave of absence for pro testing against the to blow The British are sweeping the coun try far and wide seizing horses cattle and grain- London May The War Office has reived the following from Ird Roberts Sunday May We the this morning and are now encamped on the north bank The advance troops which crossed yesterday were only in time to save the coal mines on both this and the other side of the river from destroyed Our were four BadenPowell reports that the railway between Mafeking and has been restored and that supr plies are being brought into He say the Canadian Artillery joined Col from with incred ible rapidity Lieut Webber was taken prison er at a few days ago He went there on telegraphdoey It was that our had been temporarily Basatolaud Saturday May of colonials captured ten waggons of grain hear where they captured Maxim- constructed by a local inventor rf Oaf Toronto Letter a Medietas Co fiiift thieves who left their tools up the mines Wis It 4lU it mirror or wretched fcmjVvOiifinii teIOlt iwtblei fcatDriKliir life th lb clear B I I needles first came into in beat rar est remedy for cramps As tor wooed it la int Due one Perry Wc Arthur who shot and billed his father short time ago in this city was found- guilty of man slaughter last and to four years confinement at Reformatory a pretty The built at the Ber tram fthip yard launched lat week The vessel is being built for Mr J Booth of Ottawa for the Atlantic and is intended to ply between Parry and upper lake ports She ft long Empire Day was celebrated in grand style The city decorations were ahead of any previous occasion of the kind It has been decided to bold the an nual regatta of the on Sat urday June and Monday July Rev Dr Alex Burns a well known minister of the Methodist Church died at his residence Pembroke St last week The Street Railway Co has secured a lease of Victoria Park and com bine that and Munro Park as a plea sure resort It will be fitted up for pic Sunday School and church ex cursion parties etc Howard Fulton of New Orleans one of Boyles stable boys had his leg broken at the Woodbine track on Fri day lent He was out exercising a horse and the animal which lie rode bumped up against another one so vio lently that Fultons leg was broken At a meeting of the Knox Church Session last week it was decided to recommend the extension of a call to the pastorate of that church to Rev Dr Johnston of St Andrew Church London A congrega tional meeting will be held June when the matter will be laid before the members The salary mentioned is A fire in Ontario at last Friday night did damage to three roughcast dwellings to A round of festivities took place during the recent visit of their Ex cellencies Lord arid Lady They attended the Woodbine races the three days of the week The Veterans of 66 having joined with the School Board in making Em pire Day the general day for decora tion of monuments will this year com memorate the anniversary of Ridge way by decorating the graves of their com rades who fell on that occasions For that purpose they will assemble at the Armories at 2 pm June 2 and march to the monument in Park and after decorating the same they will proceed to the various cemeteries where the dead veterans are interred and decorate their graves When the York County Council meets they will be asked by the To ronto Railway Co for the right to ex tend the Lake Shore Elec tric Railway to the Lorne Park rifle The company purpose asking Peel County for the right to extend to pill the That is a question It has puzzled the preacher the deacons the ushers and the contribution box There is a general feeling that something must be done A few years ago the Star sug gested young lady ushers as an experi ment Jft Was not tried in Wilson It has just been tried in Newark J ft is working well The ance baa increased Young men find their the church who havent been there before and those who al ways came are ptningto have the ser vices more frequently They like to go to church It need to be a task Now is a pleasure Sermons that long prosy and uninteresting are now too- short have unusual at traction and are models of diction and eloquence Starting with two young the pews began to fill lintirtbeservicesf more ushers were needed and have been supplied The church pews are no more comfortable dun they were before the choir the same hymns the its regular rounds is no more alluring or enticing than before the sermons are by the name minister who chooses his text from the same Book and delivers his thoughts in the same manner as before but the pews occupied and the audience satis- lied and it must all bo due to the sweet smiles of the young ushers It is no- longer an ex periment It is an acknowledged success and is worthy emulation by churches where congregations are backward in coming forward What church in will be first to start the innovation Star t Some OOt OCCtJBBEKCKB WHICH OX CERTAIN KB A number of odd occurrences in volving loss of life and of have occurred the past month and they go to show that tales of fiction are not nearly so strange as happenings in real life Among the curious happenings are the following -I- WhUe Madison a prominent farmer living near Ohio was playing with hie children he threw his head back and two false teeth slipped down his throat They were removed in a Pittsburg hospital where he was taken but an was created and he died In Philadelphia the point of a nee- accidentally thrust into the third finger the left hand of Mrs Annie Smith With a scream ehe fell back dead It is believed that the nerve connected the ringer and the heart She had been suffering from heart disease and the prick is sup posed to have through- the commu nicating nerve caused a shock that stopped the heart action At Geneva Edward died from the puncture of a needle in the back of hand Mrs Matilda Quitman of Manhat tan literally cried her eyes through mourning the death of her husband and daughter Her con stant weeping is believed to have caused as irritation which stopped a blood vessel thus producing sudden blindness In Marietta Frederick cried three days over his aged father and sole remaining relative who was fatally ill Ten min utes the old man died the threw himself on bed and was dead in a few minutes- Physicians say his was broken IKUyMhon aged eleven years of Manhattan and Freda of Belleville III died from the effects of excessive rope skipping The fatal exploit of the latter was two hundred and thirty without a reat In Bridgeport Conn a factory girl waltzed to excess and became insane At Pa- a man became of failure to win over eleven other members of a jury he was Bit ting on to his view of a liquor violation- case In Manhattan William sged twentytwo offered to help a lady clean bouse She had nothing for him to do except to see that a fire in the yard did not catch to any fences At the time obserying- he had on a new suit of clothes she laughingly him to put on one of her dress skirts took her at her word and in this incongruous rig assumed his duties Soon after his dress caught fire and he was fatal ly Bean of Chicago licked hundred newspaper wrappers and became violently til A diag nosed the case as ptothaino poisoning caused by the mucilag At Brown ing Ind A was about to be operated on for appendicitis the family to try a stomach pomp A largo amount of sand and gravel was taken from him and he recovered It was the boast of John aged years at Pa that he could smoke more cigarettes than any other man in that section of the State While Brooking one in the street he was stricken with paralysis of the heart He soon died hut be fore lapsing into asked a bystander to give him the 1 that had dropped from his- month when he fell to the pavement At St Corns Bud Ferguson a bet that homo ball would beat He won con siderable money and on Ma way home In car be laughed so immoderately when telling a friend of hemorrhage followed and He dropped dead Boyd aged was smoth ered to death in a corn bin at West John a Euc lid fanner was to death against theaWo of a stall by a horse Two maiden sisters named Pitts at tho time in NJ A deep 100 end ed in death of Boy Irwin Bullock of Newark NJ -f-