MA fei J ERA goo- J r Sluhea Woeful Want i A to Telegram announces As wasteful sat wiif fhl Canadian at the you need might fuvsasti is to fans Exposition wao OP fto you posse is Birthday Ibrongs a priceless possession can I ho a it was greatly d- tf ito on to Bay riWe to bo A PIOUS STORY If I irrrj AN INTERVIEW 1 jr i Mra pipy to day jip ft of my firat J What was it Mrs LakesideMy first husband hadnt soon for Happiness Until Use I Lyons folic Best Advertising Medium York County advcrtiao- coot per II no for Insertion par lino for each AclYvrllftVnrflita writ ten lnecft4 charged changed onoo each For each must do or A regular for must bo In by noon On tow for Farina to Kent Article and Found will bo Inserted It CO tor WMf coition for a to Oatiadlab CommJBatdnaBodtratia were of the Canadian finnlveaatfy After of Health bo We and HIM jBOAI o Street on Fpficourny T I tor Notary So 10AU Court liennoi Convoys o doors South of Of fice T Aurora wilt Also be at Newmarket on Saturday a ana Court WTBolIoUoSfbVj Hobs ic and Ontario Aurora p Barrister MonavtoJoBO Block Main Barrister Reformer Block to Loan FAINTING Bono neatly and in x I am also wwoolated with a Fainter and Sign Writer I Hard Store MrJ8 Green head of Strict Bolton and Church Street and for Co of York od on Farm attended to Olmcoe Street flrat door South of Post to A I Block Churoh I Satisfaction Guaranteed Pouter be at Dr Porter Brad ford every Monday On of May moffibora of House of ston to 40th of entry into public life by placing a of upon dost tied a ribbon to a vase words- Fortyfive years of publics life Sir on entering that day was with applause claimed the of to express how deeply ho had touched by manner in which had marked completion year of his entry life Ho then re counted several incidents connected therewith conclusion ho cypress desire not to remain much long or in Parliament but that expected at all until electorate of the country shall which of the two great parties who are now contending for power this country are to enjoy it during period which is to coma Of course this electioneering wily from Sir brought forth cheers and laughter from the mem bers were in a mood Scarce however had subsided when Sir Wilfrid arose to feel and was After a few preliminary observations the Premier proceeded to say that ho was sure he tho not only of House but of the Canadian people when ho expressed pleasure in being able to congratulato Hon friend leader of Op position upon ha year of public service to his try Sir Wilfrid wont on to say It blessings of political life that it is possible sometimes to forgot that we are divided in opinions it is one of the redeeming features of public life that our fights are keen and sometimes bitter still after all we can realize that beneath or rather above all there are noble sentiments that guide The Premier then pro ceeded to say that ha did not share the views of Sir Charles on questions of public interest but he hailed with pleasure announcement that the present leader of the Opposi tion will load the party at next election and without minimizing that gentlemens strong personality and influence he the Pre mier felt convinced that ing all the efforts of his Hon friend he will still remain where he is long to adorn the Canadian Parliamentary Opposition This reply of Sir Wilfrid to the sally of Sir Charles was re ceived with cheers and laughter from both sides of the House The whole episode illustrates beautifully the fact that the Vehement speeches oftentime delivered in parliament are so much vapory emptiness with which members repay the country for the indemnity doled out by grace ful people over which supporters indulge in feelings of ness I Wad maw remedies to care write South of found no flalre I bare not troubled pile and the best net In the world par box guaranteed ty Lehman flrof- the Pieton filaslin of town Edward County a Tiniea offloeithe other and during told hie feet and a generally one flret ward County seventy- first the father of up family of In course of conversation Mr said I had what it was to bo I have had good health and worked on my farm every day some months A Wo the do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Wills English of entente of teey Aft relieve and Headache We will of faction or no pay wbon Wills aro used Lehman Druggist J Out Bootta Main Newmarket Ont A Medicine That Meets the Most Urgent Cases Reliable Prompt ago when I taken with in my and consulted a doctor but received benefit I told by oho doctor that I had dis ease but his treatment did not help roe and I continued getting worse left mo and I fell away in fleih- I became irritable and could at Nobody can intoriEe pain I endured Not any benefit from food I having a constant pain in fltpijaaoh I soon became aware that I pad dyspepsia and pain id ray Jack and by the in my to me unbearable I was also a groat suCotor from cold feet nearly every day my foot- would get like chunks of ice and unless I was constantly by fire soles of my feet would feel as though they were wet One I told my wife I wee going to try Williams Pink Pills Having read much of famous pills thought that what they bad done for others they might do for me procured a bo from Mr Case druggist and to my great delight be fore had quite one box I had improved I had finished a couple more boxes I felt a new man and I gladly tell this for bene fit- of all who suffer as I did Con Mr said My is all gone and I can come and go and enjoy as good health as I ever did With remarks Mr Maa got up to go but added that hie wife was receiving benefit from Dr Williams Pink took home a couple of boxes the other day and thinks they are splendid Dr Williams Pink Pills by go- root of the disease They retiQwand build- tip the bloody and strengthen the nerves thus driving disease from the system imi tations by instating box you enclosed a bearing life mark Dr for Pale People If your dealer does not keep them will be sent postpaid at cents a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Brock- villa Britain Out May Perrio living a few miles south of here was burning- from apple trees when her clothe caught fire from the coal oil torch There was a high wind and wo man was unable to the flames She pan to a carrying a before she received assistant succumbed after seysral hours agony Wo understand Mr denies that there is any ground for the report that ho and Mr Morgan contemplated When it Hurts to Cough The cough that that got in the dally and diaper Into bronchial tubes and making for the In to become pneumonia of the or cough a yield only to tbo wonderful of Dr of and which the and cures and cold a bottle Family sold JOTB It that West Heron Liberals will make the nomination of a party an- diddle for ibe House today mwrtlog at It up to the present you have failed to get rid of nervousness sleeplessness dyspepsia heart palpitation and sightly diseases that arise from impure blood it is because you not used Celery What this greatest of all modern medicines has done for sufferers in your condition may be learned from friends and neighbors who have made well by it discoverer of Paines Celery Compound was no idle theorist Prof Edward KM of Dartmouth Medical College had posi tive proof of the great virtues of his wonderful discovery before he offered Compound to his fellow and to the public For absolute reliability banishing diseases from the system there is nothing that approaches Celery Compound At this season of the year it should be used by everyone who is trying to get rid of nerve and blood diseases neuralgia rheumatism and liver and kidney troubles If you desirs a cer tain and rapid cure take nothing than Celery Compound PumpMakers Pump kept on band for wos or cisterns work ione on notice All now work world like a piece of music is full of sharps and flats Children Cry for TOR I A Many a man stubs toe on the threshold of success women who were charged with shoplifting at departmental atom Were found guilty but let off on aus- sentences Spavin Liniment removes aJi ha soft or calloused Lumps- and Blemishes from horses Blood Spavin Curbs Splints Ring Bone Sweeney Sprains Sore and Swollen Throat Coughs etc The use of one bottle may make you 50 Warranted the most Cure oyer known Bold by Piles Mr Co Ontario writes was With for boa two not at half the I After the applioatlon relief and one Iwx cured ma ttVhsanent1AoflnWiiji ageV Ointment JfABKDAtR May flour mill owned by and the bouse and adjacent were night- Xhelosa Good proud par ent At the bead of your day How did you get there Easy replied the youthful pro- the rest of the fellows- had every other way of the word Tk fltfeaertai or employed thl ha referred abTe- bodied men It be bad la day be would bare known that men and women not become so by blood rich pare end pt- In good perfect Jraparta vitality an to about colls to the Prefl- Ktogor at of South African war announced In bat reoentty be Peking row Btfttes to the by some our not generally known that under the recently amended resale ifona a with Junior leaving inn may have third professional rsnewed often detired by Model ezamlnfttlona have been found of the crime againat them the trial has giv en thtm a life will be warning to others of like criminal ten dencies and a timely warning to all Fenians that Canada is for who have warm heart lor it is tbe piaberlei Deput of Ontario la notifying magistrates throughout the that minimum fine for- violations of Fish eries Act Borne magistrates bate beep taking advantage of a aappsed power to impose lower penalties where the offences were committed in of law and tbe offenders from pov erty of he of Canada been the beads of the which our bat it Jo far in of ola88forcaVve la now among the nations of the world we trust the- present Government will see to It thai in the Canadians Niagara Falls Ont May Late this afternoon a man about years of age dressed in the clothing of a priest at Niagara Falls Reaching the northern end of the city ho visited saloon drank some beer and then went to the ra pids viewed the elevator building and made the descent on the incline rail way to the waters immediately below the It steel bridge After spending a few minutes viewing the rushing at his feet Mr Dietrich the photographer solicited him to ah for a picture which he did removing his hat When it was taken He left to have the photo sent to New York City Then at oclock barebeaded he walked out on the large rock projecting out into the rapids The photographer called to him Stop I What you trying to The man waved his hand say ing Goodbye and leaped into the rapids He was soon down thru the Whirlpool rapid His hat and cane were left lying on beach and were handed over to the authori ties annual spring fair was held undermost con ditions The weather was good the large the program highly entertaining and the management was most enthusiastic Compared with the- attendance was lonjrwaj in advance the gate being nearly ahead of last year The Metropolitan served the traveling public with- an excellent timetable and the cheap fares proved a big drawing card The die plays of agricultural products were horses were below the stamp of shown but the interest in the ladies and poultry departments was strongly noticeable in the days exhibits large crowd at seeraingIvenioyedbeeyent to the highest pitcn and or good fellowship pervaded the day jdueio creditable to the given on the ground Band a football Locuat being competing The latter after a hard struggle fit the finrfrom King speeding contests did not draw the field that was anticipated two in m sequence The free for all trot resulted as lows Billy Mao Ill Marion Fawns J W The trot ended in following order Jimmy Ill Bensons Fred- Smiths Minnie 8 Farmers trot J Forsyth 1 J race Johnston sports won by Bicycle race J Powell 1 Taylor 13 mile White Foot race Graham White Foot race 100 yards Whit- mere Johnston Foot race yards boys Starr Lloyd Tho speoial prize for the best gentle mans turnout came into the hands of Mr John The success of the fair was in a great measure due to the strenuous efforts put forward by Secretary A The officers of the fair are Lloyd vicepresident 2nd vice- president and Secretary ArVo Huh Down pMthifryoihC83A ft or I have ten with my heart nerves would take epeiia feellne would coma oyer ipe after night I would never mr and my bud would Ache a though It would burst had to keep to my bed ana though my doctor attended me fall liniil hi did I taken five help have now Dr Nerve and It more food than I believed a medicine fall to my for cur brought treat welc women nd chil dren healthy and happy In box at all deaHre Toronto for our and iaHd or of ntlon dplalon fcy lis fully to and dhpatch work and procured through without isi loo newspapers distributed ihc fiogineers MARION MARION Patent and tetters New York fc fltuatanKHPonunaD Wtykt DO Kino on not OUT BUS- the BEAM THE ttAUe Summer a steton of health when you take Our Native Herbs Tablets a Tired eyes cause sick- G3 1- baa It L pan of ready for frying In lie fcltoh- Topper to oaaeoJwfaa that he will dieoTpeare of a very to the In general it the there be and tbe ft tea to talk about for the next few Am WewfpepenihrQ- out wmn their against eo who promise to pay big for grade manage to from the of tbaoatiletopay the coal of having the in Ontario Eton Book and are seem no a reemynoe farmer by to and A Division than an of note Is loot he stanii after the payee The payee to order the note meat endorse the note to make negoti able and If be It after the mad he the ho for the note In- of man who was Intended to stand at seobrily wad eebarJty get a joint nolo lifi It fashionable today to have a new heart every the commons of of ixh as loss trouble object of If a tondredUi pert of tfteiheatttriJTible hobouticr6al cm 5w j W people into prevalent real which and fatal when it does occur a rare cannot con dace an Iron of the Too little trim raeani of in Miform hi combination other agents la a manner that disease cant action feel yonrsdi getting weft when you Dr Blood and by B Cool the blood keep the vital fortified against summer diseases AX Ala aio NOTICE Toatn NOTICE la riven to thereby a to in gj hid by the etUne njarket the Cbamber the brbpbeed are to be at ftp said date and or Bo to afreet either loiter to make may have LLOYD Townqierk SALE Because the eyes tire easily some folks say they are not well In most such there is Neglected eyestrain is sure to produce Be wise Have your eyes examined Know their exact condition from an expert Consultation free Atkinsori GRADUATE OPTICIAN A Co Jewelry Store Tires in a On macadam roads on countryroads on good roads and had roads Detachable Tires are safest and easiest to ride meet with a mis hap a puncture ten home these arc the need WU Three in firetclass eeen working at Era office any Thursday afternoon Is a bargain at J60 but will eell for at tbia office Town Carting All Wade of on Short Notice and on Terras Cot I PATENTS GUARANTEED OarfrtttinndUWnat and oi any promptly foe of How to Patent aent request xcii laroth ad for at our expend si by ilia and ora Bend for amplecopjr rata VJOTOft A CO I tor at half Enquire at tat mis i I