THE NEWMARKKX REST fl General Manager A NEWMARKET- BRANCH General Banking Business nterost Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED AT Fa mora inaaor A Agent for d to at on Farm and Isolate Town Jackson or MARRIAGE At tho Papers at private it J issuer Mi button Main St and Fancy flip A of Violin Tuner or Pianos ftodt String r oV If J I II II Sunday School Prepared for the by Senji Forth V- li that speak tutthe your father in you HEART and is aqt Jim ot WgWiR bIVrt is Wo There harvest for different uatewn God no never forgets those have his The true servant is ever the God piled to yon spirit is one of The Christ come tender heart conditions are made important in evil Is he mark of Heaven given ministry hut ait illy qualified by path of Christs marked- by- healing TROTHS Versos The with open eye and heart Jesus gave timely blessing to the one Jesus looked with pity on tho comfortless condition of every one showed heart compassion to every lost sou Jesus shares salvation of the world with men lite to Befool Cur ignorance fits us VfeUiopejSuppljants for helpers Let uejeajoustv do our work jealously avoid Gods work All- workers should with Christ Our must taken solely from hand Our must only from his bounty Our instructions must be filled to the last letter Gods service needs utterly unlike but God Gods go not 1 as and infallible as His MOUTH AD of ay To n T4 you Ae4 jov have iuuWdi Aid I A Kill with April ilea Tt Stir J it TEACHER Go Gods ideal of life sooma to bo service Gods message- of direction is definite and plain oil that sin has marred sins legacy is to bo stopped and banished Evil power is tbbedislOdf and repelled Death sins greatest curse is to be by life Japans tew method HAS KINDS OP dear ones for the one for poor for mean ana and very to all Money to Loan At iji per cent on firaiolaM farm security on Life Insurance policial by Davidson Convey Heal fi Agent for reliable JnBuraaoe Union Mutual Office Hopkins Block NEWMARKET IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call Ordering to Loan At on Barm by David Beat Ba tata Agent Conveyancer of Marriage Agent 1 Mutual a Alio Agent for the companies QneenOf ao WveriKKjl HOW CaiUIKAliS TO Will BE The Japanoso Government is to discover a new and more mod ern mode for the execution of its con It laid aside the JtieayOf execution by electricity as npWpwptise3inAmorirja eon- an entirely new and improved method of execution It is and peace ftti The Japanese consider it even fo better than moat modern mode as ifotriaim iKeaesrtuoeof in the least whereas electricity when not applied to the proper de gree burns and shrivels the skin of the victim The death or as it isto be known to be an airtight cell built In or adjoining the prison It is to be eight feet in feet wide and ton feet long The four to have each an air window of threequarter plate glass so that the operators pris on and officials may have an witness the The cell will be connected with an air pump will have a power of causing the explosion of the air in one minute and forty seconds thus so quickly as not to allow the victim to become suffocated or dis tressed in even the slightest degree but instead causing almost instant In fact it was shown when the- experiment was a large St Bernard that the animal was dead a minute a half after the vacuum was compjeted before whom the exper iment was tried were not only marvel- lously pleased and suooesa but were positive the from the peaceful and lifelike appearance of the dogkbifciie wasstUl that they allow the vaucumto for thirty When on examining the they found that it a Ingenious of North Carolina day applied to a gentleman for aid for foreign missions but was re pulsed with the reply I dont believe foreign missions I want what give to benefit my neighbors Well replied Dr whom do you regard as vour neigh- bora Why those around me the brother Do you mean those whose land joins yours inquired Skinner Yea Well said how much land do you own About acres How far down do you own Why I never thought of it before but I suppose I own half way through Exactly said Skinner I fluppoeyoudoajjd I want this money for the the men whose land joins yours on the The hardened brother- had never thought of that and gave a good sum for for AaiyaiaMopvEro- Old Comer of Main Street KNOWLfS Sent Free By Mail Ladies or gents superb ivory han dled knife or goldplated chain or beautiful- plated soissprs or latest pocketbooks or silver butterknife or sugar spoon or five sheets of latest music and hundreds of beautiful cities of merit no to mention here free with one dollar mail of our famous any price teas or coffees cocoas oakingpowder chocolate pep per ginger etc at and- a A order by mail any in the list or half heavy plated silver forks or tea table desert spoons or half gran pie plates or large sauce dish pre serving kettle or splendid or coffee pot Davidsons famous will convince you of the exceptional quality Agents l wanted Stomp for big prize list Select or we Main tik A Fresh a Week of Park Coa Kama Lard lo beat on con- vino you Alio Woor Rolled Oat Cora Chaw Potato Bait Corn Tomatoes Bologna Ham and Honey Orders filhd on the shortest e far better thin electricity causes a stiff ening of the and a frightful appearance of the face and eyes The method to be pursued in the by ohamber wilt lbs orders what von want teas or coffees or some of TEA CO St Catherine St Montreal Que condemned will be stripped so that the the abla to oarfae aiy will be placed in a position on the flat back bead so as to allow jfujl expansion and so that when the vac- a uum forming the air in the body the aiener for Dr Overdid It Carrie Tell me gate how was it you marry worHanheeyer loved- If a hjan vyill Jle to you before marriage what stones wont he tell afterward Tier it expelled of the will drawn- out of the chamber by the air pump and then there being no air in the cham ber to replace that exhaled death will ensue average human life years the that Urtie4 the world by of over boomed all u the ior la He ftte to and tew care In Capias Colas Crwjp- and ell una trial toe ft to tfate a I aball never forget tte Joy with which received the news of my It was a year after I left the Mamma had contract ed considerable to keep mo in Petersburg sister growing and In gym- in flue mammas barely enougU to make both meet and my salary had ward to with Impatience But atrango to aay my feeling as I received my appointment as teacber In- the fe male gymnasium of the city of Had nothing to do wllu the improve ment in our economical status which it Implied I remember that feeling so clearly that ft If It bad all happened but ah hour ago Maybe because of the occurrence which It foreshadowed and which was destined to leave deep trace on my life that I recall It ao vividly every tlmo I think of It However that may be the first exclamation which made mentally as received a letter an nouncing my appointment not Now I shall have rubles a mouth but- Now I shall teach a class of beautiful and fall In lover Do not If you had been brought up under the same conditions you mW lie In a simitar flurry I what la called a rood hoy and left rby books When In burg I ever trembling lest should fall to pass my examinations and thus cause mother unnecessary ex pease and worry Besides I had In- from my father a retiring stu dious nature and the very thought of young ladles would make my heart beat fast with a feeling of diffidence and However I had a vague conviction that it would have to wear off and that sooner or I should have to follow the course of all young men fall In love propose marry and become a paterfamilias When learn ed about the gymnasium where I was to teach beheld a class made up of beauties Why all beau ties I could not have explained bat there they young and rosy cheeked all tall and all with bashful blue eyes as of them dresses and black aprons They lured me caressed my soul agitated my heart threw me Into 8 disquieting ecstasy which was as novel to me as It sweet and- pain- it bad taken me three hours to dress I make my first appearance at the gymnaum first lesson was lu the highest class which made up of glrlaof or sto- preparing for examination ever trembled as did on that It was as Instead of scholars I to face or examiners each with an Incisive pair of eyes read to pounce poor bashful salt could bear them my expense make jokes about my awkwardness my necktie my When entered the I struck an attitude of exaggerated To prove to I was not afraid of the girts spoke ridiculously loud I almost shouted I went on explaining the distinction between chemistry andphyalcs frowned on ray class looked daggers at tbefrontrowandaltogether be haved as If 1 bore a personal grudge- Isnt he stern I overheard one girl whisper A thrill of pride ran I to myself and elated began to more at and tot up and down room with the old l wait In the heav en Two were talking In the rear seats thundered There was a suppressed chuckle at- thIslaudWy heart I the moat miserable wretch In the world vl When got borne I lay down on lounge to think over did not What and as I tried to paw girls in review metbatbfcad not out Whether vfera pretty dark A bturrejl Image uniform all I carried j The next time 1 had a In the class called out Mile 6habadetldeDtiy givenmuch time had ItaUwropg ank strange to jray more she I towarueT re fctte It waa so charming to hear her go the explauatloa which she did not herself should have heard her rattle on about phi- and laws To Judge from manner one would have thought slit was aura her ground jdfelt abt to cards and to teach- r7Hfr dark efihuBiasox ahe recited she gently Jerjcedjher head and now and then her baud grace movements lbs one am going to fall in and so far gone afraid of my own shadow Mile and other girls in the seemed to have discovered the secret of- my heart to make fun of me to think of nothing but my Insane love for Maria director find It out Why that wouldbe terrible shame of Hi Besides It might lead to rill sorts of disagreeable situations and finally to my losing the position The teacher of mathematics En the higher classes of the male gymnasium fell sick and the work was divided between another and myself It only took me tone hour a day and did not In the least Interfere with my jsoDs at the gymnasium The most stupid member of the eighth class a fellow named Eras- aolf He did not seem to have a clear i Idea as to the difference the size of an angle and the length of Bides llow they had passed him to the highest- class was more than I could understand But he was very diligent and tfls struggles with bis geometry we were reviewing the cur- of the tower classes for the final examinations touched my heart I was so Id love that seemed to mutely praying everybody to help me convey my feeling to the young lady to whom I dared not speak ox- cept Id the stern accents of a addressing his I bad never been In sueb a meek almost tearful mood the man in the world and every sufferer or victim aroused my sympathy 1 invited ICrassoff to my house gave him a few private les sons patiently went over the elements Of the subject with and flushed With success spoke to him of my past and got to tell me about him self Outside of bis studies he proved to bo unite a sensible fellow He even bad a sort of humor which I thought delightful also liked his honest face and his manly As he waarather to cast off nil restraint after a few hearty words from me the Ice sudden ly broke and he said know I am stupid and that its no use study fug But am In love with end It Is for sake that am silting up nights trying to drive my through this forehead She would take me as I am She said so But I pledged myself to be no man be worthy of her To me who she Is commanded him pressing his hand and all but roll ing on neck and kissing him it was all I could do to keep from giving away my own You know he answered She la your scholar Its Mile says you are on angel let go his hand felt as though the floor giving way under me but at the next moment I was overcome with fear lest be should divine the cause of my sudden change and put ting on a mask I fell to clapping my bands Bravo Glad to hear It old boy shouted course my voice did not ring true but Krassoff in a of all sorts of feelings bo he did not notice It a a years hare passed practicing law He Is quite successful and often as I make my way home after meet Maria driving I dont- call on them Am I still Id love I think I am But far I have not been interested In any other woman Id the same way la which was in Maybe I bad in me just love enough for one attach ment maybe am still destined to love and to be loved At all events my heart feels so empty so If you knew how hard it Is to live as I do New York Commercial iiiVfFfii l to Capture Coon There are several expert coon bunt- era In city probably five or six arid there are people who would not know bow to get a coon if they were lying around in every tree In the woods Perhaps an old coon hunters directions for getting the beasts may be Interestlngi vFuat a good dog Then ye a crowd of and each a a Spaded On flndgaout In the piece nfwoodB ye know of Turn dog loose Then run never run before and try ter cant do It hut dog Itke up treftlf ye run all night where dog and big fire outer let he comeftjdown pick out the hate the and the aI goffer WnS go hi then flpdyet it but ye try git home the i I Lord a- witness TbeqqettioDwM abeutt the site of certain hoof prints left by a- horse in sandy soil large were asked te learned counsel- Tyere they as large as holding up wltneau to aee r aald the honestly It an ordinary hoof Then Sir Charles bad to suspend the examination while laughed labk IhtfStoaaxiearjlBcrwTs Imams ressamRestptaliisneitlKr FAC81MILE THAT THE J SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OP BOTTIE OF Remedy Sour StomathDiajrhDfa and Loss OF Sleep State of NEW YORK 1115 33 COPT Is In aol sold to else orx pies or premiss tost it jnrtai and tUI pur aaSc you get woxow J New Victoria BINDER cm Highest Drive Wheel Made Brass xw Roller Bearings fievenib for All the arid The Oxford Clipper Cot Mowers ALL With Roller and Ball Serrated Ledger if desired Agent to show yon the New Patented Ball Bearing Knife Clip Supplied only when ordered We also manufacture and moat complete line of Cultivate and Seeding Implements on Earth comprising Tooth fitted with and grass sowing attachments if desired Spring and Spike Tooth Drills ail kinds Horse frictiou and ratchet dump etc etc If you need anything In line send for oar Illustrated Catalogue sent free will find it very to to o THE Co Ingereoll Out J J Spring Stock of BEY GOOD if Just Extra good Values in Prints Lawns and Muslins I Call and See Before Purchasing Elsewhere H KENYON The Era till Jan 1901 for 60c