A R DAY Bn ijucti J Constipation Headache Heartburn Indigestion Dizziness Indicate your llVcr Ifl out of The heat to liver euro all 1Kb l Hold by dealer 44404 It i This knows ho aa how ho It Such endorsomeats following era a sufficient proof of Oh merits lb wo the Hot hi took on vb four jtBjaUKX for fa- As for It no yiuol for on book or p CO around the Hub COT- FIND RECOUP- Heretofore- our Council the for tho late in afternoon but ail day when is wind or teams wo ha plenty of dust A coming i Two Mormon in now the object of their to this potion is to jog study the Scriptures carefully and to them with the of Day generally known They will distribute tracts and meetings possible They claim bey travel did the of old Without script Market Co are call- CO YEARS Trad Marks Ac our opinion an MOUNT y7 f A young at of Mr arrived Monday Dr Patent arrived Monday with a lady and gentleman Poor of Mr S pneumonia nor recovery Among in Rear old grookBi J Arnold and Mrs Out doctors are busy now in and around town being cause sir Life Jfhlwa o It when fee from Hi ilctli Old to taera I afi ceat oo4for toy aaa every to ate ana carrj jot Bold by i- milk Goalee that to to haul in gravel for- farmer and dairyman the idea yard and street of cum cWjo In toe entitle ndiotodr iouitt3 of tcientJflo A loUitt3 of four mouth floldbirftll WSJalVKatel just now D of Port Hope is to be on hie recent took with honors Ho is a of Braels of Blag wood Mr Jacob Jeweller moved bis family to last week Mr intends out ft on street Adam will re main in and take of Cry for CASTOR I A Too hit uetk BUTTON Mr Agent for the Era at Button and authorised to receive subscriptions etc for all of printing promptly to cow or otherwise is an but to who take a in their business and got the top the market for their it is a matter of moment in that it to milk flow the butter produce by or percent- Leading Specialists America of and titcd troubled a a is In wtak orpins ad the yo I fcayo TIUO or TiilJWlll will re- NEW tricjuw lor no ilottalitifi KQjbod 5He ftnW Are GLEET Thooowdaor yotjog tod toco iV1db their mi ail b4 by are frvhoaiaia Ok Poor Byte with of Part eta tod DaMyNtifiMiua- ihw do l tbwq dont to on too fctcfVlfoftuj will 5 our yon for a for GUARANTEED BOOKS call writ for Kennedys Cor Michigan Ave actd Shelby St DETROIT MICH mm THIS WEEKS SPECIAL AT LEHMANS SOAPS village lot owned by the late and at present occu pied by Mr Herbert Mann baker was sold under mortgage on Saturday last Mrs James who received se vere injuries some time ago from ft fall is able to be about again not folly recovered t lit Milne is moving from fala pres ent residence to the house recently oc cupied Prof Mr has purchased another property street Mr James has gone to Michigan to work for the summer Our village had a visit from the gypsies this week Mr and Mrs Broadway went to Zephyr a week ago Sunday to visit relief of was loyally celebrated here on Saturday evening The streets were paraded by the young people who apparently everything that would make a noise and this feature of the was a roost success ioourmindtbemo8t pari thai best to awaken enthus iasm and patriotic feeling was the strains of the red- white and blue by the band It seemed to have a depth of meaning not before rea had May we soon be in a position to celebrate the final triumph of the British arms Oar desire is to utterance to nothing but praise for the brave men who are nobly fighting for the Queen and the integrity of the British Em pire in South Africa but Is wrong should be condemned no matter where or by whom committed Hence I note with regret the act of Gen Duller importing to be doled out to the soldiers and furth er of the miserable subterfuge by he sought to it in to have it labelled as Castor Oil act is most from any point of view you look at it The use of intoxicants in army has been discountenanced and condemned by the highest military authorities of Great Britain namely Lords Roberta and Kitchncr Mr ChaB Leigh of Toronto up on his bicycle last Monday and In tends spending a week here Mies Flora now of spent Sunday here with her mother Mrs left for den on Wednesday Mr Joseph left for Rainy District on Thursday Mr Stewart McDonald and others went to the city to spend the Mrs Robert Mrs James Bailey and daughter and Miss Eva are spending the In the city Mr student went to a city this week The Bros shipped a car load of stock last Wednesday You will notice in this issue the big list of presents we are giving or mail order of any price Tea or etc for days appointed in your district We will give to your cus tomers or friends every article men tioned in the 1 or list and if you will canvas a few friends and got a club order and send us in one dollar orders or we will present you with a heavy gold plated watch closed case warranted good time keeper wind and set beautiful engraved design ladies or gents This extra for yourself free as a premium for Intro ducing our tea etc A trial order Agents wanted salary and commission GREAT PACIFIC TEA CO St Catherine St Montreal Que The girls young men and women tnia country arctaught to respect but that is Tuey should be the soflletv of the old men and women andlisten -to- the their in a old man or a lovely old lady in little town or village who be helpful to of the rising generation find who ylad so Every young man or only pleaiUre their fast fading Uvea but would benefit by drinking from the wisdom flow like well springs from the minds of those pathway to sujccess never a it Is a steeper path than ever before because of fcbe competition in this seething world- of But who toil will win Bacon says that men must know that in this of life it remainoth only to God and the angels to be lookers on which is a strong way of nutting the statement that the genius of labor alone produces No roan may model his life upon that of another But every man may be sure that the universallaw of success demands toil and courage Every who starts upon the ocean of life arches his loan untried and unsteady breeze Like Coleridges mariner he the first that over burst into that lonely sea The wise words an old states- man has uttered to the writer in Washington may be of little avail un less they carry with them the lesson suggested that in every village town or city there are wise men and women whose society should be sought by young men and women because every one who has lived long in the land has observed similar events about him and can repeat them in an interesting and encouraging manner to those who are trimming their sails for lifes voyage r j must 1 healthy are And modern win not permit me maee safe Outdoor In be wood n3 the water a find fiomc kind of And him Vjtaj Walody of Golden Medical Discovery fa the only for this purpose principal action la upon the that blood the large and the- Tver facilitate the flow of the geiUvjtdceita titpinach ftnd the of in large ttie liver and nd the blood When the Wood are blood fiuedwlUtthericb pare element of Ret iciount of germ can o foothold catarrh for aewalyrAraand then the I I too thirty bottle of t ftetqedy relief have of redeI aaf Dr cum have to do any fot mere than twelve my life to Dr raedidaes Not Long Stories Shotfc Pinning Statements by market Verify Tablet to inform bad to xtoaa on JVftttr that Co- Loom u to and hi do Work Call and Send your Urn- la at Bit a per In A AGO K0 WOULD BELIEVE HOW TO HE A PACT HAIR OAK ON The hardest to conviooe bald ness be replaced by a new growth of are the bald Because hundreds of things have been with no effect Nothimt that has ever prepared would produce a permanent growth of hair on bald heads until the discovery of The Rose Hair This preparation in the to suc- cesfully demonstrate the hitherto im possible growing hair on bald heads Tie originator after perfecting the found himself face to face with an no too good to bo Would lite to believe it but can not will cure my baldness Good man if true you not demand Useless to been fooled too often Now these people who know what they are talking about express as follows Robert Ross plumber says I have been bald for over Children fori CASTOR I A Until was performed by the wheel firet horse railroad was in and ivivKA3eij twentytwo years after using the Rose Hair Grower for two months I a ood growth of iiair all over my head and it in at nicely I have much pleasure in sending this and will continue using your treatment Livingstone druggist How ard at Toronto This is to certify that I have seen the results of the use of The Rose Hair Grower As a druggist with years experi ence In the city of Toronto have seen a multitude of tonics with results have rover sold a hair grower tbat baa been such a pro nounced success as The Rose Ladies and gentlemen amongst our best people in the city to recommended many or whom now have beautiful heads hair I have it myself and now have a head of hair as thick as anyone could wish for Hair Grower topaajlp of kyr applications It absolutely removes Hakes the hair soft arid pliable It is a per fect hair dressing and the only pre paration in the world that overcomes baldness Price per bottle of or forwarded on of by droasii Rose Co Adelaide at Toronto Out pool After a year or more of careful study and experimenting on the part of two well known a scheme per fectly practicable has been devised tremendous energy now going to wrote at the Whirlpool Rapids convert into a form of elec trical power for the use of man This is no dream of an imaginative power crank Its source authentic and it will develop in something big and that in very near future The promoters of the scheme are sanguine of success After a years work a plan has been hit upon where by the greatest amount of power may To be specific the plan to develop from Whirlpool Rapids least not exceeding the one million dollar mark The authority for this announce ment from a statement over the signature of the man who intends to put in the power plant The scheme has not the usual draw back of a lack of funds The man who will build the plant baa the money to invest and be can put a million of it into the scheme and still have a few more like to gratify his desires in other directions Just when the plant will be built is not yet decided The scheme is per fected and now must come the work of getting rights way surveying for proper locations for founda tions etc It claimed that no soliciting of trade is necessary at the as the capitalist interested has enough pro spective customers on hand to take all he can produce for the first few years Heretofore detriment to Whirl pool power schemes has been the In ability to keep wheel stationary in the turbulent waters The power there arid it has remained for the above mentioned parties to devise the plan to convert the energy Into a form for practical use Niagara Falls A columns flow with JadvertiaetnenCe of business men Has more influence In attention to building up a town- than any other agency that can be employ ed People go there is busi ness Capital and labor go where there is an enterprising No power an earth is so strong to build up n town an newspaper well patronized and power ho appreciated Is it true Can this be so Are the facia garbled These are the questions that are suggested to every man and women in Newmarket suffering the tortures of Backache and Kidney trouble when they read the published accou is In newspapers about medicines claim to cure The success of Pitchers Back ache Kidney Tablets is so great and general home testimony is always forthcoming One of the many in Newmarket Mr Joseph Henry Robinson Prospect Ave who says For have suffer ed from a terrific backache and kidney trouble due to heavy lifting in my work I had laid tip a week at a time frequently and had to be moved in bed so badly was I off My limbs used to go to sleep due to imperfect circulation tried everything could hear of and spent lota of money with no result I was told of Br Pitchers Backache Kidney Tablets arid got a bottle at J drug store The result was wonderful I took but one bottle and have never had a twinge since I work steadily and easily the circulation is all rignt and the old pain in the hack and limbs gone I certainly can recommend them most heartily to anyone aa a splendid medicine in every respect Price CO cent per bottle A Free Sample of Dr Pitchers Backache and Kidney Tablets matted to every ap plicant If you doubt the testimony of your neighbors you can prove for yourself get a sample absolutely free Send stamp to The Pitcher Tablet Co were in the Glass windows into England The Chinese discovered process of manufacture of Pile Constant Sirrrarar and In vain did Mr Jaa Brown of fita tcaburtVnta Ottawa irc aba remedy available- but it for Dr to effect a cure Mr Brown write I been from nearly virr term of for the tvreaty and 3urfoi that both Here and la the- Old tried every j j Dr whea I that believe It to be the beat remedy Ointment raothehr or Indeed to any person from that dread Dr Ointment the one that will never fell to euro piles It Is guaranteed to positively euro plica itching bleeding or protruding a deteiw or Toronto Do you If you do write THIS SUMMER- ffe go LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And got Vaneere Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ISP THE Artistic Effects a J in Inside Woodwork in the of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDSCLOTHES PINS Etc The Wm Cane fit Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET IDEAL- AUTOMATIC a Pleases Teachers Pupils Trustees Teachers Desks Chairs Recitation Seats Makers of mm Office ftie Office Specialty Co Limited Newmarket Bay St Toronto Notre Dame Montreal P joe We do not allow Office to outdo us iii this line either in style or price If you want any kind Printing done see what work and terms can get at the Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro verbial to Eor- land in TO CURE A COM IN ONE DAY Take Quinine Ml It to euro on MRS PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music 4