HE NiJMARKET FRIDAY J opo -n-r- J WW Weeks teal OK IK ft High gool and Town team night far Utter by a of In fwtonUqlM Done So the Canadians Out from New Yorh report that dtlcMt United Station heir own Dont Bum You Oil Stone So year trial liivou School A large Balm on grounds was oat down by Libert Stork on Monday become a adjoining pro- moment foil it amueing to had on hearing sound chopping climbing oil through jut With convottod into fire wood and piled for a day The Masonic At on will take a good from Bead iog notices playing and aym- her to raavo audi- will Hamilton fipdog a young lady of most promising contributed two Adagio and The Woo- produced from bar instrument time bowed gracefully and with and in her evinced a musical young lady made a moat favorable Impression Saturday Night ft to Qeoons villi Yesterday marble were to Ballon ta andvMt by Me to in South and wont into effect on JTano Bona Co property adjoin ing their yard on Heron A new roof pat on the at will be for goods The firm building a on the same property future Quite Tbo Christian Garden Party on evening on Mr was airly well ftttohd- nod proved a grounds attract vo at a distance and iaY well and refreshment booths patronized The Sunday a day on Wednesday for their ion Park two oars which wore bartered on the wore 25 mlnutea late when they left hero and were pretty well packed deep on a goat nod stand ing room took place at their annual Band Serenade The music by Band liatoned to with but evening being cool not bo many on the street former ly The full program was in a creditable manner Owing lo departure town of Mr Brock trombone player Band him with a floe pair engraved Caff as a Mr rook left on Monday morning lor Toroa aooept a situation in the Poison Iron Works On of the program Bator- day evening Band accepted invita tion Mr J It to visit parlor and greatly enjoyed hie icecream soda Public Friday was a very wet night six out of the on Public Library attended called by the President Lawyer Robertson The Secretary Mr Coombs reported that notice had been received from Education stating that the Government Grant year be This is about than the loll amount owing to the large call upon the appropriation Secretary was to request Messrs Clark Co to forward on approval a list of books selected amonnting The following were appointed an Eater Committee to the fend of ibe Board viz The president Secretary and Messrs J McKay and Board to the call the chair Days Only Teeth cheaper than ever at A next the Post Office Binder has Dropped per lb All orders booked with no have been mark down Now time to buy A On Tuesday Mr Kit ebon was ou at Hon farm estimating the coat con with the Town service and also in stalling lights to ran by The recently vacated by Mr la to bo installed with lights It ie rented to a professional man bo married shortly fl Sad Mr R I Terry of Sharon got word that bis Gorman with typhoid lever at Marie and immediately wont to hut after two illness he to the disease The remains were brought yesterday for Interment Much sympathy Is express for the parents in loss of an affectionate son grown to man hood i iTrt GiMlaion Comity Judge Morgan presided at the on Wednesday It was a email only ell and one 8 The lorlao Sunday School baa Jogfldto bold ita Bonds take of Jane by last issue wo are informed that It was not at Cane a that Mr had his flngera Injarod bat ho was and- and end of one finger had to be amputated The Cemetery Cemetery lcollrK very pretty now plots thu have been cared for Many people up on ny or Sunday and renew flowora every is time that veil the dale nod somo preparations Decoration Day Since the above pot in earn that moat this to on Decoration Day Depot A will go Into next Monday and Sunday again on the inst midday trains are only will at afternoon Pail timber for Canes is coming In at the ton oars a day cars loads have already been delivered A gang of 25 or SO on Monday morning to Freight Shod and by evening it was moved to Ha new position with the laid in front of it lor new switch It will probably take all week to got switch and the grounds up again completed it will bo a great convenience both for freight trains here and for loading freight oars GO day Excursions to will be advertised next week The on Juno TyOof rnapi added to the wbool and Canada arft Papers and get ting ready for Examination in Form Pupa lb at St The annual Garden Party will be held on Mr J grounds on the evening of Tuesday Jane A nice program of vocal and Instrumental will be the Band wilt render newest selections Strawberries cake tea and coffee will be from ti to and tee- daring the whole evening Demist Police An assault case from the North End being Investigated before Jackson Esq J J we go to press It appears to have from family differences and more than one charge may be the oat- come of Investigation On two or three occasions lately Gallagher has had a windy war with tenants In her property on Prospect and has entered charg ing with The case to come before fiqaire at font fig Society The of North York Society takes place from all points on IheGTH from Richmond Hill to Cold well and to Sao on Two will carry over tho railway two will convey them from to the Samcoer Resort of San and two Bands have been engaged to music while on the waters of the beautiful Georgian Bay going and returning For many years the excursion this Society haye been noted for their success well as recreation Arrangements for comfort and accommodation have been carefully attended to and minor details which to make the pleasure of snob occasions are not forgotten by mana gers The excursion promised for the Jt- will folly sustain the reputation of outings and we took for unusu al I party acenery along the route to San Souoi tlw their way among tbe elands of waters is picturesque In the ex rocky bluffs islands covered with green lofty pines with of dark foliage of a tenderer green spectral birches whispering white poplars- and ft verdure Rives a pleasing effect beholder sometimes even laying In apparently soft caress on the solid granite Indeed the presents all the that go with rocks and to op a combination not exceeded anywhere lor novel piotoresquenesa For par to traintime and scale price see bills tickets from The Town Clerk has erected a fine tight board fence between garden and the railway track The Town Fathers were around inspect ing the roads bridges and sidewalks yes terday afternoon making notes where re pairs and improvements are necessary A new walk laid from the Registry Office to afreet on Wednesday Mr Graham photographer is brushing op bis gallery and surroundings The removal of the fence from the front of Mayor Canes residence adds wonder fully to its appearance The new engine for the Office rived on Williams residence has a new roof on Fair Childrens Day at Newmarket Fair next September is going to boa Day in North York The Directors are everything possible to make this a leading feature of the Exhibition The fall pro gram of sports will be found on page of todays together with a list of prizes to be awarded for all of child rens work for Turnouts by Behoofs collectively should stir Trustees to do to make a name for their section white for hag Wand and Military Drills etc should make a pro gram of events so Interesting to the general that the grounds can hardly con tain crowds that to witness the competition The lists are being early so that- schools will have time to prepare for the Oat The dry weather last month a tax on supply of artesian water lor that the Engineer feared there would not be- lor all put in beat the summer our Town Fathers therefore roaolved to see if more water be obtained by cleaning out the afresh well No was cleaned with a sand pomp and the flow was doubled The on- Well No was then tried but no advantage resulted The big well wae next tried Between CO and feet worn pumped and flow very greatly increased but it went to ita regular quantity within the next hours The pomp pat down again but the well was to be clear Unless more water can be obtained the Co of oil will have to be more strict in re to watering of It may be that some other provision can be made for water to sprinkle streets An quantity goes in dry weather The Upper Reservoir cleaned on Wednesday so as to be ready for hot Lawn Sprinklers Water Cans Cheap at The Fellowship Service last Sunday morning was well attended and a very spiritual meeting The in the morning Mr Thos Galloway of Ox bridge from The con straining love of based on the verse chapter of 2nd Corinthians It a very pleasing discourse and rendered with Next Sunday evening a reception service will be held the pastor The attendance at Sunday last Sabbath wry large being present A of officers and teachers to place this evening to decide the des tination of the Annual Excursion and make arrangements A neat cardholder made at the Specialty Works has been attached to bo to show the names pewholders and where are vacant The of the Bradford District Lea goes have arranged to bold a series of meetings in connection with Forward Movement lor Missions The Rev A McNeil ol Victoria University has been appointed to conduct the cam He will be in Newmarket on Sun day next and will deliver an address the regular eervice in the evening He has made ft special study of missionary s it Is being taken up by the Forward Movement and will give information that can be obtained in no other way A large attendance is expected Let every be present It is desired the the League and the Missionary meet the Campaigner in tha schoolroom at Mr will also give an address at Aurora on Sunday morning King on Monday evening on Tuesday and flbhomberg on Sunday tbs At the Trustee on Wednesday evening it was decided up tho and grade the grounds at rear Specifications are also to be made of tome changes InthebasemsntwaU as to the labor of the and provide a better means of getting wood to furnaces As soon as ready tenders will be invited for the work The Patriotic Celebration in connection with tho report of pro last wo accidentally omitted to mention that No Rangers took in parade Mr Hernia carried a Boot his son in Africa and which ho received day by mail flag fa now on exhibition in Watsons Jewelry Store A match on the Fair Grounds at was witnessed by a large crowd and resulted In a tie- Those playing in High School goal Lorn and BLloyd and Dyke hall Geo Joe Telle Jackson Frank Sutherland and Hughes forwards Town- live goalj Dr Webb and Tom Doyle bitch Frank Foster nod Walter Jackson half Milt Frank Doyle KuowIcb Cecil Albert Flana gan D was lotB Ian and considerable cheering Each scored goal A long blow from waterworks whis tle about oclock was taken as a by geuoral publio to gather at Fairy to witness the fireworko The Citi zens Band marched down Main si lag Jphannesbarg Belle March and the people assembled with rapidity wbolo crowded and it estimated that between two and three thousand people witnessed the proceedings Mr A Watson took charge of the balloons and sent seven up were interspersed variooa kinds of firowarka other parties took charge of but unfortunately bulk of tho town fire- works wore accidentally ex ploded in early part evening They were placed in a handle over the dam and a spark from the second rocket fire to the whole which included dozen rocket and a largo num ber fancy pieces The was mag nificent and it caused a pretty lively teat- Of the Six or eight of the hand received injuries and a hole was put thru dram Mr John was on the foot by ft rocket tearing bis boot open and making a blister or in- ones long on the calf his leg Mr Brock had the of neck burnt ear and aide hie lace Others who received injuries were Messrs Harry Stanley Scott John and P The band was stationed upon this narrow bridge bat of people prevented- them from mak ing their escape rapidly and in the scaftle and other things were knocked into the water It was very fortunate that the railing stood the strain and per son was shoved over the dam This unfortunate accident cat abort somewhat bat Lawyer had very generously provided a large quantity fire- works which be set off from lawn to great advantage His residence very prettily by Chinese lan terns and the appearance a beau tiful the beat we ever built was on ft rait near the centre of lake It consisted of boxes bar rels the merchants freely to number of about wagon loads In centre a barrel of pitch also a can of powder and the whole atrac tare was by tbe effigy of Paul holding an umbrella several pieces fireworks also secreted The pile being saturated with five gallons of coal oil it furiously and HI the whole community evening was delightful and it was nearly oclock when baud program with National Am hem We omitted to say two or three canons kept a constant boom from the one side and then other daring the whole proooedingB celebration for an impromptu affair attended with The enthusiasm of the people over the British victory knew no bounds the town alter the lie celebration closed fire crackers and were seen and heard in various di rections The decorations in Mr Fred Jones win- were worthy of special mention A little after midnight a gang of fellows went along Main at and having stripped the Hags within reach from the front of the business places and surrepti tiously obtained dram belonging to Town Band aroond town making a terrible raoket till about 2 in the morning Though Pretoria may only fall once In a there is no sens in caus ing and destruction of property over ft celebration this char acter The news of the surrender of Pretoria being confirmed by the War Office In evening papers on ft big men cornet soma other collected down town about oclock and proceeded to wake the town in honor of the victory They till nearly three in tbo morning ringing patriotic Ing and mating merry generally We are pleased to add that the procession was so- free from- the rowdy element that frequently accompanies each outburst of Brown allwool Cloth for 40inch allwool regular for Navy Halifax nilwoo Pique Skirting Colored French fancy patterns fancy Dross Muslins Ladles Summer Vests Art Mucins feat colors Good Solid Prints fast colors Good Cotton Towel- 3 for Drawers 50 for Special Prices This Month White Lawns Erabroideries and of we show greatest variety in the tiadc Epsom Salts per lb Sulphur per lb Icing Sugar per lb Royal Salad Dressing Large Bottie Prize Pickles Sardines Salmon per tin Washing Soda per lb W A Leader in Quality and Prices The York County Departmental Store Departments THE CHEAP STORE LADIES WHIT We have just opened up the third shipment received this Spring of the reliable Min erva Brand of White Wear This brand is a guarantee of all that is best in quality make style and finish Here are some lines that are exceptional value at the price asked Drawers all styles SO 125 145 White Skirts 1 1 145 2 225 250 Corset Covers 25 Night Gowns 50 i 125 150 175 Chemise 45 50 Summer Corsets 50c a IV WASH New Spot and Embroidered Swiss Muslins- 55 35 and yard Colored and Black Spot Swiss Muslins and White Organdie Muslms and White Victoria Lawns and White Pique Dress Linens White Navy and Fancy Ducks New Prints Ginghams and Colored Muslins Galatea c Ladies Plain Lace Colored Silk Mitts regular prices were from to per pair special to clear jfG per pair Fancy Silk Grenadine 44 ins wide 6 shades worth 300 per yard Special Grenadine A combination of fine allwool Black Grenadine over fancy colored linings making a very striking and effect and all a Handsome Summer Dress We clear ed that a wholesale house had of these goods enabling us to sell at per yard instead of the regular price of The goods come in shades You will make ho mistake in having a Dress or Blouse length Some Grocery Prices Part of the Montgomery Stock Bought by Us Price Java and Mocha Coffee lb tins French Coffee 1 lb sealed glass jars35 German Dandelion Coffee J tins 15 Pure food cans 20 Choice Ground Coffee lb tins 25 Ceylon Tea Black or Mixed 50 ditto ditto Scheff s Cocoanut lb pkg Ox tongue lb solid meat 65 Pigs feet lb tins Heintzs mixed pickles Heintzs preserved sweet pickles Fajicy top glass sugar sifter Baking Powder Our Price- 50 ditto ditto Glass jelly tumblers tin top Baking Powder Perfection Baking Powder lb tin I lb tin English cook school lb tin Art Baking Powder lb tin Ground Mustard lb lunch tin- in stone pails Silver Dust Washing Powder Gold 11 lb pkg55 Magic Soda J lb Pattersons Pickles 7 A A vr J f