Newmarket Era, 8 Jun 1900, p. 5

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I r k owe A i General Banking V nterest Allowed on Deposits It DRAFTS ISSUED AT AM bought and Fanners attended to J Agent for ad Assurance 1 1 v- f ati for the Bra Jan Baptist Mark flUcd with turrit 1 ir It II to Loan Fire Agent Low Hate on Farm Rinks and Isolated Town Property Shop Newmarket MARRIAGE W0EN8BH 1 V of MARRIAGE LICENSES I Newmarket Issued at private residence If ISSUER OP MARRIAGE WEST MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Goods of and Violin of and all I trumenU HAS ALL 0 all of people dear for the for poor poor for mean folks ana easy one for good people and la vay to them all Money to At per flratoiaita farm alio loans effected on Insuraoo J Heal Agent o tor following reliable London Standard Mutual Block Mount Albert NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS THROBS Id go is and aloeplGBB ft instead Martyrdom may be near to faithful Holy living torments sinful doing of fcaatjng dangers and the wine lives folly of leads to the alb Sin remains although the reprover of sin arc often imperatively demanded fhoway to may bo doublebarred doing makes kings to be Truth may have to come to the scaffold You bury more than the body of a good man Hearing about Jesus only tie a torturing Even truth may bring suffering to the witness bearer 1020 We may goodness with possessing it are convenient season to sin heart folly bin do any The of man should never remove the tear of wrong doing A life may fttthegravo EVERYDAY Verses 1415 The devout only see Jesus Matt To Herod the sinful He was a fear and terror i To the riamerousdoubters He was only a terror To Mary in her He was the gardener Verses 1418 Memory Is an undying friend or fiend Memory awoke in the torments Dives endured will build upon it rewards or punishment in judgment The new Bong of heaven is the of redemption Verses Religion is more than sentiment it is appropriation heard feared obeyed and then murdered Men saw Christ hailed Him and crucified Him Judas even followed labored and betrayed Verse are greater possibilities of evil in than we dream Peter said I will die but not deny and denied thrice said ami a dog to do this and did the evil The prudent soul prays lead Into temptation Verse The true life is never buried out of slays Abels but after Abel speaks Jesus was never so powerful death Our yeaterday lives in our today LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call Ordering- Allan Money to Loan At per cent on Firstlass Security by ConmleslOQcr Seal Also Agent for the following of London England Montreal Goto District Mutual flo Wvorpool England Montreal established Life Association To Tor the Of nee Old Comer of Main end jrt recta PROVISION STORE Two doors North Furniture Store Main A Fresh Supply- Twice a Week of A The best Cured the Market today A trial villi con- vincojon Also Rolled Oats Corn Meal Boiler fiait Canoed Corn Peas foraatoes Pickled Pigs Feet Bologna ftnd- Honey Soap Orders on the shortest notice- York pair Prizes for the School Competition on September Mr Hessra J Widdifield McKay and Martin AH Schools attending procession in- vehicles must form at the North end of Main Street oclock sharp Schools marching will join procession at the Fire Hall corner of hot and Main Streets Newmarket Childrens Competition Prize 1 Beet from Any One School largest Load of Scholars enrolled within the year from Any One School For School Coming the Distance Beat Class in Swinging of not less that twenty 00 Best Class in Wand or ell Exercise Best- Marching by School of not less than twenty one teacher prize- 2 Best Class of not lees twenty in Military Drill prize i 2 TagWar under Foot Race boys years Foot boys under Foot under fiO 25 Foot girls under years i CO 25 13 Boot Race 25 14 ThreeLegged i t Class 3S Entrance Free Committee of Chairman McKay and September except 2i and Age limjt years unless otherwise stated The Directors are desirous of making this- Department a leading feature of the have decided that all children may Exhibit Free of any charge no matter whether their parents are members of the society or not The work must he wholly the work of the Kelp given by any other will disqualify the exhibit from competition With the exception of sections I and exhibits must be of work done within the year and exhibitors must be under the ago mentioned at time of exhibition Exhibitors- will be required to date of birth when making entries Entries most be made by Thursday September All in this department be arranged together in space set aside for purpose in Main Building Section Prize 1 Scrap Album JO 25 Collection of Postage Stamps in Album Collection of Buttons on String Collection of Butterflies and Insects in Case Best Dressed Doll by girls years in Square Common Wooden Box mode of in Dressed Pine Lumber Boys or Girls under 10 years Penmanship Boys or Girls under years or Girls under Map Drawing- Colored Boys or Girls under years Painting En Oil any subject Drawing Pencil or Crayon any subject 13 Beat Darned Pair Stockings Pair Knitted Socks Worked Holes in Cotton Three Hemmed Handkerchiefs 50 Yard Crochet Cotton Lace Three Pieces of Fancy Work of any kind Bouquet of Wild Bread special given by Graham NewmarfeetrfraozCsbinet Photos valued at 2nd by Society i 25 Half Down Biscuits 50 25 Layer any kind 25 Paper 25 Competition in Addition for Children under years- 1 prize J Competition In for Children under years a Camera given by the Hogg Co Toronto value 50 prize 26 Competition for Sections and will take place Newmarket Model School at am September 20th Attention and Inspire Hope and Disease ins case of ONE MANS OF HE COMPLETELY The that Celery up and rundown is Itue In par- It In true that Celery la Ibe only world that din successfully grappla with frig disease and give to suffer ers active limbs pure blood complexion healthy appetite and per- able and reliable phyaloiatiaV leglalatora and lead- era in society ban bear testimony to the wrought by Celery during the past apring raontba Sifoh facta and statements should he to convince alt doubting and despondent sufferers and inspire them with a determination to test the worlds health giver Mr Ross Department of Railways and Canals Ottawa writes For a long period of time from the Una and tortures of and the to my general were so serious and alarming that my doctor ordered an ocean trip I went to England at considerable ex pense had to return to Canada almost as bad as After I determined to com- the use of Celery Com- it was strongly After the r a abort time the results were mo it pleasing and gratifying The became leas frequent and less severe and soon the whole trouble was completely banished I have not experienced a pain or ache for I take great pleasure in recommend ing a marvellous medicine to all neuralgic sufferers Celery Compound has astonishing virtues and powers and will certainly oyer acme any form of neuralgia There will be no at on Dominion Day this year R We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr English Pilla if after of contents of bottle do not relieve Constipation and Headache We al so warrant that four bottles will the case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay when Wills English Pills are used Lehman Newmarket J B Scotts Pharmacy St Newmarket Michael Carrier a Montreal mikman and Napoleon were by a train while driving at St Henri and killed Given Absolutely A Ladies or Gents magnificent ivory handled knife or Ladies or Gents handsome fob or chain charm and a multiplicity of other of exceptional merit too numerous to mention free with a order of any priced Tea or Coffee Baking Powder us Ginger Chocolate Larger prizes given free 200 or order Try one mail order and you will repeat it GREAT PACIFIC TEA CO 1404 St Catharine St Montreal Quo Joseph a lineman in the employ the Elect rid Light Power Company received a fatal shock from a live Hamilton At Frederick Corey a moulder was thrown from his bicycle and the rear wheels of a street oar t off his log above the ankle A tract as worth a What shall sai3 then thousads of core by la the atrocgeat or the merit of facte that Hood will cur all by Impore It Is the beat medic Joe can bay It ThMthofcJmpl of It sunt Brremt to i f Tery few grown what really except aald the rain Jnthegroupthat been of fright tie continued I dont mean In any of Its ordinary senses I that sort of brute panic a man of speech thought and volition that turns slek ami cold leaves a deep and indelible sear his whole nervous the very memory of It years aft erward will make quail and It la En my opinion for mere danger to produce that feel the rankest cowards- for you must bear In mind not fear that I am endeavoring to describe but something entirely different something against which perianal courage no immunity whatever When a man Is afraid his Instinct la to run away to escape when be la he no such simply I never had but one experi ence of that kind In my life arid the circumstances or the case were very commonplace Ill tell you about it In as as possible ln was holding a Job as proof reader In a big printing establishment In Chicago The building then occupied by the concern was a rambling old bar racks of a place and the little inclb- sure where worked was In the ex treme rear of the upper floor which was used as a composing room Next to my cubby hole was another and larger where a religious weekly was set upon special contract That second room had a reputation for the sufficiently startling reason that It had been the scene of two suicides former col lector for the firm who was abort In accounts had gone there to blow brains out and later on a- poor old printer broken down and despondent had cut hla throat In front of the cracked looking glass which hung over the sink- AH Unit happened long be fore my time but the memory of it abided and It seemed to Invest the place with a gloom have gone Into those details to give you an idea of the lay of the premises and now Ill get to the point One night In the fall of the year I had an unusual lot of- proofs to read and decided to go back after a late sup per and finish them up before going to bed When I reached the building on return from the restaurant had gone and the place was as black and silent as a cave but I let myself in at a side door arid my way up fumbling In for a match To my annoy- single one burl remembered there was a boxful on a table In the of the week ly and knowing the composing room pretty thoroughly I started without hesitation for my deo sky stormy and overcast that and Inside the building ft was perfectly dark so dork that liter ally couldnt see ray battel before my face the proof room without any- mishap and had just opened the door of the adjoining to get the matches when the thought of the two suicides flashed through pay brain and sent an ley shiv er dovna my spine For a moment I had an impulse to back out and beat a retreat and while I put aside I wont deny that I was considerably unnerved The loneliness of the place the pitch darkness- the whispering one can always hear In a big empty building at night the mem ory of that ghastly story of self mur der all made my heart beat like a It required every particle of resolution I possessed to enable me to take a step forward I moved slowly with right arm extended to ward off obstacles and had advanced perhaps a dozen paces when my clutched band was laid- flatly upon a human face- I could feel the nose and eye secketa against my fingers and a stubble of beard pricked my palm Now gentle men this may seem like nothing as I tell It here with the ablaze and people passing to and fro but that black deserted rookery it was the Incarnation of horror I real ized then- and there for the first time Id my life the real meaning of the word fright If I had actually seen a ghost It would have shaken me- less but that face against my band in the dark ah will never forget It never as as live I recoiled and as I did o my fin gers encountered the matchbox By pure snatched out a dozen matches and struck them on the table A gas jet a foot away and lo an It He Then I under stood the situation and you will smile no doubt when explain A printer whom I knew very well and who was the sot of the be side one of the cases la a drunken doze He bad been on a spree and when the office was closed be was log asleep behind a pile of paper My steps on the stairs had aroused and he staggered to feet and stood there stupid until I against him in the dark Thats the story and as I said be fore seems like nothing tbtelliyet the bare thought of ha brought the sweat my forehead New Orleans r New Victoria BINbER cot Drive Wheel Boxes Bearing Boiler for All the latest sod No lEC The Oxford Cur Mowers With Boiler and Ball ledger Plates if desired -0- iak oar Agent to show yon New Patented Ball Bearing Knife specially ordered We also manufacture the best and most complete line of Cultivate irxQ and Seeding Implements on Earth comprising Spring Tooth Cultivators fitted with grain arid grass sowing attachments if dewed and Spike Tooth Grain Drills all kinds pofse Hakes friction and ratchptdamp etc eta need anything Id oar line send for oar Illustrated Catalogue tree will find it very to to do so THE Co Out LEADING HOUSE SHARON Spring Stock of DRY GOODS Just Arrived Extra good Values in Prints Lawns and Muslins Call and See Before Purchasing Elsewhere H KEN YON SCHOOL DESKS oaeeau are cured by Wood Give the true American a dally paper and a piece of pie and he Will mat at home anywhere on earth Chicago News IDEAL- AUTOMATIC Pleases Teachers Pupils Trustees Teachers Desks Chairs Recitation Seats Makers of GRADE Office Furniture The Office Specialty Mfg Co Limited Factory Newmarket Ont Notre Dame Bay St Toronto St Montreal Alt PAINS WITH A ChaaMn aad Car far and DO Of i UY BERRY r m man named William Bell waa drowned in Winnipeg fishing Write for oar hoMs la tat- Help- and How arHawIodJwJ a or model your la- or wewUJiellvofl- We conduct id Montreal and u brood the Indention Kfcbeat J lrka rioartca4yroecialoouce theDomlBloac amcfaUyj MARION Experts mnd i

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