Newmarket Era, 15 Jun 1900, 3a

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ft l v y IB OK IK Baseball pwUb hotweon and jim to A got3 The fair Yearly Mooting in received that What York Indiana Butts Ontario- President called mooting of of the Monday In to el bualnfcM with in both County and A fall attondanoo g Excursion At a of and of Methodist Sunday held evening it decided to anneal on the Jfitb of July the place to visit and trip will bo made by faro bo Ode foe for Make a note of date l St Pauls Oaf den Party annoalGardoa Parly of 81 will on Mr J Robert grounds on the of Tuesday A nice program of vocal and mualo will be and the Hand will or the cake and will bo from to and Ice- cream J ring paator gave a logical laat morning on anbjoot Natures text waa God made the In the evening McNeil of Viotoria gave a vary good rota- sermon of the league after the paator eight more into fellow- ship Progress in of Art nation a were papers on wore hold in all oyer the Province on for wood and other Newmarket High obtained Certificates in the Primary Course and Leslie waa granted a Teachers Certificate We hope to be able give the complete next week When Mr- weak on Monday faq ft on hie He off Next Morning found hie wbloh- nobody haa J No A in fall atroDgth at the Armory and bad with lot of men he ever Mr of Holland log won tbo prize lor The red left for Hi- a train about to oclock and Blouses BkrrtaWbtie plain and florea plain black white at p i 1 1 Annual of the New- markot Presbyterian will be held and of Mr on evening Jane Tbta la the of of Rev Mr MaoQIlHwiy an additional in- tercet to the Band of Newmarket will choice A program also being arranged to only atrawberrtee and ice extra A free boa will ran to the the Day At a of the Directors of Friday it was to Q ProocBsioti pm appointed l IV- c r v Fop Days Only Teeth cheaper than ever at A the Post Cottle Running There eeeme to be some in to cattle r arming at largo a township bylaw cattle to run at large not exempt own- era from having impounded if peoples premise The laat World on aubjectsaye- byJaw allowing to run at large doea not make it lawful for them to roam at will over or commit damage upon private properly Even where a fence la cot a one along a highway if cattle enter they may be pounded and owners compelled to pay poundage Police On laat week a charge by Bain against before Jack eon The evidence wee bo con- fltctingandoootradiotory that the Magi It In doing so he re marked that he not say which but aide or the other not be tellloj the troth The same day the of Gallagher Mre bat was adjourned to yesterday aCtornoou It al dee been out of court of violation of the Act aot for Monday withdrawn The parties who purported to bo out on a sail evidently bad a call The Inspector the lake the door opened on Son- day people began to flock in and by time the Band and arrived very aeat packed and benches had to be pat down the aisles to date the people Some bad to stand dur ing the whole service The Pastor an sermon from the Chap Ephosiana and ldtfa verses The choir a ul Patriotic An them The service was by ping ing God the very The Missionary So clety met on Thursday of last week in the school room and had a Qailting Bee when they made nine guilts Saturday tho Mission Baud made an other making a total of for their parcel to go to the Northwest At of Board between and for the Library will pro be marked to tho of op- to on South African Wat popular of the day Christian There a good attendance at the Con ference at opening peaaiou at Bloom on Hairi er The first waa the of which Elder P Fletcher Troll market Wotilis Several orders being filled On Tuesday a monument wm to for the Stiver plot Next day a granite monument was- taken to for the Thompson plot anoiborgranite monnmenV In the fleWoraent- West of Brad ford for the family and today atiU another fine granite pillar to go to the Quake Hill- Cemetery near Allan torn splendid work this line Cheese fHapket On Tneaday of last week the Cheese was roorgaulzed at and the Following President Eight represented and choose were placed on board Mr represented Newmarket and boxes at not only the highest on the- board but the highest ever obtained by Newmarket for May Four at Mount Albert boxes refused to the price offered Four were present Next meeting on 2lat Tborcaoluof will not candidate however will bo notified of Tbia method has boon adopted by to climb of respec tive onrrloclvra the p vinoe affect when have been published- J I S v A meeting of the Directors took place on Wednesday last when was ap pointed to examine report next lug the work to for of the Exhibition to be held there on the 10th of next month The program of l Is to be prepared and submit ted for approval by time Board will an day night to Horse Killed the thunder storm which over on vYVnody about belonging to Con Woodcock was- struck and by It was pasturing In on Eagle a little sooth of En barn of Mr was also on the board mid the current without doing much dam- sh9 that it did not take fire Several electric about town were apparently all by the same flash of Gone to A from Ottawa dated Jane 18 says Sir Alfred under date of Cape June Referring to ray telegram of day 2nd Royal Canadian proceeded to was a member of the York before going to Sooth Africa He is a eon of Mr Newmarket He taken with enteric fever while on We are sore many in Town will be glad to hoar of bis com plete to health at early day 3 BroWQollwobl Cloth reg for 40inch allwool Plaid regular for Navy Halifax Serge Skirting Colored fancy pattern fancy Dress Ivies Summer I Ait Muslins fust colors Good Good Cotton for Mens Fine Shirts Drawers for Special Prices This Month In White Muslins and Laces of which fthow the greatest variety in the trad Epsom Salts per lb Sulphur per lb Icing Sugar- per lb Royal Saad Dressing Large Bottle Prize Pickles Sardines Salmon per tin Washing Soda per w Leader in Quality and Prices AAA The York County Departmental Store Departments Big under will held on the Exhibition Newmarket on day July 2nd Dominion Day A good program of eports been arranged for valoablu prizes will be Mono pm the St Team of Toronto will play the Newmarket At 345 pm the Lacrosse of with the Talagooe for the York A rod hot game expected There be yard race for men race boot netdie The will render a program during the afternooo- on Watch for large for full pRrtloolare Wo hear that a trotting ia being arranged and that Father decided to give a Book Case and Bee- to young lady that Bella the moat India Famine puna following to India Famine Pond have been received by Mr A Davidson to Juno Previously acknowledge Union No Gwillimbury A Friend i Total Mr Davison has received the following letter of acknowledgment from Dr War den I am receipt of your draft amount ing to being from the Public in response to an appeal made by upon behalf of India Famine sufferers Please convey to the teachers and pu pils oar cordial thanks for contribution to reports upwards of people India ate still getting rrliet rain many it will be several before need of relief will have ended The Wetttopoiifcan The Town received a letter from the President of Co Friday in which ho explains the delay the road to the north end of the town is owing to the difficulty in procuring faila the rolling mills orders hay to be placed several ahead not anticipated by Co which has all necessary ties for the work The Co bas no Intent Jon of Creaking faith with people of We are aura will be to the at the north end in view of tome effort bo made to widen Main street at If the owner are willing to give feet for the general appearance of the place it fa an easy matter to do rest Surety none would be parsimonious to block a project flpine Trip i0 There will not be another Excursion from North York season that a better trip for recreation and pleasure the one next under the auspice of the York Agricultural a marvel of cheapness The seen- is to the beat on the American continent The and Invigorat ing Accommodation la A two two and two brass crowding syerythiug comfortable One train will leave Newmarket at am and go through to without stopping at Allendale Ho need of lugging a basket unless you c good meals will be served on boats and at Ban for each need a day off p ftt whtie as well as other people and nothing QltrB a of in like taking a Journey Childrens Day aeryico on Sunday a great aucceas The was vjy pret tily decorated with flags and mottoes in tertwined with and fioweraj also a flowera the choir chancel The Superintendent Mr Walter Eves took charge of and was assist ed in the by tbe pastor Tba program was and attractive singing reoi- Probably the most attractive piece the children wee the Pyramid of and her colonies by a in which half a dozen or more girls took part The by Sfiae and duett with Mlaa was excellent The church was crowded at the morning and people went away to gam The evening not crowded when the program The friends of school to be on the of Childrens Pay meeting of the North York Farmers took place in the Tem perance Hall on Thursday of last week The attendance about- usual Prof Dean of the Agricultural Col lege instructive Dairying The Secretary reported the Institute had HO paid members an increase of on the annual report The following were elected Directors for the ensuing year Messrs Luke Gibbons Linton Simeon Lem on Dennis Watson A Haines J A Hopkins P Edgar Brammar and Thomas Brown Directors mat at the close of the annual meeting and elected the following officers Pi A Hopkins Phillipe j The Toronto opened Wednes day and will continue till after Sunday Following is the first draft of the Station ing Commutes ao far it effects this community Newmarket Geo Aurora A Pearson Bradford M Brown A Brown Albert K Suttcn-A- P it 1OBowleji ingeo and K It P The are made Dewey goes from Aurora to St Toronto 3oa from Broadway Toronto to Dun- formerly of Webber of QtteoOavUU Kng Stomp Books An Ottawa to the Star To ronto to the active and thoughtful good works of the General Hon Mr North York The constituency his reason to be proud of having a man like htm as Its representative The correspondent goes on to say After today June the department will be prepared to issue email books of twocent pa each containing a dozen stamps of that denomination Each book will two pases of six with wax paper them atioking together neatly bound the and can be carried The thee stamp 2d each one cent in- of the of the the coyer anil the information contains the The cover all qaeatloh asked by people at and answered with Impatience by tired It all about rates special delivery and periodicals PO Savings Bank postal and orders In short itia a for wk mjr The light plant is having its easiest run now from to oclock am 1 Mrs- Geo Rose has sold her house street to Mr Maurice Hill of Churchill brother of Rev now looking for a boose in town A baseball team from Newmarket la to play at Sutton tomorrow The Band baa four engage ments for next week Main St looks neater for having weeds hoed out Two were hauling earth to the High School Tuesday for the of premises baa been no complaint this year that dandelion was a failure Regular meeting of the reaidenoe of St next Tuesday afternoon The Queen St Dairy sports a new delivery waggon New roof on Mrs Carpenters all appear to be Our Town Fathers were inspecting the again on Monday- A man named Fox been laid off work for a week on account of being along In the finger by some insect No of the Public ohool Board on Tuesday night for want of Between la and I on Tuesday night a lot of fellows kicked op a racket at the North End but nobody seems to know the The battle pictures in show window a great attraction just now The la rapid ly on will probably play hare next The- Union at Morton Park grand full wpoH for next jane Oar- new typesetting maohlne arrived of week yet to pat oar machinery In working order Mr Bacon finished the foundation work yesterday and made a fine job Presbyterian at Bonds yesterday They had a floe day number wfeot Batter was In pries on the market last Saturday but Arm at lie THE CHEAP STORE S FECIAL VALUE in Mens Suits at and from to SPECIAL VALUE in Mens Colored Shirts and soft bodies at were SPECIAL VALUE in Mens Straw Hats new goods latest style and SPECIAL VALUE in Wall Papers rolls clearing lots in ceilings and walls from to roll now SPECIAL VALUES in Ladies Blouses at SPECIAL VALUES in Ladies and 35c Parasols at Other lines at SPECIAL VALUE in Ladies Straw Sailor Hats at and and extra value at Ladies and Leghorn Hats from 20c up Full range I Dress Goods Pieces plain and fancy plaid and stripe V in and wool Lustres Bedford Cord Cashmeres Crepoos c were m r and yard Special to clear yd SPECIAL VALUE in pi Dress Goods were to Special a yard Summer a yard SPECIAL VALUE in Silk and Wool plain and fancy Dress Goods 8 colorings Special was A few suggestions of some suitable presents CHINA TABLE LINES Table Damask from to a yd Individual real Irish Linen table cloths up to 750 each Table Napkins ranging thus 5c 150 and per oclock tea co vers tray covers stand covers doilies c- Dinner and Tea Lemonade Sets Glass Sets Fancy Lamps Toilet Sets c CUTLERY Carving Sets Knives and Forks Plat ed Goods c iipi A 1 J i

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