Newmarket Era, 22 Jun 1900, p. 1

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i Era gives more homo every week than any two other in North York combined and Is County Paper NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Give mo the liberty to know to utte and to argue freely according to conscience ivbove all other liberty Mo paper cent outside of North York unless paid in advance No Single Copies Taenia Each Friday June 22 I pec I if -OXQ- Jt pays to buy the best If you want Twine that Binder to the any other runs pound twine more than you This Mark on over tag must buy Plymouth Special lb Pure Manilla lb No other twine is as Good as annum paid in advance HARDWARE PLYMOUTH PAINT NEWMARKET ft A Try Our Bread It is both wholesome and sweet We please two- thirds of people of Newmarket with our Bread Why riot you Choice Fruits of the Season Our Aim is not How Cheap but How Good JACK The S I ife ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its yean The following figures testify to its Stability Liber- Popularity Accumulated Funds about Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year Polices were for The has investments in Canada amounting to over Four teen Millions of Dollars New Spring Goods or woolens be Surpassed for extensive variety attrac tive designs and general com pleteness The latest styles of fashionable of ex ceptionable value and wearing and Fancy Trouserings are Call and examine and make your selection A woman will put the front door key under the mat and then walk away with the most llieeful feeling that the house is perfectly safe BONUS YEAR 1900 Assure now and secure a share of the profits GEO M HUNT District Inspector J A Agent Solid Gold Best Gold Fill 6 Gold Fill Beat Glares 100 We perfect GLOBE OPTICAL Toronto- PATENT fisa Mm oat For Infants and Children Sit ft Haiti Ires A native rising in the Gambia Colony West Africa British and six members of the police have been billed at on the south bank of the Gambia River by Man- dingoes DR A WCHASES direct to by Improved lUover Ml ifca diopters in throat egret Fever AltdrAlorfr W Toronto I J a County Third Day The County Council continued in ses sion all day Thursday a I ihc old Court At the morning meeting Dr Wesley physician of the Industrial Ionic pre sented a- very satisfactory re garding tliat Institution The sewage at the Industrial Home is drained into a living stream which flows thru Mr Rogers farm tenant complains that his cows to drink the water on the pollution and he asks the council to keep the sewage on their own property or divert it from the stream fnc council discussed the matter and decided that instructed to take steps for retaining the sewage on the farm The Public School Inspector for North York Mr A II Davidson for warded his report for the year From it- it appears that trustees in North York as elsewhere have been paring down the teachers salaries and this connection the inspector reports a dropping of SMI pays its teachers the most the aver age salary being imbury is ihc lowest and pays an av erage salary of The Inspector says that salaries are lower than at any time during the last quarter of a century After describing the ideal teacher lie says the actual teacher is a hoy or girl of- years of age Who enters the profession for a year or two only to make a little money- to be spent in preparing him for some other vocation in life whose scholar ship is crude and meagre whose char acter and judgment is necessarily im mature and whose training in other respects is too often very defective- Messrs and were ap pointed to expend an equal amount with that voted by Ontario County to wards repairing bridges on the town ship line between the Township of and and North An arrangement was made with the Metropolitan Railway by which the company agrees to pay onefifth of the cost of keeping the bridge over the Don at York Mills in repair so long as the railway continues to use it The com panys share of the cost of repairing damages to the bridge by floods in was placed at It was decided to forward to Col- Otter additional grants of for each member of the Canadian contingent coming from the County of York In all each of the boys from York will receive a gift of from the county The cheque sent to Jackson of Norway who died before receiving it will be given to his mother The report of the Committee on Leg islation found fault with East Yorks member in the Provincial House for withdrawing the bill that sought to relieve counties from expenditure in connection with High Schools in of the fact that the county favored the bill The bill re Admittance to Industrial Home was passed as asked for re tdwns withdrawing from the jurisdiction of county councils was so amended that towns of no less than inhabitants can separate from a county and even they are not entitled to a share of the assets of the county unless the county council passes a by law approving of a distribution of as sets A bill was introduced which would withdraw from county councils all control over street railways- At the suggestion of the county the bill was amended transferring to the local municipalities the power to enforce ex isting agreements so far as they relate to repairs of road or removal of snow AH other powers under the said agreements or the making of new agreements remain with the county Fourth Day The Warden and Councillors Gibson and Norman were appointed a com mittee to investigate the manner in which the Prisoners Aid Association is conducted That society applied for a grant at the last session of the Council but were refused This tion they have renewed their applica tion and have coupled with it a quest for an investigation which led to the appointment of the above nam ed committee A bill introduced by Councillor Evans to provide for changes in the method of electing the warden was read a first time The bill stands over till the November session The bill provides that nominations shall last minutes that each candidate shall speak for five minutes and that voting shall be open The time during which assessments may be made In the Township of Kto- was extended till June the assessor- having met with an accident A resolution Was passed providing that the Council should look for ac commodation elsewhere than in the new City Hall The advisability of selling the present Court House build- -THE-PflOPYLAEA- STANDS FIRST HIGHEST Paine Celery A Noted Physicians Prescrip tion for the Banishment of Disease tio fipehiteetuPal Ornaments at The at the PanAmerican Exposition at Buffalo in will mark northern boundary of Plaza and the extreme northern limit of Grand Court- This elaborate and beautiful architectural ornament will servo the purpose of a screen shutting out from the Exposition the noisy and smoky reminders of toil and care of our everyday life The is a magnificent creation treated with fine artistic skill The work is feet long consisting of two massive arched entrances or gateways at the extreme eastern and western ends of a long gracefully curved These gateways are feet wide and feet high Two open towers surmount the sides of each arch and above tho tall Ionic columns that form tno is a pergola or arbor over which growing vines will wind their delicate tracery of green Behind the will be the railway station reached by a broad promenade- In the spaces between the great columusstatues will be placed showing their outlines distinctly against a background of color The electric street railway cars aswell as the steam roads will unload many of their passengers at the station opposite the which is reached from the tracks by a spacious subway visitor will thus- enter the grounds through the high arches on either hand of the Propylaea and obtain at once one of the grand views of tho great group of Exposition buildings On the right and loft of the are the midway and Stadium in front Electric tower and sunken gardens and Court of the Fountains the Electricity building and the agricul tural hall are on either side farther aoo the Machinery and Transportation building and that of Manufacturers and Liberal Arts and in the distance Temple of Music and the Ethnology building The visitor thus plunges at once into the midst of Exposition was discussed but no action en The Council by unanimous vote plac ed itself on record as favoring a two cent rate both steam and electric railways instructions were given to the Rail way Committee to look after the track construction of the Metropolitan Railway which has not been satisfac tory of late A bylaw was given its third read ing authorizing the warden and the county treasurer to borrow to cover current expenses of the corpora tion Mr J A the County Clerk who has been seriously ill for some time past was voted a grant of 60 Mr the County En gineer who has taken Mr place during his absence was allowed for his services Mr Richardson who was censured in the report of the Commit tee on legislation yesterday for with drawing on his own authority a bill introduced at the suggestion of the county officials at the recent session of the Local Legislature was present to make an explanation His explana tion was considered satisfactory and the vote of censure was erased Dr J- Wesley was appointed to the vacancy on the Trustee Board of the Newmarket High School caused by the death of Mr Geo Rose The license of peddlers who carry packs was placed at Respectable citizens who assist in the capture of horse thieves may in future be awarded at Hit discretion of the County Judge from to for their services Fifth Day The County Council concluded its business on Saturday and adjourned to meet again in November The usual grants to High Schools with the exception of Toronto Juno were made as Weston Richmond Hill Newmarket The grant to Toronto Junction school was not passed and several of the councillors expressed their deter mination not to do so if it could le gally be avoided The Council claims that the Junction Is not In the county and should therefore not receive any aid from it Hetty Greens Riches core or cut braises It and eyentrr substitutes hero In but Perry ne ramKilter School NAMES IK OF MERIT FOR Hetty Greens wealth largely of government bonds railroad stocks and mortgages writes Leigh Hodges of Woman America in June No Whitchurch Jr J Russell Hawtin Nellie Annie Swain Hill Rome Journal says she not bo fond of government bonds since the finances of the nation Sheridan Maria Moulds Victor Vernon Adda Bostwick Annie Mary Margaret become polluted with polities Sara Waller Hughes Good mortgages any kind are now T her form of investment Jr If Louis Harry Carrie Joe all the mortgages she holds were fore- Arthur Vernon Francis Sheridan closed tomorrow twentyeight church- Sr I Wesley Frank of denominations in almost Bertha Sheridan Eliza as many States would become hers Sheridan Howard Wilfred and four cauteries would be added to Stewart George real estate Besides these there Gordon C Moulds would be blocks of great business Jennie and splendicf city houses SfiSjS theatres livery stables and hotels farms and ranches atlendiDg factory buildings and thousands of acres of land all parts of Simpson Hawtin the country Several years ago A Swain A Sheridan- Average attendance A Gray Teacher tin made a tour of inspection of the property on which held mortgages She spent two years traveling and stayed at forty hotels in as many cities Since then she has added largely to holdings of this kind The most conservative estimates place Mrs wealth at 000 but it is probably more Seventeen Years of Torture I had a bad cough for seventeen years writes Mrs Sam Hamilton of No doctor or medicine could cure it until one year ago I began to use Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption which did me more good than all other medicines I ever used It Is truly a grand cure for stubborn Coughs Colds and Throat and Lung troubles Positively cures Consumption Pneumonia Grip Bron chitis Asthma Hay Fever and Croup Price and Guaranteed Trial Jwttles free at Lehmans drug r lives were lost and were injured during a fire which destroyed an old fivestory New A small fire broke out in machinery secMon of the fl Annex of the Paris Exposition the floor between German and exhibits of and ears Tub discovery of a of wood soaked with oil points to A BRIGHT IDEA Was that of Dr Chase when fie dis covered a combined treatment for dis orders of the kidneys and liver and so provided a cure for complicated dis eases of these organs which were for merly incurable Dr A Chases KidneyLiver Pills are the worlds greatest cure for kidney liver and stomach troubles and has an enormous sale in all parts of Canada and the United States One pill a dose cents a box James Ward of London was run over at a crossing of the G and instantly killed Mrs Gladstone widow of late William Gladstone the Eng lish statesman died on June The contract painting the new Methodist church at been let to Mr of bridge Ho Footed he Surgeon All doctors told Hamilton of West Jefferson after months from Rectal Fistula he would die unless a costly operation was per formed but he cured himself with Arnica Salve the in the world pile cure on a bos Said by Lehman druggist Physicians and competent to judge candidly acknow ledge that Celty Compound ha called forth the most reliable and the strongest testimonials ever pub lished in the press of country Each letter or of the extermination and of rheumatism neuralgia kidney trou bles akin diseases dyspepsia and headache The good done by Paines Celery Compound brings satis faction joy and peace because cures are permanent Thous ands of best men and women Canada today can give to the weary and despondent the blessed assurance that Paints Celery Com pound maks sick people well Pain- Celery Compound won derful discovery of Americas greatest physician is now within reach of every ailing person young and old and should be used before sickness and disease are aggravated by the coming hot weather If you entertain doubts regarding the curative and 1ifeoving virtues of Celery Compound speak to your druggist about it or consult your friends and neighbors who have been cured by it Volcano Vesuvius Has its Crater The fiery crater of Vesuvius after erupting enormous masses of lava and stone for a month past became quiet all of a sudden It was then noticed that its conical crater had disappeared The discovery that the cone had dis appeared created the liveliest interest among the scientists of Naples sever al of whom ventured the ascent for the purpose of scientific investigation The cone had become engulfed Several theories have been pro pounded as to how the eruption of lava ashes and stone ceased at a lime when the output was the strongest and also with regard to the disap pearance of the cone It is generally believed that this display of natures ceased on account of the sinking of the mol ten mass within a providential oc currence Had it not been for this there might have been an eruption that would have destroyed Naples like that buried Pompeii in AD Now that the mountain is again quiet the people of the villages of and who had left their homesteads in fear and fright have returned and are taking great in terest in scientific investigations They are assisting the learned men by searching for stones thrown from tho crater weeks presented an im pressive spectacle- About the summit of the mountain white could be seen making its way a thous and yards high Explosions were continually heard even at Naples The mathematicians have been at work and they have as certained by laborious trigonometric calculations that masses of lava were burled feet or three miles high The convulsions shook the Seismic Observatory on the mountains and villagers were in a state of terror They were afraid to stay in there homes they did not like the weird rattling of the window panes Naturally there is a great rush of tourists to witness the fiery displays at close quarters but ardent sightseers were doomed to disappointment for the police were active and rigorously prevented anyone venturing Cooks railway near the Observatory The scene was aweinspiring at night time when the were most frequent Imagine the immense plain round the craters transformed into a sea illuminating with a red glare the neighboring villages the above and even the distant ocean emit ting rocketlike myriads brilliant sparks and you have sort of of what the sight was like

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