Newmarket Era, 22 Jun 1900, p. 7

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JUNE most complete stock of date FINE BOOTS AND Shoe The Latest Stvus Perfect Fitting Should you prefer the J King Shoe We carry the Largest Stock Town and have done so oven if wo not the Bole Agenta The most comfortable Easy fitting for Misses MENS BOYS AND YOUTHS Box Calf and Kid also Solid good wearing Everyday In Boots and Shoes we give the BEAT VALUE and uptodate in Style Stylish for Evening Wear Special Value in DINNER SETS TOILET SETS TEA SETS OUR GROCERY Department is fully as sorted with the Best The Leading Grocer R A SMITH Telephone Items WHAT OK Word on Monday of the death if Mr Frank of on to apoplexy- He on with i The following to the India Famine Fund boon by A Davidson to Previous acknowledge Virginia School Total Us Tho Metropolitan will ran a oar to Toronto on Taoaday Inst leaving Newmarket and taming from Toronto the evening at to with boats Toronto and re and Sad Death three ago of hero on a with aunt Mm and She only two days when abo was en with of the whfob turned to and last had only boon mar ried two or throe months to Mr MUford a school whoa home la near and who attended Model hero fnnaral on at was largely attended much sympathy expressed for the bereaved Land Plaster Salt SEED CORN Red Cob P Sweet Improved learning Early Butler Wisconsin Yellow Dint Longfellow and other varieties Mangel Turnip Sugar Beet and Gar- rot Seed WILLSON Cor Hal a Huron eta Sheep Astray- Of East May last two altcen Owner to prove pay a them away PO OLD rtaft at Office per in The Depot Cane Sons Mfg Co had a number of men at work nearly all last week moving their Freight House so as to allow the new switch to pass in front of It The fourth switch was completed ready for service on Saturday afternoon and now the men working around the depot feel as tho they could breathe The south end of the new switch la near the bridge on Queen St This gives splendid ac commodation for trains to pass hero without the necessity of backing out of the switch as formerly A new stock yard with necessary platforms for loading has also been built and the accommodation here is now much more in keeping with the requirements of the Town Mr Smith got in a carload of mowers on Wednesday and expected another of binders yesterday Mr A drives a fine new Mr Jack is making extensive repairs to his this week A new wire fence has been erected around Roe flats Mr Elmer bad the contract The Citizens Band was engaged for a Garden Party at Holland Landing last night The is here again discoursing music every night in the vicinity of the market The Library Board are requested to meet a traveller this evening from an other PublishingHouse The dry weather is affecting tbe strawberry crop and it is feared the season will be short Teaching in the High School closes on Tuesday to make room for the exams Canes Factory shut down on Wed nesday as a number of the men want ed to take in the Excursion to Sans Prospects are good for raspberries and blackberries An Italian organgrinder with monkey attachment did up the Town yesterday The long grass in Newmarket Ceme tery is all cut neatly raked off and carted away The Cemetery is look ing at its best Red geraniums seem to be quite a fad this year Mr Littles little girl got a bad fall down cellar steps last Friday but fortunately no bones were broken Executive meets In New market next Monday afternoon A musical serenade took place at the South end last Wednesday night Our new Gasoline Engine was start ed on Wednesday The local anglers are now taking advantage of the open season for bass and There was some loud talking at the North End on Wednesday and someone paid a to the Chief to settle the fuss out of court p excursion on Wednesday last under the auspices of the North York Agricultural Society was every way successful except in point of attend ancewhich numbered only about enough to pay but not profitable day was delightfully lino tho on the cars rapid and satisfac tory tha route from Sans all that was advertizedpicturesque to a degree Islands thickly studded the some bold and- barren others cov ered- with massy verdure and small undergrowth others again presented rocky granite shores but were more heavily wooded with flrs oak and poplar- The sail from Sans miles was made in three hours and a half and was immensely enjoyed by excursionists as the sturdy old steamer City of Toron to her way among the is- Much speculation was indulg ed in respecting natures upheaval when those huge granite and boulders were pushed up high above the waters of the Georgian Bay which now form the archipelago of portion of Parry Sound dis trict Sans Souct consists Of a summer hotel with a sleeping cottage attach ment and homo of an aborJginee the dwelling of the latter being sided up with shingles instead of boards Tho site of Sans presents a bold granite as the steamer approaches and so deep is the water wharf at which the party landed only pro jects a few feet from the rocky shore For three hours the excursionists wan dered about picking up specimens of rocks plucking wild flowers or small er groups hied themselves to shady nooks to talk of coming events re specting their future lives others again betook themselves to the small boats on hire and took a row among islands Two bands accompanied the party the Citizens Band of Newmarket and tho Rand of the Reforma tory Tbe Newmarket Band did ex cellent service and contributed much to the pleasure Of the occasion both going and returning The Reforma tory Band is composed of Inmates of that institution Of course they have not had the advantages that comes to those whose lives have been surrounded by more happy influences but they appeared to evidence a large appreciation of the privileges they en joyed and certainly did their best Sans may be a good for a weeks outing for persons of kindred thought may also be an excellent fish ing resort may indeed serve as a healthful resort for a brief vacation of officials in civil or political life for here we met exPremier Hardy hut as a place for an excursion wo must say it did not meet the expecta tions of the and the general concensus of opinion obtained that the A Society must return to points of interest up in to insure tbat patronage so desirable on occasions of this kind The run home was quickly made and nothing occur red to mar the harmony of the out ing One of the passengers Mr Will of Newmarket had misfor tune to lose his gold watch out of his pocket while leaning over the side of the steamer Sale Satobwy Jane 23Mieii will an attractive sale of High commencing at 11 a to be at the time Frank War Broker Killed Jgattle Juno China declared war against world forts opened fire International fleet of what took are still unsatisfactory the best Information befog tho de spatch received at Berlin from Poo follows Bkblw June A semiofficial TROOPS NOW IN Britain France Germany United State London Juno A despatch from THE LEADING HARDWARE STORE I despatch from Oho announced After an arduous the forts had captured nd frequent fighting with the after a attack by foreign ViceAdmiral Seymour warships Three men on the German warship litis were killed and seven wore wounded Tho firing lasted seven hours Two ships wore apparently sunk between the The telegraph line and the railway between and have boon destroyed Wa ter communication two places is menaced The despatch added that foreign settlements at TienTain wore being fired When d loft noth ing had been beard from the Gorman detachment to or from German Legation there News from datetl Judo that the Boxers were then killing hundreds of native Christians and the servants of foreigners Yokohama Juno The news of shelling of the at has great throughout Japan It is reported that the powers will Japan to send to suppress revolt It is probable that the Government will Additional transports being pre pared Washington Juno Secretary of State Hay has been notified by the at Sunday afternoon On Chinese attacked the column in great force wore many mounted men among Chinese but most of the natives wore badly armed At times fought with admirable courage and bravery losses of the Chinese daring the march are estimated at killed for eigners lews were trifling The state of affairs impossible to describe in of many conflicting reports nothing hav ing been received from Legations or foreigners there London June Beyond the of ficial messages that were made public to day thero is no authentic news from China The of the arrival at of the international force com manded by Admiral Seymour not confirmed notwithstanding detail ed story sent from Shanghai A despatch sent from TienTain Friday has reached Shanghai It states that is practically in hands of the Boxers Local author ity paralyzed The civil and mili tary mandarins have been to leave their sedan chairs and kow tow to thoBoxora in the Tho Russian Embassy here that chapels nave been burned in the troops have been despatched I sign The fate of Fully Guaranteed These Stoves operate similar to well known Stu dent Lamp You light extinguish and adjust the flame by simply raising and lowering the Screen Doors Screen Windows Pure Paris Green Binder Twine Agents for Massey Harris Repairs J A ALLAN CO from Port Arthur to Taku London June The newa from Shanghai today is regarded in circles distinctly cheering After lb grim reports early this moraine the despatch of tbe Associat ed Press the arrival of the expedition commanded by Admiral is unknown Another account which undated represents that Russian and other guards repulsed the kill ing of them Russians fired IS rounds from their big Runs St June Admira Alexejeff from Port Arthur Seymour at and the safety of reporting capture of the forts the legations which confirm- saya fleet was corn ed by a despatch from jmanded by the Russian pubtiahed in the second edition of the aa senior officer present- London announcing that The Russian loves were killed Seymours force arrived at the Chinese wounded The gunboat was Capital June it is hoped seriously damaged by a shell below the a general brightening of the situation J water line and must be docked for re- No details have yet been received of pairs The gunboat made casualties or of condition of affairs at but well informed people expreaa opinion that to leak in six places and had her in destroyed gunboat Bohr was undamaged Beside above of Li Hung Chang to aaya the French Capital foreshadows the early ship Lion the British and submission off the Dowager Empress the German gunboat participated to the dictates of the powers in the engagement Ink Parly to night come borne tomorrow Head has nude driving on country dot for from Sunday July id a iroliday Presbyterian Garden Parly next Uasebali here tomorrow Firemens Rev V Tremayne of Mills thrown from hit and two of bit rih- Cedar Bali Que June A dreadful Here this resulting in drowning of a fishing party of six persona The large grain etevatora of Love Troa and Company at Mao were destroyed by fife The whole village had a narrow escape Chas nine teen employed at the mill in Winnipeg was caught in a wire cable and drawn beneath roller drum He died from his injuries Intense during the Montreal Shamrock match on Saturday brought on heart disease which billed Frank a well knownpatwn of tha game at Montre al I i I i tt- Mrs of a oil the- way up He to Montreal on but two the in and saved her from tho rapid current Marmots June per OMn TO per Pom per bushel- per 8hepWni Wool Pore per pflBr- I T 4 I OH SCO in is DO I a Oil it a a a a OK a 10 PI a i ID a a OJ tt n South Afmea Ten miles north of May 1800 With the Column Dear father mother and aister Well we have got this far on general advance We had quite a lot of scraping to get here but here we are We expected the Boers would make a big stand at but they all left before we got there We had one little since I wrote you last with the Bear Guard of the main body of They had three guns bat we have with us now two big siege guns which carry or 15 miles easy Bo we soon made the trek if a small town of about We marched through he Main street with the Union fly Some of people cheered when they saw the flag but most of the people are in favor of Boors there There are about troops in our column field batteries 1 Royal Horse Battery and two big siege guns we are prepared to meet the wily Boer at any time We marched from here laafc night and had orders to push on at five oclock this morning but orders were changed on account of the suing for peace so they but if come to no agreement to day we push on either tonight or in the morning You will know more about that than wo do It is seventy miles from here to where we expect the Boers to put up a big fight We expect to make it in from to days allowing for scraping if no fighting we will get there sooner Our draft caught us at 106 men There are eleven attached to our Co One regiment Is down to less but the draft will bring us op a little I am In splendid health We expect to rest for a week after we take then push on to Pretoria We are having fine weather No rain in two very cold at night We have been out two now and have had no mail in that time will write much but will write as often as I can bye love to all From your loving eon and brother Haines South We Are Doing The Dress Goods Trade OF THE TOWN TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Council Regular meeting on Monday even ing Members all present except Councillor Following bills passed Can Gen Co supplies Buffalo Meter Co for Starr Charity woman and little girl Freight and cartage on electric supplies for dock on electro supplies and duty on water meter for NStarr Express on parcels for Office Specialty Co for rings re dog tags Je3ae Cook cedar J Manning repairs re Spring fire A Fire Light work at WW 7 J Snider work at Power rxotiBe teaming coal horse at sand pomp breaking atone Gray do Turand labor re WW Pay Sheet No The bills of The Cane Sons Mfg Co amounting to were referred to the B Corn- to be paid if foand correct Councillor Road bouse arrived and 10 took seat Printing Committee reported 2 acceptance of tenders from local offices and recommended that the printing and advertising be equally 1 divided as per lowest prices The Clerk was instructed to adver tise for tenders for street- watering al so tenders for addition to the Engi neers house Council went into Committee on The communication from the Me- by Jaw to close tropolitan Co regarding A deputation was present from the road to the north end was or- North York oioty to be placed on enlarging the grounds There being no opposition the deputation was from he and Council ad- Town Baud regarding the destruction of the bass drum during the fireworks display recently and asking a grant to purchase a new drum The sum of was granted for this purpose ow ing to the The late Mrs Gladstone was buried by the side of her husband in Westminster Abbey TGOMERYS Aii iaiH The Boot and Shoe Business Of the Town again this year and it is no wonder as we keep the Best Goods and sell them at the LOWEST PRICES Fine for 66 Cents Our Trade of Mens Boys Clothing is also Larger Than Ever Mens Tweed Suits as low as Copious re in a reported in Manitoba from if S

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