J it r J A j THE- NEWMARKET if- qui Clothing Opened School Specialty Farm for SiJoW Campbell Money Found Offlco Telephone Smith Bummer Shaw Roy Decoration Pay Cemetery Tenders Jos It Hoy New Arrivals Starr i Metropolitan Co Toronto to Each TIME TABLE North Toronto market am 11 DO am IM pm pm pm A W pm pm pm 7 Return Fare either way 120 than townships at same time the rural not bo over looked it mutual to hi- this iardworuay boeoro will not overlook any the V A- One day last- Mr Justice was sworn in as Deputy Gov ernor General to act during Lord absence on a Ashing expedi tion His pay goes on all the same GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY division timetable si ft loo IS a Br TO He CO a 5 9 a J 0 It is a sad reflection but tho Tele gram has reached the conclusion that the Postmaster General does- not add any strength to tho Federal Cabinet- Sir Wilfrid and the Tele gram somehow dont agree about both politically dishonest too recent cession of the annual Conference last a resolution was passed earnestly and respectfully urging Ontario the importance and of border to give the constables of towns and cities other authority suppress indecent theitre etc- around about towns or cities- J I The Hamilton Ppoc this question What your of a Canadian Premier whose heart is in France Most Canadians will think tho mean Insinuation of tho Spec respecting Sir Wilfrid Just as disgraceful as conduct of Sir Mao- Rowel I b nest of traitors who went about tho corridors of the House of Parliament endeavoring to their chief Both Spec and traitors in the same boat tore to to OK 4 It 3 2 3 In House of Lords of Great Britain on Friday last Colonial Marriage BUI introduced by Lord and Mount Royal author izing marriage of a widower with a deceased wifes sister received the as sent of that Chamber Morning sessions in the Commons commenced with the beginning of this week a pretty sure sign that proro gation is near About corridors of the House it is pretty generally un derstood that business will be brought to a finish next or early in tho following The pay to members of parliament closed on Saturday that is to say the session has Ium enough for each member to draw the round instead of the limited dally in- of a briefer session The members will now hurry home talk ing to kill time Is now of no It is understood in circles in Toronto that the agita tion for a large government grant to wards the expenses- of a Dominion ex hibit next summer has the fact that Canadian manufacturers as a body are decidedly against the of exhibiting the PanAmerican Ex hibition at Buffalo However In the event of arrangements being made for a large exhibition which will embrace exhibits from every part of the Do minion then manufacturers will agree to put forth special eHorts in the way of exhibits of all classes of Canadian factories It appears to us that our local municipal councils this County and especially in the North Hiding should pass provfdlng for tho destruction of the Codling Moth and Tent Caterpillar The damage done to fruit trees has been enormous The Ontario Department of Agriculture has information that these pests are doing damage all over the Province and much surprise is expressed that Councils have been so slow taking of the lav at the re cent session of tho Legislature noxious insects The Opposition in Parliament unsuc cessfully tried to make political capi tal out of the fact that the emergency ration was not- as rich In as some other substances The Hamil ton Times shows tho foolishness of their contentions by remarking that whole wheat contains per cent of contain per cent of Is it to be con cluded tliat would be over six times as valuable as a food ration as wheat This is a pro blem for the Opposition to wrestle with Em A LETS EACH The Brats nil 1900 The promised by the Ontario Government last session of the Legislature to enquire into all questions touohiag taxation notably the scrap icon assess- the taxation of departmental stores and as to whether private cor porations paying their proportion ate share toward maintenance will appoint immediately after summer holidays At any rate look for nomination of the Com mission in to commence taking testimony early in September As to extent of the the Premier did not foreshadow views to the House regard thereto but from all the information we gather and judging from observation supposed to be more or less in the of the Ad ministration we inolinod to opinion that tbe Commission will be composed of at least seven gentlemen in whom the Premier will have con fidence as being well posted on the question of taxation Premier has already given his assurance that they will be solely for sup posed fitness for the duties fchoywiil be called upon to discharge without re spect to politics and as they will travel through the Province to make investigations functionaries and citizen who take an interest this important matter will have an opportunity of appearing before that Commission and presenting their views respecting the great problem of equality of taxation In this wo may say that rumor has al ready a representative on this Commission to Toronto Hamilton London Kindlon and Ottawa this would only two to the entire ru ral sections of the This may bo true as the varied difficulties attending of real and personal property income and relation that each should sup- tain lo the other in more directly felt in town and village corporations The demonstration to Dr Montague and the leader of the Opposition this week was a sort of wet blanket to the WallaceMaclean wing of the Conservative party The efforts to ostracise the for and to Ignore the Commons member for West Toronto as a factor to be reckoned with in the partys makeup dont amount to anything The Mail appears to have again secured the inside track in the running and the members for East and West York as well as their organ the World are relegated to hack seats- in the combination poor exOrganizer Birmingham is out in the cold Report has It at Ottawa that an im portant suit will shortly be brought against the Government for about It appears late Tory Government granted the Long Lake and Saskatchewan Rail road and Steamboat Co- acres per mile fairly fit for settlement The suppliants allcdge that in there was a shortage of acres and they claim compensation with in terest on the amount Reckoning that land is worth an acre in the and adding interest since the amount alleged to bo due by the Government A press despatch from Montreal- dated Monday last states that as a result of the disastrous failure of the Thompson Shoe Co Edwin J Thompson President and Edgar J Savage VicePresident have been ar rested in that city on a charge of con spiracy to defraud the creditors Quite recently the officials of a bank ing institution there were sent to quod for the methods they had pur sued which led to its failure and now a- manufacturing Co officials are in the throes A few salutary lessons along these lines will teach gamblers with the capital of other that trickery and fraud in this Dominion Through the operations of the gerry mander act of it required on an average electors to elect a Li beral member while were suffi cient to elect a Conservative In five years later as was shown by figures presented in the speech of the Secretary of State while discussing the Government Redistribution Bill it required on the whole more votes to elect a Liberal than the number to elect a Conservative This is the inquity which a majority in the Senate voted to continue when by a Conservative partisan majority they voted to throw out the aforesaid Re distribution Bill West Ontario com posed of parts of four Ridings to the Local House is a beautiful example of how the gerrymander hived the A Short Sketch of the Graham Family The head of the Graham family of which the late John Graham of Holt was the last living representative was William Graham who emigrated from Ireland during the troublesome times in to Schenectady Co New York state whence after a resi dence of years he moved to Queen Street half a mile north of Sharon father was a weaver and eighty or ninety years use many specimens of his skill still to he found throughout North York family tree consisted of eight little olive branches four and four giils Their names and ages as follow Richard years mo Hannah years Jane Jeremiah years mos Margaret years 8 William years John veais Hon making rt total of years average of yearn a longevity equalled few families of that num- Ixr of offspring The father reached 87 years and mother years The four brothers wore Grits of the fa most marked type and in the memor able times of took up arms in behalf of political freedom en joyed the distinction of being lodgers in the Queens stone castle at Toron to family traces its lineage back to Scottish of times of Bonnie Prince Charlie Lord or Graeme taking a foremost stand in the movements of Clan Grantee Ow ing to such unloyal the was dispersed some fleeing to Since Hon took charge of Ireland where was the Crown Lands that Department Ten Borne years ago a flutter of made great advancement exploration parties have gone into raent of considerable magnitude wag Northern Ontario for purpose of caused by the appearance in surveying certain portions of that vast j being wanted for a country party is accompanied fortune in the Bank of England With a geologist and an experienced for land and timber estimator A report giving a full description J of that country and its capabilities and will be furnished by each party This Ilke Department has been called North J Yorks Department and one of the Z best conducted and the most import- from that ant in the Government Settlers are J crop of given every advantage in New Ontario year and will nob be as and the results of the Settlement of this this country will to open up a- mar- a mystery as the plum crop of last for the products of Ontario an year was very light and very as establish a source or seldom there are two poor crops in suc tion for the increasing demands of the cession country which now have to be met from outside provinces Try the Kra for months Oar presowai return ExWarden J Stokes of King Was In Town oh Monday Miss Waldon of spent a few days with friends In Town Mr Norman Rogers attended a wedding at on Wednesday Mies Young of was the MrsH a few days Barrio Chop- of Newmarket spent Sunday iu town Miss Morgan of Toronto spent a couple of days with Miss last week Frank Dions and bride of Montreal were visiting in Town this week Mr J is presid ing at the Entrance exams in Sutton this week Mrs Harry Knight of Kails is spending a weeks with Mrs A County Councillor and Ids wife spending a week at Harbor Beach Mich Dr Oliver and bride from Carleton Place are spending a few days in Town Little Bruce Lepard of Toronto is spending a week with his little cousin Allan Miss Wakefield of visiting with her cousin last Sunday Georgia went to the city on Tuesday to be married this week at her uncles The Citizens Band honored Mr A and bride with a serenade one evening last week Mrs of Holt is the guest of Mrs Savage for a few days while calling on old friends Mr Frank Lloyd son of the Col is spending his holidays in Chicago and other American cities Examiner Miss of Newmarket is visiting the Misses Williams street Mrs Hill and Miss Hill of Toronto are visiting with Mr A of Sharon for some days Mr returned from Or chard Beach last Saturday where he has been rusticating for three weeks Mr from Lake City Mich was visiting Ins grandmother Mrs Albert a couple of days last week Mrs J Wilson went to Whitby to sec her daughter Miss graduate They both returned home on Tuesday Rev J O and wife from the vicinity of were guests at Mr a day or two this week and wife left for their home in Westficld Y this week after a pleasant visit with his mother and friends Mrs Moore and daughter who attended the Friends Meeting at Pickering returned on Wednesday after spending a very pleasant week Mr Ed Barry stopped off here one day this week on his way to to see old friends He has accepted a situation up there Dr Webb and Mr Jesse Walton at tended a wedding at on Wed nesday No less than seven newly married couple came down on the same train Miss Bertie Wright late from Cal ifornia granddaughter of Mr Wright of is visiting her grandfather Mr David Evans Union Street Mr A Coombs Principal of Newmarket High School will have charge of the Departmental exams at Richmond Hill from the 3rd to the of July Mr of and his cousin Miss of were visiting at Mr last day and Saturday The whole party spent Sunday at the Lake Mr A B Davidson and family left for their new cottage at Orchard Beach on Monday for the season and Mr Amos Wilson and family left the following day for the same place A family picnic took place at on Wednesday of last week at the residence of Mr Henry Casely when about relatives and friends spent a very pleasant day Mr A Powell and wife of Drayton are visiting old friends in this vicinity Mr Powell is a son of the late Reuben Powell who resid ed on St He left tins section of country for the West about years ago Mr J his fa ther and Rev A went fishing down Holland river last week and caught no less than seven lunge In the lake not far from the mouth of the river They weighed from three to nine pounds each This is great A A Big range of beautiful Zephyr Ginghams Prices range from up to We divide the entire purchase into two jots at these prices LOT No 1 Big range of Patterns in Fancy warranted fast colors price to 12c special price for this lot per yard LOT No Fine Scotch Zephyr Ginghams beautiful patterns color guarantees fast special price worth double the money The Tomb hie lata to on Sunday init Brown fined S roontbB 22doye Iu King on fi5 Deceit Interred at with Main tit North cad Prompt K Childrens Fine Kid Strap Shippers special Ladies Fine Kid Low Shoes special Ladies Extra Fine Kid turn Oxfords special Men s Kid Lace Boots very special at Mens Box Calf Lace Boots a regular 250 line at Mens Plow Boots good and strong at Clothing and Mens Furnishings Mens TailorMade Worsted Suits in Black Navy or Grey worth 15 our price 10 Mens Strong Tweed Suits vell lined well made at A Big Bargain is our 450 Mens Suit made of firstclass Tweed in nice pat terns This is a special See it at 4 Mens Fancy Colored Shirts a special line at See our Colored Shirts the very latest idea at The Newest Collar is the Vic sold hare at 20c Some new and very Stylish Neckwear Have See it a look at it 50 50 HI Newmarket Book News Depot JUNE WEDDING are order and suitable gifts are being shown below Sets Dishes 5alid Dishes Tea and Toilet Sets Fancy Tea Sets 4 pieces Fancy Pitchers Bread and Cake Plates Assorted Bread and Butter Plates Fancy Fruit Dishes Fancy Crtrts Fancy Decorated Salt and Peppers Fancy Cheese Dishes Ruby All these are new goods and just the thing for a gift New Arrivals in Stationery Patriotic Post Cards Khaki Note Paper and En velopes Pictures of Lord Roberts BadenPowell the Queen and Prince of Wales inches only also Scenes on the Battlefield at the various engage ments inches Flags for the Holidays Starrs Grocery and Fruit Store Owing to the dry weather the Rush of the Berry Season will be oyer this week This is quite a surprise to fruit trade We will handle Mr Doans berries again this season These berries always give the best of satisfaction A Choice Line of House Plants large pots for cents Pineapples very choice from 10c up We make a Specialty of Fruits both Foreign and Home Grown W STAR ft The Cradle Lewis In on of June to Mr Mrs Tbo3 Lewis a daughter In Town on the to Mrs J Smith son On 28lfa May wife of Tamer formerly of East son Monday June at Church Vancouver by the Norman Tucker Albert Edward yoangest eon of the late of Toronto to Kathleen Welle eldest of Wells Esq of Aurora At he residence of the brides mother on the by Elder Mr Walter Col lins to Miss Lottie E Elvidge of the late Joseph all of Newmarket y happy took the trolley for Toronto to afternoon boat lor will the hooey- moon to St Catharines We wish much BQCOesa 1 On lost by Rev A Brown the Par sonage Mr- Wood or York to Hiss Carrie Wood daughter of Mr Wood of North Gwtllirabory At the home of bride parents on the by fiett A Brown Mr of Severn Bridge to Mies of Leading AND Undertaking House and a Telephone Oat on Tuesday Wright 8pcccr8 sawmill was burned to ground loss is about with no insurance the daughter of William Edmonds of was ill JtXV