Newmarket Era, 29 Jun 1900, p. 4

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I Mi A V FT J PR IDA J 1 Architect of His Fortune 9 architect designs and his pUns Ate exerted a builder The greatest builder of health is lays A firm foundation It makes the the bests of lift pore and strong an architect of your fortune find secure Moods us your health Udder down find was troubled with and dizziness and pains in my back took Hoods which in short tune entirety cured me Ontario The Liberals of South Victoria have again nominated the present mcmjjer Mr George aa their date at the next general election for the Commons The nomination was unanimous convention was held at I An am says there is absolutely no Intimation at the De partment of Militia of the rumor re specting the first Canadian contingent being ordered homo and the story probably has arisen from opinions J pressed in private letters from the A REALM SICK HAS SUFFERED TEBIUBIjE AGON DUE TO KIpNEY AND LIVER TROUBLE Jf fair Best Advertising Medium York County fiVCrllBO- taenia par for line Cor insertion with writ ten until- accordingly changed each month For changes than month composition most bo for rates Changed for contract omenta mini the office by noon on Special for Parma to Kent Articles Lost and Found front Medicines Apparently had no Effect Until at the of a Friend ho Williams Pills and was Cured bo for iftraffffWr collect tyeenWwIll oxoCDnn to J Haiti Struct on Farm soourily Solicitor Mom- lono owe Bat- it vision Court Building Ontario South of Pest floe Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will also boat Now market on Saturdays and Court Days- J Rote Co and Ontario Bank Aurora At p Hobby to Block to to Loan PAINTING A Paper iik promptly neatly aod In x 1 am with a FirstClass Car- Painter and Writer Orders can be left at Diana Hardware bead Street Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator It is reported from Ottawa that Hon Mr Blair will soon be able to announce a surplus of in the operations of the intercol onial Railway for the past year Will Hon Mr who always re ported a deficit during his manage ment please make a note ditto Dr Montague The re marks Mr Whitney says if he got a chance to go to the people he would a clean sweep of the Qrlte But then- it is just possible as the result- in North Renfrew shows that the clean sweep would be the other way- Seats in the Whitney cabinet may still be had at cut rates At the Republican National Conven tion on the Slat and Theodore Roosevelt were unani mously nominated as the patty candi dates for the offices of President and President respectively Each nomination Was unanimous and testtdMr receiving voles and Mr every vote but his own- A singular report comes from Ham ilton and is said to he the considera tion or terms of armistice between Mr Birmingham tale Conservative and Sir Charles parly and is to Montague and Mr Barker will bo the Conservative can didates for Hamilton at the approach ing Dominion elections Expediency forces a good many disagreeable things to the front The North and Brant Re form Association met at St George on Friday last and unanimously nom inated Hon as their candidate for the next general Domin ion Considering the fact that this constituency is one of the Grit laves created by the gerrymander in the palmy days of conservative rule the nomination of the Hon Min ister of Customs is tantamount to el ection Conservatives of North Welling ton nominated Mr as standardbearer at the coming general- election for the Commons The party managers got the poet to speechify politics on the occasion He talked long and loud about broken promises and false pre tences but hie former organ the Leader thinks Mr will have to answer for himself along the line of false pretences when he next appears before the electors up West From the Que Mr Albert accountant at Paynes cigar Quo known almost every reaidtui of the town and hold in the by all who know Him In conversation with editor of Mail something was said Dr Pink Pills when Mr remarked that ho these pills a- very valuable It was that he should make his exporlonoe known and to ftis ho readily consented handing to the Mail following letter for publication March In to Dr Williams Pink Pills I think It my duty in view of what they dona for mo to my testimonial to tho many which I seen in print For some rhombs moat severely torn pains up and down my back It was thought duo to liver ami kidney but the inn in wore not to the back hut would shift to of boily As I could rest my wan much tmpairi I tf man I diF- rent iue- and which lis URt me A ifiin I It I WHS I up tif ii hud lielpmi m- but w I finahy conclmWnl to Rivi them a trial I purchased box and to find before it was I a bit relieved and pSx was fully to my Conner good health I take great pleasure in this valuable nidj otiOB may profit my once and not suffer tortures that I did Yours sincerely Albert Dr Williams Pink cure by go ing to the root of the disease They renew and build up the blood and strengthen the nerves thus driving disease from the system If your dealer does not keep them they will be sent postpaid at cents a box or six boxes for J350 by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Cor dot Street Millard AUCTIONEERS Duncan License tot the Co of Bold on reaeoiv Farm Sales to Street Newmarket MEDICAL Dr firt door South of DENTAL ft I Poet Office mock the Church p ford ever Monday- A City paper announces these changes in the at the Parliament Buildings M has been transferred from the sales branch of the Crown Lands Department to the Patents Department Miss Brown stenographer in the Public Works De partment will soon be numbered among the attractions at the Educa tion Department Gibson of the Crown Lands Department is Act ing Commissioner in Mr Whites ab sence Mr Bain lecturer in the School of Practical Science has been appointed secretary of the of Mines pro Alluding to the result of the Pro vincial elections in British Columbia a couple of weeks ago it was nruipred in these columns as a possible outcome that the Government would be succeeded by another and that would be re called All this has now transpired and Sir Henri has been appointed LieutenantGovernorship of that Province in succession to Mr a new Provincial Premier Mr ft P for St Que hasbeen called to take Sir Henri place in the Cabinet and was sworn into office on Friday last Celestials are proverbially a su perstitious people Rev Dr Suth erland General Secretary of Methodist Missionary Society says the Globe has a curious theory in regard to the present uprising in China In certain yearB the Chinese calendar is altered by of one month This year there will be two Octobers In the Chinese calen dar The technical term for this Is Editorial Notes The Ontario Government has at last yielded to the solicitations of Separ ate School supporters and appointed ah extra Separate School Inspector Mr Michael OBrien commercial mas ter of the Collegiate Insti tute has secured the berth A despatch from Vancouver states that much trouble is arising with Japanese immigrants who being refused admittance by the United States are returning to Vancouver in thousands arid hiring put to farmers at ridiculously low wages lower even than the Chinese This is one side of the story the other side is that la bor is plentiful and agitators have got to work for a living instead of going about hatching strikes in the hope of living fellow he humbugs into believing that by going on strike he can soon take the place of the capitalist or employer of labor CATTLE AT All kinds of kept on band for well Contracts made So and era work done notice All new work warrant own All kinds of Teaming done On Notice on DAVID Cr The Catholics of Winnipeg have been trying to make a change in the school question of Manitoba ever since Premier defeated Hon Mr In reply to a recent request for what is termed remedial legislation Hon Mr very plainly tells the supporters of Sepa rate Schools that he is not favorable to again open the question He says I have given careful thought and at tention to the question and I am sorry to say that I fear it will be imposs ible to meet the wishes of the delega tion which waited upon me The public have been informed both by Sir Wilfrid the Premier of the Dominion of Canada and the Hon Thomas who at- the time was the Premier of the Province the twoeightmoon it being In the Manitoba that this vexed question eighth month of the Chinese year According to an old established super stition the appearance of a twoeight moon Is accompanied by a change of dynasty and this doubtless is a On In five years this doubling of is said to occur twice These regular periods are however cither and having was settled and that the settlement had been reduced to writing and made law in the amendment lo the School Act which was passed In 1897 Such being the state of the case the posi tion assumed by my party during the last election was that this matter having been settled should not be dis- this posi- moons or After the is difficult for mo to see how riots in said Dr Sutherland the properly move In the direction Governor of Sz was degraded desire Not obtaining what Me man succHdci they desired these Separatists have him The new Governor is forwarded a memorial to the head of affairs in and minion Premier hut he too has said to he quite able to maintain the school question settled and peace under ordinary circumstances It must stay settled 200 200 300 250 Committee of ManagementMr Chairman Messrs lard and Fortune a Shout Judged Sept 1st Prize 2nd Prize 1 Aged Bull 1st by Massey Harris Co Sharps Rake value winner to pay two years old 1st by H H 2nd Prize given by Canada Veiling Co to i Yearling Hull Milch 1st and 2nd by Bros Wholesale Fruit Merchants Toronto Heifer two years old 1st and 2nd given by J itiPH Yearling Heifer Bull Calf 1st by Frank Stewart Grocer Newmarket Heifer Calf 1st by AWebb M Newmarket 2nd by J A Newmarket Clans Cottle Bullany age 1st and 2nd by MP Milch Cow 1st and 2nd by McKinnon Whole sale Millinery Toronto Heifer two years old 1st arid 2nd by Rice Levla Co Hardware Merchants Toronto Yearling Heifer 1st by Lehman Druggist Newmarket lb Calf 1st by Wholesale Confec tioner London Hull Calf 1st by Co Wholesale Gro cers Loudon 51b Grand Mogul Tea Cattle Hull any age 1st and 2nd by H Irwin Clerk of the Peace Toronto a Milch Cow 1st by John McDonald Co Wholesale DryGoods Merchants 2nd Prize lb by Lehman Heifer two years old 1st by Lehman Druggist Newmarket Box Tommy Atkins Cigars 250 Yearling Heifer 200 Heifer Calf 1st by Dr Scott Newmarket 2nd by J Blacksmith tt Bull Calf and 2nd by James Burke Soda Water Manufacturers Newmarket Cottle Bull any age 1st and 2nd by Sheriff Milch Cow 1st and 2nd given by Northrop Lyman Wholesale Druggists Toronto Heifer two years old 1st and 2nd by Metropolitan Railway Co Yearling Heifer I Robertson Barrister Newmarket 2nd by Geo Aurora Heifer Calf 1st by Richardson Dentist New- 2nd by P J Anderson Bull Calf 1st by James Aurora 12 Grade Cattle Milch Cow 1st by Perkins Co Wholesale Grocers Toronto Caddy of Tea ilA 2 Heifer two years old 2nd 201b Yearling Heifer 1st by Atkinson Jeweller New- Cud by Kennedy Barber Newmarket 3 Heifer Calf 1st by J Harris St Georges Hotel Herd of not less than four Dairy Cows any Breed 1st anil 2nd by Eaton Co Limited Toronto Best Herd of Cattle not Jess than six Hull Cow and four Heifers 1st and 2nd by J McDonald Co Fat Steer or Heifer 2nd pair Gentlemans Shoes by The Hold- en Co Toronto fi I LOO 300 rtmrm 300 200 200 LOO LOO LOO LOO P 3 fltT 200 200 200 200 200 Ram two shears and over Ram one shear Ram Lamb 1st by Newmarket Neck- Aged Ewes pen of two 1st and 2nd by H How- land Co Wholesale Merchants Toronto 5 Yearling Ewes pen of two 1st given by Hill Butchers Newmarket v Ewe Lambs pen of two 1st given by Wm Newmarket Class Cotsuaold Sheep Ram two shears and over 1st and 2nd given by A Evans Royal Hotel Newmarket Ram one shear 1st by C County Council lor Ram Lamb 1st given by Merchant Tailor Newmarket Aged Ewes pen of two 1st given by Lloyd Barrister Newmarket Yearling Ewes pen of two 1st given by Luke Doyle Eagle Hotel Newmarket Ewe Lambs pen of two 1st given by Lepard Barber of Cigars IS Sheep Ram two shears and oyer 1st- one years subscription Toronto Daily Evening News 3 Ram one shear 1st given by Dr Geo D Fortune V Newmarket 3 Ram Lamb 1st given by Newmarket Aged Ewes pen of 1st and 2nd given by Co Wholesale Supplies Montreal Yearling Ewes pen oft two one years subscription Toronto Saturday Night Ewe Lambs pen of two 1st given by J Druggist Newmarket Class Sheep Ram two shears and over 1st and given by Roche Co Newmarket Ram one shear 1st given- by A Smith Newmarket Ram Lamb one years subscription Toronto Dally Star Aged Ewes pen of two let an 2nd by Christie Brown Co Biscuit Toronto 300 Yearling Ewes pen of two given by John Mont gomery Sons Newmarket Ewe Lambs pen of two Class Sheep Ram two shears one years subscription to Toronto Daily Ram one shear 1st by J A County Clerk lHV tt P I4IMI 3 Ram Lamb 1st by Joseph Registrar Surrogate Court Toronto Aged Ewes pen of two 1st and 2nd given by H P Co Wholesale Grocers Toronto Yearling Ewes pen of two 1st given by Allan Newmarket j Ijwe pen of two 2 100 LOO iti LOO LOO 200 LOO LOO LOO LOO LOO jinn 300 LOO LOO Committee of Management John Chairman Messrs Roe and Lehman Class 13 Sheep Section Judged Sept 20th 1st Prize 2nd Prize At trio recent nt it in reported that the Boors captured mail containing a three weeks accumulation for Roberts worth of stamps intended for the use troops A Router Cape Town The British casualties at Honing Spruit were killed and wounded In a despatch dated Juno confirms the that men of the Thirteenth Yeomanry and 180 Highlanders were captured with a convoy near They passed through on June A few of them including Lord were wounded These were left at despatch give the names of troops found at and adds that bulk of the including Lord Leitnmatid Lord were well A telegram Capo Town states that Do commando number ing men with horses 18 wag gons rifles and rounds of ammunition has surrendered to Gen Warren Commandant himself did not surrender A doapatch from range River Colony says that a force of drove off Mounted near Thurs day capturing many cattle in rear of Brabants camp Pretoria June BadenPowell reports from that ho found the leading Boers very pacific and cordial on his return journey thence Commandant Steyn and two actively hostile Field Cornets had been captured during his absence an only From neatly every town and In Canada come from who have been rescued from the mis of pile by using Dr Charts Ointment troubled with blind itching piles for years could to atop- the I always In pain until of mine told of the rrdn Ointment amonft bis acquaintances I only and am entire ly cured in gratitude for marvel- cure for lh benefit of as did I you this re- cord of my case When operations and have failed to cure you you tan of Dr Chases with perfect confidence that It pin cure you It baa never failed to cure piles and not fall you CO centa a box at all dealera or and Co Toronto We the do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent of Dr if after threefourths of of bottle they not relieve Constipation and Headache We al so warrant that four will per manently cure the most obstinate of Constipation or no pay when English are Lehman Druggist Newmarket J Pharmacy Main Newmarket Ont Tired eyes cause sick the eyes lire some say they arc not well In most such cases there Is Neglected eyestrain sure to produce sickness Be wtu Have your examined Know their exact condition from an expert Consultation free GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co ft FOR fi If your a practice of into the highway at parsing teams and- travelers dont get on your ear if shoots him Such a beast ha killed on general principles Or a Good Cometh a good end you to blood ft good and the will be health aod happiness all ha more of toe blood creates a good appetite overcome that log and Imparts vigor to the whole ayEfem It la Greatest cured by The fifteenth piooio Public school hrooght out people band ihix was good of sports Tht war hi en Head was won by the Cornier in keen That the children may come from school heavyeyed languid and listless That they may be cheerful happy and contented aid sturdier day by To Have or fifter the duties of IN ORDER tired cannot culfi vad IN ORDER To have the keen the sharp perception clear the make affairs run smoothly take Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills Systematically and you will be delighted with the result Why Because they will en able you to sleep soundly eat heartily and digest what you do eat thereby keeping and body in proper condition boxes Set Alt NOW OPEN All orders will receive care- ful attention and Work finished in all the Latest Styles at the very lowest prices rah am Will Bun 80Day TO THE Canadian NorthWest Swan River AT Moose JAW CO Prince Calgary Qolnir return rip to be Hh return to be on or before Tickets PoI4 by J BtAUonO I On macadam roads on country roads on roads arid bad roads Detachable Tires are safest and easiest to If you meet With a mis hap a puncture ten miles from home- these are the only need TtB i i

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