Newmarket Era, 29 Jun 1900, p. 6

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I JUNE ifigg rr Mrs flro Alio pardon look ing beautiful at present that of Dr Worded Mr for the- way Mr MM up QKtiMr V fttd Mr New fancy for belonging to is admired Camper aro arriving l tailor for j Mr a young driver bow lie sold he old gray to Haying will bo in full hero good crop- Holidays started on day and tho village will bo kida for next six week Old Mrs is- at J got a jvr fell on Thursday from or Btaird to arm and severely injur ing herself Annuo ib years old and very alight are on tortained of hoi full recovery although doing as be ex pected When Mr and Mrs Henry Lop of coming here to boo son on had a very narrow escape of losing their Uvea at Zephyr iii not to meet any trams the train usual ly goes down at oclock in morn ing and this was about ten so they apparently had no causa for fear in but just as tempted to cross monthly pay train came along horse gave an extraordinary jump it cleared the track with rig and oceu just in the nick of time other wise they would have been instantly Wiled Mm Arnold eold a pair of chicks of raising on inavkot on of laat week Early birds Geo building Jamea Hamiltons J Junior house- Mr Chapman is preparing the foundation for the mason work of now barn Amos Crittenden took the men- of a stalk of rhubarb follows weight two pounda length in measuring round in width of leaf in length of leaf I pre sume our good friend Wright Fogg of will endeavor to beat that iccord Borne time ago I referred In com mendable terms to our sweet Marys What does tho Joker do but over he to ece if they really were as as I had depicted He made himself at home and had such a time that he prolonged his Hay rather muohty Will he no some back again J the auctioneers little Ilia horse took fright down town last week ran away and tried to over a woodpile with the buggy but failed and knocked the wind out of itself After some time consciousness returned got righted up and started off believe much worse of wear As Will is worth about sixty thousand he can such Utile day for that matter doing a big trade in fresh fruits Another miller on trial at mill Mondays market in point of num bers was any previous one hut prices worn somewhat lower than at Newmarket The Misses Davis from near Vir ginia are amongst the largest patrons of our market They have a private creamery and their butter very put up and eagerly sought af ter Mr Charlie well known is here helping Prin- during of business Picnic parties and excursions are very much in existence about here at present started here on Friday unlucky day but contrary to the old rule ended first-class- about time such old granny were oast aside ho thinks The Owl Addenda If have plentiful showers all kinds of small fruit will Is abundant i Oscar Thompson his trial tGon admitted to bail and returned home on Monday even- ftlr and Mrtf Cane and family Kpent Sunday at Aire visiting in Mr and J mo in button of Port is a Mis It Hill and MI Hill of Toronto spent Sunday Mr Mr spending this Toronto Mr nod Abb Wilson visiting at Mr Martins at Shanty Miss It Waiting her sister Airs in Mr will preach faro- well sermon on Sunday next- worthy pnthtnastor improv- the looks of our road sidy Mr It is to a barn raining on next It ex pected men will ho good looking Indies Mrs John of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr MOUNT Wood of Bradford and Mis of Toronto visited at Mr John Wesley of lost week at Dr Wesleys of Toronto visiting at Mrs and wife of visited with Ida relatives here this week On June to Mr and A daughter Party on the grounds of Mr Watts on Dominion Day at which Miss of Hamilton appears on program Dr Wesleys dwelling is now as suming a more complete aspect of Now market visiteo with Mr Ilohinaon Long choir of the Methodist Church hold a successful garden party on the fine lawn of Robert Rowland Luther of Chicago is visiting at his fathers Mr Da via and of fiolhavon called upon Mr Stephen Tuesday Mr John Rosamond has a fine flagpplo over foot high on his hotel grounds which when adorn by the of bunting that John bought ought to every true Canadian when ho it feel proud of such a citizen Mr Rosa mond Mrs Richard Ough of Washington ia Visiting at- Mrs William NotI Section pair Black pair Plymouth Hocks pair- Plymouth Hocks pale Caps pair pair Cochins pair IOC Cochin pair Game Red pair Itlllf I pi Mill I I I f41 If fen 2nd Prize DO 50 00 50 00 50 60 50 50 iiiiff ri i Kill i PP 111 I 1 4 inn iti I iiii Game pair 00 50 100 50 50 Spanish pair pair Ill Bantams Game paJr Bant a my Buff- pair J Id Toulouse pair pair Geese any variety pair Ducks pair Ducks pair Rouen Ducks pair other variety pair Bronze Turkeys pair any other variety pair Pigeons fancy pair Collection of imm Fowls pair Peacocks heat pair Guinea pair White Mice pair White Hals pair Extras lIH lltiql I I 1 1 Hi I Pi I PH i J P1 r aw PI 50 00 50 50 50 50 35 20 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 20 25 50 50 60 50 50 50 25 25 25 20 25 25 25 in Admiral Seymour it averted getting a into Tien on Monday according to wnich then ward terribly h arrayed could hold out another days and had killed and War Juno War has the following despatch from Lord Pretoria Juno Sir Warren that the in Capo Colony north of Orange River now over body under Commandant do surrendered on consisting of about won horsoa wagoas and rounds of ammunilioh quantities of reeeive1 by in the western part of iho in payment IftiiiiMitiuiUd have been by the British Seeds Committee of Management Mr Webb Chairman Messrs cock Roc and Section Judged Sept 1st 2nd White Winter Wheat two bushels 1st and 2nd given c Worts Distillers Toronto Red Vinler Wheat two bushels 1st and 2nd given by Worts Distillers Toronto Winter Wheat any other kind variety to ho named two bushels 1st and 2nd given by Hon 200 Red Spring Wheat variety to be named two bushels 1st and 2nd by Wild Goose Wheal two bushels 1st and 2nd given by Brewers Assn Toronto Six two bushels 1st and 2nd given by Hon P Two Rowed Barley two bushels 2nd Prize Newmarket Era year Beardless Barley tvo bushels Oats bushels 1st by Geo Keith Seedsman Toronto White Oats two bushels Large White Peas bushels 12 Small White Peas bushels Buckwheat one bushel 2nd Prize Newmarket Express 1 year Yellow Corn twelve cars White Corn twelve ears 1st Newmarket Era year Sweet Corn twelve care Pop Corn twelve ears White Beans one peck 200 i iitii it fill ftp IM 60 50 50 50 Mr John In for the Era at Sutton and authorized to collect ace lint etc Orders for all binds of printing promptly attended to of the a visit Toronto with his Mr Willie Bailey Mail home on parents An Excursion on Wednesday from to Mr and Mrs York of paid a short visit last week to their son Mr York of Sutton The Volunteer from return ed from the Niagara Ciii Inst Sat urday Mr left on Monday last to take a Excursion parties are at Jacksons Point almost day and it is difficult to keep of them all On an from near The So lUndj a number came np to the village A few were dress in the Highland and played a number Scotlands national the ws quite a treat for ihe viliaers Truth however compels hear in remark that one great evil in connection with many excursion parties drink ing customs When wiif lure to realize that the highest is when all their senses about them Were it wise we might visit a and be led to the were enjoying The man who is the influence drink fa temporarily insane and the words and antics do- not indicate en joyment but on the un mistakable evidence of a mind Mr McCarty our new Hallway Con ductor has moved into the village Mr Fuller formerly of hut now of was in the village on Tuesday The entrance examinations commence today Mr lias gone to his homo to be present at his sisters wedding Mr has a sale of household on Saturday The occupied by a new Sunday- Sunday evening Free Ma sons divine service in the Mothodist Church A number of the fraternity were faun King and which with the regular congregation filled large to The pastor Rev Dewey preached an eloquent and impressive sermon The funeral of late Mrs took place Monday While procession was driving along stieet the horse driven by Mayor got i iejitcncd at a passing street car became unmanage able- jumped against- a telephone pole breaking a shaft and partly overturn ing the The horse- received an ugly breast from a spike that hud been driven into the post at the time of the accident was upset- hut both gentlemen escaped without injury wrote for entrance at the MCMILLANS CORNERS- Mr and Mr Wal ter have improved their prem ises by the erection of new wire a daughter of Mr who has been in city since Christmas has returned homo OltCHAttD ITevmftrisoi Kfttketfi w IW Whit per TO acid Whan Goosu per OSS per Icaxapcr bushel Oil 0 11 I Hi I I Apples per ShccppWua Wool per lb Hay per ton per Chickens per pair per pair VO Turkey a per lb limn per too Shorts per ton lico f wis a a to 560 Mr Kenny hen returned from Leal North Dakota and reports the crops to be a total failure in that Mt Thos Spaldings barn was raised last Tuesday evening Mrs of Toronto and daugh ter and also her mother Mrs Hunt are At Mr J Johnsons Mr held a bee on Tues day and succeeded in getting drawn from Aurora nearly all the brick required his house Miss Minnie accompanied by Miss of Lansing spent Sun day at home Mr has very ill with hemorrhage of the but is improving 8ir Charles Tunisian for Floyd t Perth boy while Leon of fiitnsyille fell out of hie boat while fishing and was drowned Mrs George CuWb of Kingaton poisoned herself by taking the wrong medio no Heavy rain was reported at Win nipeg and several districts of Manitoba Tuesday H K Chicago broker was robbed pickpockets on a cable car Huckleberries promise to bo an immense crop this year so say those who have been up on rocks Mr Freeman of New Hamburg was burned by a lamp explod ing and setting to her Tho British Admiralty has ordered five more cruisers to go to China This represents an additonal the crows aggregating July The bylaw granting a bonus of exemption from taxes and a free site to Portland cement works was carried by votes only one polled against June One of principal industries received a had blow last night when the and stock of the Carrie Tanning Company were almost totally destroyed The fire started in the engine room at oclock and the large amount of grease and other inflammable material made it burn with intensity that four streams of water seerned to have little effect firemen were working till a Worth of stock ready for shipment this morning This with about more was saved though more or lees damaged This is the first fire in he tannery in fifty years and one effect will be the hastening the construction of the new plant The loss on building and machinery is 8000 and on plant was insur ance oh building and machinery and 17600 on stock J Berries arriving Fresh every morning Orders are coming in fast Dont delay Mala Street DAVISON GO Wanted A girl to cook for family of five summer Good waeca A to Iter Dr nac a s Hoaoy Found On In Newmarket Main tract and a proving property and for iMa by on Smith Bros Photograph Gallery Wilt be open till pm ON DOMINION DAY FRIDAY JULY I I AT THE Cemetery leave FIRE at The Band different Orders or Tovf and all in- icrcaitd are to Mayor and Clergy have deliver abort and appropriate drGua JACKSON Secretary 2w23 Cbairman tothc Bud Tender or wilt lie office until iIk- Jnly Inclusively for the Harbor according to a paa and and form of to A Gray Es ttlDCCrmebanroof and for Ontario on to the at the of Ottawa Persons tendering are be considered on be and eigne with their Each lender be accompanied by an bank payable to toe only Honorable of Public for fix thmttnd will bo forfeited it the party enter when called upon to be fall to complete the for If the tender not be returned Tbe Department not bind let elf to ac cept lowest or any By order JOS HOY Act Works Ottawa Slat without the Department will not be for It CI a a a a a a a a Toronto June A nonvfi f in in mud iiriJ i 4 I tied Wheal per bushel Wbl to Wheat per Wheat per i- per V 0 to CI PbeVpaJripa pcrywt J a a a a a a a r it a n Among the visitors recently we have noticed Dr Butler and wife Mr Frank Butler Mr Blackburn Mr Jos Lemon and Mrs M Howard all of Toronto Messrs and I Fox and Stephenson at tended funeral of the Sate Colonel Mr Robinson after nursing a valuable young colt for some weeks night and day lost it on Saturday night- On Saturday the teacher assisted by the Section will give the iiiipils and friends an outing at Wilcox Like weather permitting Messrs Lloyd and re turned from Military Camp on Satur day last Quite a pleasant evening was at the home of Mr Jos on Monday by way of a social winding the Teaparty of of a which took place on Saturday last- A- dumber of laborers l6 brought from to i walki were at laborers J of Just purchased from Farm s Maes a pair of richly- bred Mr the pronvVtr who i now in Rntrlflnrl to furihtr jmrchuw in for iho fit the lined Farm NOTICE been informed ibat of K6ttleb- and Heed Aurora are lor beg to aty patrons North York that thofto arc iiotactluif that Role the present time IB Mr AH placed to will receive most careful attention and cameo I have thru the above gentlemen for orchard la North York Bod whlchla the past have a large per of the prizes offered by the Hon- Any man as my agent a certificate of and ffithouttblt patrons are imposed on SMITH Winona IN PROVIDING qui to facilitate your business have secured a Long Distance ft FARM FOE SALE BY TENDER received by for half of lot In flrit of Kt- In ibeTovrnfbliiof ICO acres more win Daw eon fttin up to 1st day of August cent of tender the balance CO day from Is a pi finises and frame and good ft if best or My tender accepted particular apply to Solicitor for Vendors The moderate- The Manager of BELL TELEPHONE will be pleased fo quote you rates iWfi BESS V0ti Aptly to FROM JULY 3RD TENDEUSa3lresti W Tender for Pier of the Harbor Mont real be received at office until day the day July for the of a level per ana hulkbeadsio Lower Division of Harbor of Que Plana can ho at and at office of A Gray Etc Life Toronto of Works Pest Clerk of P a Do dwell Esq Resident Engineer 111 not be unltisisaW on primed and the actual lgoaturee of An accepted bank cheque payable to order of the Public Work accojn- each tender The cheque will for felted If the party decline the contract or to complete the work contracted for find win be returned In ten der The Department nd I or tender order JOS it Acting Secretary of Public Works of Kowepapera this without authority front the win for it School if THE Central Business College TORONTO excellent opportunity and Senior Students to ft form the and Department r enter and spend from two week up- wards a Write for work continues alonji into Term which op ens on free AW teTrotito We Want Your Trade Cant Do It pa what aoaic others do your J But We Can Do Better work which Is Import ant to you a life of your Shirts Collars it work you tell your j If not tcli If AND LAUNDRY it I

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