Newmarket Era, 29 Jun 1900, p. 8

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THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY JUNE 1900 I- Are prepared from Na- mild laxatives and while gentle are reliable and efficient They Cure Sick Headache Bil iousness Sour Stomach and Constipation Sold everywhere per box ALVIAVA flffp TUBA no Or OR OR that mot rc lookout ran imitations ho BEARS THE NAMBf PERRY V TIM Leading Special of America YEARS IN DETROIT CUR EMISSIONS They unfit a mm for matter our Treatment will euro you- WO CURE- NO PAY you need help abuse or i liter way weakened You AND fiKLTAPLK WORTHY TO MOUNT A year winter Mr king cm- J annuel meeting of the Kin Affooamtioa was hold on Tuesday of at King City very and following vicepresident eecrctary J lout 911 in bills in Mr flnfgcon Hill treasurer stable About week directors may not till Our if will you You run CURED and aw You itifnlj HP tied tun ben and doirni cvuflil WE CURE VARICOCELE No rifiijua your nitty bo loud you may hod it our J euro it wormy to and rcIvo Tin or Pttwels j euro dilUt NO NO XO Hi Mr Oldham found in feed and gladdened Mr heart by return Mr lain of Mor- Man has purchased Mr and lot for the Hum of and will make hi homo in this villain for future Wo welcomu Mr Drown Rid family to our LINK KINO- Nearly of aturdj of this mot at Mr Con on and raised a new barn that Hall ware appointed caniaina formers winning by only throb had an excellent spread ready and fiutialkd intornay dunoing was indulged in by those During the evening Richard Deacon broke from its tiepost and quite a seneation In its wild course the horse a of carta and struck Mr buggy doing it some injury Be fore being captured the horse got rid of every bit of harness even to to say buggy was uninjured Frank Jackson will raise a barn on Friday Lemon W Fox James Wells Treat J Button P art The annual will hold this year on Nov AURORA Mrs wife of Mr Wm an esteemed and old resi dent of town died after a last Friday morning leaves a and Wm Toronto Aurora Mrs ID J Mos- Aurora and Lillian in the Unit ed trouble at the- cemotory over peculiarities of a grave has been remedied by painting out the figures had caused ho much at traction Town has left his duties for a recreation in the vicinity of Lake Town Council has decided to make necessary repairs to the Town Hall Mr John limes of Aurora whilst driving a horse which took fright at an car way thrown out of his rig and fractured large bono in his left to CURES AND CHARGES I MOUKKATK a BLANK for HOME KERGANl SHELBY STREET Our foe If fait Any one wading Sketch and of our opinion of flow to Obtain a cent upon request secured through U3 fldvert for sale fit our out through us receive without charge Patent widely by Manufacturers and Invasions Bead for copy FREE Address VICTOR J CO Attorneys WASHINGTON Dont Guess Results On Thursday evening last a fare well social wan tendered to Rev A Bedford and wife in tho church which was success The attendance was large represeolint every depart ment of the church the sister the legal medical professions pastors of the town The chair was by Mr Win editor of fcho Tribune who called upon Mrs to read a compli mentary address and also upon Mrs to present to Mrs an elegant rocker and Mrs presented to Mr Bedford a wallfilled puree of gold More hearty and spon gifts were never presented by any people Mr Bedford- mado a suitable reply The Rev J Wilson pas tor of the Presbyterian and P Cameron pas tor of the Baptist church spoke on of the ministers of town in verv feeling terms of regret at the departure of brother and him and His great prosperity in their new charge The audience joined in sing ing God be with you till we meet Again and an evening of mingled pleasure and regret was brought to close Children cry for iff BRADFORD The sodden death of Mr- Franklin Brown on Sunday whole community Mr Brown went for a walk on Sun day to all appearances in hie usual health Returning to his home he picked up a paper and was reading when he suddenly expired Medical aid was summoned at once but the vital spark fled doctors arc the opinion that was caused ly the rupture of a blood vessel in Deceased who was in hi This man knows what he did and how no did It Such endorsement the following are a sufficient proof of merit Hone your new print I one two of woof Ko4U3 Price a llninnt us It Ask your for cm book free or address J KEHwa CO PAU5 LEHMANS DRUG STORE year was a life long resident of this district being a son of the lat John Brown Retiring from farm a few years ago he had led a quiet life his health unfitting him for active work The late Brown was of a quiet unassuming nature teemed by all His bereaved wife and aged mother have the sympathy of the neighborhood may be mentioned that Mr Browns father died a sim ilar manner a few years ago The funeral took place on Tuesday to the cemetery here and was largely attend ed The at the public school is fly at half mast out of reaped for the late Franklin Brown ho being a tee at the time of his death school children were given a picnic at Jennings grove on Saturday afternoon The Church of England will give a grand strawberry festival and on the Rectory grounds on Friday evening Tune Abundance of re- freshmen will bo provided and a programme will be render ed Bradford ran an excursion to Point week thai did not pay Bradford Pin- tooelehrato tin up- Twelfth of July in Colling- wood For about years gaa has coming up from a spring on farm of Mr Hroich Set Moment Recently MrFaiiH had a gasometer to collect gas On touting it was to lo a gas in the Light gas suitable for healing purpose but by itself not suitable for illuminating However on trying it with an Auer humeri In which the light produced by a film to white it won fount to work with great four a school girl named of Bradford aged on going home from school afternoon wan chased by some other and while run ning fell on the sidewalk and injured her knee very badly next day a doctor was called in who wan obliged to apply hot poultices of linseed meal for four days continuously After wards lance was applied and near ly a of pus was taken away At me it was feared the childs leg would have to bo amputated but careful and good nurs ing Jennie in progressing favorably School Repotts OF MERIT foe may No I North Jr Pearl inghain Hi Jennie Geo Mamie John Jr- UNSara Flossie Crit tenden Ross McMillan Critten den Thompson Dorothy Pol lock Rose Ell George Charles Draper Vihie Terry Average attendance for May Teacher MEN OP MARK Is and tipped beam at Is a of many chief among which Is for low which study he baa pursued tor several year McKInley no wine at the recent Ohio society bouquet He turned his at the beginning of the John the Firth Kansas district baa gone totally blind lie was one of the founders of the Populist party and two terms in cougecaa famous Italian tragedian now old Is acting In St Iurg hi first appearance there for yours He la aald to have crested greet of Gap conn- i years old siill to the title the of fox which was bestowed him many toko a turn He declined a In- on the pound that after dining he only while be knew his liusc only Persian Dr Charles president of the University of bus re ceived notice from the IVeneli govern ment of a member of on awards at the Paris Alfred He Afrlcau inHllon- aire Is to have bought a suit of old furniture for which la abundant evidence Mr Beit Is not paying the expenses of a war waged largely on his account Hit William ehlef con- surgeon the British forces in South receives a salary of a year Dr A Oman who volun teered to go ah registrar to field no Filler who recently died Id St IjOuIm giivc up tils whole fortune nearly 1500000 a few years ago to meet the notes of a friend width had indorsed although he might token of the bankruptcy laws Sawyer of Wis consin his piece of prop In and now owns only trifling bit of acreage lie a keen Interest Washington af fairs and Is extremely well posted on what is on Senator Vest sent a to the secretory to he read to the house The latter got I lie wrong side of the clipping end Instead of an on the money began We tire giving away these Winds half price The other side cried Sir Veal Calvin Foil ton Fargo who recently died in fin u at the age of SO a He was cousin of Governor Kenton and a native of I Jala vin He lived In for rents to California In lie was a bachelor and left his large fortune to bis niece the wife of Dr George Taylor Stuart of New city A Hindoo believing In the j -y- i -m- body occupied hy on ances tor coming upon imrjowible to destruc tion of life and to prove it cused on the fruit the brah min was nhat pious person are back at the he saw He smashed the microscope and went his There ere people who arc suffering with weak lungs They have on obsti nate cough are weak emaciated hope less They have been taught theres hope for them Someone puts into their hands one of Dr Pierces books or ad vertisements and through this medium see healthy happy men and women who declare that their Junes had been weak they had racked by coughs had been emaciated feeble hopeless and were positively and ocrmanently cured by Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery These mrcs can be num bered by scores of thousands Are you sick Will you throw aside advertisement break the microscope or will you mate one effort for health Write to Dr Pierce at Buffalo There is no charge for consulta tion by letter Youll get a prompt answer with fatherly sympathy and medical skill combined There is no alcohol or other stimulant in Golden Medical Discovery FOR SALE BY TENDER Do you think of If you do write DIM THIS SUMMER LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And gov price of Vaneere Doors Wilier Inside SlidingBhnds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ALT Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork in Canada for the of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc The Cane Soys Mfg Co NEWMARKET rm- FOR ALL rug Wants it Eye one some other of knowledge to contradict it It Is natural to accept the evidence of the eye Therefore the answer which a teacher recently from her class of small children was not altogether sur prising Which Is farther away she asked or the moon England the children answered quickly England she questioned What makes you think Cauce we see the moon we cant England answered one of the brightest of the class Youths Companion PEN PEN AN BRUSH the norellst Is to write two comedies a drama during the present year General Low Wallace Is at work upon another drama the of which is paid to he laid Thebes Marlon Crawford the author Is yachtsman of ability and Just been granted by he authorities a cap tains certiheate of bis ability to sail ship at The to at nine hi will he completely the work of members of the arlidtn family the direction of Isidore the sculptor her Hubert the English painter is in Berlin to execute a number of or ders for portraits the some time Arrange an of his own works This will Include some of bis most im portant pictures among them the por trait of Miss Grunt Jady In White the Lady In Black and some of his recent work in Parcel I beautiful brick Twelve known as the Vincent property with and outbuildings all of are a stated repair with floe lawn and shade trees seres eligibly situated Brick Flouring Mill ell tiled Town of Newmarket and a leaver Mills Tills property Is equipped ail dernnachlnery witb mill most con lent and best In Ontario Parcel half of lot Ho in 2nd cm of Township King Hew urvey Parcel i Three aces more or opposite Newmarket Cemetery Parcel No A 1it on Main St adjoining and south Mr Murrays shop of feci depth feet Tenders up to July or any tender not accepted particulars apply to It DENNIS Hex Newmarket Executors THE HAUL OF FAME New Victoria a fa BINDER Highest Drive Wheel Mb Bragg Roller Seventh Roller or All the and LIMITED Built Right Wear Right If bicycle girl least Nursing Mothers drcfid hot weather They how and how this affects the baby All such Mothers need Scotts Emulsion It gives them strength and makes the babys food richer and more abundant end fit Wo can tell better whether Hal of Fame Is a title when we see the names therein 1 News The proposition to erect s hull of fame l New York city Is of met with as to bow to delect the PostStandard Miss Helen Gould gives to build a hall of fame for the University of the City of New York and her fathers utile la to he In Its roster of the dead Thats all right deserves to he as the father of one of the kindest hearted clearest bended most wom en In the world Pittsburg Chronicle- FLOW AND TREE there is said to be a tree which Is feet hi height The rose was an emblem of Immortali ty among the- Syrians and Chines planted It over groves The wood the redwood tree never decays ft Is said end fallen trunks which been overgrown by old for ests are as solid as the day they fell know that a few roots of Japanese planted rich earth lit an old painted green on will make a hand some for your lawn especial If you will give It plenty of water Our work shows Its quality It doesnt the It Is the very we can piece because we to make separate piece If you like style nicety of Italia Hue you want to order with ua Tailor The amity aroused quite a remarkable deuionhratiott at pa night vhen they visited amateur performance- of fh Yeomen the CrnArd When the news of their intended visit became known the decorated and the townspeople flooked there many button portraits the gen and other emblems The Yeo men formed into a guard of honor and the ladies of the formed escort one of their number in waiting with a love ly bouquet for the- wife Directly audi ence rose and- cheered Mr French Quito taken and not a by of Tenders for Building Seated tender will be by up to Monday the 2nd of Jul for the erection of an addition to the Engin eers residence at Water as per anaanectfloattonB which may be the Town Clerks Bice The lowest or any not ac cented order or Council Towq Clerk Scotch FOR NEWMARKET We have In stock a line of the above in panels and half Call and see them SMITH BROS Mid Lot for Corner on Second fit nr Fac tory Will be told and on Mi The Oxford Cox Mowers With and Serrated it desired Ask oar to show the New Patented Ball Bearing Knife Clip Supplied only when specially ordered Wo manufacture the beat and most complete line of Cultivat ing Seeding Implements on Earth comprising Spring Tooth fitted with grain ami if fleered and Spike Tooth Disc Grain Ottilia all binds friction and dump etc etc I you need anything in oar line send tor II la a I rated will And to year Interest to do THE Co nt To Roe Homestead situate No Main flt For particulars apply to A Fop Sale at a Nice Brick House and Stable on street also three building lots adjoining Enquire at the Eba Office Fine Brick Residence FOB Situated on Millard Ave in the most d editable part of Newmarket invent p Office stores and Towr Halt Water Works el light r- and to make the place com good stable and wood- Shed to or School EVENING CLASSES Fill to for men lie to Improve our SECURED Write for our books In or and you awlsdU Send us a sketch or model reotlon and oar us to whether it enable Rejected equipped work and quickly secure broad the Invention procured through Marion notice without charge in distributed busing MARION Patent end rioarecal over too the FOR SALE iiij J Three in firstly ha Eua afternoon- 00 hut will sell or

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