t r 4 ft v j 7f r I hoed what in about Still An feeing built tils to south end of Office Special ty Works which will the city of Japanning Increase of business necessitates They mux Out The Lists for York Fair are now In hands of ilia for distribution it wakes pages more last is pub lished at least or ear lier than ever it was before That is the advantage of the work done at Era office About thirtyfive of the members of the Ladies Auxiliary and Choir of the Christian Church surprised Mr and Mrs Scott at Ins5 Friday evening A couple of hours were devoted to social inter course music and inig during which ice cream and other light refreshments were served In abundance and all departed after spending an en joyable evening Mrs Scott has resigned her as organist of the and Yorkc has engaged as successor- Miss charge last Sunday Methodist Church The pastor was assisted last Sunday minister from the Friends hi tho morning Mr a returned missionary from Africa preached an admirable sermon most appropriately illustrated by personal Incidents in his missionary work The in the evening by Mrs Alma Dale of Manitoba formerly of and the subject was treated much ability and great accept ance At the meeting of the Quarterly Hoard on Friday evening was given three weeks leave sence The pulpit will le supplied from Toronto Mr is i read next Sunday aid he i said to he an able speaker too dub will play their return match with the Shamrocks of Toronto- Junction Thursday July It hoped a good number of our citizens- will company hoys to cheer them on to victory They will run a cheap ex cursion by Metropolitan Hallway A special car- leaves at I p For full particulars see bills Dp Shepherd Toronto St Toronto to satisfy his numerous patients in North York has made arrangements to be at the Dominion Hotel Newmarket every Saturday Dr Shepherd a specialist and treaty all diseases and troubles of both sexes Examinations tlonsfree Shepherd has- a large financial connection and advance money to fanners at- cent with out valuations agents fees or com mission We would advise our read ers who require medical or financial assistance to call at the Dominion Ho tel on Saturdays and consult this distinguished gentleman Decoration Day Already many people have been put ting extra time on thoir plots at the Cemetery so as to present a neat and attractive appearance and thus main- tain good reputation of Newmar ket Cemetery Proceedings will commence Ibis even ing at the beading Procession from the Fire Hall to the Cemetery Appropriate music will be played by the Hand at the head of the main road surrounding Floral Monument in terspersed with the Presidents address and speeches by the resident clergy As our citizens always take a lively interest in Decoration Day service a largo attendance is anticipated Let all lotowners do their part in making Cemetery attractive as usual Ice Cream Oil Stoves Hammocks Screen Doors and windows cheap at Toronto of people School Report of Promotion Miss To tablet Harland Robinson flohiler Sutherland Tench A To Tablet ClassCane J Robinson Stickwood A- I II To Jr Part lon It Mc Donald P Robinson Snider V To Part Cane J Martin Staley J Spring Miss Ironside Room Those in Tablet IT Collins J Cock- nee Fisher E Holmes Holmes A Holmes Hudson Hughes Hewitt Moody Mo- Mann J JiMaw Os borne Potter crman A Storks Those in D Tablet Class Clifton H Knowles A Wesley Wright Those in Part Fisher Mil lard Phillips P Smith A Smith Those in Part Epworth Holmes A Lush P Meyer J Pipher M To Holder Hunter TO Holmes Irwin Kennedy J V McDonald OBrien Osborne Riley StouRer Stork Spring V West Wilson I To Intermediate Jones Snider Snider To Senior H Brock Cane Collins Marsh fire- Kay R Morton Taylor Tench A Thomson talker Wright To Junior III Duncan Hill I Hill Lundy to There arc lots of people in this Town and vicinity who never went to Toronto down St They know nothing of the beautiful landscape fine farm residences the Hoggs Hollow or the picturesque Ul lages along the route In order lo satisfy his longing de sire on the pari of the general public the Methodist Sunday School lias de cided to hold their annual Excur sion on the 25th of July to Toronto and Park by way of the Me tropolitan Electric Railway Ample accommodation is to pro- vidodisothat there will be no crowd ing The to have cars at Newmarket at oclock and they are to leave two at a lime as fast as are comfortably filled The cars will run thru to North Toronto with out stopping except at Aurora Park is probably the most popular pleasure resort in the vicinity of Toronto and every facility for the enjoyment of a days outing The tickets are only from New market and Aurora right into the city and may be had from the conductors on the cars Make a note of the date of July Plymouth Will work as smoothly on your old Binder as your new Try it A Sole Agent son t Willis A very pretty wedding took place at The Bowery on Wednesday afternoon when Miss Eva Jackson youngest- daughter of Jackson Esq was united to Rev Bel fry formerly of and expupil of Newmarket School The wedding took place at oclock on the lawn which was very prettily decorated for the occasion with lags ferns and flowers under the supervision of the brides esteemed friend Miss of Brooklyn who ar rived here last Wedding March was played by the brides nephew Mr Edgar Jack son The bride was dressed in cream cashmere and was given away by her father Her Miss Myrtle Mil lard was bridesmaid The groom was assisted by bis cousin Rev J More of King City The ceremony was performed by Rev pastor of the Methodist Church here assisted by J K Wilson of Bond Head About guests were present those from a distance being Miss Wildy of Brooklyn Miss Greer of Mrs Wilson and daughter Miss Sadie Dale Mr and Mrs A Stevenson of Toronto and Mr Harry of Perth After the wedding dejeuner was served the health of the bride was proposed and felicitous speeches made by Revs- Wilson More loch and brides father beautiful presents testified to the popularity of the bride who will be greatly missed here as she has sung in the church choir for years was a teacher in the and an ac tive member in the ever since its organization The happy couple left by evening train for their new home at McKellar in Parry Sound District amid the u i tomary shower of rice and Robert- J of friends Wednesday night A A Simpson Head R Smith A Tench A A To Intermediate III Duncan M P G Lush McTavish J Os borne M Phillips Stick wood A Scott Thompson A Wilson Wright To Senior III Bremner Cane Cane Fletcher J Thompson To Junior Brodie Caldwell A Caldwell J Howard Kennedy J Lepard A McKay K McDonald icpjjiait Stewart It V uncle of the groom J P Sba Yearly Meeting of Friends which has just closed- has been signally blest of God during ail sessions business portions the bfeen great unity and harmony important have been taken veJli add inuclBtferigth and to the work of Church The religious and devotional sessions have been largely attended and many professed to have taken advanced steps in their christian experience visiting Ministers from otheo Yearly Meetings in the United States were in attendance besides a large number from the home church in Cana da Tho Ministers and have held very interesting profitable slons Their work has been carefully re viewed Several changes will take place their pastoral work and more aggressive services inaugurated Scott the Friends pastor in Newmarket has been chosen as the General Superintendent of the evangelistic and Pastoral work In On tario Ho will enter upon this field of work at once directing the cervices or the church in Cana da and assisting to locate pastors in all tho needy fields as far as can be done As usual letters and epistles have been received from the American Year ly Meetings of the Friends as well as those in Great Britain Ireland and elsewhere A letter also was received from the church in Japan under the of Mr Gurney Good reports also come from Manitoba in connection with Mrs Dales work as superintendent of that field The work in Manitoba has made good progress and promises a large field of usefulness The statistical reports showed a substantial growth in the membership and an encouraging outlook for the Church in Canada Pickering College has never made such a good report as this year Fi nancial embarrassment has been a weight over the whole forking forces for all these years but this year the clouds have mostly disappeared The College is nearly out of debt and with the largest attendance it ever had Many improvements have been made and its equipments arc equal to any College in the Dominion The pupils have made good progress in all lines of their work The spiritual atmos phere has never been so good as at this time During the year a large number of the students have made public profession of faith in Christ The whole church is much en couraged over the outlook of the Col lege A draft of a new discipline for the whole Church in America has been carefully considered and adopted It proposes many disciplinary changes in the management of the church which is hoped to be a great advancement over former rules of government This discipline will not take before next year A large and enthusiastic meeting was held on Saturday evening con- neclion with the Christian Endeavor work of the Church in Canada ReY of Chicago gave a most excellent address On Sunday four large and profitable meetings were held at the Friends Church beside the pulpits of other churches being supplied by ministers in attendance at the Yearly Meeting Many sought and found a better life and closer walk with God The Missionary address of- Rev Hotehkissi on Sunday afternoon was an able discourse and an appeal in be half of the lost races of the dark con tinent Douglas Daisy John Fry Alma Dale and others preached and gave excellent addresses during the day At its close the various churches met at the Market Square in a union service many tak ing part in it Much business of varying importance was transacted during the numerous sessions The business sessions closed on Tues day evening and an allday Praise was held on Wednesday Following arc the delegates in at tendance from a distance Sarah Ann Dale Pickering Phoebe J Wright Pickering Mrs Edith A Harris Robert Rogers Mrs Hall New York Stale John Webb James Stover Norwich Sing Meaford Susie Chapman Samuel Rogers Toronto Mr and Mrs Firth Pickering College Savior and wife Blair Wellington Sarah Foster Wellington Walter Richardson Wellington Andrew Borland Wellington William Cohoe Norwich Mrs Sutton Norwich A Rogers Clark Grey Co K Edith J Mary Rogers Toronto Rogers Toronto Smith Clark Pickering Annie Johnson Grey Co Susie Luton Grey Co I Moore and wife Toronto John Fry Indiana and companion New York State Alma Date Man Mr and Elizabeth Wellington and wife Elizabeth Bond Grey Co Lucy Wellington The Misses May Wooler Norwich Norwich yfm-WcDb- John Rogers Co Rogers Albert Wright Picketing- Albert Henry Jones Toronto Thomas Morgan Wellington Daisy Indiana- Mrs Martin Indiana- Stevens Athens Fayette Barnes Norwich May Dale Pickering Florence Wright Pickering lackering Moore Grey Allen Bond Co Harry Perry Wooler Jeremiah Clark P Chicago Martha and Marion Moore Grey Co Ada Walker Norwich Robert Douglass New York State Ellsworth Henry Muliett and wife Samuel Knight Grey Co John and wife Toronto Richard Harris Arthur Rockwood Geo Hail and wife Toronto Miss Cumber Toronto Hal tip James Mrs Walker Norwich Miss Walker Norwich Jennie Hustler Rogers Toronto v r Win Harris Rockwood Mrs Harris and Rockwood Mrs Borland and daughter Bloom field Dr Moore and wife Grey Co John Borland Albert Moore Grey Co A Grey Co John Toronto Frank Cornell and wife Kingston John Fry Iowa Willis missionary from Af rica David Little New York State flppived Car Load of Plymouth Binder Twine at A Solo Agent Newmar ket I2jc 40inch Dress Goods regular for Fancy French regular for Fancy Pique regular for 45inch White Lawn regular Ladies Vests i2Jc I Art Muslins ten patterns per yard Linen Duck for Skirts 10 Crash Towelling Organdie Muslins lovely pattern Half Canned Kippered Herring JO Pork and i Soups IB Smoke Beef 15 Salmon Tomatoes or Peas Slight drop in Sugar We advise you to buy now Success always attends use of Baking Powder CORNER 8TOR1 The York County Departmental Store Departments Rod A full meeting is requested at tie Council Chamber this Friday after noon at oclock to consider an im portant matter Done Last Saturday Mayor Cane and Mr J Cane erected fine new flag staffs at their residences The one at Mr J Canes is the highest in Town nearly feet above the ground A pretty June wedding was celebrat ed on Wednesday June in the residence of Mr H Smith Elm- vale when only daughter Laura and Mr of Colling- wood were bonds of lock Promptly at one oclock the bridal party took their places in the draw ing room which was tastefully adorn with large foliage plants and choice flowers- Rev John Bedford pastor of the Methodist Church performed the marriage ceremony The bride was attired in a travel ling gown of IJavn Venetian Cloth and carried a cluster of while roses and maidenhair fern Miss of Toronto made a graceful at tendant was prettily attired in white organdie and carried pink roses The groom Was supported by his brother Mr Thos The wedding breakfast was served in the dining room which was also beautifully decorated with dowers The happy couple were escorted to the depot by a large number of guests and friends and were treated to the usual liberal shower of rice Many good wishes followed litem as they left for the to a short previous lo taking up residence in their furnished home in The bride was A of a number of Mrs Jr Rogers Mr Ro gers and Dr Webb of Newmarket at tended the wedding- fldotr A pretty house wedding took place on Thursday June at the resi dence of Mr Isaac Webb Oxford St Toronto when his Miss Georgia of Newmarket was united in marriage to Mr Adair of Parry Sound The ceremony was performed by the Rev Geo of Newmarket in the drawing room which was tastefully decorated with vines roses and carnations The bride wore a pretty gown of white organdie trim med with late and and carried a shower bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley Sim was attended her sister Miss Olive Watson who was also attired in white and carried crimson roses Mr of Cleveland Ohio brother of the bride supported the groom As the bridal party entered room Miss Webb played the Wedding March in a bright and spirited manner After the couple had received the congratu lations of their friends the company sat down to a daintily served wedding breakfast- Mr and Mrs Adair left by the evening train for Newmarket where they paid a short visit to Mr and Mrs Hewitt leaving their home in Parry Sound by the Saturday morning train The bride was well known this locality and her many friends expressing sincere regret at her de parture extend their heartiest iwofl wishes for her future welfare a number called her on Friday evening to say goodbye when Miss Louie Richardson assisted in receiving THE CHEAP STORE A very handsome and striking Summer Dress Material being a combination of fine allwool Black Grenadine over colored shaded linings in shades We dont want to carry a yard these goods over therefore the price which is per yard Below the Wholesale Cost Dont miss this Chance inches wide colorings on Black Ground Waranted all Silk The regular price of these Goods was 3 per yard To make of clearing them this week we have marked them I Lot Colored Muslins Ginghams and Prints were 8 and yard Special for this Sale yard Lot Fancy Figured Sateens were now 10c Lot Colored Swiss Spot Muslins were and now roe Lot White Cotton Remnants in from to yard ends regular to toe now 5 cents yard Sateens Etc Etc trvftZ jjvf iT