Newmarket Era, 6 Jul 1900, p. 5

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Vi 8AWS CAPITA President Contra Kan BRANCH Business A General Banking interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED t Rtcrilna Drafts bought Manager THE NEWMAUKFT A l1ll DAY JlfV moo iVj y y JtJ i 5 Prepared for the Era by July the of Julio Text And I the bread Jno J ftp Agent for llonoy to Loan erect at Current At IhoPoal Office Insurance Ittod On and leolaKrf Tow ii QJOEvcrUodflofiTln 54 layman issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At ho Papers Issued at If THROW Vers religious anxiety awakens earnest seeking 23 Whatever Jesus touched was permanently changed 2d AaNaturo light so souls need Jesus the Light There questions better left unanswered Beware of the mercenary side of religion Spiritual meat Involves earnest labor against Insincere enquiries before the Lord Faith In Jesus is a hard task to some souls Imperfect faith Is ever eager for demonstration Gods past mercies deserve remembrance and publicity Christ fa the prime necessity of life There are prayers more intense sincere 34 Jesus to the soul than bread Is lb the body True faith never was dependent on Light 3UrIJecause all things came all men may be saved 37 Jesus perfectly satisfied Gods purpose Jesus was a definite purpose 39 soul that sees eternally lives Verses Jesus changes every that he touches came not to be a worldly gain to men Life can expend Itself on the trivial and passing 29 God given task is faith in Jesus AH temporal mercies are typical of Spiritual What men crave Is within their reach usually Jesus life was but- a passion of the divine will Spiritual life is resident Christ alone Vcrfica was lyrical of Jesus Christ Heaven sent bread alone satisfies fallen man Heaven prepared alone nourishes the soul Heaven renewed bread alone saves daily Verses Jesus as bread Jus ail sufficient life The life in the bread is vital matter The perfect life in our bread is life sustancy The life Is experienced after appropriation Verses Jesus the heaven bread gives eternal life There Is an eternal existence and eternal life life includes safety Eternal life includes eternal satisfaction Verses met and did the alt things of the Father Coming to Jesus means acceptance of Christ Coming to Jesus means abandonment of self Coming to Jesus means to imitate Him Verses Christ centered souls arc beyond loss They have eternal acceptance with Jesus They have victory over death and grave power They have resurrection glory and security I Section Clone Judged v 1st Prize 2nd i Mill ff Onions best 20 Parsnips best A Peppers Large Red best Peppers Small or Long Red best Pumpkin small for table use best Peanuts plants with nuts attached best matured Red best Radish Winter White beat 33 Winter Black best 5 34 Salsify Vegetable Oyster best Sweet Potatoes Plants with best Matured Tubers V3CJlCGiji Finn 38 Hubbard or Boston Marrow 2 of either or Tomatoes Largest named Tomatoes Best Shape for tablfl named Tomatoes Best and Largest Named Collection of Tobacco Best Plants cut oil close to ground 4i Vegetable Marrow best Collection of Garden Vegetables largest and best not Jess than kinds of each J 70 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 00 50 fin 60 60 50 60 60 50 60 00 60 LOO 75 75 50 75 50 LOO J IBStfBR OF I m Simpson WHulnBt and Fancy in China London Juno Admiral Bruce of British forces at Notes on Inventions A pistol an bell and a are moving forces reports to the Admiralty the jto an ingenious burglar alarm evolved casualties At June by a grocer of St one wounded At Tien Mo of lit Tuner of Plants and all EL has- tor all kinds of people for the rich cheap Tor poor poor one for mean ana eaay one for people and is vy to a I to At per cent alto ejected on Life If J and Bool Aent Agent tor tlio tendon Mutual NEWMARKET fit up to four seamen killed and and Wright Com mander Beauty and and that Admiral had is Tnetbiallo88es force were killed and wounded British casualties alone to the instant totalling- Im perial decree published at Shanghai last that the Imperial troops at revolted and burned Imperial palace on in- stanfc July While fighting still proceeds at Tien and in the there has been a revo lution at by which Prince 7aiirih8 Empress and and made bis own son Em peror The facts about trie revolution in the palace ate still but it evident that there has been a state or anarchy in the capital with the walls and many outside and that the Lega tions are at the mercy of mobs of armed who are bent upon de stroying all the foreigners IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call Money to Loan At per cent en Barm Security by David ttea Agent Con voyancer of Marriage Etc for the Insurance Liverpool to The old idea that the body some times needs a powerful drastic purga tive pill has been exploded for Dr Kings New Lite Pills which are per fectly harmless gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter cleanse the system and absolutely cure Constipation arid Sic Headache On ly at Lehmans drug store i England Montreal Mutual fcatbllahtd in 1S3T for the Confederation Association To ronto Old Corner Main Two North Furniture Main A Fresh Supply a Week of Park it Bacon Lard o The beat Mildest Meata on the today A trial will con- vinca Also Rolled Corn Meal Boiler Potatoes Pickles Bait Canned Corn Tomatoes Feet Ham and Honey floap o Qrdem filhd on fa shortest notice These are troublesome times for Po lice Magistrate On Saturday last he received a letter rrorn solicitor for Roche Co claiming damages to the extent of in connection with lh3 Roche in which he convict ed the defendant under the Transient Traders Bylaw and imposed a fine of and costs or days in goal The act covering the case provides for the imposition of a flue and default of payment of said fine- distress and in default of distress imprisonment The P did not follow tho statutes closely in delivering judgement and merely imposed a fine and costs or 30 days was upon this ground chief ly that the conviction was quashed Hall with costs against the town The defendant claims 300 damages for the conviction travelling expenses and unnecessary worry in default of payment of said amount threatens action The cost in the case to be borne by the town will amount to Gazette Willis tho Markham chant who left last week leaving creditors to about behind is said to bo in Thi Mrs Willis put the bailiff in for rent due and loaned thai Toronto creditors sent out a sheriffs officer who is in possesion about 1500 in stock A new dump oar is especially desirable embankment work and filling in ha been invented It is so constructed that box can bo un loaded in any direction desired An horse whip recently pat ented gives the animal a shook in- stead of a out A small is embedded in celluloid handle and this controlled by a push button A which is said to have been runningsincu August 1898 work manship of P MRovenRkilde is at tracting attention at III the its maker It propelled by a system ball weights and a small current of An Indian man claims to in vented a process by which cakes of may be preserved for many months who no covering whatever from the action of the atmosphere except a of bis preservative com position of which is a secret kmmunicatioo from Messrs Marion Marion Montreal A fire Belleville destroyed the Dominion elevator the street railway sheds and cats and other buildings causing a loss of The town of has pur chased the Light plant for and will in future produce its own electric light Winnipeg June A Rat Port see special tonight says steamer hes arrived there with Women and children from River Minnesota who are district owing to Indian The residents of Minn are deserting and moving across tbe river to Fort Ont pro tectum JPhe Indians of tho iJisSriet about 1000 info two hostile bands Suffered KuoltWao to Work Or Him Well Too many endure the misery of back ache without Knowing that It Jo Hie unmistakable ayraptora of kidney you value your life do not neglect ft backache It tells of the be ginning of the moat fatal of diseases Bright Disease of the kidneys Mr Simmons writes My kidneys and back were so bad that I was unable to sleep or work My urine had sediment like and I had to get up three or four times every night I saw Br Chases KtdneyLWer Pills advertised and decided to give them a trial I have only used one box and am a well man again I can Wood or do any kind of work and am not bothered with backache or kid ney troubles I also good rest and sleep which is a Great relief af ter suffering for eighteen years Dr Chases on pill a dose 2 cents a box at all dealers or Bates and Co Toronto Clone Cut Bouquets and Designs To make the Competition in Cut Flowers more comprehensive as well as adding to the general appearance the Department the Soci ety have bad made for them Boxes of a uniform size ins deep These boxes arc intended to be filled with Clean Wet Building Boxes and Sand will be loaned to members by applying to the Secretary from days before to and including opening morning Boxes for showing Sections 2 to and Including will be and for Section All other Sections are to be shown in vessels which may also be bor rowed from the Society It is particularly requested that members will conform to above rules Section Judged Sept 1st Prize 2nd Prize Annuals best collection named best collection- Dahlias best coll Hollyhocks best collection Marigold best collection best collection Phlox best collection Petunias best collection Verbenas best collection Stocks best collection of spikes Gladiolus best collection of spikes Sweet Peas best stems of Bloom any Sweet Peas best collection in bunches of than to a bunch Hand Bouquet Tabic Bouquet Brides Bouquet vi and Mignonette Bouquet Floral Design for Tabic Funeral Design Basket of Cut Flowers best arranged Class Plants in Pots Plants potted within weeks of exhibition will not qualify for Com petition Section Judged Sept 1st Prize 2nd Prize 5 to 13 color not more 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 50 25 50 25 50 50 25 75 50 75 50 75 50 25 50 25 75 50 50 25 75 50 70 75 50 1 Begonias best collection of Geranium best collection of Single in Bloom best collection of Double- in Cacti best collection of House Plants General Collection best House Plants General Collection best House Plants General Collection best Dairy and Domestic 75 50 75 70 50 75 50 50 75 100 yi Products i a HI Chilli Sauce Governor Sauce Maple Molasses pint Extracted Honey lb Honey in Comb lb Collection Home Cured Meat by J goods v 27 Five lbs Lard Home Rendered 28 Lemon dozen West Collection of Pies Rot less than three given by Robert Watson Co Confectioners to cash Homemade Bread lb loaf pair Ladies Boots by Ames Co Toronto value Chocolate Cake Cake Any other kind of Cake Homemade Biscuits one dozen made with Baking Powder 1st and 2nd special by A ton Newmarket 3rd Prize by Society Homemade Biscuits dozen made with Pure Gold Baking Powder given by Pure Gold Mfg Cbyi goods Homemade Bread lb loaf I Cabinet Photos given by Smith Bros Photographers Newmarket Best Dressed pair Fowl for market Dressed Chickens pair cooled 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 50 50 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 200 75 50 75 50 34 a 200 75 75 75 Stock of Just- Committee of Management Mr John Proctor Chairman Messrs and Martin Class HomeMade Etc Section Judged Sept 1st Prize 2nd Prize Grape Wine Home made Any other kind Homemade Wine Tomato Catsup two pints Grape Catsup two pints 5 Preserved Pears two pints Preserved Peaches two pints 7 preserved Cherries two pints 8 Preserved Apples two pints Preserved Red Raspberries pints Preserved Plums pints Preserved Gooseberry pints Newmarket Express 1 year Preserved Tomatoes pints Preserved Currants Red pints Preserved Currants 2 pints Orange Marmalade Collection of Canned Fruits not less than six kinds one pint each Collection of Jellies not less than four kinds Mustard Pickles Newmarket year 10 and Onion Pickles Mixed Pickles any kind 50 50 50 50 37 75 75 50 59 t Winners of Prizes in Sections and will be required to prove powder used before prizes will be paid Class Committee of ManagementMr J Proctor Chairman Messrs and Martin Judged Sept 1st Prize 2nd Prize Crock or Firkin of Butter 20 Its given by The Simpson Co Limited Toronto cash 2 Crock or Firkin of Butter lbs given by Flanagan Dominion Hotel Newmarket cash ton lb Rolls colored with Creamery Butter Color prepared by Dominion Druggists Mfg Co Hamilton cash Best lb Roll of Butter given by J Campbell Front Strut West Toronto rash ten lb Rolls given by Co limited Front St Toronto cash 5 Extra good Values in Prints Lawns and Muslins Call and See Before Elsewhere Ill BINDER Syr HE am Rear Mowers ALL SIZES Roller and Ledger if oar to show you the New Patented Hearing Knife Clip only when specially ordered- We also manufacture best and most complete of Seeding Implements on Earth comprising Tooth Cultivators fitted with and grass sowing attachments Spring and Tooth Disc Drills all Rakes friction and ratchet dump file you need anything lo our for Cfttalogaoi roe will find it very much to to do so THE Co Out Farmers ATTENTION BUY YOUR Turnip Seed AT LEHMANS TENDERS the under Tender for dredg- log Colling wood Oat will be received at this until the of for d redid as In the Harbor of CoJUDwood to a plan ana combined aptclflcatloD and form of tender to be Been at the office of A Esq Bo of Harbor works for Ontario atOoUIngwoodOnt andat the Department of Public Ottawa tendering flje notified that tenders will not made on the and with actual Blgnaturca Each tender be accompanied by an cepted bank cheque made payable to the order of the Honorable Minister of Works for Ihovj tut which be forfeited if to eater into a contract when to do bo or If be fail the work contrant- for If tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned The Department does not to ac cept or any tender By order JOS It ROY Acting secretary Department of Public Works Ottawa without authority the Department will not bo paid for It EALED to signed and endorsed Tender for Pier In the of of real will be received at this thp3b day of July forth of high level and bulkheads In too Lower Division of Harbor of Montreal Que Plana and fleet Ion can be seen at Department at the of Henry A Gray Resident Torooto or Works Post Office Montreal of Building pcsldent EDvloer L John and Esq Resident Engineer Hall rax Tender III not be considered on the signed with slgcalurca of tenderers An accepted bank cheque payable to order of the Minister of Public Work for flty thousand must accom pany each tender cheque will be for feited If the parry the contract or fail to complete the for and will be returned in cube or pr ten der The doea not itself to C- cept the lowest or any tender Dp order J03 It HOY Acting secretary Department of Public Works of Canada Newspapers Inserting without authority from the Department will not be paid for It BO YEARS Trade Maro DE810K9 C Weaving wiBbM to be moved to on Vnl book at free Co rtccliu in tbo Scientific km A Of oW wall in

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