Tim -j- i Hut- WHO VORTUV TO ft gram lost convoying son death in Indiana ilio particu lars of which will bo pi von week arrived homo thte from for Among week wo of Toronto at Mr and Hamilton of at Mr HOLLAND LANDING winds weather hard on crops and wo got rain ebon will be a failure The following 2nd hero Mr J Dunning Mr Jan and wifo Miss M Goodwin Mr Fisher A and Chapman all of Toronto Quito a number spent 2nd at Aurora and fix John Taylor of Button spent Sunday hero Our Happy Home is becoming with some of our Ju veniles Mrs Price of Toronto spent a lew days with Mra Lloyd last week Mr K Worn ham Stephenson returned homo on a ten days drill with to Cavalry at Mr and of De troit spent Tuesday at Mr J owned the porker that was made into mince meat by the cars other day at crossing Mies of Toronto who lias been visiting sister Mrs returned homo on Tuesday fast Miss Morton of Hospital Toronto is spending her cation at homo Mrs who baa been seriously ill wo are pleased to say is so mo better Mr Hodges and Mr on list Mr P Wilson and wife of Hamil ton visiting at Mr Wests Mrs Hunter of is visiting at her fathers Mr J J is visiting friends at this week Alton Dominion pay off very ily usual- The flags floated to let it was a holiday I Mies Thorpe is homo for holidays Miss Emily Wilson spent Sunday and Monday in Aurora Mr Mrs Walter of To ronto on old friends hero on Mr Frank and bride of Brandon spent a days hero with his parcntslast week wind played with apple crop hero Mrs J Tate spent let in King City with her sister Mra Win MoMullon is a fluent at her brothers Mr A J Mr and Mrs Norman Williams spont at Mr spent Dominion Day at Bradford Mrs spent Inst week with friends in Keswick Over two hundred farmers aided Mr Crake with raising his bam on Tuesday ladies did their part with credit as Miss Moore of Toronto is the guest of Mrs Wilson Fred is homo from Toronto for the holidays Mr Rodney Wilson is visiting his daughter Mrs J at Port Hope Mrs has returned home after spending two weeks at Aurora BUTTON Mr John is Agent for the at Button and is authorized to receive subscriptions collect accounts for all kinds of printing promptly attended to at Mr has taken a cottage lake In last Wednesdays storm Mr Chalmers had a colt killed by light ning Mr Frys barn was struck but fortunately it did not take firo Mrs Johnston and Mrs of wore visiting at Mr Johnstons of Button There was a Union Excursion J last Saturday from Zephyr to the Lily Berry Teacher is home for the holidays Miss Mabel Latimer and her brother Stanley of Toronto visiting friends bore Hawkins of Toronto was a visit with parents on the 1st Mr Anson Toronto was homo for the let Miss and her friend Miss of Newmarket wore guests of Mr and Mrs Scott during Sat urday and Sunday Rev Warden Mrs Warden and family who are spending the summer months at Roachs Point drove over to church here on Mr Arthur of was homo to spend the 1st here and daughter of Zephyr were visiting with Mr Peter on 1st Kemp Bros talk of giving up busi ness here however is no deci sion come to yet The Aliases on Tuesday for a somewhat extended visit with friends at the following places To Grimsby and Duns- Mr and Mrs- Bond of Toronto were visiting for a few days at Mr Osbornes of this town Mr and Mrs Earnest Hayes of visited bore on Sunday and Monday Mrs loft on Tuesday to join her husband in County There an immense at Jacksons Point on Monday 2nd Tho weather was exceptionally fine and the outing was much enjoyed by the great mass of those present how ever Ihero is usually a dark and I have to record that some left village with black and I The of bread has to mark the event of their visit cased two cents a loaf in Montreal Small villages usually complete deserted on our little burg no exception to rule on Monday A great many wont to Jacksons which has won the pop ularity for Day Celebration Mr and Mrs Nash of Toronto are spending a short limo with Mr School has closed and Mr Wilson having resigned has to Toronto so child ron have full sway No doubt the Trus tees will be flooded with applications as soon oh it is generally known that there is a vacancy Mr Holmes Davidson of Toronto spent a few days at his home here Miss A Irwin of is spending vacation with her moth er On Saturday lost we a largo number of young ladies in the village and upon enquiry found they wore all going to attend a party given by Misses Gilpin A very enjoyable time was Mr jOraper of Toronto spent tho 1st in village Four of our pupils tried Exam in Sutton last week Wo wish them success We a number of strangers here this week Fred Morton Misses and Milton Draper all of Toronto also Dr and Mr McMillan of Newmarket Mr J E of Newmar ket was visiting at J last week While we had a large number of out siders our midst a large number of our own people were Mr and Mrs I M Gilpin spent Sunday and Monday in Messrs Winch and T spent the holiday in Thornton A number of the farmers in this lo cality wore much disappointed on Sat urday they found that the man who their milk to Creamery did not put iu an appear ance nor did lie offer any excuse but it wo found that- one of his horses was sick and no other could he procured Mrs Walker of Toronto spent Sunday with Rogers Mr Geo Morton and wife of Butte Mont are spending the summer with Mrs Darius Morton Mr Terry of Albert was a few days with his daughter Mrs The high wind did con siderable to fruit and trees Mr Jos Davidson has been build ing a woodshed also verandahs and wise completing his residence Just as the wore gathering for service on Sunday evening a fire was seen about mile south of village It proved to be stable and dicd occupied by James Cattle The building which was a small one was soon consumed Cause of fire unknown A largo number gathered on the scene buggy was burned Master leo Pollock who has been spending summer near spent a few here this week Miss of Toronto spent Sunday a Monday with parents M Win Bird of was homo this week The endeavor meeting on Sunday attracted a largo crowd and was ad dressed by Mr A Miss Davidson will take topic next Sun day evening A largo attended tliu funer al of Mr Frank Williamsons oldest which took on Sunday morning Dr Warden conduct tho sorvico at house lint Grant of Toronto over tho 1st at Mr Tillobtft Service will bo hold in Christs Church Sunday morning Mr Juno and Miss Toronto wore tho guosta of Miss For ds this week A aong was given at Mr Hnstings on Sunday evening last Among other selections rendered were duett by Misses and Lee also solo by Mr Cook These services will bo continued Sunday during summer Mrs J A and Mrs of Toronto returned homo Tuesday having a week with hero Several of our young accom panied by lady friends took in concert at Sutton on Monday Wo rogret to learn that Mr Henry Boyd is still unwell but wo hope to hear of his recovery A large number from this side of bay attended demonstration at Point on Monday The summer campers coming much earlier than usual this year A groat many ore already The crops in look most promising they for years farmers just commenc ing their haying with a Rang of experienced man is doing an business iu barn building A special service will bo hold in connection with tho Christian Church at Morton Park on Sunday The meeting will be conducted by which baptism vice will be BALDWIN The immense throngs that wended their way to Point on Mon day showed that that resort is gaining instead of losing popularity the great showman said Ameri can public love to ho humbugged guess correct as year after year people flock there only to see and bo seen Mr has taken a contract to build a on Jones farm west of J Point- Billy Thompson is building the stone wall for Mord Chapmans barn Billys a good workman Nelson while caught an immense mud turtle son make a good novelist as he can make a great yarn out of very small trifles nature seems to bo making terrible efforts to get up a rain storm So far no success Mrs James Crittenden has added another member to her flock of little kids TLey got a bargain in this one a dishwasher Mr and Mrs Julius of were called to attend tho funeral of on Tuesday Riddel is fast breaking down He is now about years old Geo has been homo on a visit with his dad Andy Moulds in tho Hamilton Set tlement has been housebuilding Tay lor Bros Sutton did the work prodigal pug has returned to Geo Like all prodigals ho returned and tough looking The have been making port ant repairs to bridge over the river hero They have also put in a new cattle guard oyer which any level headed animal can go scoot also built cairns of white stone around the signal and mile posts The road from the village to the station is shape thanks It used to a fright in wet weather and spring freshets has been re leased from the Centra Rumor says ho has married Wo would recommend gen tlemen of Newmarket who thought thsy had a big fishing time to take a holiday trip to Rico Lake or the Thou sand Islands then theyll have a chance to blow summer of I caught seven while rowing five miles in a heavy downpour of rain on Rice Lake The total weight was over CO pounds if I remember rightly I also lost two and the twenty I didnt catch would make a good bag full Go down and try your luck An immense throng was at sta tion Saturday evening apparently awaiting the arrival of company for Dominion Day Were I asked who is most pop ular young man in Baldwin I should moat unhesitatingly reply and Im sure all tho ladies would hold up both He is a general favorite The viator in the mill pond is ex tremely low owing to drouth The hot weather seems to produce extreme thirst with our old topers judging by their tipsy heads and un steady step The Mr a little north nod raised his barn for foundation Dr Crab sin bus bought tbo vacant lot north of bis residence and moved driving shed upon it Mrs Lewis of Montreal who in poor health is hero on a vieit with her grand mother Thoa In spite of the unfavorable the weather on Wednesday evening last a largo number of- attended the On den Party on Dr Pearsons lawn Proceeds about was quiet on Mon day nearly every taking a holi day Jiicksons DuGrassi Newmarket and Aurora were the prin cipal pise visited School commenced Mtmdy kids come in quite handy ii running What I i I of a mix up was that in church In Sunday Huh Our viMt-r- for Dominion were 1 Frank Pearson as Milne ami J Mr and of To ronto are visiting at Mr Miss Bertha Wright is visiting Mr visiting relatives in and Mr J is away for a visiting on shore of Georgian Bay Mr Mercer is visiting his in Owen Sound for a couple f Mr Win returned from a two weeks visit in Port Perry on Wednesday A family gathering took place Mr Peter on Monday when hie five and two daughters were present with several grand-child- Walfor was from Toronto also I and wife and wife from Wood lie Ambrose from Gait El more from also Mr and Mrs and Mr and Mrs of Mr Peter is still very poorly for a match with the Sutton team bo the latter on Civic July The Methodist 8unday School of and the and of Albert will hold their annual to Pulntnn Holi day VIRGINIA Last week of Holt who had his saw mill Island since last March where ho cut about one hundred and seventy thousand feet of lumber for of the Indians catnu out to get mil off the There no handy Chief and Yates claimed it could bo taken on a raft A great many paid if tried it thoy would lose the mill Mr concenter the boil er and engine combined on a and shoved off Tho yacht by Mr II Park was hitched on and off it went Mr looking rather on yacht and wo vein ore to much when the raft reaehrd Mr Reuben Yates and son Buf falo visiting fathers John Yates a couple of days last Mr Herbert and Evans of Toronto are homo to spend their va cation Mr Silas had a barn raising last week everything passed very successfully AT- IT Berries arriving Fresh every morning Orders are coming in fast Dont delay Main Street Newmarket lit it is reported that foreigners hriVi bun order out lion The situation is consider ed desperate The are push ing their under the walls The railway between is in the hands of the Chinese Be Ready for Them s of also to Jacksons MOUNT ALBERT The annual Garden Party of the Presbyterian Church on beautiful lawn of Mr Watts Centre Road on Monday evening was a grand suc cess The refreshments abund ant and very creditable to ladies program was excellent and enjoy ed by a splendid crowd County Councillor IS acted as chair man in a very pleasant manner Speeches were given by Messrs Hop kins Moore and interspersed with magnificent violin by Miss Edith Spring of Hamilton vocal solo by Miss Stiver and duetts by Misses Elliott and Stiver congregation is to bo congratulated on tho whole affair not proceeds being nearly mo Mr Ross bought Money farm in the 2nd con stock and implements A large crowd went Point to the 2nd The masons are rushing the brick- work on Dr Wesleys house George Spalding was home on Mon day Here John Rowland A of Toronto at his fathers Alex Jennings and Percy Jennings of To ronto at their fathers Miss Alma Hayes of Toronto at her fathers Douglas of with relatives at Holt Mr and Mrs Eaton of To ronto at Mr John Shields John Blizzard of Newmarket at his moth ers Byron of Toronto at his fathers Those AwayMr and Mrs Ceo at Mr A Newmar ket Mis at her sisters in Mr A at Niagara Mr and Mrs Rosamond at Bradford and vicinity Mr Jewell at Port Perry CD Wilson Will Keller Will Grose and McMillan at The Garden Party at Mr T Watts on Centre Road on the of Do minion Day given by- Presbyterian Church was a success weather was delightful Miss Spring of Hamilton was a pleasant surprise to her audi ence in the skillful way she gave a number of difficult selections on the violin Mr filled the chair as only that gentleman could Proceeds over Remember the Union School excursion to Jacksons Point and on Wednesday July Band in attendance and a cricket match between and Sutton will bo played at Orillia Mr Ramsden J P is en larging his promises by the beautiful evergreen grove immediately adjoining to the south thereto It is an improvement Mr of Toronto is spending several weeks with his rela tives Miss Grace McNeil of Toronto is a months holidays The Tennis Club is profici ent savor new play era are develop ing into genuine stars I ho holidays arrived and your summer visitors will soon bo thing will be asking for photos of yourself and family Have them taken at once by or Writs Mo About Prlmrftec Old Gold and Columbia Stocks Only a ur fibarcs tor tulle Box W Kg wind Fleet FOR and you con then give them photo they will bo proud of a farm con J East of 102 about coma ding which ere cleared find In ei fioo state of cultivation wood cod pasture land On the premises Is a Fine Brick Residence Good and bard t water and all farm convenience TERMS EASY- Enquire or Mrs ASt ntreal or to J WOODCOCK Estate Agent PI North side For further apply toll you the trolley Public Notice le hereby given thai loi7ing animal No Newmarket on JLydia name ly head of cattle from to years old flveatcera and four bclfcr four four white find one black If not redefjucd they by Public Auction M thefiald Pound on at the hour of one oclock pm Dated this 3rd day or July been informed Itoblmr of and Heed Aurora for tale I York actinias my my representative the present time la I libs Ait orders placed In will the careful attention aaraec lass of thai I have supplied tfcra the above mcd frenlkmen lor In North and which In large per of prizes offered by the Hon Wm Any representing blmielf as my flgeni should Leaked to a his and this are on SMITH IKO i JULY I J AT THE Notice to Creditors In the matter of the of of In of Parmer Deceased BALED addressed to the under endorsed Tender for hup- plying Goaf for Dominion Quildlngs be received at this Office until Tuesday of July for the of Coat for thruout the specification arid form of tender can be obtained at this office neces sary information can be had on application tender are notified that tenders will not bo made the printed form supplied and signed with their actual signatures Each tender be accompanied by an ac cepted bank cheque made payable to the or der Honourable the Minister of Public of the Under will bo forfeited If the party dine to tiller Soto a contract when up- on to do or If befall to complete the work If the be not accepted the cheque be returned The Department bind to the lowest tender By order JOS It HOY Acting Secretary Department of Public Works of Canada June Inserting this advertisement without authority from the not be paid it will Notice Is hereby given pursuant to fitatute that all persons having claims against the es tate of the said deceased are require or before the Say of August to send to Lloyd Solicitor for the Ad of the deceased of their claims and statement of the nature the securities If any held by them duly verified And take notice after the said 1st day At Auguet next the said Administratis will proceed with distribution of the assets of the the parties entitled there to having regard only to those claims of which then have received notice It DOAN Aurora T Lloyd Her Solicitor- Newmarket at Newmarket th Newmarket will leave the KM pm by The Band The different Orders or the Town And are Invited to The Mayor and resident Clergy have been Invited to deliver sod appropriate JAUASTEDO IN PROVIDING to facilitate jour business have you secured a Long Distance iii The charges are moderate The Local Manager of BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY will be phased quote rates UAL BY TENDER Tender win bo by toe undersigned beSoutn half of No fr In the first concision Vfffit of in Ease acre mum or lees late Daw- eon farm up to the let day of August of tender the within day Interest farm fronts on and mile froto Is the out- hulldlogs a good orchard also a pocj any tender not to for Vendor FROM JULY 3RD Eight Wear Eight Out quality it the wear It the verj- piece because flits lo rate piece iutt If you of fine yo to leave your order with Tailor THE Central Business College TORONTO Offers an excellent opportunity and Senior In Shorthand and enter at any time and spend from two up wards deal red Special terms Write for particulars work We Want Your Trade We Cant Do It what some other do your work Into Fall TerW wbleb op- V SUA Principal ie Gerrard Toronto But Can Do Setter work which Is more Itnport- to as life of your Shirts Collars Cuffs lengthened by our If our work pleases you your If not loll us HAND