1 J a Toll story When your aches end you fl consti pated and out of- tunc Willi your sour and no appetite doso from to pills You will bo at cosily will do work euro your the and make- you feci liappy j life Hub rani via TT NERVOUS DISEASED SNOCURENOPAY- ordinal with tlveif forcer It icwt ml op of Oil J I terrible IU yields readily to Mercury or Itids readily to lltwsto of may ruin orcein iheiaoutUortootuo In tin Joint throat hair or jwtna in joint liirox pair ut unjoin oro ores Wboi ynu of foal Voiron Wo wlWt for Anil cure y our trwmcotMia heal half vln liOCPiilfj CURES GUARANTEED by flbiitr later No iho our iba And 6ttoro nil to condi tion Ambition and oikik mo and men Kverr a our roDder- No matter bat alia you Wo can bank acorn- CURED ami for iKENNEDYfi Cor Avd and Shelby St MICH CO llKBrOKDyNTB iKD TO on ft grand The leather wan ft crowd to en- joy themoolvea vur much pro- rtfribmoQt nearly paid l in with Citizens Valid discoursed during much to the delight of all EVEUBL13Y Mr is preparing to a connection with hi barn and go extensively into IdtVing held iia annual pitnioaf Lake Wilcox Wei It a he best ever held by Ih The largtat beef which yet been hilM ihe Society in this by Mrs and when weighed The Urgent one pre vious to thin wan in Ferguson year Children Cry for ASTORIA Rant great rffvyfa Monday thousand of Aurora and vicinity of ho days proceeding a ah am battlb-bo- JJrUiyb and Boers former Col Lloyd After skilful the South at Park exultation of the to climax During the day various wore football way won King City and race of Kettle- by in a promenade Band brought a very pleasant and en joyable day to a RICHMOND BILK l in Spavins and All to A J rumen lor y Has no J OiiUrlo got I Mm to lama rtotntnd I lit I iurtruHrandb revived laociie fore the irC vevcAlh tiU half lnllttr7 Qd i lira After 4tt iomoMrAl6lldaJdoJlpbtvlvJhbm Jo ate if bad curt J f to my tljftton ib amine o a but to any that it jiS Sparta Out 1 1 Our fee faIUAiy one Vctcli ftod description say will receive our opinion be of o upon request Mcureil through u5advertistiorii1eat tfurexpciiAC out ihroijKh us receive on illustrated ud vyldely journal Juvcstor fieud or sample copy Address VICTOR EVAHB CO WASHINGTON J agent for tills place Mr and Mrs were call- away an bat last to their daughters Williamson of Her girl received a sunstroke and diid on earns from the effects of it Her remains were interred in the ceme tery on Sunday Rev is homo for holidays en apent Day at Jacksons Our Brass is in full swing now ising a week for the on the glorious I2ch at Jhey have other eriRugtmente hooked already- Zephyr Union their Hi at on had a aplendid time consider ing the of weather LINK KING A large number went on the on Saturday last sonic to Guelph and others to the Falls About fifty of our farmers gathered at Mr Frank Jacksons on Friday iu6t to help him raise the new part of bis bam Id the evening young ladies gathered and games and songs were indulged in until a late hour The union picnic in Mr Brandons bush Thursday was a grand suc cess and the young folks are to be con en heir success in attend ing to the wants of the large crowd which came from far and near The run by Messrs Gallagher Clark and Atchison was well patronized by thirsty ones Mr Pepper occupied the chair white a short program was Bolton Brass Band provided abundance of music In ell tbe proceeds amounted to about 60 Children Cry for AST week as car going wns passing in front of Abend Man tor Wesley who had been playing with number of other hoy attempted to cross track Mr Sam with great presence of mind immediately reversed tho cur rent and a panic ensued controller was burned out and the whole car was illuminated with tho flames Naturally tho passongetw rushed for back door Miss Kyle of Toronto jumped or was pushed off by another passenger and received painful Her arm was bruis ed and she received marks on her coming in contact with the hard road Another car wan phoned for to city and senom did not got J away until oclock The deserve credit for his pi the manager Mr who earn here afterward oxprewjed himself us iron My with ibis earnest en deavor to vAvo life although dam- ago company will he considerably our i00 Children for field Sharon AH member pre- old sent J from Clerk of pi re from H Landing re roadway Lots and post from re roadway Lot 20 Con and from Tiffin Northern re washout at on road petition received from A R Me- and others asking that vilte village lie set apart as a Hamlet The following accounts were passed J AWi Allan Co re Sharon sidewalk John work re Sharon sidewalk re railing lumber gravel M Mainprise repairs road ma chine Thoft work re road amount re gravel Line Ji- Vt that a man whofs IveawftV of saymv that you caut got a and a fact form of a diploma And no privilege than give medical advice without medical edu cation and medical knowledge The offer of free medical advice made by Dr Pierce chief consulting physician to the Invalids Hotel and buccal been Imitated by o many uaHficnttons claim to give advice that a word of caution Is write for medical advice to any one man or woman who Is not a If incy are physicians they will take the title of or doctors to you recognise them If they that title it is Ihicausc they Do you think of 3 I THIS SUMMER Scott re gravel Anderson re gravel Rich Ropers re gravel aid to Turner re J Kcllington sheep claim The Reeve introduced ft ByLaw to set apart the village of Queens as a Hamlet Bylaw regularly passed arid adopted John Spalding of ML Albert was appointed a PoundKeeper On motion the Clerk was instructed lo communicate with Mr Green Toronto that at present the Council were engaged upon the work outlined for the year but that the pro ject referred of opening the original allowance lor roadway between lots and of Con would re ceive consideration at early a date circumstances and the condition of the locality would warrant The Reeve and Mr Lund County Councillor were appointed a Committee to meet the superintendent of Northern Div in re of communication received as lo Mill Road Council adjourned to meet on Aug at which date rates will lie levied for the Annual Taxes dont clniiu dare not for fear of the law not forget that there is just as much difference in doctors ns in artists Every little town has artist who draws and paints But these artists paint copies of the works of great artists like There was only one Millet There is only one Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute such as Pierce presides over Thousands of women come or write to Dr Fierce who have found no help at tlie hand of doctors of lesser skill and narrower experience Any sick or ailing woman Buffering from the distressing forms of disease peculiar to women is invited to con sult Dr Pierce letter free Such con sultations are absolutely private Each letter is treated as a sacred end each answer is sent in a plain en velope no printing upon it this way offensive questions and repulsive examinations may avoided Address Dr It Pierce Buffalo N If you do write a Ha LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And go Vaneere Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows IKD Artistic in Inside Woodwork Itrden ilwt th- iilri8ly leaf I an old the Junction in a aeoident on on what is known Hill it Factory in Canada for PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc The wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET The Era till Jan for cash KING I A In lUslf Cure DIAEtnHOEA GOUOKSf COLDS and BO OF THE DAVIS LEHMANS DRUG STORE a scarcity of farm hands this year In locality men aro asking and per month are hard to get at that Jacob has the farm on the conces sion of Whitchurch The school at mans Lake Saturday was the largest ever held there A Atkinson of won the mile race A Mortens was sec ond and B third funeral of Mrs Abraham who fur all her lifetime of years was a resident of took place Dixons Hill cemetery Wednesday A pretty was celebrated at the homo of Mrs on Thursday afternoon last when her daughter Maria united in mar riage to Robert Agar of Victoria Squared The ceremony was perform ed by Rev A Bedford in the presence of a of The held a camp meet in Mr Pikes hush at fiethesda over Sunday and friends of the Methodist hero tendered a to their retiring pastor and Mrs Cocking A very neatly worded the cordial that always exited ie- pastor arid people was present ed to Mr and Mis Cocking and on of the congregation and the in particular a wall filled was to Mrs Cocking three years Mrs Cocking has been president of the and also Huron organist Our junior panto ttev J also with an ad dress on behalf of the Mr Moore has for two been president of that society and has done much to make it a suc cess The presentations being both Mr Cocking and Mr Moore expressed their rpLiefc at leaving King Wo read lhat in olden times it wax the custom of men to take down the barns and rebuild on larger scale This is just what Mr ton the genial proprietor of lot I con of King consisting of acred is doing He- ha down two bain and is rebuilding ana structure on principles The new barn is ft on stone foundation with root and stabling for horses and tame the whom size of building ground floor The flooring will he pressed brick and the stabling be most convenient The raising place yesterday after loon about two hundred men ninny women yirls wore in alien- in ice The captains were Cameron Oliver Nix on who superintended the north and sooth sides of the building respective ly Among the many ablebodied men chosen on north side was Hon Davis and against him the south aide was Mr Lennox who is aspiring to parliamentary hon ors in the riding of North York The heavy limbers wore carefully raised skilfully joined together without an accident of any kind and after a sharp contest it was found that the men on the north side were the quick er on the home stretch An excellent tea was afterwards served on the lawn where about partook of Mr and Mrs hospitality Mr is to be congratulated on new structure as when completed lie will have one of the fliit bank barns the THE AIR WE BREATHE An Average CplIo Toot Con Two Sinn hut Utile here below axiom to of air which is necessary lo life It Is est Iran ted fist when a limn Id at real lie consumes Inches of air every minute flu al lowance which at the glance large It however absurdly small when we consider that at this rate of tuuiiilon It would take a man days and iHi- hours to the air In a small mum 15 feel square 10 feci Any form of exertion however great ly the of ah Thus If we saunter at two miles an hour we require Just twice as much air as when sfulng in our armchair at four miles flu hour nothing less than cubic Inches wilt satisfy us Taking on average consumption throughout life of one cubic foul of air every two minutes reach some very interesting conclusions Thus an hours supply of could be In a trunk feet Q feet wide and feet deep In a we exhaust a small roomful 10 feet long feet wide 10 feet For a years supply we should require a reservoir or feet square a over feel nnd the ply for a life of years would be a large feet long feci and feet high Times- Herald For five years my husband from The our city the incurable eating and throat The jugular vein away the palate and tonsils out iiire a large sore on the outside of ihe throat After fared he He had take it through throat was Now after years of icmbsufiorin he is felly to health and he to vork every his is by the of tongue and palate Mrs- Del Drag ALL Want 1 t- K j J a fit J Kir 3TF Vox Infant Wood and hot Wat her as Los in cold EMULSION cures as In titer It Is looking Mid itt J J A- ft- 1 The A good rooster story comes from a Somerset county correspondent cer tain clergyman whom we will call Mr Little gave one of parish- loners a rooster as a slight of esteem n tin family was a bright boy and he always called the rooster One morn ing 15 the rooster coining toward the house and tie shouted iraudnia litre cornea Broth Little Grandma never stopped to look out or nmbe any Inquiries but starred to up set things to rights bom the room This done asked the boy Where Lit tle gone Into the replied the thought she might time to change her dress and quickly dodged Into another room and In a very short attired an other gown hut somewhat of breath Again she asked the boy If be had Brother Lilt to Yea sold Innocent there he hack to the barn the rest Grandma did not say a eat down for a few to rest arid later she seejned to enjoy wjib her who looked on as though he partly too Bangor WhB Courier The steamer Halifax with chief ly At on Monday while people latently a lacrosse a man his who trying to avoid him aunsiif heart The fiirl j still P For seven years I suffered with scourge scrofula in my shoulder and arm Every of cure was tried without success had a good physician who tried in every way to help me I was told to I immediately began its use and after taking of this the crofula was entirely cured Mrs J A GENTLE Fort Fairfield Me i was a great from being an able to do any work for twelve months Not one of the doctors who attended me nor any of the medicines- 1 took did rce any good My Wends supposed that I Jive One of my physicians induced me to try After eight bottles I am perfectly well GEORGE French Camp Mis- mi For many years Ayers has len one of the constant reme dies used in the Home for Little Wanderers and we have found it valuable humors fjom the which stem to have been inherited especially scrofula and other skin diseases Rev A COOPER E Home Little Wanderers Boston Mass Dr Pills are specially adapted for use with Ayers They promote digestion arid keep the liver bowels and stomach in good working order itMi v