Newmarket Era, 20 Jul 1900, p. 2

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I i arn73rrTj -j- A Go Co A Few If Kenyan Tweeds- Creatures of Telephone Popular RoutesGrand Card of Thanks Mrs Gray Girl Williamson By Co to fie Each Way The isouth Ontario election protest against return of Hon John will be at on the of Sept The Pickering News hat for weeks lucre hay been a number lawyers circu lating he- Hiding with trial In view it also protests against the electorate of that constituency held up the World as gang of time CABIjR Toronto 210 pm CO W pm J pm It CO pm BO pm Return Fare either way GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY time i an ft get tt a ftp iffr P a St s a to 0 J Oar Society fell d 4 Miss visiting friends In a a fe it w r J a J TKKB UP I OUT AHD BUtanTEB FRIDAY JULY The Ontario Statutes for are ready for distribution The Era received a copy yesterday The Dominion was pro rogued on Wednesday The lasted days the longest one Referring to the report of the Com mission appointed to investigate the fraudulent practices charged in West election and in which the Liberal candidate Mr section of tbs Senate has again manifested its tJib Government ami earn ed the disrespect of trio Canadian press by- Mr hill reducing the postage on newspa pars this too nine the fact that the price of paper has largely in creased since the session parlia ment commenced A stales I hat the fold cup presented by Her Majesty Victoria to the corporation to her visit to Ire land has been handed ilio city authorities It in vtfgns ICO ounces and Is 2 inches in height with a circumference at the of feet It stands on of black marble inlaid with the royal arms on fie and those of the corporation on another The Queen was latently pleased with her visit by Provinces THIRD PROPOSED two and three hundred del egates were in attendance at the an nual convention of the Ontario branch of the Dominion Alliance in Toronto on Tuesday The following resolu tions were adopted Whereas the Dominion has refused to introduce legislation to prohibit the liquor traffic in Canada even hi those Provinces and Territor ies which have voted in favor- of such prohibition contrary to what this con vention and a large proportion of the people of this Dominion clearly under stood to be the explicit policy of the Government as expressed by the Pre mier on various occasions And whereas such decision has been endorsed by the House of Commons and whereas the Council of the Do minion Alliance in its- annual session last year that failure to en act at least this measure of prohibi tion must he considered Inexcusable disregard and defiance of the strong moral sentiment of the electorate so emphatically expressed in the cite- that prohibitionists ought to op pose any Government any party or candidate that will refuse to recog nize and respond to the demand of the people to at least the extent of such legislation Therefore resolved that this conven tion endorses that declaration and in structs the Executive Committee of the Ontario Alliance to take immedi ate stops to provide for the organiza tion of the Province to secure the de feat in the approaching general elec tions of all members of Parliament who have failed to recognise the man date of the electors regarding- prohibi tory legislation and to decline to vote for any candidate of either party who is not known and avowed prohibition ist or who wilt not agree to support prohibitory legislation Expressing the opinion that good would result from the passing of laws similar to those passed in Manitoba and his wife last evening The church was fairly well fllied and a enjoyable time was spent Short addresses were delivered Dr Campbell of Westmoreland church V J Smith a former pastor and Mr A Price who officiated as chairman Ariexceltent musical pro gram was furnished by the choir Our Toronto Letter and Liberal speakers and workers who were denounced on the floor of the Legislature by Mr Whitney and his supporters viz Messrs Smith Macdonald Bell Sullivan and Hopkins as being guilty of crooked ness form or another and whom ie report exculpates the Ham ilton Spec says it is farcical and very funny Our conservative friends will that Judge Morgan of this county was one of the three commissioners who made the investigation and he is Tory enough for any one and would not have sign ed the report if- it was got up for mere political purposes This story may do to in Hamilton but wont go down in this county where the Judge Is so welt The Report of the Emergency Ra tions Committee is at hand It con- Wins about pages Possibly the gist of the whole matter is to be found in the report of the ckiof ana lyst Mr who states that the food contains per cent- and that since the average percentage of in wheat is about it does not appear that powder is a very concentrated food or is entitled to name or has a food value equivalent to per pound The truth appears to be that in the hurry and fervor which characterized sending of of con tingents the department paid an iraordifQary price for an ordinary food That a strong deputation be ap pointed to watt upon the Provincial Government to ask for the introduc tion into the Provincial Legislature at its next session of a measure prohibit ing the sale of liquor in the Province of Ontario to the full measure of its power That a deputation wait upon the Minister of Education to oppose the proposals to withdraw the temperance texthooks from the schools or to leave the subject out of the examinations Asking the Ontario Government to inquire into the matter of violation of the license laws Asking the Minister of Militia to abolish the canteens in camps or else to take means to prevent liquor being sold there To memorialise the Militia De partment stating that bars in connec tion with military schools are danger ous In favor of woman suffrage and pledging support to the movement Against Russia London July most start- news of today Is unquestionably that which is contained in a despatch from St Petersburg China is re presented by The and The Lon don Dairy Mail correspondents as hay ing actually declared war against Rus sia The declaration Is stated to have been made at the largest the most frank and sensible Chinese town on the right bank of the Amur The Chinese troops a Russian- transport boat tfriui munitions near this point and then they fired pit and Wiled almost the en tire Russian escort They next made a sudden attack upon the Russian town on the other side of things that has Been said on the question of- tie rations was Raid by Hon David fiills in Sen ate If a fraud was Imposed op tte Militia Department it is not well to protect any of the parties to Mia fiaud Nor is it necessary for the to for excessive tpnsid eratioii for contractors or loyalty to except these have plainly victimized by the with whom they may have had dealings It is Hot always l eve re for mere errors of it i not to bo ton been deliberate wiih Amur The garrison fought bravely but according to The London- Mails account they were over whelmed by numbers and nearly nil perished The town was of jnoney occupied by two and has lam The the the j lowi by are in Tlst Mr and Mrs IsaiaK Johnson nnu children visiting In tha city for two or three weeks Wo clipped the following paragraph from a city paper fast Friday arid it will be read interest by niany In the vicinity of Queerisvllle as Mrs Bedford was formerly Miss Moore of that village The wtigregatlonof Centennial Methodist churchDover- Mr of Chicago is tendered- a reception home on a Walt n Rev A Bedford of -Toronto- Is yisltlng in t rRevE of Indianapolis Is In town thlB- week Thompson was visiting at Keswick over Sunday Mr Hewitt Is up at the Lake painting Mr Olivers cottage A private picnlc party spent Mon day afternoon at Bonds Lake May pray left for the city Thursday to accept a situation Miss Lily Terry of is visiting Mrs this week Miss Leila- Ross leaves this week OR a visit to friends in Masters of- To ronto arc spending a week at Ross- more Master Archie Smith of Toronto is visiting his cousin Miss Jessie Mrs was visiting her son Mr Walter in for a few days Sptneniile Rev Mr spent a days last week with friends at Or chard Beach Master Howard Morris is spending of his vacation visiting friends north of Miss Bertha of Toronto is spending part of her holidays in Town visiting friends Mrs Spears sister Alderman is here from near firry Sound on a visit Mr John and son of Mil ton were the guests of Mr J A- last week Mr Frank Webb is home from Michigan where he was visiting for three or four weeks Mrs Henry Bacon of is visiting for a week or two with son Thus Bacon Miss Penrose of Pine Or chard was the guest of Mrs on Sunday Mrs Lewis is spending a week or two with lief daughter Mrs at Aurora Mrs T Holes of New York sister of Mrs Geo is over on a visit for a couple of months Mrs Norman Bolton and her fa therinlaw Mr John Bolton of To ronto is visiting at Squire Boltons Mrs Maw and the children have gone to Lake Parry Sound District to spend the vacation period Mrs of and Miss Nellie Willis of Aurora are the guests of Mrs James this week Mrs Meads and her daugh ter Mrs Stark are in the city this week visiting with Mr Joseph Meads Miss Olive at a Hos pital in Rhode Island l is spend- her vacation with her aunt Mrs Cane Several High School teachers have been interviewing Board lately with reference to the vacancy on the teaching staff The Misses of Paisley- one a College chum of Miss are- spending three or four days at The Cedars The Misses Libhie and Annie Tay lor of Toronto sisters of Mr A Taylor painter are spending a week In Town with friends Mr Will Ramsay formerly of this Town is spending some holidays at Rest Cottage the summer home of Rev Turk Orchard Beach Mrs Joseph of Toronto formerly of Newmarket is the guest of and Mrs Monk at the summer residence South March near Otta wa Mr and Mrs of are visiting at Mr Mr married a niece of Mr who formerly lived at Holland Landing Mrs George and daugh ter Miss Iris of Hamilton are visit ing Mrs She rendered a so lo In the Presbyterian Church last Sunday evening Dr Gordon who with his family have been visiting his par ents In town for some time leaves next week for his home in the States His wife is in poor health After a residence of years in the North West Mrs Brown daughter of Mr Allan Cody has returned Home in Very poor heal with the hope that a change may do her good Councillor Woodcock Police Magistrate Ellis of Toronto Junction Messrs Jos and Woodcock went for a couple of days Ashlhg at the Lake J Robertson of St Thomas who Was Mrs Roe at Roachs Point teligrariin Monday morning the sudden death of her Mr Robertson- at conducts ed large businese Newmarket Christian Guardian P A and wife were waited on by representatives of the Agnes congregation on Monday evening July ere left Toronto for their new field of labor and were a and a This lias greatly the valuable sex vices to them in the short time iltat Mr and Mrs llMM Is a daughter Of Mr- Low Town i An old and wellknown resident of this city in the person of Mr Robert passwd away on Saturday morning Deceased was years of age lie came to this country from Scotland in and settled in the where he re sided till when he removed to this city Mr seeds man is tho eldest son of deceased A woman applied to the Street Railway Co for a position as last Friday The application is under consideration Judge report respect ing the sale of Athletic Club property to the city the Aldermen from any improper conduct in connec tion therewith The rumored scandal was all a surmise Torontos civic holiday has been fix ed for the of August the first Monday in the month The be pre sented at the Toronto Industrial this year with real lyddite for the explo sive A large and cheerful party of school teachers from and the western part of York State arrived here on Monday en route to where they expert to spend their vacation They slopped here over night and a drive about the city next day sightseeing Willie thousands of citizens have left the city for summer resorts it is also a fact thai thousands of people from other parts of the continent visit To ronto during the summer season It may not be generally known but there are about cottages half an ride from centre of the city Geo Wilson alias half a dozen other names was sent to the Penitentiary for i years Magistrate on Tuesday for picking the pocket of Mrs of street in St Lawrence Market a week ago Satur day Miss Minnie who was par tially tried last week on a charge of stealing purses from shoppers in the T Eaton store was sentenced to days in jail by Magistrate The present year will be a record one for succession duties collected by the Ontario Last year the tax in The esti mate for the present year Is The already collected amounts to So far as known the only Canadians in are Mies Hattie Rutherford a sister of Messrs A Rutherford and S J Rutherford of this city and Miss daughter of Mr John Cowans also of Toronto both of whom were working in as mis sionaries Rupert aged years the son of Mr Robert city agent of the North American Life Association was drowned in the Bay at the foot of York street on Saturday Early Saturday morning Jno Grant night watchman at Point was viciously assaulted by men whom he found sitting on the steps of one of the pavilions There promises to be a great- out pouring of popular feeling at the mili tary tattoo to be held by the officers of the Toronto regiments at Point on Wednesday Thursday evenings next In addition to the fifteen bands and men in uniform there will be a chorus of several hun dred trained voices in the grand stand that will sing the national airs and patriotic songs in conjunction with music by the massed bands The effect will be such that has never been heard or seen before In Toronto On Wednesday an employee at the old St Lawrence foundry fell into a vat of boiling water and clay used in casting process He was horribly scalded and beamed with agony Br wrapped him in an sheet and bad him teken by the police am bulance Mic H pur Annual Sale of Summer Goods begins To- Day Every line of Summer Goods must be sold at once and to attain this object we have made Big Price Cuts all around Saturday Morning the following Remnants comprising shore ends of Dress Goods Muslins Ginghams Flan nelettes Shirtings Etc all at Half Price BLOUSES SKIRTS Print and Muslin Blouses that were o at Fine Percales and White Muslin Blouses that were at Fancy Muslin Blouses with white yoke that were 75 at Ladies Plain Linen Skirts that were 60 at Ladies Trimmed Linen Skins that were at Handsome Black Figured Goods regular 60 at Black Blister Goods the very newest at Black and Colored all wool Serge at Black Lustre plain or figured at CLEARING OUT MENS BOYS Mens Suits 3 50 Mens Suits Mens Suits Mens Suits Boys Suits at Reduced Prices BOOTS Many lines at Reduced Prices for this Big Sale and it will be worth your while having look H Caroline Keye3 a delegate from Minnesota to the Worlds Christian Endeavor Convention in London pleaded guilty in the Po lice Court to the charge of stealing gold watch a bracelet Wr brushes and articles of clothing of the aggre gate value of 22 from rooms in Nor folk Mansions Hotel where she had been staying Starrs Grocery Fruit Store The Leading Furniture Undertaking House and Specialty Telephone per per flttokfrbeAi ii Hi Potatoes per Applet I Mt ft July 5 an ft it eve Wool por lb mi Hay ion lb pair per lb Iod iJCrloUv A Oil SCO i tit a a i IS toco CO 1210 Hi The Town a the lost to Mr arid re a daughter Woodxbd BDCKrsBu lb on July by the Rev Mr J Clear Woodard eon to MIPS ait oi iho Town of Tomb in year iff born on the i7ih of bonce name The took I A IS wife of J J Collin of Co of UcFrnMOVA is Mr- UtKrth 4aotbter of Terry of Qi ff peaae- A g J Mean rtt Torth tit All will Another in for Saturday The Roods arrived in perfect condition and they are for little money liemons Raspbepmes Red SPECIAL NOTICE Is to tor the coming week These berries reach daily Sir farm and are therefor in perfect condition your orders now Beets Beans and Potatoes Jersey IceCream every day Sugar by the barrel for preserving Crown Brand Fruit Jars Pints Quarts and Half Gallons J V Newmarket Book News Depot BOOKS FOB The Irony or Life by Bald by Roy Hooker Joan of the Hand by Crockett Dor othy Mario by A We receive a copy of the latest books as they are published you may book for them iX Book Stories The are both good From the following title can of the good literary quality of these boohs Doyle The Mrs Alexander Jules Verne of David Published price on now for in and China Crystal Gift and Nappies Glass Water Jugs quart aite Decorated Cream Pitchers and Spoon Holders China only Dishes Tea and Toilet Seta Fancy Sets pieces Fancy Pitchers Bread and Cake Assorted and Butter Plates g Fancy Fruit Dishes Fancy Fancy Decorated Salt and Peppers Fancy Cheese Dishes All these are new goods and just the thing for a gift STARR j ab 5 1

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