Newmarket Era, 20 Jul 1900, p. 4

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I I l fa Thy f suffering torn cf ever puis ft fds parse Lassitude and front impute tfvoagft tto veins Hoods fisepntffU makes the blood pur evtd gives ii enure did Hoods SArsspurLtfA short lime I entirety Cured my stin smooth ty North St FRIDAY aMT- to York County ArivHTiaiKQ per lino for Aral rtloa per lino for insertion with writ ten until and will bo changed each mouth If For than month composition bo paid for at regular rate Change for ho onTPodncadaya for Notice rat and etc wilt ho Inserted free any he for notion to a J Barrister Ijotary Public tea OrJoe Hirer rv 1 Solicitor Notary Public to of nt Court Ontario Bound- to ir OT A clear case of f blowing hot and cold Is furnished by the Opposition press Jit relation to alien labor law For some- mouths pant charge lian made that said Act allowed to rem a a dead letter A time ago It traiwplrcd that a contractor constructing town pave ments had employed a lot Italians from to do the work Tills fact coming to the notice of the Gov ernment the Italians were ordered to be deported 1ck to At one these journals which complained about allowing alien labor law to a dead letter complained of the Governments hardship towards contractors etc and 1Mb is the kind of tactics the Opposition are Anything to discredit the Administra tion appears to be their motto Recently lion Win Mulock as Act ing Minister of Public Works III the absence of Hon Mr had incor porated in a couple of Government contracts at and Port a provision that none residents shall be employed as part of the deliberate policy Administration one which country generally will endorse Hut how the press public men Simply this they dare not condemn hut while this is the fact they do attempt to discredit the Government by declaring it Jo a sort of eleventh hour for workingmen just before a general el ection The country however not lie slow to discover this pcnle attempt to draw a across the The doing to a mug way ahead of the promise do and so accepted ttic elector ate generally The for North York has the courage of his lions and is prepared lo practice in power what his party advocated and demanded while in opposition not what individual members contend for hut what the lit its public cbn- approved OP rfT -oo- to the DQOPleodQiXakl to- Slipped Out of Rlvor Colony began They and themselves at night Commandant who com It that five companies were the Federals at nek ordered Tuesday to proceed and had four guns The Seventh Dragoon Guards at of Mr fifth of tot from Trouble the Pott linok4thury Out Wiwkesiiury knouB Smith He yet in its village one of the lumber companys London July are It Is that losses of tho staff of lit Idol Mr at hand regarding the disaster to the British were numerous About thirty Smith wan appointed town constable Lincolnshire Regiment on of the soldiers Btragglcd back and filled that position until very Two companies of the to camp today According to ail iccoDtly is well known to many of the Greys were at counts a great force Is of Mr Smiths friends ho hay the foot of the when the to prevent further progress of the much from trouble for of years and the pain in his was great lid iip capablo of exertion Ho A great deal sometimes tem- relief but of trouble van not removed mid soon by chills returned last he upon condition as which no medicine ently aid bin condition might have been one of much had not Mrs Smith ultim ately prevailed upon Iter husband to Williams Pink Pills a trial It seemed said Mr Smith to a report or of that it was a useless experiment yet I willing to do almost anything that would relief I hud not used pills Jon before was relief in fact than I from any other cine their use and won of tho trouble that hud lift one of much misery for many years was cone that and have no livsiuutin in the t due to Pink and I mvn i tell ghastly tale So flagrant an civilization cries out or reparation and rica and Japan are moving England stand still and that helpless heartless The Shanghai correspondent of The Express on the alleged authority of couriers who brought the story gives a very sensational account He says Maddened with hunger after hav ing been without food for many days the members of the Legations guards made a sortie of and Sun an unexpected attack Ceil enraged over the of so many men brought tip Prince gave orders every foreigner must be tilled His words were Destroy every foreign vestige and make China a sealed to vestern powers Prince had previously to If r Wiififeo v Of- door Newmarket Herbert IioimoX Aurora will alio boat market on Jut aud Coun fifty a J k Co and Ontario Hank Aurora I- lonu p Money to John Or tons fit BOTES lb- ail- Block Honey to Loan FAINTING R nd la I urn ftleo with Pointer titer at Hardware ir the of Mr J p Street Newmarket j Bolton- and OHotulouojamtow The Ontario Department of Agricul ture has issued a pamphlet on In sects and Plant Diseases with illus trations for spraying solutions to be used and much information as to the insects and blights that attack the different sorts of fruit trees ami vines is announced that Dr John A of Toronto has been appointed to lie Provincial analyst in charge of tlrf laboratory in connection with the of Health to fill the vacancy by the resignation of Mr J J Mackenzie who Was appointed to the staff of the medical faculty of To ronto University During the past week Hon Senator put a lengthy question tb the Government regarding Senate reform He thought himself specially smart but way Hon Mr Mills took the wind out of bis sails settled Mr and taught him an important lesson Hon Mr Mills simply told- him that Providence was engaged in reforming the Senate at present and the question would receive the consid eration of the Government in due time It now looks ffle Senate be politically reformed before an- other five years roll their and the old discredited warhorses of a quarter century ago will be transfer red to another forum an opportunity of lecfiititiiendiiiL pills to who Dr Williams Pink Pills cure by to the root of the disease They renew build up the blood and strengthen nerves thus driving disease from the system If your deafer does not keep them they will he sent postpaid at cents a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Brock- ville pass through in neighborhood of They arrived in the at the pass where three companies with two guns took up a position and camped on a plain south of the pas The eastern was lugged rocky and inacces sible hut further east apparently ap proaching from the main ride At daybreak Wednesday the appeal ed on the eastern kopje and a heavy fire Confusion ensued The colonel ordered the men lake a position on a kopje west of the gap From this point a hot lire was Kept up during the entire day Two guns under the escort of the Scots placed in advance of the main body were captured after a stout resistance Nearly every man was killed or wounded A Maxim gun brought in to action early in the day The fire was too hot and the men were forced to ire A sergeant aided by seven volun teers saved the gun There was a continuous fire all along the line the Lincolnshire Regiment men vigorously replying About three oclock in the afternoon the appeared to the left of the position occupied by the British An officer and fifteen men attempted to charge them and men were killed or wounded as the result Three com panies were practically surrounded but they kept up a steady fire un waveringly until towards nightfall their ammunition gave out prised a covered that Prince was supply- Pyramid hills north of Pretoria were simultaneously attacked The British loss was insignificant end ffaxii U organ fit London July News has reached London that Lord Roberts has been suffering from a serious bowel plaint and that Lady was hurriedly summoned from teiit Lord Roberts though now bet ter is still weak London Saturday July Except for the scanty and unimportant details of the British disaster at nek there is no further news from South Africa It now seems beyond doubt that the British were absolutely sur prised in an impossible position A despatch from Lorenzo Marques says that Commandant Wet has slipped out from the encircling opera tions that have been so long conducted against him in the Orange River Col ony In the affair mentioned in Lord Roberta despatch the men in the front rank of the Boers wore kha ki uniforms and helmets and the Dra goons passed them unsuspectingly un der the impression that they were Hussars The mistake was not dis covered until the Boers opened a heavy fire when the Dragoons were within yards Another case of Boers wearing kha ki is reported to have happened at on June when they sur- of men of of whom Church and AUCTIONEERS Licenced York cold to Street DENTAL It flf I Block will bout Dr Porter ford every Monday PumpMakers ffSSSgS All kind of cUtfernjCoot on ffftloti wort is everything to a In a to is and wii to otAis such a way as io ill welfare of tlie instead of giving away franchises to supporters Here is an ilistration of what we mean The ilic late Government was to matte rail ways a present of a mile but the Administration make the companies give a return for what receive Thus it has already been enacted that such companies shall give transportation for Government purposes up to per cent of the sub- sidy they receive In other words the Jaw now in force and which dates from two years ago provides for the ultimate return lo the treasury of the did given to railways since This is a businesslike proposition which has been universally commended but the Government do not stop there They have now decided to embody in the contracts with railway companies hereafter made that as a con dition precedent to the earning of a subsidy steel rails of Canadian shall be- used ita construc tion the providing- such rails don- be obtained here- as cheaply elsewhere Tile Minister of Ways fa to be judge- to whether be complied with regulations the The Senate again placed itself on record as against the people and in opposition to Provincial Rights by striking out of the bill respecting the Judges of Provincial courts the clause providing for three additional Judges in the district of Montreal and the House of Commons slapped the Sen ate in the face by a vote of major ity expressing disapproval of the Sen ates amendment Hon Mr voiced the views of the country when he said The salaries of three Judges were not very much but it was laid down in the law that the Provincial Governments should consti tute the courts and where a Provin cial Government in its wisdom decided that it was necessary to have so many Judges for the administration of the justice of the Province it was the House Senate to give effect to resolution If the power to ap- pornx trie Judges they would do it and thatwQutabe the end But they riot thepower if it was shown a Provincial Government in pass ing such as this had acted bad ant that their action was indefensible then the Dominion Parliament should not submit to any such thing but on this occasion it was not pretended that the Quebec people had acted in bad faith The administration of- justice in two Pro vinces should hot be weighed in gold but he pointed out that Ontario with a population of according to the last census had Judges while Quebec with had Judges more two in Ontario for one In IQuebec He stood on the broad of Provincial rights today and the Senate bad not the right it had he power but not tho right to reject very basis of our con rested upon the idea that Provincial legislation should not be in terfered with by the central Govern- China The latest arrival from the shire Light Infantry slates that at the time of his escape were killed or wounded the men were taking a good position London July A report from under cover and with fixed bayonets says that the British engaged were awaiting the approach of the Boers all day long Scouts and mounted infantry is understood upon good author- north located the Boers strong ity that the Doers have employed arm- occupying the ridge from which they natives Two of the natives leap- Col Thorny from cover when a party rldge them of the Horse from the Lincolnshire Regiment step ped up and demanded their surrender A soldier stepped forward and shot both of the natives dead One officer who succeeded in making his escape had an encounter with an armed na tive were driven temporarily on the right by heavy musketry fire f After a stubborn resistance the Boers forced the British to bring the howitzers in to action Tungfuhsiang to fire on Prince troops and it is reported that was killed or seriously wounded In the final attempt to cut their way thru the formed a square with the women and children in the centre the Boxers real ized that they were being attacked they became like wild beasts and shot each other in the darkness The foreigners went mad and kill ed all their women and children with revolvers Heavy guns bombarded all night until the buildings were demol ished and in flames Many foreigners were roasted in the ruins The Box ers rushed upon them and hacked and stabbed both dead and wounded cut ting their heads and carrying these thru the streets on their rifles shout ing fiercely They then attacked the native Christian quarters massacred all who refused to join them outrag ed the women and brained the child ren Hundreds of mission buildings were burned London July War Office to day issues a despatch from Gen Dor- ward dated July it which adds little to previous information The Chinese according to this des patch attacked the station the morn ing of July and were repulsed after four hours hard fighting in which of the enemy were killed On July Gen Dor ward commanding a force of British 100 Russians and Americans and Gen commanding Japanese at tacked the Chinese and look their posi tions wouthwest of the city killing and capturing four guns Ameri can and Japanese troops subsequently rushed and took the western arsenal Gen adds that the days honors rested with the Americans and Japanese There were no casualties among the Americans or the Russians fob mm BY TENDER be received by for too of he South half of theTon X flcreauiprc or teas in farm up totbo v lot Hi contain In Wist or in son toy August Per cent on acceptance of balance days out on from Urge d4 bajWlngn a good orchard ft or not charily ftcccptcyl Per paniculate apply to Solicitor for Vendors Fop Sale That collet of About of pre And In floe i Mate fa a hard and and all i i Enquire or ASt Irbaln Hi Montreal or to J WOODCOCK from -o- Made a bat alt Were Killed Tiie Shanghai correspondent of the Daily Mail says f can assert posi tively that the Chinese authorities had lite dreadful news from week and that knew all the for eigners in Pelt in were dead when he asked the American consul to cable a proposal to deliver the foreigners in safety at on condition that the allies would pen their operations to the North of The correspondent adds certain Prince fell and was supposed to have been killed but as the search for his body was it is now believed he was only wounded and carded off and secreted by his faithful retainers Wen Win altho grey haired and years old valiantly led his troops in person He was killed and his force which was completely outnumbered was routed the night repeated at tacks were made on the legation but Inventions John Sailer of Janesville Wis has invented and is now placing on the market a wonderfully simple de vice which registers a call over the telephone wires If the bell has been rung during the absence of sub scriber he can see on his return that he has been called and can secure the connection at once c fied P Turnip Sugar and Car- ret Seed J Main ftt y f- up -and- developing f at are without railway facilities THBGRKNSICICHFKS Girls wJio lacirsu01o1entf force They have chlorosis green sickness only the nerves are restored and revitalized and the blood made rich by using Chases Nerve the great restora tive in pill form It makes pale weak women and girls healthy rosy and plump Note increase in weight while taking it Manila July The transports Flintshire Indiana and will start for China today They will carry the Fourteenth Regiment and a of the Fifth Artiiiery ku vailed for the past few Says facilitated the 6fbe troops guns and sent is the beStequifineaiacpodiJer has Ifeft ti months winter for five rifle a ijK Vgg guns command of tain A vice in China is with cers aim In addition to doctorandehaplajne the ship Relief Mas been dr- to China tails of at after Junej these were invariably repulsed vith According to his story members heavy Toward the end of the of the legations made daily sorties third watch a bout am the allies sometimes by night and so success- had practically defeated the besiegers fully as to compel the Chinese to re- who were Wavering and gradually treat from the immediate vicinity withdrawing Cut just then Gen These reverses had a disheartening arrived the on the Chinese and there soon cinity of Tien Tsin with a largo force to be signs Of disaffection By this time the walls of the legation lowed by desertions to Prince had been battered down and most of which the builrlmgsivere in ruins operate with fallen at thec decided night and the small band that was left took attack three powerful columns wrecked buildings which on the evening of endeavored hastily to fortify July- says the- corcerndeo Upon ha ire of the Chinese was opened upon directed Towards sunrise- British legatory Whereto foreigners- it evident that the ammunition of the allies- wASirunningout and at the walls of the- Chin shell huge made in failed to draw a response a them Thai a geheraJ was rush was upon ordered the Chinese Thus standing together as the constantly moved toward sun the band of The fire defenders hw stubbornly ever so was a desperate broke h4 fle iinfi bud as one man fell others advanced leaving ftnaliy overcame by overwhelms kgfPw cctfc could not be rallied until was put to the in were of raDgeotrie fpriV toe most atrocious manner era t London Prince rnakinga ties- letter to the morning Tribune ate appeal stand Mr teucKr A Certain Hotrod ear for Hut into another great war before the could their they to Africa is ended me Wen Win Quebec July The returning Ca nadian soldier boys received a royal welcome today at the hands of the Ancient Capital The boys are in number and with exception be long to the first contingent The ex ception is a member from the Mount ed Rifles Shortly after his arrival at the front he taken sick with a very severe attack of enteric fever and was later sent to Hospi tal England for treatment He has apparently fully recovered altho his eyesight is not as good as formerly They tell shocking tales of the mor tality from enteric fever among the troops in South Africa It possible they said at almost any hour of the day to look out of the tents ard witness the body of some soldier being carried od to the mortuary tent blame the water for the great mortality The they say was ac tually putrid the decaying bodies of men and beasts for weeks In one day dead Boers fished out of stream at any time one could see the carcases of cows and animals rotting on the rocks and yet they say that was the only water the British troops had to drink for nearly three weeks No wonder therefore that the fever obtained head way at that place that It was after wards found impossible to stop its ravages When you hire a wheel frorri Bicycle Livery- look at the tires If they art Tires then you can rest assured the wheel has a good pedi gree in its every part Tires on ad good wheels Thftctir were 1 A Try Era for A ufrfftfffliqeoref the inevitable the crime of unparalleled modern history and are well cod- that no foreigocr troops to Prince mains in the anarchyrent marble tablet has in- All- Church peg of Major Arnold- who Pupils of the late Robert tittle in Acton held a rouoJi9n and unvejicd a handsome to Mr -7A- riot occurred when a patty of tried trie Orange- fight- in the course of wjuch women tore up and banned them to the Crawford Everett was to one month Judge on ford chased away with a gun a sher iffs officer- who went to cattle to satisfy a judgment His Honor ordered that Crawford give up the cattle as well as sjMnd to Will Bun Canadian ParWest I eft- differ -ATFAn3- fr5 CO CO I gnffJulylSthtoAur on or before July fltattop J J

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