Newmarket Era, 27 Jul 1900, p. 4

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j 1 ffijjgyiu 7fag Ell J The specials Ottawa Hit amplest goto lodgment en numerous prediction as to Ita in your ioU system wft date of next general microbe is microscopic ions to the Federal Parliament but the germs become Inches And are dumb or the jcgnrd thereto M W between the lines In a reached he conclusion that hi day constitution generally tun tetd About may nut he so far distant as 10 war rant disregard respecting the voter isiei it find II properly static that if the contest should take place in October the voters lists already prepared will used if it should Ik postponed until January some other month in the coming then the now passing thru various stages will lie employed It is necessary therefore to look after the now and until the day they are completed llio new lists may not be used for the Federal congest the attention paid to them will not be lost for upon these lists the next provincial election be held Let those who have ibis mat ter of looking after voters lists sec to it that may lc regrets from iieglecL It is announced that later on in the summer Hon J Davis Commis sioner of Crown Lands will make an official visit to the north country lie will probably visit Algonquin Park the and dis tricts and will go on as far as Rainy Best Advertising Medium York County cent per lino for lire I one per lino for niicoompftnlolwltli writ ten until forbid and AdvcrilsumcnU 111 ho once each If Jcftlrod For eaob month tho rnuet ex In r for contract advert IRQ men la noun on Special Itotcfl for Executors Parma to Ucnt Articles nd AMflliiKiiitlCo foq for where potters nlBndipr when will be tor Anon a to i Robeittson Mary o ftlrei luiiiy itll iurt kul o K ijiiili Men Herbert Aurora will tilao itcai i on and J Jiofa Co and Ontario Hunk Aurriru lunn p S Monev to loan tot Jttoos Mock Main The Senate displayed Its political partisanship up to the closing day of the session By a majority of to on a strict party vote that body insisted on Senator Fergusons amend ments to the Act the Commons had rejected the same on grounds of being unworkable and unnecessary fly this vote the Bill Introduced by the Solicitor Gen eral was defeated The amendments In question bad regard to elections hi Prince Island and the Minis- let of Justice replied that it was i ft ti the Last Mi a Davta wMVotti bo moot Toron to l8oha6 para u v otnUfoa surd for of the Senate who atotqrtiMfodn6omtncac4 or prtra ltd not have to go the ate at all to force their will in ft lbs Avoided Ibi lull fail when put in bylUa fij- J matter of this kind upon the majority of the peoples representatives and this In a way to with it defeat of the whole measure was de signed by the administration to obvi ate as far as the working of corrupt practices Hut Notwithstand ing absurdity of their position the Senate defeated the hill con Hugh km at bathing- Mr burnt by rieiday A boy named drowned at Mr p of Lon don of A A T1IR CRANK It to Interest A great ninny jipo besides base-ball- cranks to when a ball cutvea lUrowgli the air firat one way mid then another the it docs what uicn declared diagrams tint Re K certain They made fig ures and grams and proved that curve then the did It and the 1st concluded that something wrong witH In face of facts Rome become Mr Block Money to PAINTING A A fcntullP promptly neatly In I with a Painter and sign Writer Orders can bo residence of bead West practical Painter and House ttMiDBKOeCorntr Lane an Licensed for the Co of York Ootid a on Farm Sale to An Ottawa despatch There seems to be no doubt of the truth of the report Col Sam Hughe I has been retiied from the service itt South Dr queried the Premier on the subject re cently nil that Sir Wilfrid would say was J have no informa tion it is thought that the indis creet action of friends of the colonel in publishing his private let ters in which he criticised the con duct of in South Africa has brought about this un lookedfor climax Counting chickens before are batched An Ottawa to a Toronto evening taper has this to say If negotiations now carried on succeeded Mr J J will contest Centre Toronto in the Conservative interest the coming Federal Elections the Con servative cause Mr will have a portfolio in the incoming Gov ernment Mr knows a thing or two when he sees it and will not le likoly to give up a bird in the hand in the bush He knows the chancer for Conservative triumphs at the coming elections is only a vain imagination The Toronto Star makes this an nouncement Partridges were so depleted last season that they were in danger of extinction and therefore the game law was so amended that partridges could not be for sale and provision was made to en able the Government to prohibit shooting the birds at all as it was feared would be necessary this season The season however has been a good one for partridge dry weather prevail ing during brooding and the open rea son will be as usual If lhi be the decision of tlie Government it is lime Justices the Peace who have to administer the law officially notified of the fact DENTAL A I Foil Office Block opposite the fiatlifection be at office of Dr Porter Brad ford Monday fit A K Vnk AT on hand for wells or made well c Cistern tanks and abort All work Land Plaster Salt SEED CORN Red Cob Improved Early yellow Dint- Longfellow and other varieties Mangel Turnip Sugar Beet and Car rot W J Cor Main Huron la I J- M price A short lime ago the World an nounced on reliable authority that Parliament would be dissolved in the fair- probably October as- the Gov ernment considered it important to make an appeal to the electorate now rather than later on Last week however its Ottawa special re ported that the latest rumor in Lib eral circles ia that will be a ses sion of Parliament in November when the Distribution Bill will be introduc ed A census taken in January and the House prorogue in March An el ection will be held in June This is all funny raiding when we remem ber the statement of a Cabinet Minis ter in reply to a question in the House recently that he presumed the census would be taken at the time From what is said in the press of Mr J P Whitneys speech he is fast falling into habits which form a special in the addresses of the Opposition leader in the Commons and which have earned for htm appellation of the Great Stretcher In an open letter ad dressed to Mr Whitney from Mr J Holmes M- P P he calls upon the Opposition leader in the Provincial Assembly to made by him in his speech at the above plate and demands an in vestigation Mr Whitney must now put up or shut up as they say in sporting circles Referring to Mr Holmes open letter the Ban- Consumption once declared was Incurable now they see it cured every day Pierce a Golden Medical purifies nod vitalizes the blood drives out the elements sup plies the lifegiving red slops the accumulation of morbid heals and builds up the lung tissues puts good solid muscular flesh on to the frame imparts fresh nerveforce and vital energy is the moat perfect cure ever discovered for throat and bronchial wo sled conditions and all diseases due to impoverished blood It is the invention of an educted and experienced physician Dr Pierce has been for nearly thirty chief consult- of the Invalids Hotel and Institute and mediciues are recognized remedies Some five or si years ago I bad a bad cough and got ao low with it that I could sit up long t a time writes Mrs f Union Co Ark called our family tie told my that I bad connumptloo Alt of our neighbor thought too I had through my cheat spit up blood commenced with your Golden Medical Discovery and bad only taken it two or three dayavrheti I felt like a different per nun took four bottle the medicine and it have not been bothered until a short lime ago I took cold and commenced to cough again I got a bottle of the and it re- lieved me at once think it the beet in It saved my life I dont think any one ould die of con If they would take Dr Golden Discovery recommend It all cay friend and tell them hat it didfortaey a AJhuVsIi years ago ray health to fail writes Miss Motile- Hancock Co was weak on nervous had catarrh in the head indices everything I ate hurt me and me to have palpitation of the heart My lung were weak was troubled with asthma a great deal and was did not take any interest in anything I tried several doctors and every kind of medicine I could hear of but nothing Seemed to do ma any good only for a little while at a time- About one year ago I was almost a and bad given up ever briar wall again A friend me to write to Dr Pierce about my and I did and followed the advice he nee Golden Wtccvary three and the Favorite one bottle and the- little truly say they did me good I can clow eat anything wantirart and I weieh and twentythree much as evay weighed in my life the laws of life and health in el ana interesting language many valuable and receipts common by simple hometreatment It has over three hun dred illustration and colored plates A strong paperbound copy wilt be cent free receipt of in to pay the cost of cue tocos and mailing only Medical Association No Main Street Buffalo A hand tome clothbound beautifully stamped copy will This work important Information for the and old both male and tingle end married not hereto fore published in this country foe reader although wprj an wall flniehoi that did North Yorks pprcoenlativra both at she Dominion and becoming noted as of siooW Now week the now Tory randeKn in whh Grown Lands De portment Egaryono has- beard OntMlo and the ighwlnft tbo country by p of press by the and by of Crown ins many a a Now fever Here follows an account three North York men whom wo to in- bought land when they went to see it they found it to bo dried swamp covered with little not largo enough for fish rods and utterly useless and wo are fur- told that of the party Immediately took steps to have bis righted communicating to Crown Lands his determination to take notion against it bis money was article concludes with the fol lowing paragraph It to bud bat the Depart ment of Hon J Davis in ouch way ha fitfi iy flcoinri en the of the he io a How Crown Linda permit quell misleading Nov srnt on a 1Mb a that the should be whom wo to be able for a true and honest description of the There ate several things incorrect in the statements made by 1 The Government does not sell land in that part of ho to reference is it is Free Every has the oppor tunity of hundreds of of and is not re- pay a of money for it The men to whom reference made bought no the Gov eminent statement that one of the party was quickly hia money is the purest notion far as Department is concerned The Kzprez should rot allow the new Tory candidate to torn into a telephone for his own party purpose Ontario there ore about one thousand prosperous and pat riotic citizens ExprUi tain their country he has no right to it If ho Newmarket inarj will take trouble to consult wholesale and travellers he will- find they their Roods in Northern Ontario than in any other part of the country If the man on at tendant at the Industrial Exhibition during the eight tea yearB be in ascer taining that Northern Ontario resi dents have invariably captured the leading prizes n and a Perhaps tile in Canada is W medals throughout United States and in Paris A lew years ago Ontario man ifr Grant The year be took the product of this Reed wheat to the Industrial Fair and had it op exhibition- Mr Grant man in of the exhibit that this was better wheat than be ever Wo conclude by quoting a few words from the It is a shame that people be mis guided by such an news paper man There is no for his small politics will not hurt the of Crown Lauds On Monday the son of Josso coo of had his head injured by upsetting of a wagon William Landers the Niagara Falls Mauser was sentenced to Central Prison for nine months for fraud Mr Matthew J Johnnon of North was killed light ning while she red from rain under a tree barns fine big stabler owned J Clarke of South Branch near Cornwall burned Loss Jas Dale was dust ing parLs green on his potatoes on Sat urday and from inhaling poison on Tuesday property owners have just voted bylaws amounting to for water light and other municipal On Monday Mrs of White Rose died at the residence of lies tion at advanced ago of years after a brief illness A memorial bust of the Sir John Thompson erected by bar of Halifax was unveiled in the Court House at Halifax on Wednesday of the Canadian team at are shooting well in the Queens Prize match seven of them having qualified for second stage AND fcirrcrs mil center of I t 5rt ea da- l a or a that he its all In and a it Ob it rfoil Dutch to ttl i Was loul mos3 caw hlirrlesd Its t tnirt vh It all out oo clip It hid A tvn of Acd predict whit will I fia up their raQieneati I re fills I of Of A SUMMER TONIC In tick hups veil feoni i t3a ylHt vttJtffsu5ei4srutta tir l a to llrldcfo ft A teacher in the Philadelphia girls normal Echool ells a of a girl of humble who gave her name Bridget she Cut earollcd During her first Bridget to During her second the first syllable was dropped and she became That Into Mar- and she received diplo ma her was Marguerite ITrota Bridget to Marguerite teem a far cry hut do such things at ihe school an For Sale con July factory and plant of the factory at was with pounds During the thunderstorm on of weak the barn of 2nd con of bridge was struck by lightning and consumed If Ilia Credits Good that tlpi i Fellow tzz As hie credit good He atttotcch ft credit good Ha often be butted a of alw a bed With kind of a rof tad If bli credit Is good tjTi up Id the If hit If good lie doth fct If calf bd But t Iherei keeping end It And to iitrjil In ViiKf and with credit it I It Is 1ji ht give content I not To whtf f about IWoI which are ftndln a fine atc of cultivation land end toft fill farm TERU8 EASY Enquire of Mm infrcnor to J WOODCOCK Kitaie Vf24 Notice to Creditors In ntattcr of the of of York in of York Farmer to- Mount near Band a which was the scone of a volcanic din in haft broken out again Two hundred killed or injured Severn villages were en gulfed hy atrcamft of lava and damage was done in adjacent dirttricU J ulv IS George months a tub of bluing vatcr in hie parents home fell into the tub and was drowned During the thunderstorm on Wednesday of last week Mr Johnson on tho 2nd coo King had a valu able colt killed by the pasture Geld Little of con King whilst among a lot of flour hags accidentally had her leg broken above the knee by one of bags falling on her Miss of Oak Ridges left- fur Olds Alberta on Thursday to accept a situation in the public school of that place She went by way of Owen Sound and Port Arthur At Ohio lightning struck a church in which a funeral was in progress Mia Simon Shade who was leaning against a pillar was prostrated and die Twentyfive others were injured Obloae Here the of drama back In terror It alt scijJB Eft un teal she Obm my my cried hero fondly down iNto her Cuui see that is there ere no Irish nod Dutch coined mixed up in the of our lore Ah now that she understood It all she kicked for her lack of discern ment Koike is hereby jjwn all Win are required on or before the lot Day of August to to Lloyd Solicitor for the Ad- lul lerri of cWtuiaund f c- the nature It any them duly notice that after the of next the proceed with the of flic of the tM to having regard only tn chums of rrhlcb she thai then have received notice MELISSA 1 Aurora Lloyd Dated at July I About 100 feet of the wall near ihe Kings Bastion at tho citadel Quebec has fallen down The team won the Kola- pore at with a score of Canada was third with Inside of months every ele vated railway engine in New York will have been displaced by electric motors War kins Right hour laws are ignored by those tireless little workers Dr Kings New Life Pills Millions are always at work night and day curing Indiges tion Biliousness Constipation Sick Headache and all Stomach Liver and Bowel troubles Easy pleasant safe sure Only 25c at drug store ITCHING PILES it Mr P St John Dominion In spector of Shaw St Toronto writes I for nine years with itching piles After try- tier remarks He has nub Mr many remedies in vain I began to Whitney on gridiron and given him use Dr Chases Ointment and it lias a welldone broil not forgetting to entirely cured me More people have baste well with things Dr been cured of piles by using Dr could have told the Chases Ointment than ait other live leader abrdit treatments combined It never fails I to euro piles Hood a ease of dam- done by a barbed viro fence heard by Judge Morgan Division Court on Thursday Honor decided that barbed viro fences a nuisances and if placed in a lino fence or road fence the party owning it is responsible for datnages to cattle In this ho 30 and At St Catharines bylaw to bonus the Vale in Co- a year for fifteen years and to the of the leith Paper Co at were car- lied The bylaw to provide for a new collegiate institute- was defeated The man who put worth of eggs into a incubator and for weeks has been broken in to watch the machine which at last turns him out a couple of measly mother less chicks has troubles of his own and needs two languages in which to ex press his feelings Chicago July The Tribune says An advance in the price of owing to the Chinese difficulties is already felt in wholesale market western manager for Thomas J Lip too said that dealers in a long war in China and the market was ad- jnfted accordingly A fire occurred utile Ayr at oclock today on the farm occupied by Mr Patterson and owned by Simon Patterson The barn and contents wore totally destroyed The greater portion of this years crops were in the barn All the implements wore saver Insured for We Want Your Trade A From Weak Breed and Ex of life euro Br Feed Mr A- P railway agent at Que writes For twelve have been run down with nervous debility I suffered much and consulted doctors and used In vain Some months ago I heard Dr Chases Nerve Food used two boxes and my health Improved co rapidly that I ordered twelve more can frankly that this treat ment bat no equal in the world While using Dr NeryeFood could feel my system being built now am strong and I cannot recommend It too highly for weak nervous people Nerve Food a tonlo and restorative of Inestimable worth It makes the blood rich the strong- Increases the weight and all weaknesses and diseases of the nerves nd blood pill form cents a box at all dealers or bate and Co Toronto The of Twenty When fibaliespeare tbltt phrase he of course to healthy bodied rueo If be bad in theca days would bare that men who are not healthy may become to by for Sixty Tills Id the Hoods Imparts to the CTfitea of WlnJtiiier A by- Making blood rich pore cure for and all tug good appetite and perfect Avoid there is nut Pills oca Ferry VSe cue AH Tires v On macadam roads on country roads on good roads and bad roads Detachable Tires are safest and easiest to If you meet with a mis hap a puncture ten miles from home these arc the only need lift Ti A I We Do It Colbert jour work But Vic Can Do work in import ant you Rathe fife or your Shirts Goto Cuffs If our work you jour If not tell us HAND LAUNDRY P Prop JDJuY school Jtttfulftr Public Writk CLASSES From to y pm for boys and Now EMhetlnie to Improve your iducaton Terms J POLLOCK Huron YEARS Marks lJuiiiCflH Town Carting AVtP OLD or wit- the At over It

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