Newmarket Era, 27 Jul 1900, p. 5

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j Ml CAPITAL limp omen BE n it answer BRANCH A- General Business on Deposits DRAFTS ix and cold Farmers attended to Manager YiVeliihutlbiial Sunday School Wesson for the Era by EM CD July hear Him Agent for cud to interut at Current liatos ft Ramsay Agent on Farm end Isolated Town Tin IS Issuer Of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the once Vapors Issued at private Golden Text This is my beloved Son Tiiiiona Verse There arc souls- whom Jesus finds companionable No what true prayer may develop In him beat citizens ere interested In Jesus Christ Calvary Is subjct of conversation among heavenly ones weak flesh robs us of a spiritual rapture- Better silent than speak to God thoughtlessly In the feared providence Infinite Messing may 35 Dark clouds may hut a garment enwrapping Gods message Jesus remains when be vision Is Veries J Christs are to a deeper prayer fulness glorified find pleasure in contemplating Calvary The flesh burdens and blinds us to spiritual things 33 flesh make us intensely stilish and sluggish Our lower condition clouds and fears God can transform the dark things of life The incarnate word is even When the spoken word is not Verse The holiest man sought opportunities for prayer Prayer wan vital to of God Prayer was helpful to Jesus Christ Prayer was restful to the Saviour Verse The perfect man was developed by prayer Prayer can wash stains from the face Prayer can allay ambition in the soul vi Prayer tan subjugate self will completely Matt Verses Personal character survives time and death Heaven intensifies never obliterates indivuality Luke Perdition docs not touch memory or personality shall not lost in God but Jno Verses Fears are often as unreal as they are groundless The Marys feared a stone the sepulchre that was not servant feared an army that was powerless Gideon cared a call to set vice that ended in victory Verso Jesus is not for admiration only hut for instruction Hear Him is as imperative as Worship Learn of Me is as binding a word as Come to Me Keep My Words necessitates Knowing Them J of MARRIAGE BUTTON W 1ST I pats of Voice and Violin Toner of and nil fllrlnirlnetruincnu J BAB kinds for JIO people for for The poor poor on for mean folks to tbcm-alh- At M per a farm security alio effected on by Davidson 3 0 Agent for citable London and Globe Union Mutual Hopkins Block Mount NEWMARKET IN Monuments and Head Stones Before Ordering Continued from First Page Out Orjun bond nickel and Iron in a natural state of union so per feet that when smelted and educed lo a metal it produced an alloy of nickel and steel so far superi or to else which had yet used that when offered to Krupp the threat Germany he made a contract at once for a supply for five years Loud applause And we then proceeded gentlemen to erect our reduction works and our plant But when began to ship this ore out of Sudbury we found that a very considerable propor tion of it consisted of principally a still larger pro portion consisted of copper pyrites Of course it is a wellknown fact that a little in nickelsteel or steel of any kind ruins its value use and ef ficacy and therefore it became neces sary in order lo mine this ore profit ably to devise a means of taking out the copper ore with the nickel So it necessary to reduce and re fine part the copper and nickel to gether So again our set to work And now we have devised a process by which the copper and nickel together are taken out in a re fined form equal to that in any part of the world as cheaply That was the next step in the evolution Ontario Again to the Front Hut we found that in this process also we required certain chemicals certain alkalis We found that we had to go outside for this resource we still had not to go out side the Province of Ontario We on ly had lo go to Windsor or to get our supply of salt bring up to Marie lake one of our dynamos attach it to an iron pot ill the iron pot with brine start the elec tric current thru brine and Chlorine gas came on thru suitable pottery tubes which we Rot from Money to At Fire per cent on Security by Affidavit Beat Sa ute Conveyancer for Queen ox London tnd Montreal Gore Mutual established In for the Confederation To ronto i Corner of and Mi Street 5t ROfsitf i Two doors Faro it are fttort A Fresh Supply a Week of and Cared Meats on the Market A trial- Also pallid Oats Dora Canned Corn Peas Tomato Vlokled and Honey fiiUii on shortest notice we in Ontario The other part of the salt sodium itself came of as a caustic thru the water Thus we found ourselves pro vided thru Ontario resources with all the alkalis said lo I necessary and which are necessary for a certain pro cess of refining all procured within the Province of Ontario Gentlemen I have really come down to the mer chants sign up there at Marie If you dont see what you want ask for it Laughter So the next step was the establish ment of an alkali plant a chemical works We began to investigate all around the world for the latest de vices for the electrolytic decomposition of salt and we filially selected a pro cess which had been recently invented known as the process After a careful examination on a practical finally adopted it and are now building these alkali works up there What we needed chiefly of the salt product was the sodium for the metalurgfcal process We did not need chlorine but we not allow any of it to go to waste So we and this is by the lime in the lime chambers the lime becomes impregnated up to per cent and then ceases to take any more Well I said to myself Here is a case just like our moist wood pulp Our people were now shipping that all around the world a yet here we were laying for something that was entire ly idle At Marie where we want to originate something new we could not tolerate such waste so we decided to take the gas from lite receptacle where it was formed and force it with a glass pump into lime water The lime water is then for bleaching the sulphite pulp So you see here was a continuation of the sulphite evolution Everything Utilized constituent is thus utilized Hut we found on further experimenta tion that while the bleaching powder contained per cent of chlorine gas the amount actually available and use ful when the powder is dissolved in water is only about to 17 per cent per cent theoretically but only per cent in actual practice So you see there is a loss never recovered from this source of the difference be tween per cent and per cent Hut we found still further that when we carried the gas directly from the apparatus into the bleaching liquor that we saved the whole per cent We have carried the in vestigations on theoretically gentle men intil we have formed these con clusions step by step and whenever the laboratory experiments have justi fied it we have gone on with the ne cessary expenditure and completed the works We have allowed no byepro duct to scape us in fact when we reduced our ores at the refining works we found that Ihe amount of ore pro fitably available was so great that our sulphite pulp mill could begin lo consume the sulphurous fumes from all these ores and we must allow these lo escape into the air at a loss or devise some other use for them What other use could we put them to discovered that this gas is by a suitable and economical process turn ed into sulphuric which is sold to oil refiners and put to other uses in he arts When Ihe market for sulphuric acid gas becomes sup plied another slop and one economic al in its process is the compression erf the sulphurous acid gas into liquid sulphurous acid That is the sub stance which our sulphite pulp mill in Canada will in my opinion be using before long iHiey will not have to go to Sicily for sulphur We will after our works are once In operation be able to deliver sulphurous acid in iron tanks at a price about onehalf the present cost of sulphur The Accomplished And now gentlemen I illus trated to you by these various steps how it is possible to go take the raw resources which God left there and turn them into the profitable uses of commerce We have assembled around these works a large and pros perous hey in tliQJtoLvVprkan thin kind Canada you can hear Here you do not know of the extent of resources You have more mineral and IcaVvotye in Ontario Itfan Brit ish Columbia and Applause is judgment and If- my judgment was not worth some thing other people- would not give mo 520000000 to spend here say that you asset there that you do not appreciate Wo have found there as everybody finds that you cannot get on without a We found that the watershed you ceo I have not got with my evolution yet of Hudson I Jay came down very close to the streams tributary to Lake Su perior which were therefore abrupt and rapid and the region was so rocky as to be very unproductive of timber and it is a fact that the pulp factory today is drawing wood by rail from North Day So you can see how necessary it Is for an indus trial enterprise of this character to be In close touch with its raw resources A Railway Necessary We find plenty of wood there but we cannot gel It down the rivers thru tills inaccessible region We found that it was necessary lo have railway admittance into the region which furnishes our raw resources so we conceived the idea of building a rail way into that region and began an in vestigation of the possible routes Into the various reserves We found it practicable ami we have now applied to the Government for certain conces sions under which we expect to build a railway during the next two years about miles Into the country I wish had now before me a large map illustrating what that region is like for I an opportunity now of impressing on the gentlemen of the Hoard of Trade of Toronto the great importance to them and to the citi zens of the southern part of Ontario generally of a railway system center ing towards southern Ontario With all due respect to tile P It which I admire as the most important enter prise in Canada ko far as Ontario if concerned it had better never been built The timber and minerals can never pay the long rail haul to Mon treal hut there must be- develops infill by systems running north and south Yes even so far north as Hudson Pay there arc the most valu able resources And gentlemen what Toronto and what the whole Province of Ontario should insist upon and urge night and day upon the Government is not to allow a railway to be built in Ontario thai does not come down lo the lake system Applause We Should not be Sidetracked rcrn lb vi 3 hats gaps ml I of fix It Mens Fine Lace Boots for Mens Fine Dong Lace Boots Mens Fine Box Call Lace Boots for Ladies Dong Oxfords for 95 at a fow of them Ladies Fine Dong Oxford Cloth Top Fine Dong Oxfords Mens Good Tweed Suits for Mens Extra Good Tweed Suits or Mens Extra Fine Worsted Suits 5 00 Eif em T i j TEACHERS DUSKS BATS Accommodating Pupils oracs Factory AcoomrnorJaling prices for the Trustees Write for mates SPECIALTY Mm CO Limited Notre Dame St Montreal P Cay St Toronto I came to next step in the evolution- highest wages In our own case there mocess Chlorine is universally is not an of tlie same kind made into bleaching powder and that In America paying Uglier wages and which- is used for- few Applause We have bleaching wools and of not the mill re- all The most of it is made in lessihan a lay The boy from Great Britain This class like this that when I came down powder consists of per cent of to Toronto they gave me to pay live chlorine gas and other per into The Globe for the Patriotic Fund is just lime The lime is a Applause medium for conveying this chlorine Now gentlemen these are sort around It has an affinity for that of you want and in my chlorine and when the gas is you want all the emigrants You and the people of this city and Province should make it physically impossible for man to devise or build a railway that goes by Toronto You should have it in that way Applause Then- you would come in for your share of it And now gentlemen J 1 have ftged to get beyond my scope and in speaking of the railway interests of Southern Ontario I have got from the development of evolu tion However I been using this development of our own Interests only as an instance of what can done throughout Northern Ontario That development can of course only be made complete when a railway sys tem has been inaugurated into that undeveloped northern territory and its wealth can be got but cheaply When that stage has been attained you can have from to and from Hamilton to Wind sor using the raw material from Nor thern Ontario Applause When wood of the forests of that country is brought down here into southern Ontario you will he able lo with or beat the furniture factories of Grand Rapids and oilier American centres with the manufacturers of our own citite Applause J suppose you are aware that of the greatest man ufacturers of furniture in Ohio and and Michigan a large of the out put is exported lo European coun tries lo France Germany and Eng land This export trade is immense Europe demanding an enormous amount of American manufactured furniture Hut gentlemen 1 roust tell you that although I am not a person of luxurious taste am still burning curly birch in my fireplace at the Curly birch in the American market brings per 1000 feet At the where J have described the use we put it to it is worth cents a cord Why gentlemen this is waste Hut of course is a product of that northern country that cannot be got out without rail ways Not far from the is Cily of Minneaoplis There elm wood which is required for flour barrels is worth per thousand feet while in Northern Ontario the Government will give me all I can cut at ten cents a cord The wood is up there but to It out we must have railways- maple and poplar might be mentioned And a word about poplar know the particular value of that fiber for papermaking is of par ticular value for wood fibres that is the paper which is used almost universally for prints as it permits of the Very best impression with its soft velvety char acter But in speaking of the need of railways have omitted one Import ant stage In our evolution I must not forget nickel In carrying out our op- we found that we were get ting out the material with too high a percentage of nickel thai is to say the nickel contents of the ore being too rich it became necessary to have it reduced I will explain by saying that In the alloy which is required for per cent would be amount of nickel and in the pig the quantity is about per cent Now it becomes in the work which we proposed lo obtain iron ore to smelt with the nickel was told that we would In look outside for that Has Everything Hut I had made up my mind ask for anything that had lo he pro- outside of Algorna Applause I was bound that we should not be under the necessity of using American iron ore in and so we looked around in Algorna for iron plauye Nor had we far to look for red hematite It was as I had always convince thai nature had not so disposed matters that all the hem atite was placed on the American side It was ready It was at hand and assure you as good as any iron in America Applause We enough iron lo the admixture which we which is a large amount as we are going to smelt tons a day We found enough not only for our own work but plenty to supply new Midland furnace and we expected to be able to supply the Hamilton furnace at much more ad vantageous terms than they can get from any other sources and expert to see using SHARON ALL An we are overstocked we will sell them for a short time from WAS vl our ore so ample a supply What is raoir- look to see a smelting plant erected right here in the city of Toronto Applause You sea the process of ev olution which have been for you is not yet compete found iron mines twelve mils Lake Superior The only build a railway We summer to build that we have now sptnt it The road is laid with rails An ordinary good one rail The ordinary freight cars here are from to tons cars are to tons capacity An ordinary locamotive is ions weigh The locomotives employed en cur line are tons And gentlemen all this is up in up in the leek- woods And now there is one thing more We must provide all the facilities at for getting the ore out of the harbor it is not an endless evolution But how is necessity of to be provided for wrote down to and I wanted some ships And what von think they said Why sir all our ships are in use There is more Iron timber copper and grain to bo brought out of the district this year ships on the lakes can we are up a stump Laugh ler But I went over to my ma chine shop and saw the master me chanic said to him Monro you in the last four or five years made up your mind what is the best of ship for carrying Lake Superior He smiled had Then I said to him would you like a visit lo for arson said do No model triple expansion engines large capacity the largest to allow getting through the locks carrying tons and at the opening of navi gation we will be carrying ore from in our own Canadian ships Applause And now gentlemen must stop dont wonder you are getting tired of this long cycle No no and cries of Go on But it is a never ending source of delight to me affords me the greatest gratification and wholly and entirely absorbs me And can assure you that no man in his senses can come up there and see what can be accomplished in northern Ontario without feeling his sentiments od ad miration awakened by the extraordin ary resources of Canada And gentle men whoever that man is this senti ment must make him a better citizen Applause If the inhabitants southern Ontario would insist upon this development of Ihe greatest re sources of the locality I have been de- of Chatham has to years in penitentiary impli Lake all the handle imp to And Ufa a Health pestered by Dr ldnoyUvr Having a direct action on the Dr Chase Kidneyliver Pills are In curing liver com plaint torpid liver and and resulting there- Faulkner place Toronto a8 After doctoring with out for liver com- of and headache for over Ihreo years I am glad to testify to my ap preciation of Dr KidneyLiver At first they a both searching and strong scribing if would give that thorough in their to the country which its vast resources deserve they would my entirely the more the value of it and of Dr KldneyLlver hoWimablo benefits be reaped from the development of these- for ore on and said he of this year He said very much Then I went to Captain who is the captain of our little fleet up there and I him if he were not the best navigator on Lake Su perior He thought he wss I asked him whether he thoueht he Was the equal of those English sharps over on the other side Arid he thought of course that he was And Now Ships Well have sent these two gentle men to England and they are to be back on the opening of navigation with four steamers of the latest Eng- by the cities of southern On tario Mr resumed his seat amid great applause Jimo of Lion The gallant Major tells of being knocked senseless by a lion that I lacerated his arm His thrilling the jaws of death is only equalled by Dr Kings New Dig ovev for Consumption which has saved thousands from desperate Throat and Lung troubles All doctors said my wife would soon die of Consump tion writes Overstreet of El gin but your wonderful medicine completely cured her and sav ed her life Satisfaction is guaran teed by Lehman who gives trial bottles free Large and 51 very many ills of the human body Is made healthy active and vigor ous- by using Chases One pill a box at all deiftere or Bates anfl Co Toronto Knox Church Woodstock was struck by lightning which fortunate ly did Utile damage A reciprocal trade agreement been made between Germany and United has the I A FAMILY NECESSITY Mr J Wright of avenue- Toronto says I am always glad to say a good word for Dr Chases Syrup of Linseal and Tur pentine It has been in use in our family for two years and we never found it to fail to cure coughs colds and chest troubles It in our regular standby Dr Chases- Syr up of Linseed and Turpentine is family necessity in the of and the United States bottle Family size Ca- a

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