Newmarket Era, 27 Jul 1900, p. 8

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I i V V V If your fccr annff flick Ivart bum or toko 0 On retiring and tomorrow your will bo regulated and Trill bright active mid ready kind of been experience of otliMB It will HOODS are cold dealers and All forms or to if the WDKAT7AKi COB- B8rOHOEiriO HD death occurred hero- on Wed- of had in poor health and during the lost few had been from the of a sun stroke late Mi Reynolds a resident and bad held the pool fealiiT foe about yean- Ho was years of ago leaves wife throe and an aged mother 7 The Sovereign ferjeen CUT At a for It rfCtUtj I took Mm to lfr6Utrlcjij7fluoonwh jourbooWd I bo iHlvlLfrLli4HrciLti una a On hJtj ifeiifUtf lo jo MUM he hleunrrcr nri A or the f or Mdrco Kliioit of Toronto holidays with hoc pat little girl was door made a and in caught a which aland- ing by tho door and drew it liar Tli result was that something sharp her mouth breaking fioyorBl Iccth and injuring of the mouth and palate Children cry for JtmrK VourCwly A th Hone 1 1 CAST HI Our fee If w fall Any flVcldi an description iuveiitWl pimiitly receive our opinion free of Mine Jloleiit jift rough wile out Jrjj hk An widely fiead for simple copy Address VICTOR J EVAIIO CO Patent Attorneys fllWAVS KEEP an- tikrejsR3 op or OR THAT PAfHUILlER WILL 07 AC- LI EVE look our and THE THE PERRY DAVID SON Trinity will hold tboir on Wednesday 16th to Point and Rcrvicca in with Trinity Church wore Sunday on Monday Corner of the new churcl was laid by Bishop of Toronto agisted by from and The ceremony of laying the corner fltono WAS followed by garden party held on account of rain in the Sunday School o- of the Boxers ft DISEASED fillEN PAY TUB NEW METHOD TREATMENT Pi criminal lirdlj- Blood or It Ut of Start ciptHcuco treatment WE CURE SYPHILIS error readily to our Beware of If m jq or jue torn Poison lijtcabb accept for fcndCAonot tule our the beat tho hair grows lb and life CURES GUARANTEED Thousand of middle eg tod vitality tapped by woTTT tic No matter Now Method to mo Mid a is our No fcJI far bank to to CURED JJRAlKfl KIDNEY 1 BOOKS FREE to for for TREATMENT fl Cor Michigan tot and St DETROIT MICH Ottawa July a touch of the The nines says conspiracy the of the policy The Hifthteous Fists to ive thcin true and lc he of settlenicjits lias brutally uphold tbc Conservative tenets dear to the heart of Ma jesty They do not profess it is true to be a political society at all China is the classic land of secret so cieties and Chinese conspirators know their business much too well needlessly to parade their or their aims The KHheous Fists combined an open a secret move ment like many other plotters all over the world Openly they were a soci ety for the cultivation of gymnastics- like the which so ter ribly perturbed the govern ments of Germany the palmy days of the Holy Alliance Rut secretly they were a political association and unlike the TuriiVerietlc at all events as these appeared to reaction ary objects they iiur- were as obscurant ist as those of the government Naturally they were looked upon with favor in high places the Itcfiiiii party had been crushed symptoms of its coikuimji disturlcd from to liiC ii re pose of its opprei The rise a strong popular movement against the fort wis a the Mandatms in their lrtglc with these detested classes It is an open secret that the encour aged and supported the Boxers probably it is to their patronage tint the organization owes its remarkably rapid spread from Shanlung where it originated the whole of tin province of Countenance even more august was not wanting the Righteous Harmony Fists Pro fessor Douglas reminds us that no litt er last January they were er red to in tones of high approbation in an edict issued by the Empress herself Her Majesty warned the authorities to exercise a dis crimination towards the disturbers of the public peace The reckless fel lows who band together to create riots were to be punished The sub missive and loyal subjects who lam gymnastic drill for the protection of their families were to be favored In the first category naturally were in cluded the Reformers in the second stood the Hoxers Queen reigns but does not rule says Mr William Juno Cosmopolitan Constitu tional monarchy reduces the element of personal sovereignty to a mini mum two hundred yearn no monarch has ventured to to accept every taw by both Houses of The QuMii Is as much bound to obey the law as the meanest of her cannot interfere with the of justice great or small On the ad vice of the Home Secret she can he Royal of mer cy but as the Home Secretary must approve even this lingering remnant pover men a shadow an in in her name but tit- whole vestcl in Ibe exercised Jy Ministers who are dependent for ante in office from day to day the support of a majority of the House of Commons These constitu tional truisms lead many people to hat an the Queen lias no au thority she is therefore of no account They could not a greater mis take The Queen has no power by virtue of her throne but she has im mense influence owing to the oppor tunity which her position gives her of counselling persuading and sometimes even compelling her Ministers to adopt her view of a question Owing to her unique experience her extraordin ary memory and her keen inteiut in all affairs of Stale Queen Victoria is probably more influential than any of her subjects not excluding either her or her Colonial Secre tary She has become the balance- wheel of the Constitution This ex traordinary position is due solely to her persona qualities and the use she has made of her unique opportuni ties After giving some inside history in the shape of stories telling how really forced Gladstone and the Cabinet in the face of the evident mandate of the country to cause the evacuation of by the I roups and how and powerful has been her influence for peace in South Africa Jr Stead slims up as follows I venture to submit thai I have made no attempt to claim for the Queen Victoria the possessor of wis dom or of political beyond that of other mortals I may modest ly claim to have shown that the Queen is a sovereign who brings lo the dis charge of the responsible duties of her exalted position a keen political in stinct which combined with a deep sense of her obligations impels her to active part in the handling of all he great questions of State Any thing farther removed than the Queen from a mere royal puppet immersed in trivialities of etiquette ami geantry can hardly he imagined She may not be as the present Car af firmed the greatest statesman in Eu rope but among all contemporary sovereigns and statesmen you may search in vain for any one who pos sesses lotlic same extent immense ex perience unfailing memory steady judgment unwearying industry and in tense consciousness of personal respon sibility- These qualities combined in Queen Victoria have given her a posi tion of influence in the British of today which purely person al could never have been wielded by any woman if she had not inherited a throne sixty Kturo ix tick or I LONJJON July A dispatch from morning that 100 native convert boon by ax Yuan Till Yuan a and city in tho Province of on an of the miles of Canadian in tho Province of Among thorn A dors formerly of To ronto and located at Miss Fa Hamburg loaded at j and Mr and It Mood in of Perth One oil of China Inland It is mom that tin- inifmonnt in Wee knowing the danger ahead concentrated at for mutual protection and it to bo feared that Canadians may been the of Toe Extinct Children boots- now kick out the toes of their just as much as they ever but the copper toe has gone out of date too long ago to talk about was fine in its day How copper did wink and glitter in the firelight Away up in the Maine woods a farmer who could not bear the thought of giving the shoemaker all he earned look an old topper wash- boiler and cut it into strips which he fastened on the toes of the boots of and Ellsworth and There now said he Less- see you git thru them in a hurry Laws J never see hoys so hard on shoe leather It was a bright idea and the more he thought about it the more it was borne in on him that was a bright idea He got a patent on it and Ellsworth and were kind of ashamed to le seen in iheir copper toes at first but when the other boys all crowded around them at the district school and said Gosh my pa would fix my boots thai way I they felt comfortable and rather happy that il went on till for the sake of peace and quietness in the house if for no other reason fathers had to buy copper toed boots for their hoys Maine farmer got rich and had pie three times a day and moved to town and had a haircloth sofa in the front room and a marble topped centre table with wax flowers in a glass case on it and everything that heart could wish 1ThoAtrfolnAtncJicabtAyer perfect pride 8ut j6bcfc Ibe citdlcal move the at St5ijVc No move Success and train- For local doctor Jesra jwerwheh y and are brought to the ifoJfcallcd incurable and Il eases which tome in- such numbers to -Ir- p Buffalo for treatment Men arid women with weak lungs obstinate coughs ema ciated bodies and fevered checks have found In Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery the true elixir of life The blood is the life the Discovery by increasing the activity of the blood making glands and restoring to healthy action the digestive and nutritive organs places the entire system in a condition to throw off disease There is no alcohol opium or other narcotic in Golden Medical Discovery Iff of Co I have iitvtr felt better do I Fierce 4 Golden Medical I finely Like s school boy J I wilt to change I cut t I never hud much faith in litem hut yon must know nave beta treated in two end by three received bentif I think medicine only medicine for A book free for the asking You can get the Peoples Common Sense Medical Adviser the best medical book ever published free by sending stamps to pay expense of customs and mailing only Send onecunt stamp for pa per or 50 for cloth hound edi tion to V Pierce Buffalo July The factory this morning by firft founk issuing from building before begun therein and plant were totally There between and worth of stored at the time On hero innuranco of 500 plant was insured for and Iohh hereon is The factory was owned by a joint stock com pan 3 Infants and Children WCHASES pad nfeerj ndy Not one horse in twenty is trained to be a good walker and average if properly trained a colt can be a walking or fiyo miles an hour just as well as Captain went to Ottawa ni week to interview tbo Public Works Department cleaning buoying channel through the Ho got promise that an engineer will vint lake and report and that if tttble the logs and will taken out of the channel and buoys laid At present owing to the low Inlay drays atonaj the bottom the Krrater part of the way from the Narrows to the wharf Packet Wrrried the Day They met Horace Greeley and Mary Cheney were married the first day they met They had corresponded for some time a common friend who was some thing of a matchmaker having this about She was all his fancy painted tier hut she was much disap pointed in his appearance so much so that when he appeared before her hav ing proposed and been accepted let ter she frankly told him that she married him she was not in love with hm Their married life was Jong and happy and the loss of his wife was a blow Greeley did not long survive Now doth busy little fly im prove its every chance upon bald to light and execute a dance I I J never because vann Then stop taking limply it It will heal your ft for vlhkr to be of your word of the of- all is to in with whnse not to ho depended upon Alone sustained Editor gins of Seneca III when all doctors and medicines failed to relieve pain from piles Then Arnica Salve wholly cured Infallible for Pains or Bodily tlons Cure guaranteed Only 25c a box Sold tfAt A should be brought up as to be able to make her own living whether or not shes going to inherit a fortune But a place is in tho home though some women do better than moo A girl ought to be about ibo she marries ton especially if she has money She oughtnt to marry until onnuh to know what shes anyway Hetty Green the Ladies Home Journal Austin Texas July ID Three hundred families from Austin San Antonio Fort Worth Houston and other towns of the state were camp along the upper courses of Llano Guadeloupe and da Rivers when the series of water spouts occurred in that region two day 5 ago of outing panics have Wen heard since and friends of the ones feel alarmed for their safety Searching parties have made every effort to the fate or whereabout of the campers but as yet without thousand pounds of butter work out of Monday morning were two carloads and ib represented roughly iu cash about This shipment was alt June and was made by Mr Chris Moore from his cold storage house to Messrs Hodgson Bros of Liverpool England The butter goes to Glasgow Liverpool and London The butter is done Up in waited air tight boxes Itnnd AithjpiraffioQ paper and arrives in the Old Country in fine condition Each box contains pound so that there boxes went out A We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the monoy on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr Wilts English after using threefourths of contents of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and Headache We warrant that four bottles will per manently cure the moat obstinate case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay when Wills English Tills are used Lehman Newmarket Out J Pharmacy Main Newmarket Out Yokk July Over people were killed by the heat in this city and vicinity yesterday and there were nearly as many more again in the hospitals many of whom sue- cumber before the night was oyer Over half of the fatalities babies and little children and last night there were about forty bodies of little ones lying at the morgue at Children for sight of a married woman with any other man but her husband makes an old maid sarcastic This is clipped from an exchange a fact which we mention to show the old maids we have no animosity as far as they are concerned Child Cry for Mr and Mrs David of road celebrated their diamond wedding last at the old home stead The seventeen living cons end met at a photographers in Toronto anil hod picture taken Between and oclock they went to the old homestead the grand children and greatgrandchild of Mr and Mrs were waiting to receive them An address to the old couple on behalf of children was road by Mr Joseph and replied for the old couple Mr who is years of ago and still active- with Ins wife children grandchildren and to hex of Mux down to J mm School PROM JULY 3RD THE excellent for and to to the and and Member way enter at any spend two up- terms for work continues into Term which op en on fee SHAW Toojo I l igtefabfcTVpVatfonfqi iheTood and fnv FAGSIMILE SIGNATURE SfUXOfev Ml Promotes in ess arid neither WOT OTIC OF Sour Worms Feverish- piss of Sleep TacUiaite of IS ON THE WRAPPER OF BOTTLE OP LA txAcr j I li Is Let fold Pcst stjcis iU yea is ftsd jir J k U New BINDER FT IT AS Mi i iVheei Boxes for leva lor test ALL SIZES Kilter Bill lkrinS Serrated if Agent to shot Ball Clip only when ordered We also manufacture best and most complete line of Cultivat ing and Seeding on Earth Spring Tooth Cultivators fitted with and gram fioring attachments if desired and Spike Tooth all Icinds and ratchet dump etc- etc in our line tend for 1900 Catlonue Mat J Yog it very to interest to do TOE Co Out Subscribe for the Mm and get all the Home New MINE MM Three horsepower in first-class- con- Can Je at tho office any Thurd ay afternoon a bargain at but will for less Enquire at this office been informed of Aurora beam in York my Sir Ait In bin binds receive the of thru tntO lor the North York ana have a Ursa per of off by Hon Any man j went bo to show of bJnjf on PnOMPTLY SECURED for our Kelp and yen Dd a ektth or acdtl of vtoUoa wtWill1Ulvl to en vs full equipped end vs work fluffy High tit referee furnished fUnU piocured Marion ft w it J over ttw the of and MARION MARION Patent and teaiw fejfipfedpn 1

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