J THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG 3 Advertisements Clearing Sale Co A- Summer Bargains A Single Trunk Application J Robertson For Sale Sharon PO Lost Property for Sale For Sale at a Bargain KetiGpolitan Co Toronto to market Bach TIME North Newmarket 9 pm a to io W pm pm pm Return Fare either way The term of LI Daly of Nova Scotia will expire next Monday It 1 announced at Ottawa that Hon A Jones who wan Minister Militia the Mackenzie Government Will succeed Mr Daly who has held two terms of It served and we hope It will be a warning to others Principal of Central School Chatham has pleaded guilty to tampering with examination cm trusted to his care loading his own pupils thereon As punishment for Ihe offence his certificate has lieeii suspended until December J si As his was a virtual tlift he ought to have lieeu jugged Fair day lias no part in lo man capable of such a- Our -Society- POINTS J ft A III lb am pm pm pm pm pm GRAND TRUNK RAlLWAt a fit A it mm- I inn- S3 dp to I a re Fa a- c I Si CO Of fr In the Methodist Magazine August is a wellillustrated on Oldest Colony New foundland Ihe Geo i A which is very interesting The exhaustive paper on The lioers and the Natives in South Africa Li a tremendous indictment of the cruel treatment of Mid black races a Hundred Years Ago ting retrospect for the end of the cen tury The Crisis in China is the subject of a graphic illustrated article Types in Cape Town and an account of the Johannesburg are well il lustrated The onetime Conservative P during the palmy days of the late Sir John A Mr P Glen Is given the credit in Saturdays News as being the chief promoter of an organization called the Annexa tion having for ultimatum the annexation of Canada to the American Republic Glen used to live in was connected with a manufac turing there flickered for a time as a protectionist and then politically expired Since returning to the States he has occasionally made himself conspicuous by writing tellers for the press but Canada- can Jive without either his compel or ad vice Annexation- is as visionary as P Glen himself To commemorate the part played by Canadian soldiers in South Africa the 1 Canadian Magazine has but WITH issued a War Number August col ored cover represents The Canadian Soldiers of the Queen while the nu merous illustrations add to this idea The Maple in South Africa is the title of the article which gives Lloyd of in detail the various Canadian contingents South Africa The Battle of is Miss Maud- Is visiting Mr and Mrs Jus are at the Lake this week Mr J as is home from the city on his holiday Mr of ra the new clerk at hardware Nettle Is home from Toronto for vacation Miss Phillips is home from Brooklyn for vacation A cousin from Toronto- Is spend ing the week with Douglas Scott Mr and Mrs A Evans left on Tuesday to lake in the Mackinac trip Mr Jackson went to yesterday owing to the of hip- Miss Ada JAhman in spending part of the vacation at Sidney Mrs has been visiting her in the city for over three weeks Miss Stewart of Toronto spend ing a week with her friend Miss Hoy ton Mrs Israel Haines has gone to visit Iter daughter Mrs at Hi Albert Misses Lilian and Charlotte Simp son arc spending a couple of weeks at Lake Mr Anderson from Indiana spent four days this week with his uncle Chief Anderson Mr McDougall is spending a few days at Big Bay Point for the benefit of his health Miss Cress Cameron of Coil in is visiting at the home of Coun ty Councillor Mrs and children got home from Grimsby last Monday af ter a pleasant outing Mr Arthur Wilson of Toronto son of Mr J Wilson is home on a couple of weeks vacation Mr and Mrs Foster and Mrs Wilkin of are spending a week with friends in Town Miss flattie Mitchell is home from Detroit on a months visit by her Florence Mr Wilson of Toronto who carried on tailoring here for many years was calling on friends in Town on Wednesday- Allen of and Mrs Aurora were the guests Mrs J Caldwell St Saturday last Mr and Mis Ernest Coombs and July A re- at from modifies yesterdays of Federals under men rifles Borne of the Isadora in rnore parts of to Id on plea thai they are independent of Lord Roberts adds that he to- forthwith end to listen- to Roberta that ad ditional five command- one artillery ijonlefl and one Armstrong gun have surrendered to Hunter Lord Roberts that Commandant Olivers force with five guns at large in but that General Hunter that total number of Boor will noon pur vxvv FRIDAY AUG A press despatch from Ottawa states that complaints have reached the Department of the Interior of father grave irregularities of a Gov ernment official appointed to conduct the sale of school lands Manitoba The matter is being investigated by the Department- The Montreal Herald pokes quiet fun at the Tories in this As soon as Sir Charles ii out at the country the malcontents begin boom ing Hugh John for leader As soon as he comes hack they will be all still as Not till Sir Mackenzie Howells nest f traitors are out of public life will the malcontents of the Conservative party become a unit in the country In East Grey Dr P will again be Conservative candi date for thai Riding at the approach ing general elections to the Commons is also understood that Mr banker of Clarksburg and well known to many in this part of York will be the Liberal champion Dr says he lias a hard man to beat Hope the North Yorker will get there Another is being made to side track the Liberals next election by the organization of an independent party with vague purposes in general and dominance in particular The promoters of this species of in dependence have issued a call to all labor unions young peoples societies social reform and socialist bodies to send delegates to a convention to be held til Wednesday Aug in Richmond Hall Toronto The object of the convention is to nominate can didates for the coming Dominion elec tions Now wait till the and see if the most prominent the ga thering arc not wellknown agitators described by a Canadian eye witness Three and Three describes the famous defences made by Sir George White Col Keke and MajGen BadenPowell A Short History of the Boer War gives a complete summary of the great cam paign Attention has been called thru these columns that under present fishery re gulations in Ontario can not be sold for three year- or more than four in one day taken by any one person without the risk of being punished for their Recently a man of was brought le- a magistrate for selling maskiu- and fined and for his Lake fisherman take all they can catch hut have not reached the daily limit as yet A city paper states that Ontario Fisheries Department has to enforce the laws rigidly The of ficers do not blame the fisherman so much for trying to dispose of their fish but they intend to make examples of the purchasers whom they consider the greater But is this true Housewives and often purchase without knowing the law while fishermen as a rule know the law and should he punished for in ducing persons who do not know the Jaw to violate it The lawmakers however before strictly enforcing ro tations which are so frequently changed should see to it that proper notice be given to all concerned the official Gazette is not enough singular There is something very concerning the death of Private Haines of Newmarket in South Africa when days elapsed after his death before his parents received the first iota of intelligence and en quiring into by the Minister of Mili tia Not only are the bereaved fa mily and friends in inter ested hut all Canada Is Our boys have gone out to a land to defend th Old it is a dishonor to the English at ion such important intelligence come to the parents our beys secondhanded and after the lapse of so long a time After the part the Canadians have taken on the battlefields of South Africa an explanation is required the despatch it would seem that Haines had been overcome by fatigue and dropped out of the march His friends would be jleasut to know whether he received cure and attention and the circumstances cm- nee ted with his sickness These de tails may seem insignificant to the generals where hundreds are Although the Government by its policy of preferential trade has reduced the customs imports on goods from the Mother land the suit of last years operations says the Globe has been a reduction of the public debt by about a million This is the third time since Confederation that entire expendi ture for a year both capital and or- around them and would not be has been met out of the if he had been killed in action rent revenue leaving a balance to lie hut if he died through neglect the applied to reduction of debt Had commissariat should lie censured this been accomplished by Stinting the Three Newmarket boys enlisted ty public services by delaying necessary first and outlays or levying onerous burdens of and Mills in the second no special credit would at- Of these Mills is captured tech to the 1iurler Ministry hut the fs on his way horn owing to good have secured with- sickness Haines is dead left in the field daughter are spending a couple weeks at Sand Hill with Mrs Coombs relatives The Misses Case of St left on Wednesday morning for where they Intend spending a few weeks with friends Miss who was a milliner at Mr M Hughes lor two or three seasons was married this week at her home in Fergus Mr Frank is home from Mass on his vacation His sister Miss is al so here from Minneapolis on a visit Miss Is spending two weeks vacation at Falls Miss Etta is filling her posi tion at the P during her absence Mr and Mrs of To ronto after spending a week at Vic toria Park Hotel Lake have been visiting his parents at Holland Landing Mr Jack Martin teacher at Shan ty Bay a graduate of Newmarket High School and formerly of was in town yesterday on his vacation Mr Elgin got a letter on Tuesday from Sergeant Thomp son written from the Canary Islands stating that he was on road back to Africa for duty Carrie Examiner Heche Co closed their busi ness on Saturday Mr the manager goes to to start in business for himself Miss Elva York is to be congratu lated on obtaining honors in Theory at recent exams at Whitby Ladies College She was only three marks behind the Gold Medalist for general proficiency Mr and Mrs Williams left for Lexington Mich on Friday hav ing received a telegram that Dr West- was very low Word has since been received that the Dr died on Wednes day morning Mr and Mrs Johnson have re turned- after visiting relatives and friends In Drayton Water- too Berlin and other places in the West He reports that crops in these sections are good Mrs H Glancy and her son Roy arrived here on Monday evening from Manitoba They left on Wednesday for where they expect to spend the winter We are pleased to learn that Mr health is im proving Mr Albert Rogers and wife of To ronto are spending a few days- at the old homestead on St We hear that Mr Rogers had great success fish ing at the lake last week having caught two large lungs and a number of fine bass Mr J Newman and his son who is a public school principal also Mr of Illinois- spent a few days With Mr Addison Williams They were up to the lake on Monday and were greatly delighted with- the coun try Mr Newman was a delegate to Christian Convention here two years ago and is greatly pleased with the industries of- filled at July 27 An undated from says Yesterday under a flag of truce a a note from to Sir tho Brit ish Minister asking if ho was willing to agree to a truce Sir Mae- replied that ho was willing provided the would cease their and not near the has how ceased and everything There is of food in shape of and great danger is that tho defeated Chinese from may enter the city The Americana a gallant on the night of July and hit tha hard Four werf made to set five to the British Legation buildings Two attack resulted in of Han Lin College The cowardice of Chinese wan the only thing that prevented the suc cessful rushing of the British Lega tion The total number who have been killed or who have died are as follows German Japanese French including and David and converts persons been wounded and are sick The they killed 2000 the various at tacks We must clear and Men Tweed fully one hundred Boys during the next days A demand for cash more particular ly a demand for the space occupied by these goods makes it imperative that these hund red suits be cleared no matter what the sac rifice in price Look for the Red Ticket on every Suit Red Ticket Price oo 11 11 I I 11 II II II II 00 5 7 of ChttiBtlDno and Plunder of Property Paris July The French Consul at Shanghai cables that a Chinese array of men under command of Imperial Commissioner marching toy order of the Empress Dowager from Nankin to murdering Christians and plundering property The French protected cruiser Pascal has arrived at Shanghai The Chris tians in are becoming uneasy It in stated that the Canadian Railway will largely reduce western divisions owing to partial failure on of the Mani toba crop THE Furniture and Undertaking House Has made a out in prices on Furniture for a few before tak ing for flash High Black Diners per Rett up rfideboard with Bevel Minor up Extension Tables up Bedroom Suites up Lounges up Parlor Suites pieces up AH Roods in proportion a eumi A SPECIALTY calls attended to at Residence St John Millard Telephone At Toes- day by A P Brace by A J to ma A the of the mother the tMWanco of Mr WJ Jul- fav tom of cousin the Alf of Dennis of Boys Two Piece Suits at Boys Cotton Suits Boy Three Piece Suits at 5 Boys it Young Mens Fine Tweed Suits at 6 Mens FirstClass Tweed Suics at Mens Fine Dark Tweed Suits at 8 Mens Blarney Serge Suits at Mens Best Worsted Suits at These price cuts are well worth Suit in the stock is todate made and perfect fitting goods and we cut the prices in this way simply to make room for our enormous purchases made for fall your thoroly up MAD DOCK Sadden Death of the Queens July Prince Alfred Albert Duke of died at 10 oclock last evening at castle from paralysis of the heart July The news of death of the Duke of second bod of Queen Victoria has created a in It was totally unexpected There were many callers at Clarence and Marl borough houses and Lord were halfmast ed The Queen was deeply affected It is stated that body of the late Duke will be embalmed and brought to England for interment and that it will lie in state at Windsor Numerous public and semipublic functions have been abandoned and the ebbing season will be brought to close flfogyg Grown rand Fruit Jars Quarts Pints and Hal Gallons Dinner Tea Toilet Sets Fruit Bread and Cake Plates Fruit Plates BowIk white and colored Best Stone all Sizes- Good Smart Wanted for Route to and tits Oogb a con Id 1st to Mr Bud Martin a eon Vokes on to aod Mrs John Votes a jkt on July to and Wilton a daughter Tomb j the of her Law Toronto on July rait Store Catherine of Another Supply this Week Pooches Peats Plums Beets Beans and Potatoes Bread Cakes and Pastry lata end the Editor of Our Bread Trade still increasing material specially milled for purpose J use the beat Jj Our we Dr formerly of Sot- ton Interment took place at Comoleryhsl on of iha 2 oclock train from Toronto At on Aug let lUniij JJ Two Car Loads of this Famous Flour received this wife of Mr noneit trial and bo convinced Fatuous Bon Give J Main All and Fruit Cordials The best in the land every day Sugars and Spices for Pies STARR WW i 1 SIM a