I vf if r WHAT IB OH IK A ABOUT TOW At Canes factory week Poller House is undergoing a change Mason carpenters machinist arc at work jug fuel into furnaces so It men engaged at this Wort The firm arc putting what Is known fts the Oven Very premises of the Ontario Bank as remodelled take the fstyne of anything in Flic work been done very satisfactorily by Mr Itocoii and the Handsome done In Mr Geo Woods most artistic style The furniture is stained to mahogany and polished with and Grand tttmjc offers special for Ufa of Newmarket to the Civic Holiday Return the line- at Single Pare Sec advertisement i- In the match oh Saturday night Office Specialty men defeated the men from Factory to of an innings to space On Tuesday the- Specialty team played against the Town and were defeated by to The bat tcrlcs were TownGamble arid Cain Specialty Howard and Weir At a meeting of the Hoard layt Fri day a large case of new bonks from Toronto Publishing House was examined and about worth of the latest and best works retained These will be catalogued in a days and metal trimmings and is placed on the shelves for circulation mi use Manager will library special advantages himself in his new miar- which it is expected will weather ready for business on Saturday 1 Church lies Mr MftGiliivrAy will tic away fur holidays during month of Aug ust For next two Sabbaths- his will occupied by class- of his own who has just been called to a church For the last two Sabbaths of the work will be taken by Mr J who has just bis course in Aits and who is said to possess much more than or dinal ability as a preacher Prayer meeting will be held every Friday evening and the pastors class meet at close of the morning service Please remember he changes in the meetings fox the One day lawl week while Mr Nor ton was paying some money down Town he dropped a bill but did not know it tilt some hours after wards However it dropped into honest hands Mr Ken Robertson picked the money up and hearing that the genial stagedriver was enquiring a stray bill he promptly re turned it and declined to accept the proffered reward Bond Serenade the Canadian Hand was late getting here last Friday their music drew a big crowd down Town The Cake Walks were immense also the Quartette- Hope the Band will come again and sta longer At the conclusion the music Manager invited the ladies to take a ride to Aurora In less than a minute the car was parked Ar riving at Comers the band got out and serenaded the General The lion came out and returned his thanks for the courtesy lie then boarded the car for Aurora when the Hand gave an other serenade and the crowd cheered Thanks were extended to Mr for his generosity and the car return ed to Newmarket about midnight with a happy crowd Dp Dr a house sur geon at the Kingston General Hospi tal a son of Rev James of King On was drowned in King ston harbor opposite Park about oclock on Friday night In company with Miss was out in a canoe listening to a concert by the fiand In some unknown manner canoe upset and the oc cupants were thrown into the water Miss was saved but Dr sank to rise no more The remains were recovered early Sunday morning The body was tak en to his fathers home at Strange Deceased played hockey on the Queens University Hockey Team He was twentyfive years of age The swells from a passing steamer caused the canoe to upset Miss who bad a narrow escape from drown ing also has recovered enough to be able to tell of the accident A pretty wedding took place in Chapel of St Johns Toronto on July when Miss daughter of late J of Quebec and Mr William line united in marriage by the Hartley pastor of St Church chapel was decorated with palms pink and white roses bride looked handsome in a beautiful gown of white brocaded silk en with veil and orange car ried a bouquet of Dijon roses A reception was afterwards held at the residence of Mr A J CO Ave Mr and Mrs left in afternoon on the Niagara steamer to spend their honey moon United States Miss resided in Newmar ket for several years and was a teach er in St Pauls Sunday School fjQeun Tennis Thc best tennis that was ever play ed in this part of the country look on Mr T tons Lawn last Friday when strong opponents from and met here to decide an old score Messrs Hoys and Stewart were from and from was local lawn Messrs and Sharps bridge The team defeated in all three events On Saturday another match of interest look place on the same and was witnessed by a number of spectators It was a Match in which the Newmarket Club defeated the Club of Toronto leaving Newmarket Champions of District No The Score was as follows Singles beat Heaven beat A beat J Hunt beat Marriott fi Doubles Bros beat and Lamb and Hunt and Heaven Firemens The annual Excursion of the New- market Fire Brigade takes place next Wednesday to Niagara Falls The Metropolitan fly are to provide fieien cars for all passengers to ride in Those who want to a good long day at Niagara Palls or Buffalo can leave on the far catch the oclock boat but most people will prefer to leave at which will give plenty of for the oclock boat leaving Toron to Passengers embark at have the advantage of viewing the beautiful scenery from the Gorge El ectric Hail way on the American side tickets to the Falls are than last year namely and have the privilege of re- turning by any boat or car on the fol lowing day There are so many things to be at Niagara Falls that the trip ever gets old in fact the goes thc more beauty one can sec in the greatest waterfall on the face Of the earth and the natural scenery that surrounds it- In age no body who can afford it should live within a days ride of eighth Wonder of the World and not see it I order that the Excursion may be patronized the Brigade ac- sell tickets to Toronto only return for the small sum of those who do not care to go to the Falls again can spend the day in the city tickets cat be had at bunions store and arc to go ear on Wednesday morning and i- on any ear to Thursday night us the Brigade that their volunteer services In of danger and give a good crowd paring the six- months thcrewero registered with the Town Clerk births and deaths latter or 5 really to other but die in The Mansion House property In put up at auction in flow- market f was to bid made- The reserve bid was SI The auction bid wll J stand good for five days and some likelihood that it ac cepted J I f Dont be fllottmed If you hear the WaterWorks whistle early next Wednesday morning dont get frightened The Firemen have se cured the privilege of having Ihc whistle blown at and a m and also at a my for the of so that nobody will left they arc not wak ened in time Days Only Teeth cheaper than over at next the Post -Ihc- Methodist Next Sunday is regular Quarterly Meeting day Love Feast and Fel lowship service commences at a m and sacrament at the close of the pastors morning sermon The organist Miss Forster fa for Prof of Toron to while away on vacation Mr Carl Lloyd took the organ here last So inlay Society At a meeting of the Board lastSat- It was ascertained that the at the door of the Big Flower Show amounted to HO and this with the members subscriptions of will pay all expenses together with the prizes won and a balance of on hand The prizewinners can get their money at the Era office at any time It to in the shade last Saturday These are farmers busy days Harvesting is in full swing Dont at weather is liable to get hot again The youngsters have commenced eat green apples Next Wednesday is Newmarkets Civic Holiday The plentiful golden grain waving in the farmers fields indicates ah abun dant harvest Lots of visitors at the Era office the past couple of weeks All are welcome A Regular meeting of Town Council next Monday evening Thc Citizens Band played at a Harden Party at Holland Landing on Wednesday night Dr Richardson has left an order with the to wire his resi dence for electric lights A new roof is going on the residence of Mi Second St Principal Coombs is our authority for the statement that the examina tion results will be published this year the same as heretofore The of Part I Leaving will likely appear in the daily papers during the first week in August or at least- not later than the second Saturday of this month The other results will appear about a week or ten days lat er number of candidates the province is considerably larger than last year on account of the fact that the Junior Leaving and ihc Junior Matriculation examinations are separate Junior Leaving candidate may claim from the Department- a Matric ulation certificate in every subject In which he obtains onethird of the marks To cover this requirement the Education Department is- issuing a new certificate which contains a list of the subjects of examination and the marks obtained by the opposite each subject in which he has failed but nothing op posite the subjects in which he has passed It will be seen that the pre paration of these reports and involves great labor especially as only two can work at the job at once one copying and the other read ing figures- Mr Coombs also informs us thai the Junior Leaving Physics paper which has caused many students much anxiety is being marked most liberal ly half the paper was considered bad and the -candidates- knowledge of the subject will be by what he did on other part of the paper Accordingly no further anxiety need be felt on this matter There are one or two other papers which are marked quite liberally also they were usually- Op Fine About people attended the match on the Fair Grounds on Wed nesday afternoon between St Catha rines and Newmarket teams visitors were much heavier than our boys and from the looks of the teams a close match was anticipated hut right from first play St Kits was not in it The first three games were taken in a few minutes Our boys showed great agility and played fine lacrosse The combination was simply excellent due largely to the splendid catching Our boys scarcely ever missed a ball At half lime the score stood to in favor of the Talagoos The tenth game was tak en by St Catharines and this was the only one they scored though they tried hard When time was called the game stood to I An favor or New market Following were the players on home team Goal Clifton Point Webb Point Kennedy 1st Def Saunders 2nd Flanagan 3rd Doyle Centre Simpson 3rd Home J Doyle 2nd Home Smith 3rd Home Outside Home Man ning Inside Home Campbell Field Dr of Wide Shots Thc absence of roughness was a good feature of the game Larry Doyle Simpson and Smith make a fast centre field Campbell and Manning are playing in their old time form The defence was perfect but had little chance to show their strength The home combination was good but St Catharines lacked confidence Richmond Hill is no uncertain quan tity In the championship race Newmarkets last two games in the York District are with Richmond Hill and Toronto Junction Roth games should prove most interesting as the Hilt team is strengthened On Monday Aug the play at the Hill Anyone taking the oclock car from here will be in plenty of time to see the match The return game will he played at New market on Tuesday Aug The standing of the teams the York District is as follows Won Lost To play Talagoos 3 Shamrocks- Richmond Hill 4 3 7 dttavva July session juat closed a new phrase was coined on the Tory side Some of corrupt a ward ing of the of Mr art- he narrates dream with ail the oratorical Vanishments he is capable- ortothc House and cloyeshls Impressive by sternly remarking Mr Speaker Sir reveals to the House atro cious way which somebodys cook Had got hold of a claim in the Yukon thru the undue Influence of somebody else and having case con clusively by reading- an anonymous letter or two demands in tones of trembling indignation if this is high politics The Mr in thunderous tones of woollywestern eloquence denounce the turpitude of the Minister of the Interior in permit ting raiufn se cure a few cords of wood at an alleg ed advantage over and with an air of conviction which overwhelmed all In the minds of his declares that this Hi not high TOt FOR HOT Those who coin phrase should properly be considered the best ex pomuts of its meaning and we may therefore judge what the Tories un derstand by high politics from the character of the policy they have themselves adopted The misrepre sentation for example of the Pre miers attitude with regard to the South African contingents the persist ent attempts to revive the flames of racial strife in the Province of Que bec the attempt stir up religious animosity in Manitoba the to magnify the purchase of a few hundred dollars of war supplies which were not quite up to standard into a deliberate coldblooded on part of ihc Minister of the Depart ment to jeopardize the lives of Cana dians on the battlefield that a politic friend might benefit the persistent misstatements of fads for the purpose of minimizing the splendid results of the Literal policy of imperialism these are sample instances of Tory High Politics High politics like high game may become loo strong for the digestion of ordinary mortals and when they are as malodorous as in eases here instanced the aver- ago elector will lie inclined lo bury them pretty are in fact too high for this warm weather WHIPPING A MORSE Several times during session the Tories wasted whole sittings of the by rehashing their ridiculous Yukon charges which were disposed of to the satisfaction of all reasonable and unprejudiced men previous ses sion aid as a finale Hib- Tupper prepared a document which took over an hour to road re hearsing a variety of these nebulous romances and then putting hem in the hand of his- colleague from to bring before the House turned tail himself and repeated his performance of the previous session by skipping out to British Columbia and not com ing back Not only was the Minister of the Interior assailed but the Mini sters of Militia and Customs the Postmaster General and every other member of the Government who had anything to do in the Yukon received their share of gratuitous and irre sponsible criticism unsupported by one iota of evidence other than the- wild of anonymous correspondents of whom Sir Tupper himself was evidently so much ashamed that nothing could induce him to disclose their identity ON THE OTHER HAND And in reply to this sort of warfare innumerable testimonials have teen received from impartial ob servers as excellent administra tion and the marvellous law and or der which prevails in that faroH dis trict One of the latest of these comes from Rev John who after a lengthy stay in the territory as a Presbyterian missionary has re turned to Ontario on a visit and talks thus to a representative of the London Advertiser The Govern ment has done well in their adminis tration of the Yukon As to the charges of maladministration I con sider them greatly exaggerated Any thing of the kind that occurred was only what was inseparable from the circumstances of a now country being opened up and officials being appoint ed for duties and conditions which were entirely new The manner in which order has been kept and the law administered been the admir ation of all except rascals whose schemes and aims have been frustrat ed have had some correspondence with Mr Mulock continued Mr and have been able to aid him with a little information and ad vice as to the Yukon mailservice and I have found him quite willing to meet thc needs and of the Yu kon people The manner in which he took hold of the question of mail- service there has convinced me that he is an extraordinarily efficient man for his position He dispensed with red tape and his subordinates at and other points Instructions to put things right and they were put right o A- firm of Sugar Beet Syrup Mak ers has adopted a hovel method of transporting the product from the Works to the Warehouse The is run through an underground pipe miles long just like water or kerosene Union Gospel Sews Fancy French Muslins regular SO for Colored ami Fancy regular fin Stock Collar Stripe regular CO Cotton Vest Be 12Xc Goods Special Importation juH foe for Now is the time to buy your Black for fall for in spirit of the big advance in prices of these goods we are still keeping to prices which of course means cheaper- than any one else in trade f You never fail with Baking Powder The York County Departmental Store CORNER STORE Departments THE CHEAP STORE 0 0 0 OF a tfu J Mm and Boys Hats Men and Boys Linen Hats Men and Boys Bummer Clothing Men and Boys Summer eight Tweed Suits Mens Fancy Vests Mens and Soft Body Colored Shirts i A Ladies Summer Underskirts Ladies Jackets LatUos Blouses Ladies Straw Sailor Hats r Childrens Straw Summer Hats and Bonnets r Summer Millinery Summer Dress Goods Summer Corsets Summer Shoes Slippers Fancy Summer Hosiery Wash li AiLi- NEWMARKET k i T A