Newmarket Era, 3 Aug 1900, p. 4

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m l AUG 3 flVAn MhSi On the the tiCatU of tilt the mil on At is fit to purify missis it this fiUttg ihe ahoit imtUd I took Hoofs Sr- I fiapAi0m bun cured by it soon Midi me fad i new McAfee Robert J Advertising Medium York County IIIJtitKQ ftdyettJBO per lino for cents per no or Insertion tin accompanied with writ ten forbid end A vert omenta will be once month for month coin no I Lion no paid roua for contract advertisements bo by noon on Low for Notices to Kent Lost iind round etc will or Society poilcra are for when imnStnlesion for a Ho to tan J Robertson Ac to 1 1 ll mi good didlcltof lilvlalun kef St DQrctstcnCviivyiicon o Peat door Herbert will Newmarket on Saturday and Coun i2r Co Ontario Aurora Grtttfjffjfl 1 In Now Ontario contained strong our and that Ontario hand of the of Grown had been responsibly for Shu aalo of soma land to of Sut ton which proved to ho most to which had ft in quite tliut our Express editor cither has been djrv83lv or has pome motive than that of and honestly working of the Government and tho capabilities of this country interested in prospects of Now Ontario and our New Government we inquiries at the Lands Department and found in first that the Gov ernment no land for sole in the River nor they sold any that locality All the land of by the was Free Grant Land and free to settlers there never has been any correspondence with the above mentioned persons and the De partment regarding of any land and Dr never paid the Department when facts known our in a very em position and no doubt will the privilege of either rtracint his rem or proving before been made the to bring flvoiiou upon K J misleading insinuation apparently have boon tenor by him and public generally editorial above inferred to as it is ly untrue Grown Lands Department calls forth an apology the a who deliberately publish such an infamous article and try to dace the respond on shoulders of our worth Gloom and Despair GIVE HEALTH AND An attack A Victim of Insomnia and Heart yrcublo- to p Knooales etc to loan Block Main St Hey manic Wi4dield Barrister Block PAINTING Vnuer Ac Done promptly neatly and In JSlottrisin Naturally every sick whom help Is promised will Has the remedy been successful Whom has We cannot letter answer the questions than by publishing testimonials from grateful people who are anxious that other sufferers may prom by their ex perience of grateful ones Is Mrs Douglas Kilts of Perry Sta tion Mrs Kills says Three years ago bad a very severe attack of la and the disease left me in an extremely worn out nervous and enfeebled condition ner vousness was so severe as to have al most resulted in St VUub dance Sleep forsook mo I bad bad of heart the headaches I endured were something terrible I had no appetite and was literally fading away I was not able to work about the and was weak that I could scarcely lift a cup of lea was treated by a good doctor but I resorted to patent medicines and with no benefit Almost In despair tried several one after another only to be disapointcd by each I ling ered in this condition until the win ter of ia9wliea a friend prevailed upon me to try Dr Williams Pink Pills and began taking them From Ihe first the pills helped me and could feci my strength gradually re turning I continued the use of the pills according to directions until I had taken eight boxes when I was again enjoying perfect health My strength had entirely returned my ap petite was splendid the heart trouble and nervousness had ceased while the blessing of sleep once denied had again relumed I had gained over pounds in weight able to do all my housework with case In fact I had received a new lease of life believe my cure is permanent as more that a year has since passed and feel so strong and that I venture to say there is a healthier woman in this section indeed I am enjoying better health than I have for twenty years and this has been brought by the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills I fee loat I cannot say enough in their praise for I believe they saved my life My son has also received the greatest- benefit from the use of these pills in a case of sitting foyer from aro a bound to give thtifgentleinnn credit I for the way in which ho has adminin- tcrcd department A great has been done by Mr and done with efficiency and in the very in- country and vc ate net surprised therefore to read such candid uttcfancea from a fair minded Journal as following which appeared in the Toronto Telegram The fact appears to be that Hon is the best Postmaster- General Canada ever had and that has done more than of bring that department into harmony with rriodern standards of and Mr is hopeful of being able bring I the of his to what was when It Is highest point under Die high rates of post age if lkf Ifilll itui I Section Judged Holder Watch Pocket embroidered Holder- Dread 73 Special given by Lyman Toronto foe tak ing greatest number of first prizes in this value SPECIAL In Front of Building Prizes given by Co Gait to be judged on Sept at at p Entries Free Committee of Management Messrs Lehman and McKay Special -I- with a and fllgo Writer ha at Hardware Store Mr head West Practical Co Mlllarda Lane and AUCTIONEERS pirank Duncan tor the Co or York Good a on Term reason- Bale attended to Street Jlcvef Die We are indebted to our brethren of the press for their kindly reference to the improvements in the Era Of fice Georgetown Herald The New market has introduced a Mo no line typesetting machine- are glad to see this evidence of pros perity on the part of one of our newsiest exchanges Acton Free Press The Newmar ket Bra is making rapid strides in the adoption of the latest printing ma chinery and materials A new Mono- line typesetting machine a newspa perfolder and a gasoline engine have been put in lately while office self has been enlarged im proved No office in Ontario man ifest signs of prosperity than the Era controlled by our ener getic friend Mr Jackson Bradford lo that Mr Jackson of the Newmarket Era has seen his way clear to make an important ad dition to his print ing plant in the shape of a typesetting ma chine of the most improved hind also a Gasoline This is we should judge an evidence of and we take pleasure in wishing Bra continued success Only a short time ago Mr Jackson added lo his already wellequipped office a Payne Wharf printing press and later a newspaper folder The power press formerly used In the l Era of fice is now installed in the Witness office and is doing excellent work Section Best Looking Hoy under Eiderdown Cloaking value Best Looking Baby Girl under 12 Carriage Hug value DENTAL A I opposite- the Church 9 Dp p will bo at office or Dr Porter ford Monday PumpMakrus All or on band for c aad work abort notice All sew work Land Plaster Salt SEED CORN Red Cob OS learning Early Butler Yellow Dink Longfellow and other varieties Mangel Turnip Sugar and Car- rot Seed W J WlLLSON Cor Mai a Huron to at IjiU price Enquire at Era By the construction of the Canadian Northern Railway and which will In clude the River Manitoba Southwestern Dauphin and other sub sidiary links operating in Ontario ana the Prairie Province a new and line willbe opened calculated to form an outlet for the ever increasing grain crop of Manito ba and the Territories The Domin ion- and Provincial Governments have given evidence of their confidence in its importance by making liberal grants thereto This railway will traverse the famous Rainy River dis trict of neiV Ontario pass through Manitoba from the southeast to the great Saskatchewan River is a northwest corner and thence on to the great Saskatchewan River which is navigable for possibly a thousand miles to the foot of the Rocky Mount ains This country will then have an unbroken railway track from Lake Superior to the Saskatchewan Referring to Ibis new enterprise the Globe remarks f That Manitoba and the Northwest must be one of the greatest grain fields of the world is generally acknowledged and to this line a large share of its- produce must necessarily come for transportation to Lake Superior But it is in the Rainy River district- greatest sur prises may be looked for Despite all that has been said of its fertility and mineral and timber wealth its im portance has hardly yet been realized On the Canadian side of the Rainy River and Rainy Lake there are feet of pine timber and as nuich more on the American side tributary to the railway and of other timber also tributary to it Manitoba must im port timber and here is her supply The mineral wealth of the district con sists of iron gold copper and silver Iron be obtained from Canada at an early date by both England and the United States and here close to Port Arthur are two ranges the and that it is estimated will together yield nearly tons of ore Taking all of these tilings into consideration it may be assumed that the companys- pros pects fora remunerative traffic arc as sured all torts of cut burnt and fctroloe ally It diarrhoea and Avoid substitutes but and An Ottawa despatch announces that Sir Louis Hon Mr Fielding Hon Mr Blair three members of the Canadian Government accompani ed by Lady Mrs Fielding Misses Flossie and Fielding and Miss Blair left last week to spend the summer in England An Ottawa special to the Toronto Star makes the following intima tion It is reported here that Sen ator Burpee Sudbury 11 is to re sign his seat in the Senate and that Mr J Ellis MP St John will be appointed in Ins place Mr Ellis had the offer of the which was given to Mr he waiv ed bis claims in favor of his friend and political associate for many ears Dr SHEPHERD Street Toronto member Medical Colleges Scotland Ontario Nova Scotia Quebec Ann Arbor Phil adolphia will be at the Royal Hotel Newmarket every Saturday Dr Shepherd is a specialist and will give free Examinations and Consultations J to all parties who will meet him at Newmarket I Dr Shepherd has plenty of private funds and will advance money to farmers at per cent yearly No valuations agents fees or commis sions charged For Medical or Financial assistance call on Dr Shepherd at Royal Hotel Newmarket on il of Grey County was kittel by a P train near Rat Portage Wife has up her pen again and with her amiable unobtrusive husband goes for the Ladies Home The first installment appears in the August number and in her observant and critikal pe culiarity she has abundant opportu nity to exercise her quaint humor and philosophy white laying bare the mistakes and shortcomings of those she visits Many good lessons are told in a way that will not give It is with pleasure we endorse the following observation from the Otta wa Journal Substitution of the maple leaf for the Dominion shield of arms on the Canadian edi tion of the British flag as suggested by the Ontario Historical Society seems to be a pretty sensible idea The maple loaf is really emblematic of i his country and would be conspicu ous on- a flag Tie other is a hodgepodge of feudal heraldic non sense which nobody understands and which on a ilagis a more unrecogniz able jumble of colors even at a short distance We want a Canadian flag can bo distinguished with tho naked eye i at A lit iV il I bi- IUUiUJl THE HEALTH PROBLEM Is much simpler than is sometimes supposed Health depends chiefly on perfect digestion and pure blood and the problem is solved very readily by Hoods You may keep well by taking it promptly for any stomach or blood disorder lis cures of scrofula salt rheum catarrh dyspepsia rheumatism and other dis eases are numbered by the thousands cathartic The favorite family Hoods Pills is Jli If he of ler by learn ing to swim with the aid of a raft July Yesterday lightning struck the of near killed bis twelve yearold daughter who was in lime A boy also a severe sboob but will recover The Bradford Witness is Conser vative and always has been but we give the editor credit for his rank remarks concerning the Hon Post masterGeneral which we herewith copy and hope our Reform friends will pass it around The speech of the Hon William Postmaster- with reference to the admin- ions I of the Post Office Department end delivered in the House a few weeks ago has been published for all chins cents a form and circulated throughout at all or constituency Though Co Toronto Covered ointment la Its Mr John Kelly la Trinity To ronto In an interview made the fol lowing verbatim statement I have troubled with In almost worst form for the past three year At times my back shoulder blades were literally covered with patches like water arid these with terrible itch ing on my put steep out of ihe tried various wellknown ointments mentioned and did every roeslble to but with little success I had frequently heard of Dr Chases Ointment but meeting- with no many disappointments I had not tried It Seeing the advertise ment one day concluded to get a box Using Dr Chafes Ointment I am like a new and properties pre simply marvel- am grateful to Ointment for the release from long Buffering Dr Chases Ointment a positive curd 1st Prize 2nd Prize old 3 yards 44tS months Old Baby i Natural and Fine Arts In Fine Arts works must be the production of the exhibitor Works that have received at any previous exhibition of this Society are disqualified from Competition this year In Natural History Sections and must be labelled with correct to eligible for prizes Named Collections in other Sections are desirable and will count In their favor when being judged but is not absolutely Committee of Management Mr J McKay Chairman tin and Messrs Curiosities Section Judged Sept Best Collection of Coins Best Collection of Postage Stamps in Album Best Collection Specimens General Collection of Curiosities Collection of Butterflies Moths and Insects 1st Prize 2nd Prize 5 Collection Birds and Collection Prepared Skins Birds and Animals Collection Dried and Pressed Botanical Specimens JliUUlt I rat iiviiillrrlh irHt 4 4 Collection South African War Relics and Curiosities labelled with history of each specimen if possible Special Cash Grant for each exhibit according to im portance and interest of exhibit 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 Class Fine Arts 18th Section fudged Sept Oil Painting scenery Oil Painting any subject Oil Painting on Plush or Velvet Oil Painting on Silk or Satin Oil Painting on China Oil Painting Animals Oil Painting Flowers or Fruit Water Colors scenery Prize 2nd Prize 5 6 fe 12 Water Colors animals Water Colors Flowers or Fruit Pen and Ink Sketch Pencil Drawing any subject Crayon Drawing Collection of Photos Collection Photos amateurs Vehicles and 100 100 100 150 100 Exhibit an For Sale That farm of lot on St vWllLimburr To about miles from containing acres of ate and In a floe of balance wood and pasture land ii outbuilding and fences bard and water all modern farm convenience TERMS of Mrs ntrca or to J WOODCOCK KstateAyem Committee of ManagementMr J Woodcock Messrs E Cane Lehman and Wesley Class manufactures Section Judged Sept 18th 1st Prize 2nd Prize Team Harness set Carriage Harness 1 set Single Buggy Harness sec 100 1st and 2nd in each of the above three sections given by Hon J Davis Single Coupe Harness Broad Back Band Assortment of Trunks and Valises 1st by Eli Aurora 200 Suite of Bed Room Furniture 2nd prize Evening Tele gram year 300 5 Sot of Dining Room Furniture Parlor Suite Sofa Chairs and Centre Table 500 Panel Door Door Frames and Window Frames with sash and shutters fitted thereto a Silver Plated Wa ter Pitcher given by J Son 10 Assortment of Horse Shoes hand made not less than on a background Aluminum Coal Oil Heater made by Manufacturing Co Toronto Assortment of Handmade Boots and Shoes not less than pair 300 Sewing Machine for family use Diploma Sewing Machine for manufacturing Diploma Organ Diploma Piano Diploma The Committee are authorized by the Board to make liberal Grants for Merchants Displays of toe following except Sec 19 Display of Dry Goods Display of Boots and Shoes Display of Groceries Display of Hardware Goods given by The Cane Sons Co Newmarket value 1000 Merchant Tailors Display Assortment of Stoves and Furniture 22 Druggists Display Collection of Office Furniture Collection of for Household Purposes carriages Committee of Management Mr T J Woodcock Chairman Messrs Cane Lehman and Wasley Class Carriages and other vehicles Section Judged Sept 1st Prize Farm Wagon Toronto Daily Globe year Platform Spring Market Wagon Single Buggy covered 1st and 2nd by Lehman Insurance Agent Newmarket Double Seated Carriage Wells Aurora and Society fl Democrat Wagon 1st by Andrew Wilson Cigar Manu facturer Box of Cigars valuer- 500 vaa jiVv Market Sleigh Class Implements Section Sept 1st Prize 2nd Prize 1 Best Collection of Plows Largest and Beet Variety of Agricultural Implements other than plows DO Notice to Creditors of AKSDDN Law of of the Country or York Is hereby pursuant that all tateof the Mid lUroidiHifxwttd are or the 1st Bay of August solicitor for the of lu MHtcu ihtlrclalmi nod of ihdr of ficcurlik If aoi by them duly ind tare that the aid day of will with of of the the having regard only to hose received Aurora Her Solicitor Dated at Newmarket July ID ID We Want Your Trade Vie Cant Do It jour work But We Can Do which is Itoport- you jus the life of your Shirts Collars Cuffs by our luUDdryln hero MOTTO If our work you tell your friends If pot tell NEWMARKET HAND LAUNDRY EMBURY DAY SCHOOL Public School Work or CLASSES pm for boys and Now your tUucation raodfrrAt J POLLOCK Witt YEARS EXPERIENCE c jl tub A feindifcljClMtTitfl tegMt Town Parting II Tumi done LoecNoiIc MILLAKO Forwlo at in

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