President QcnocsUtnnpffcr NEWMARKET- BRANCH A General Banking Business f Allowed on Deposits T DRAFTS AT XL American bought cold promptly fttlcndc4 to HOBS INBUItANGK J A for to Current f J J on iuid Isolate Town Tin flltoin and tho Children August tb Golden Text- for i Issuer or MARRIAGE LICENSES At at private If OF Simpson find Parte Scrohor of and Violin Tuner of fill String Instrument HAS tor all pconto for ones for jo poor poor on w for folks ana easy I very anxious to el Moaoy to i flrttotftfij effected on Lift Iournce pQllCIL3 by Davidson J Conveyancer A real following Insurance Liverpool and London and Globe Onion Standard Mutual Block Mount Albert NEWlViARKgT LATEST Monuments and Head Stones Call Ordering ft Allan duller the little children to come of such in the God Matt unto and them not IIKAllT dies of selfdenial but slays many class Verso J No christian men Jesus did not And the child familiar with the disciples Men graduate with honors who have mastered the infant degree The way to honor lies through the Valley of Humiliation Service to the infant is help to the Ancient of days The of the little child is a fatal transgression Sin is In the world hut woe to the man who causes A maimed is hotter than a deformed soul destitution of than destruction of life To lightly esteem Cuius child is to slight the angels The lost child nature Jesus illustrated and recovered Sheep May stray even as goats do The joy of recovery is than that of Verse Christs life of humility may completely of the earthly things heaven has its illustrations Regenerated need to turn to high ideals A The more truly a man is the more is he a man Jesus and are one in the world No sacrifice is loo to secure life To despise what Christ seeks is unwisdom of what is lost Illustrates Cods ways Things may lie that God lias not willed to he Verses questions may safely to Jesus the wisdom of He can explain Ikcause having he patience of Cod lie will make plain Hilled with the knowledge of God lie knows our frame Verses Jesus came to commend and illustrate gentleness He is called because disposition a lamh He evermore insists on obedience and humility He condemned all pride show selfsufficiency Verses The well being of the child nature is precious to Jesus lie rebuked disciples who hindered the children He the who would slop the childrens tem ple song He all the weakness and needs of child life Himself Verses Jesus declared that the believing child was dear to Cod Angels not only keep them hut are intimate with the father They arc only in the Kingdom hut among the Chief ones They are illustrations as well as members of Christ Verses To save the child nature is part Christs work The graces which the spirit imparls are childlike The rewards Cod will comes to the childlike The work of Christ and the will of Cod favor the child like Era Ottawa July This session has died year One by one the leaders have taken their departure while the rank and file two wceka past until the attendance have been dropping on In squads for hi the had become so small that frequently tVe House could have been counted had chosen to call attention to the Jack of a quorum AH things mundane must havu an ending however and even the fifth session of the eight Parliament is no exception The Senate has succeeded making itself prominent this week by Its ac tion in connection with more than one measure sent up from the Commons Notably was this the case with the hill to provide three ad ditional judges for the District of Montreal The Provincial Legislature of the Province had passed the neces sary legislation calling for the judici ary the bar of the Province and of the District had unanimously declared that they were necessary and the Government was simply following the requirements of the constitution in endeavoring give to the de mands of the Province but the Upper House took no account of all this they care nothing for the constitution nor the requirements of the public service hut threw out the measure be cause forsooth of boots mom it It in that Talk Mens Fine Lace Boots for Mens Fine Dong Lace Boots Mens Fine Box Call Lace Boots for Ladies Fine Dong Oxfords for WUcd for KortlWest New Ontario I I Look ft few of thorn Ladies Fine Dong Cloth Top Ladies Fine Dong Oxfords Mens Good Tweed Suits lor Mens Extra Good Tweed Suits for Mens Extra Fine Worsted Suits A and a I j JLj JLJ to ox- to Remain in Old The of an Old Money to At Iive cent farm by David for taking Kb- late A iccnt Conveyance Etc Also for the following of London sod rusirict Mutual in IBM for the Cn fed Aflaoclatton To ronto OunceOld Corner of Main nd Lot To Editor of the Having noticed considerable in your valuable paper concerning On tario I should like you to grant mo a small space to stale my views Some of my family arc living New Ontario and it is a good country for those who understand how to chop and clear land If the Government would pay more attention to get Canadians to settle in New Ontario and the Northwest in stead of sending the and green hands it would be much better for the country I see by the Globe thai Gov ernment get large salaries every year to get emigrants to go to the Northwest and they are no use there when they get out but have to kept like Indians after having their way paid If a Canadian out there lie lias to pay his own way and there is no gift to htm Our young men having found this out go for a while and then emigrants ask why not give the men understand work the first chance and keep Hie old country men here until they have learned how Government pays these agents as much and more than would get 100000 men of the right kind to start to make good farmers I have two sons in Manitoba and two in Rainy River District as well as a lot of friends in the Northwest and if they had half the chance that is given to the hey would soon make it a fine count It is like the new style of railroad The last time I was at I had to pay to ride to Toronto and now I see that can go and conn- hack for Si20 I live in North York and would like to see the trolley run to Sutton and It would we to the States- go from there as Wholocule retail sip a great boon to Newmarket and would sec you a little oflener came to his country in and I have seen some good crops but with the exception of hay which is a little light this year beats them all Fall wheat will go bushels to the acre 1 have been in the wild forest when the wolf would chase the deer in among the cattle and I threw at them I well remember the hardships we had to go through in this country and when I sec the fine times the young I men have now I almost wish I had life to live over again thess are the to send to the Northwest and to New Ontario 1 hope Mr and Mr Davis will bring the matter up in Parliament The country would save money by it and we would be a more thoroughly Canadian people Yours truly July 23 THEIR DIGNITY WAS HURT by remarks made in the Commons re specting their action If the represen tatives of the people in House of Commons desire to place beneficial legislation upon the statute books they must be more considerate feelings of the old gentlemen in the Senate Old age is often and he must remember this in future So to with the hill to reduce the postage on When Mr proposed to charge for the carriage of through the mail it was in view of the anticipated shrinkage in rev enue which must inevitably How the heavy reduction was to he made in the letter rates hut it was thiil as the finances of ic Depig ment themselves this ik would le reduced and probably in time removed altogether Hut mic jr two Tory newspapers in Montreal fig ured out that they would to any extent by the proposed reduc tion so instructions were the Tory Senators to throw out the bill and the instructions were faith fully Weakness is also one of the attributes of the advanced age and the Senators are evidently not ex empt NOT A FAKE It becomes more and more evident as the weeks go by that the endeavors of the Government to place upon the statute books sound and progressive legislation in Ih interests of the working classes are of the practical variety and not of the kind that we have ten too much accustomed to in he past much in evidence when there are voles to be caught hut of no practical benefit when it comes to be utilized The latest ex ample of this was the Wages resolution introduced the terGencral as acting Minister of Pub lic Works which provides That all Government contracts should contain such conditions as will prevent abuses which may arise from the subletting of such contracts and that every ef fort should be made to secure the pay ment of such wages as are generally accepted as current in each trade to competent workmen in the districts where the work is carried out and that this House cordially concurs in such policy and deems he duly of this Government to take immediate steps to give effect thereto It is here by declared that the work to which the foregoing policy shall apply in cludes not only the work undertaken by the Government itself hut also all work aided by grants of Dominion public funds That this is not simply a paper res olution Is clear from the fact that it has already been Incorporated into Government contracts notably that for the Improvement of St Andrews Rap ids near Winnipeg a work which was promised for years by the Tories but is- now taken up in earnest by the Lib eral Government ijs Accommodating ize for THE Factory Newmarket they promptly give farmers of Canada the benefit secured by Warden Plattes foresight in buying fibre The Governments action will save thousands of dollars to our farmers this year STOP AND THINK A MINUTE Accommodating prices for the Write for estimates Limited Notre Dame St Montreal P Bay St Toronto 1 Political economy is a most of us are not too well up in but there are some things so simple that an or dinary intelligence can easily grasp them The Tories are fond of shout ing that the Government has taxation because more money has been raised in the various lines of national revenue than heretofore any man who stops to think will see that a Government may reduce the rate of taxation and yet have a larger in come from taxation The two things are not at all inconsistent The Gov ernment cannot possibly control the volume of taxation All lhat they can do is to fix the rate and the people themselves settle how much they will pay as a total The reason why the people paid more in customs duties in than in is simply that they chow the latter year to import an enormously greater vol ume of dutiable goods The imports of the Dominion in amounted to j only whereas in they 1 amounted to They did I this voluntarily and notwithstanding the lowered scale of duties they of course paid a larger volume of taxes ANOTHER OF THE SAME SORT The Toronto Globe calls atten tion to another favorite Tory juggle when it observes Mr- George Foster deems it consistent with his standard of fairness and truthfulness to speak of the free admission of corn- twine and wire and the reduction on some other goods from the United States as if this was a favor which the Liberals gave to the United States Mr Foster and every person of ordinary intelligence knows that his reduction was made in the inter ests of the Canadian people and not as a favor to the United States Does not such readiness to try to a mispleading impression in order to help a weak case forfeit the claim to pub lic confidence of the men who stoop to use these tactics It is suggestive that in discussing the tariff Conserva tives nearly always regard some other consideration of greater import ALL SIZES As we are overstocked we will sell them for a short time COME AT ONCE I Of than the benefit to main result of the on goods is goods to our own the people The to give cheaper people Yet it is constantly spoken of by the Tories giving away something for which we got no tiling in return Wilzca per KAVANAOH Home- Houses to Sent Apply Two doors North Furniture Main A Flush Supply Twice a Ilcon t and Cured Meats on the A- trial will on- vmct Flour Hulled Corn Meal Salt Canned Corn Qaoi iud Honey Soap filled on the shortest notice Will ftt thousands have found a blessing to the body in Kings New Life Pills which positively cure Con stipation Sick Headache Dizziness Jaundice Malaria Fever and Ague and all and Stomach troubles Purely vegetable never gripe or weak en Only at drug store mil irn on a which by locointiv Quebec Hallway at lei rtiih line of Iowtr George a iviiu- ilia by dentally cutting 1111 artery in lib k In 1 Tuinn School pleaded to with piiii-r- ri car by hi- pup mid iih1 if yllrihmld Hi Iltll nun 1 he lint killed I had a tad cough years writes- of Iawnviile I To i tare for seventeen Hamilton No doctor or cotId cure it until vooted flurccoua J ago I to use Dr Kings New All doctors told Hamilton of for ffensumptioh which did West after morc months from Rectal FituU he would die unless a costly operation was per- stubborn Colds and Throat formed but be cured himself with troubles Positively cures Arnica Salve the best in the Consumption Pneumonia Grip World Surest pile cure on Asthma Hay Fever and Croup a box Sold by Trial A TUMBLE IN In of a big purchase of fibre made recently in New York at a greatly reduced price by the Warden of the Kingston Penitentiary and as the reports regarding coming harvest in Northwest are not too rea-ur- the Dominion Government liars de termined to give the farmers of Cana da every chance to buy their binder- twine this year at the prices which previous to the trouble in the Philippines The price of twine in small lots to the farmer has been placed at He per My a number of farmers clubbing together buying a lot they can get their twine for cents a pound and as the Northwest farmers are larger buyers than their eastern brethren a further reduction is offered them They get at pound and with an avorage freight rate of per hundred from Kingston on lots the west ern farmer is put in equal position for iwjiic with his eastern competitor These just fixed siet at rest Geo Taylors theories of j FIRSTCLASS Engine and Threshing Machine Outfit In rood The property of Wo iheprjtnIstOf Yon St or apply to box iDiulsct PO yw7 druggist bottles free at drug store A ftnd cases Of- Feed a Buldsr The the the fitomach the liver the Wdneya and can not perform their functions end repair watted llraue supplied with that deficient In qualities and or rater the organ to the of The Indication of thin watery Wool of the lip eye lids breath weakness of heart action and languid despondent feeling These symptoms are usually symptoms and injurious to use or stimulants Cure can be brought about gradually and by the use of Dr Nerve Food which contains in condensed form all the elements required strengthening and blood As a blood builder ana nerve restorative Dr Chases Is of inestimable- In form cents a box AH Your guaranty of good ness in a tire is the guarantee front the makers The tire is guaranteed against all defects of workmanship materials or design for one No other tire is guaran teed thus on all wheels without extra charge 1 SECtJRED Write for our boots Invent Jltlp dJ Hot you ore Seed us a roiigb or cocl your to- or I pro and von opinion successfully by We conduct fully offices us ly dispatch qukVIv Highest tenets FtttPtx procured through Marion Chirac in over diribultd ilirougbout Iht or uuarec ana MARION MARION Expert end liiiuiner School FROM JULY 3RD V Dominion Government ft an or in a bindertwine combiu Business College TORONTO excellent opportunity and flludenlA to enjoy a short I Shorthand and tuny enter and ftjmtid Sticks up Write on Sept AW Principal Toronto Compare the Era with any weekly for homo news