I f TJi -7Ar- A WW w connection with Meeting of next Circuit two will be held Grove at Patching fit followed by sacrament of the Lords Supper Mm of Colorado at by P panted W MM and of her Miss Manning relumed Magfe Winter of Monday were Visiting front Sutton they for three Brace after a rest on Mnllfaulfii Inland There will lo no vice In the next Sunday on ac count of Quarterly ton We notice I he of tlte machine Mr J KelliiKion mm- morning has an if berries and this Some in burg put up and ftO quarts A farmer or school teacher do not know oine stay with Mr and Mrs Many of our patronized to on Saturday ami report a trip of Miss from the Nor Hi West arc spending llieir vacation un der the parental roof Mr of a few days with Miss Lena Sennet Mrs J It Anderson of Omaha sis ter of Mis- J- also Miss TJndsay been a few weeks with Mrs Mis and daugh ter have a week with Mrs a visit from sister and family from Hie city this week There is finite Jot of among our Drapers little son has ton spending a few dayswith her mother Mrs J We regret to report serious ness of the past few days has attended Master Charlie oldest son of Mr Win Davis Cholera morbus is to lie the We al most wonder that some of our village youths are not afflicted in like man- tier when we behold them devouring those green apples Services in the Methodist Church here will dispensed with next Sun day owing to the Quarterly Meeting held in Mr Grove Kottleby Division larje watermelons on Saturday white the iob outside of- four on evening ever increasiiiR demand for Ice Cream at our Parlor lias already ne cessitated J extending his conveniences Misses Carter of Toronto are visit ing with their cousins at Mr Ramsays Miss Dales of bridge is the guest of her cousin Miss Dales Miss of Toronto Junction is rusticating with Mrs Miss Watson of Newmarket is visiiinK relatives in section Miss of is staying with her sister Mrs Geo CI tap pel Miss Gertie milliner is spending her vacation under the pa rental roof accompanied by her cous in McKinnon of Mrs J is spending a few days with her daughters in the city Mrs Belfry of Toronto was calling on her former friends this week Mr Phillip of and Mrs of Toronto called on their and sisterinlaw last week Mrs Hunter Perhaps your readers will not deem it out of place to that the above mentioned gentleman is the propriety of the raticli that Messrs Rains den and Jus Hunter who left here last spring working on He re ports that I lie boys are well and en joying their new occupation Mr Win has leased his farm for a term of years to Mr At tlte Re Cream Parlor on Satur day evening Samuel George and ice cream trio practiced con siderable selfdenial We think the reason was perhaps owing to Samuel having become noted during week a bicycle acrobat and mutton slay er While riding his wheel on Friday morning to work he ran into a flock of sheep and of course it he suimised better than told what ocevf- red The wheel stepped rather and Samuel went on about of a mile more or less much regretting life departure from the wheel In the meantime the wheel had taken to killing sheep dispersing a whole flock In short order Samuel feeling much shaken up after gathering up his shattered fragments decided to not exhibit again for a week Correction A letter from fctates that item about the ladies going for without anything to put them in in last weeks Era was told for fun but the correspon dent has anchored in the blissful lor of ignorance However too vatorV of Music Toronto give a service Collect ion at each in aid of the Quarterly Hoard lUoa tut many or ders for timlftr he has obliged to go to the bush and cut more logn I am Informed that a number of presume ntincer gal and County Committee were taking ineasurcmenls at over the river here That pro- means a new steel Consistency thou art Jewel and a very rare one indeed judging limited who posiss it It is not the best way of displaying ones christian xeat by criticising the purity of the motives of Hut then its easier preaching than practising The carpenters have finished for the present at Die school liouhc and now It is ready for brick work Mr Mori Chapman has the stone wall for an immense barn completed and- is now awaiting the It promise to be the this section Jealously is an evil passion which seems to pervade all creeds an classes society ft hurts but yet indi viduals will cherish it see one succeeding in business beyond themselves immediately the evil pas sion arises It seems to be particu larly rife among the newspaper fratiir- Now the Era has for years minding its own business steadi ly gaining in prosperity and returning good for evil Hut this very pros perity has aroused evil fovHngs in some of Hie lesser lights- of journalism in the county They occasionally spit out their in their local columns They remind me of a spores of dog the not much barm but aw fully aggravating The old Quaker after vainly chasing his hat which the wind was can away stopped a lad ami Inquired Art thou a profane lad I amy replied the youtlr Then dam that hat the moneys worth observed tlto Quaker handing him a quarter Seems to me if Hie Era man were to adopt a similar course be would find halm for his wounded soul and teach the Evad er Recorder the Economist the Express and such ilk a healthy lesson Miss Nettie the dress maker daughter of Willie has recently returned from the Son where been with relatives for some months Now if you would real I like to know Miss is one of our most attractive and charming young ladiesquiet but good as gold Apples till apples the 1st of Aug 1 apple a JJen Davis Saturday Charlie harvest apples on sale The prodigal pug has resumed his prodigality When he returns he will find no welcome La Charlotte is still in for fashion She is now wearing glasses for style though her vision is keen enough to discover the that produce the summer outing craze J presume in future when Tommy he come again On bad a last years sound as a On Sinclair bad fine Hill Hit con tour Atkins takes his Happy Davy will say So help me Hobs Hi II Huckleberry Hill and Raspberry Titles of honor and distinction for red by his honor the Owl on well known local celebrities Win Jerusalem Win Baldwin and J Johnston a resident of this section years ago but now of time North Dakota writes to friends here of bis intention to to spend the remainder of his life in old York The latest word from the invest iga- tors of the Baker Instate to the heirs is that they are withirig reach of it Madam thinks if were that nigh make a big grab is in splendid health and Rao Agent tor Em and etc for all kinds of printing promptly A large excursion from came to Point week ago last Wednesday Misses Johnston who been on an x tended visit with parent returned to Woodstock last week Kay of was in village last week and took part In the match Newmarket and teams played here on Wednesday week Score Newmarket Sutton The members of the of Sutton were Invited a picnic at residence of Mr and- Men Cane Orchard Beach a of whom attended The visitors were hospitably and the after noon was spent very pleasantly The day was exceedingly fine and the tea table was lie on the lawn laden with good tltmgs after partaking of which a pleasant sail on the waters of the bay was taken previous to re turning hot A special car came tip here Tuesday with some of the railway officials Miss Mabel Moore almost met with ail accident in attempting to board the train when in motion Rowdyism and profanity arc almost exclusively the outcome of liquor drinking Slop that practice and we a people will have a much better claim to the name but the rule with us is lo condemn row dyism ami foster the cause that pro duces it The Sunday Schools of Keswick Methodist Ml Pleasant Presbyterian and Methodist had an excur sion to Hay Point and Jbirrie last Tuesday per steamer My the press see that Mr Townley well known in Sutton was married last week to Jennie Wright The mauv friends of Mis relict of the late III Hentley will learn with sadness of her death which look place at the residence of her son- inlaw Dr on Thursday July Deeply also to learn from the press of the death of the lies and Mrs Powells youngest daughter Gertrude aged months Mrs Allan of Caro Tuscola Co Mich is here on a I wo months visit with her cousin Mrs J Mrs Allan is a daughter of Air Huntley now deceased a resi dent oT corgi over forty years ago and will be remembered by the older inhabitants Mr Geo Kay who has spent some months in the Sudbury District on geological Work came home on Tues day but leaves again on Thursday for Sic Marie having ten engaged on the geological staff with the who are doing an immense business both scientific and practical Miss- McLaren is visiting at Hie Her mitage She is a cousin of the fa mily Our sidewalks are undergoing re pairs which were much needed Miss Nellie Hawkins has lo employment in the city it is good for the ladies are not guilty of all the habits of men there would be a most marked degeneracy of the race Miss Gertie and Iter brother Frank spent Untday at Ml Albert Mr Michael of Chicago a brother of Mrs and a for mer resident of Sutton many years ago is at present on a visit herd with his sister and her family He r Em tkt0mwt Mr Bragg High School from at It Rowlands The team had a game with the kids Friday night score to A Kent leman friend Ik visiting tliO Misses Mrs and children from are at J Miss and Porter have after a lengthy vsit in New- Maple MORTON PARK The at the House at present arc Mr nd Mrs A Lee Mis Olive Miss Lou Miss Jessie Miss Maud Miss Mrs Wilkinson Mfs and fa mily Miss Dr and Mrs Mrs Drown Mr and Mrs las Inwards Mr J Ro gersall of Toronto Mr and Mrs J Hill of New York Mr mid Mrs of Newmarket Those having cottages are Mr and Mrs Watts and family Mr and Mrs Edwards and family and Mrs Anderson and family Everyone stems to he thoroughly enjoying themselves There are the usual number of guests as other years o Too for last week is Sim J tailor the Era at this is agent place for I Jerry picking is all the rage here present with exception of the fanners who busy with their har vest Miss is a guest of Mrs Jacob Cook at present Miss Cain is visiting at Mr this week The Mennonite laliernacle meetings are drawing large crowds every day A large attendance is expected on Sun day It being Hie event of their quarterly meeting when the or dinance of feet- washing etc will observed The League Ice Cream Social on Tuesday was well attended The town hand furnished the music for lie occasion Mr Stove of Hotel Toronto is the guest at the Zephyr House lieard some and Craig years a in Mr Hills tan- fellow- workman with and others of that DOG TOWN As the Hound has been away eating Dog Town has not been from lately has ken busy drawing in their wheat this week Threshing is now hie order of the day Mr George is making pre parations to bo rsio The Misses at the Lake Aril reports crops gc in Ireland Mrs Sunday last with Mrs Gen White is at the Lake Mr John Stephens a brand new thresher on lie irud now so will expect good work season Robert Howl and has a fine colt Who were two young fellows that got caught in the storm Sunday evening while inking their best girls out for a boat ride ORCHARD BEACH has added a lite north side Rev McDonald wheeled up from his charge in for a short visit at home this week J A very pretty wedding took place on Tuesday 21tlr of July at moya island when Miss Maggie Stocks who is a sister of Mrs A Brace was united to Thos Craig of River The bride very prettily attired in white widows so he tells me One of A it and the tern contradicted ladies Kd wish Try the Era for inoatu25c grandpaps good pints is he very sel dom is heard lo speak ill of Ins neigh bor Note Published by special re quest The fragrant aroma of cooking ber ries that pervades the atmosphere these days tells of luscious goodies for win ters grub The raspberry crop is about garner ed The terries were and fat this season- A little female trimmed with real lace was giv en away by her eldest brother She was attended by Miss Maud Hay while the groom was supported by-It- Fleming The ceremony was per formed by Rev A J Brace assisted by Revs A Brace and T Barlow after the strains of the Wedding March had ceased After congratulations of nearly IPO guests dinner in a romantic rustic booth on Rev J A Rankin commodious veranda to of his cottage Mr J E Dickson is erecting a new cottage with large front overhanging veranda Mr May is the and of course it will be done right Tliis makes the fifth new cottage on the Lake Shore this summer following were guests Lloyd over Sunday Mr and Lloyd Mrs Roche Mrs A Cane and Mrs Photographers Mr Smith Smith Bros Newmarket will be Beach and Roachs Point of At on of next Engagements the lawn and the inevitable snap- opinion If people shot the happy couple amid showers would consult their own interests rice started oil on the Mackinac sell their produce to the highest bidder trip The great popularity of on the market theyd have more couple was evidenced by the great money to their purses wilt number of beautiful gifts of love from Sharon was on thejseuted market Monday and got a square deal Rob the wellknown thresher has a hangup traction engine says she can climb any hill in King A good Rev Percy was in this burg on Monday On Saturday night after work had ceased Yates saw mill came near a goner broke out In CHRONIC INDIGESTION By far the most important pari of digestion takes place in the and it is folly to expect stomach medicines to cure a severe case of in digestion or dyspepsia The kidneys be- liver and bowels must first be made the regular and active and the only room but willing hearts and which acts directly on those averted the ration Loss is Dr Chases trifling The chemical did good are purely vegetable act plea- made at Davisons Grocery will prompt attention Mr of Sutton accompanied five ladies over hero last Fri day lo spend the day with Mrs Cane Dr and Mrs Wesley ami Mr Mrs Manning spent Sunday at Morton Park Mrs H Millard and daughter Miss Edna of are spending a week here with Newmarket friends Mr A A Ramsay insurance agent of Newmarket spent a few days last week the guest of Mrs Roe Mrs Meyers and children of Newmarket are also summering at The Snuggery Couniry store office convenient to Now market attacbed Almost Go QtKidgl4blo For further particular apply A HON TOST OFFICE service The Owl It pays to the Era and naturally and positively cure dyspepsia biliousness and stom- troubles One pill a dose J cents a box take no substitute Will by up to August for position of of bo School to ftt rouah a 6 J tnryi WHAT IT Into j Si- BUSTER OH SCALE STOP LEAKS AIM LAST A LIFE HARDWARE PAINT A OILS ETC NWS i f lAlAlAlAiAjA iaAA j I Built Wear Bight The wiil be held Newmarkets Holiday Wednesday Aug Good for Two to Niagara Falls and Toronto yQFpicc of the Oar work Us It the very we can plfCii we mi in lo Just If you nicety fin mat trials to ttave your with trg my Tailor Fire tea xo m Special Cera have been chartered to accommodate to en by oclock Beat at a by oclock will t wnvenicnc of Aurora people Two Special wilt start from here thus any crowd tot that other occur GlN be at Toronto on arrival of the or can return any tegular Boat or Car not later tban Thurs day August the FOR THE HOLIDAYS Photos Styk3 od at th a the Litest Prices Tu Niagara Falls Adulis Children Cabinet at dozen- To Toronto Adults Children 40c nt dozen 1 Crayon and Water Colors Poriraits Pictures and of all kinds made to A SPECIALTY Hill Fore from Richmond Hill So Niagara Fill Reoru year ihe over ELECTRIC From Fin Scenery aa any iii can bo en bo purchased of be or tit A Bran- ions Parlies desiring to go to Buffalo can secure at the Bridge P J FRED J HUG HE 1 Chief of Newmarket Fire Committee Fop at a Bargain House and Stable on alio loUadjoinln Enquire Office IPOS SALS Lamp Lost the Hon Mr Friday July Finder nill at That desirable lot on toothy Street known Old Church site the Town For further apply GBAHAfV Newmarkets Civic Ilollday the ie Grand will For holiday tt at Slnglo Faro to Toronto ail Do- Ft Huron Bridge end North Bay ffOlrir by pm on Aug for retutn imttt and all Inforination from Grand Trunk Hallway Union J Toronto At once a general servant for family three No or trot tog Ten doll per month Apply promptly WILLIAMSON It Ave Toronto Farm for Sale of am i under Ittnc and and In ftieo Tower Unless Toronto alibis office until the flrtt JuJy a all ii G architect notified tbal vlll Dot bo wade ihe printed actual Ely nature Each leortJ be by flti fie- west of lot l King of acres in of ttaeairiistr of excellent state of tolOp For apply of will be forfeited if enter Into aoootractvhtacllt ROGERS J A North York License District Notice la hereby that appllcatioo to the of aboyo for a transfer of the Tavern Wceqec of of eaotKor1 Toronto v27 or if be fall to complete wort Cuimu Pl od for tender be not Hie The Deparoicjitdo not ac cept the or any tender outer of Public Works of Canada OlUffdJuiy advert I tncDt without bo paid for la liiroeatool v faircdM fr fcocwd lit f JfXiUl ccd W Mtefnt nMt iisiitfcaiV