Newmarket Era, 3 Aug 1900, p. 8

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THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY AUG rtnTi X Ki lo thftt ho I J torxdd of Inactive More serious tropica follow For prompt cur llcedaclto and liter pais- rouso full fiction they do not or pain do not internal organ but positive effect fttalldraeRlsUorbyrDailOt Hood Co Lowell fltUTotR Pieiin-KiUer- A Itself Stapler Safe and Curo for DIARRHOEA COLDS And DO J OF PERRY Our fee returned If fill Anyone and of any Invention will AND COP WOltTljy sTOUFFyiLbK The race for the Canadian Cycle Motor Co Trophy attracted a crowd of over two thousand people to town Saturday evening There wore throe starters Hare and- At kinson and the course was flvc miles on the road and five miles on the track After going hut a short dis tance Atkinson retired leaving the other two to fight It out Hare was in the lead until within yards of the finish when by a mag nificent spurt passed him and finished about a yard ahead The last race of the series for the trophy takes place Saturday evening but the result of it cannot niter the standing of the contestants as is a sure win ner of the cup now The will of the late Mrs Elizabeth Ford of Toronto has been filed for probate Mrs J J of vlllc of the deceased receives out of the estate MOUNT To coon Theyll I Miss Smith of Newmarket and Mis of arc visiting at the homo of Mr Stokes Messrs Jones of Berlin July The have been bus driving piles to says the address- prove and strengthen the dam at the fog the troops at before Mount Albert woollen mills they sailed for China said Crops looking well in this since the recent rains Barley fall wheal and rye are being harvest ed and all promise a good yield At the recent entrance exams the following pupils from this locality were successful Everett Hayes Alice Storey Clarence Toole and Mary Shields from Mount Albert Milton Arnold George be Foe John Pickering and Picker ing from Zephyr King of Italy Assassinated Children for patent cnl upon to Obtain fate its Mcwcd lie of without charge In tub ufi fidvtiHscd for our taken out through revive on widely circulated by for copy Addict CO Patent Attorneys WASHINGTON v BRADFORD 11 The Leading Specialists of America Years In 25QO0OGure3 WE CURE STRICTURE of J Ilivy J pains fit la la iirvanp the big of iUUK you by cutting or you This will not will luxo Our absorbs no return No palo no no front by our Xbo are thobtl3oCin2nboodrtur SECURE SLEET young and roco having vigor continually tapped tfw- frequently unconscious Unnatural Fall ing ileui at time Smarting with dark circle On Sunday night about in the sud denly dim find to ili were likely to go out Mr A Thompson in the absence of Mr J A went to matters at the acetylene gas works and to put in a fresh supply of carbide if found necessary Not thinking that there would sufficient gas left the gen crater to do any mischief Mr Thomp son hi hand a lamp Op opening the generator however he dis covered to Ids discomfiture- his mis take hut too laic to escape the con sequences- The gas escaped with a great and immediately ignited the result lacing that Mr Thompson was seriously burned about the face and neck In fact the wonder is that he was not blinded in both eyes His face is much swollen and and of necessity he will be confined the bouse for a few days It was a nar row escape frof more serious results which would have undoubtedly fol lowed had an explosion taken place Witness Italy Monday July King has been assassinated lie was shot here last evening by a man named and died in a few minutes The- King had been attending a dis tribution of prizes in connection with a gymnastic competition lie had just entered his carriage with his aide- decamp amid the cheers of the crowd when he was struck by three revolver shots fired in quick succession One pierced the heart of his Majesty who fell back and expired in a Tow minutes The assassin was Immediately ar rested and with some saved from the fury of the populace He gave his name as describing himself of in Tus cany The task before you is a great onc That a people like the Chinese should cast to the winds international rights a thousand years old and treat with scorn the sanctity of an Ambas sador and the rights of hospitality in a manner so horrible is unprecedented in history of the world Every civilization not founded on Christian in sure to bo brought to nought So end you out May you all prove your German efficiency devotion and bravery bear Joyfully all discom fort and uphold the honor and glory of our arms You must set an ex- of discipline selfdomination and selfcontrol If you close with the enemy remember this Sparc no body Make no prison rs Use your weapons so that for a thousand years hence no Chinaman will dare look as kance at any German Open the way for civilization once for all- July Burt Davidson aged IX of late of drowned hero yesterday while playing on raft w Do you think of ra If you do write THIS SUMMER J LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get prices of Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match f Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows AH- J bant Artistic Effet in Inside Woodwork A Children Cry for CAST We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottlo Dr Wills English Ijlis of contenes of bottle do not relieve Constipation ami Headache- We al so warrant that four bottles will per manently the moat obstinate case of Combination Satisfaction or no when Wills English Pills are used Lehman Druggist Newmarket J Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Out night bout nine p fire out in Mr factory dentroyd Iosf is estimated at dollar partly covered in- origin of tot un- Tin will of of who two wo for Ho loft a acre farm worth ami in It willed to ihe widow with the ion of which to Wot Stokes of OWES TO THE t STOMACH PURITY TO TUB LIFE TO THE LUNGS Sag Weaving W inform public be bus on and that ho Celebrated Co- Loom all JUlatC to date and that be do Beet Work in Call and ace Send your raa In in for the of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET Qfwr was on Tuesday I I inayboUiO doctors as bite o in to you Our MBit TREATMENT will Mil you for ft tato w for una CURES GUARANTEED Wo treat and f UNNATURAL KIDNEY anil BOOKS If call ffriW for QUESTION BLANK for HOME TREATMENT ik I Cor Michigan Ave and Shelby St- DETROIT MICH Curbs arid All Forms of Lameness Yield to KMortfbTlIji Worta of cares utnUallf fif An liniment for Ototij it bis WHl 1 1 KM DAM OR J fc got lme lieu ol ot lime cook him to tonouiic0 titcult ftpftvjndgTOme fcopfl JUioughlrtiillrfDihrpWjitr TbllmcdflOUtteri AIUT CO to ttlglitot old thecw jouftooViard I be- iiZ to Bd pil1 Uriel vrdlDK Be fore bottle iiftd fttdMttaUivmbbotit fttottl jdt bono oiavietiT nd without oh r 1 ito horse good dldtom light orit with leg to It to work the txl toy ontlro o ny ilionu ummr but ft ft to on It Etuv A the book txtt or ftddrew storm Tues day the biros of Mr Con struck by and loses crop of peas which were in the barn The loss the building in about Wo under- stand was partly in sured A rjiiKt but pretty hi lid in Tiily at the of and Mrs Alias Carrie Dnni of was to Mr Alfred Hay store at Fort were Miss sister of Miss Florence Leonard Toronto whs support by Dr J J Wilson of The bride looked charm ing in silk with lace and satin trimming and in a of white The were in white s lace and satin trimmings and in their bands of pink roses man in ye was preformed by Rev of Toronto cousin of the bride The numerous and costly which were re- by bride testified to the esteem ill which was held by her many friend The wedding march was played by Aliases cousins of the of s lbs bridal party entered the draw ing room which was artistically rMtd with flowers After a sumpt uous wedding breakfast the donned ft pretty gown of blue cloth with white silk bride and groom left by the eve- train from for and and eastern cities thence to their home at Fort Francis presented the bride with gold watch and gold pins and baby Dennis Lionel Winto at Winnipeg Winnipeg July Sat urdays demonstration in honor of the arrival of their the Gover norGeneral and Lady was on on a scale of magnificence the history of Winnipeg They were met at the depot by bis Honour the LieutenantGovernor the Mayor and members of the Council and awaiting them were thousands of people drawn up ia line pro cession was the longest ever seen in Western Canada and the streets tvtro simply glazing with thousands of electric light ar- in artistic designs and patriotic leg of welcome Fully fivetbous and people were in line when the start from he station was and- the first halt was at the monument in front of the City ball where in of myriads of coloured City Clerk read an ad which was briefly replied to by bis The procession then went on and at Government house where from the ami watched a grand in of the huge R Chinese the centre of many excit ing scenes in China just now is one of the largest cities of the empire having fully inhabitants It July The Cot City which arrived from afternoon reports that the steamer Florence was Inst in and that forty of one hund red and fifty of thone aboard drowned The Florence left Daw- ton for on July and passengers bed probably one hundred thousand dollar in gold Farmers who apple this year will make money aya Wood whose farm and residence are the town of Carlton Orleans ly Ho just sold bis apple crops on the trees for four thousand to parties in Chicago Wood that tho app crop thru- out the lakeside in Orleans and and Niagara counties will be immense He also stated that are line and prospects for A large crop were never better Wilson On Tuesday afternoon between and oclock the barns to Mr Mead on the concession of Markhum were by liphtning audhurneduo The ten- ant of iho farm Mr Levi lost all the contents including about tons of hay implements cutters tip Air places bis loss at about while the on the buildings will amount to about The buildings were insured for fiOO there was no insurance on the contents 11 Subscribe for the Era and get all the Homo News Pills are necessary but not nice Cathartics are not confections The fewer pills that you take the better Its aggravating to take pills that dont and pills that wont Its soothing to know that when you take a pill its the pill that will do the work for which taken S is the port and on with a gold bracelet May their the- tortuous- and muddy river married life be one of unalloyed eightythree miles below and and prosperity Is to il tis noil All Me A A Chatham young man named Fred was drowned iug at Rondeau Lake Erie Over men are engaged on the rebuilding of the Eddy Companys premises at Hull Children Cry for CASTOR I A Mrs Coo wife of Mr Coo of London was badly Injured on Fri day evening by the explosion of a can bottle fitled with boiling sjrup her face and bands se three hundred and thirtythree miles above the forts at the mouth of the river The province of Chi Li in which both are situated is a vast lowlying plain li able to floods of more or less severi ty literally means vens ford The walled city proper has a circuit of only three miles but the suburbs stretch out beyond the ramparts for miles In every direction and harbor the greater part of the population 4 summer Colds for lsu are noted for hanging on They weaken your throat and lungs and lead to serious trouble them g5 Take Scons Emulsion at once It soothes heals S and cures gs J July Benjamin years old is from mental derangement believed to have been caused by cigarettes He is and lives with pat ents For years he has smoked two or three paokages of a day- When take- to the police station it was thought he was suffering delirium tremens Imagined himself a snake charmer and display- id large enacts which be took from hi pocket Since reason gave way by has no taste for cigarettes and will not a Grand Trunk fire man met with a terrible death here today This half day off duty and he was engaged in some operations near the car borundum works Becoming thirsty he went into the while standing near the reduction pots placed his band some portion of the machinery and received the full vol of electricity used to pro duce carborundum a substitute for emery was killed in an instant A fur and hide buyer called at the Bank and asked for worth of coppers He was band ed a bag which he put away without opening it up and went on to stopping for the night at the House- During the night he was awaken by some person break ing open the door of his room and discovered Constable Clark of who demanded the bag of coppers The buyer wis quite and over the coppers at same time- informing the smart constable that it was a wonder he did not shoot as he had a revolver A moments reflec tion brought Clark to his senses and he discovered what a narrow escape he had had The clerk in the bank had handed out a bag of sovereigns of The ihaea- to reward buyer to accept- have gained a reputation for their sure results The pill that will is For all liver troubles diseases of the stomach and bowels sick headache biliousness and heartburn Dr Pills have proven a- specific and they as they have cured thousands of others whose matter of record Cure Book is sent free by Dr J C Aver Lowell Mass Send for it if you want to know more of the power of these pills than is proven in the following testimonials 1 suffered nearly all my life with bowel complaints enduring much pain and I tiled almost all the cathartic remedies advertised without obtaining relief I Cathartic Pill The result obtained from the use of these pills wonderful- They not only gave immediate relief but a permanent cure C STODDARD Delhi 1 for some time with liver trouble My back ached and my turned as yellow as saffron became unable to do any work and at last was confined to my bed too lb move without assistance I commenced toe use of Pills and less than half a box cured me I good health to I am never without have tied Tills with results for constipation I find that do not gripe nor purge but do give relief CHARLES WHITE J cur Go 11 have used Ajer fills and them to all other market I tbem In home In cass of emergency and at my wife of I found for hi 1 A City vUv J A ii fJtw I

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