Newmarket Era, 10 Aug 1900, p. 2

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i l THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG to L Bummer Co Mill Haddock Voters Lloyd Farm to Stray J of Haines Co Toronto to Mm TIME TABIiE North Toronto j am SS9 pm 5BP2 CO pm S22 pm Return Fare cither way 120 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Division So If I Pi ft O a J to El it Tito probability of a general election in the near future liari caused jjq- to prepare usaial campaign literature A despatch Halifax that Hon A J Jones was duly an Lieut Governor of Nova Scotia on Tuesday last Mr J J Clerk of the Privy Council went down to the Provincial capital Hie appointing lion Mr to take part In the Certs monies inducting him into office July Issue or midsummer num ber of the Home Needlework Magazine is now mailed to number contains pages of most Interesting and tlvo reading on Old Embroideries Drawn Work in Color lessons in Em broidery and much useful in formation to lovers of art needlework It also contains a number of color plates Sent on rcccopt of cents k Company St Johns P This time the news of an election to the Commons comes by of Mon treal Conservative journal- giv ing currency to a rumor that during the month of October I ho Gov ernment will dissolve the present Par liament and go to the The whole story in based on the fact that the three Minister now in Palis will nail for Canada on August If the rumormongers keep right on guess ing from month to month will hit upon the dale or later As an outcome of the of he Executive of the Association for organization an even ing city paper prophesies a general election on October Idabotit two hence Or A OS LEIB UP I BUT BBIOOTBB Yh Pointed all FRIDAY AUG JO 1900 Hot as Large- as Stated Ontario Held for the Sura of But the Dominion Owes the Province on which it pays five per Half- yearly From There is a serious inaccuracy in the which has been made to the effect the Province of On tario has been mulcted by three Referring to the constitution of the Canadian Senate as foreshadowed the provisions of the British North America Act when the measure was being discussed in the Imperial Parlia ment John Bright made a prophetic declaration in regard thereto which the people of today find has come too true The observation of dis tinguished statesman is recalled by the Toronto Star Mr Bright said 1 venture to that the clause enabling the and his Cabinet to put seventy men in that life inserts in to the whole scheme tho germ of a mal ady which before long will require an alteration of this act and of the con stitution of this new confederation Oar Society was here was Terrell of this week Mr Ed friends in Miss Is home from Toron to for her holidays Mr Brock of Toronto spent over Sunday in Town Two lady visitors with Mrs Low on Sunday Dr spent Sunday with friends in Miss Donovan of Detroit is visit- awards of the arbitrators respecting aunt Mrs Silver the disputed accounts between the Bo- Gertrude Millard has gone to minion and Ontario and in for a few weeks sum of The awards Miss Lottie has been Visit- have just been decided on are the re- the City the past week Miss Mabel visiting in city for a couple of weeks Miss Ella Cody left for yesterday for weeds holidays Master Wideman of spent a few days with Mr Watson Mrs A attended a homegathering in last Mon day Mr Jr and family spent Thursday of last week at the Lake Mr of Toronto son pi Mr Hughes on Niagara over Sunday in town with relatives Mta Rev of To ronto and of Bceton are visiting at Mr Mr and- Mm Stevens and also a friend wcro visiting at Methodist Parsonage over Sunday Mrs Br Scott and Douglas left for Trenton yesterday for a visit of a of weeks with her parents Miss Pearl Fletcher spending the summer with her sister at Man Mr John spent a week at the Lake and had remarkable having caught lungo and bass Mr and Mrs Fred of To ronto spent Monday last brother Mr Prospeit Ave Mr of Toronto a former employee on the Era was calling on old friends last Satur day Mrs Martin mother of Mr Martin and her daughter and children of Toronto spent Toronto Civic Holi day here Mrs Mrs and etiitdten arc spending holidays with Mrs J Cane at Mr and Mrs and Allan are home from their trip to Quebec and are now at the Lake for a week or two Mr Herb Bale of Toronto who lias been camping for a week at Wil cox Lake spent Saturday with Mr- Edgar Jackson Mrs on the of Whitchurch was taken seriously ill inflammation on Sunday but is improving now Mrs Bostwick of Detroit and her daughter Mrs Adair of Toronto have returned to city after visiting Mrs Lehman and other friends in this vi cinity P and family of passed through here for Sut ton on Tuesday to spend a month Mr Keam and Rev Mr Brace are ex changing pulpit work Ten or a dozen members of the Executive Council of tho Ontario Col lege of Pharmacy in session at Toron to took a trip up the electric line to Newmarket on Tuesday and took in lb sights of the Town Mr Fred represented New market Camp at the Grand Encamp ment in Hamilton this week and Mr J Hughes represented Pyramid Lodge at the Odd Fellows Grand Lodge at the same city Mrs Culvert and daughter of forth Is visiting Mrs Hewitt for a week or two Sadie Watson is also here and Miss Olive Watson is ex pected today The Misses Watson leave on Monday for Parry Sound to visit airs Adair Times Mr Thomas Watson of sailed up from Roachs Point on Monday with Mrs- Watson and joining Mr Tipping and party enjoyed a day on the Sev ern Mr Watson had onlytime to shake hands with a few of his old friends Mr Isaac Silver of took in the Fire Brigade Excursion and spent the day old friends We hear that Mr Silver has gained great popularity as a business man during his residence in that Town and that he has been requested to run for the Mayoralty next election Hope he may win the honor Toronto Mm iVW I Affairs in China suit of figures given by the three Gov ernments at a sitting of arbitrators held on June last at Montreal Un der the award of the arbitrators the total liability of Ontario is on current account This repre sents transfers from the Province of Canada account including payments made by the Dominion to the Indians of Lakes Huron and Superior and al so amounts paid by Ontario to the Dominion on account of Ibe Common School Fund It should be under stood however that while Ontario has been held liable to the Dominion for the amount of the Do minion the Province on which it pays per cent half yearly The first award relating to the Huron and Superior Indians is for which includes being an upon capitalization sum for all time of a yearly amount of This sum of 5318000 Is charged to the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec jointly and forms part of the balance of found due on account of the Province of Cana da in the following proportions To Ontario to Quebec total Therefore the liability of Ontario on account of all matters brought be fore the arbitrators Is included in the sum of and this is whole extent of the liability against Ontario under the awards The lia bility is discussed fully in the report of the Royal Commission on the finan cial position of Ontario laid before Legislature at its last session The full text of the award is expect ed to be made public shortly We have just received a copy of tjie Canadian Year Hook for 1900 It is by Mr Alfred Hewitt To ronto at a cost of each It is illustrated with prominent Canadians gives the named of Canadians who are serving in South Africa and dates of all events in connection with Use There is also the Re vised Taiifi Postal in forma- Miss Pre lie Is visiting friends in the city for a couple of weeks Mr Millard and family spent a of days week at Orchard Beach and Mrs J Doty of To ronto were visiting J on Monday Mr and Mrs of spent Monday with Mrs Tim othy Street Mrs Isaac of Toron to is spending a few days with friends In Newmarket Mr and Mrs of Toronto and Mr Herbert spent a few days with Mrs Miss Hetty Bradley of Toronto is visiting Mrs Low fur a couple of weeks Miss Hancock of Toronto spent a few days this week with Miss Simp son Main Street Mr A Franks of Toronto spent Sunday and Monday- with bis Mr Low Mr J McKay and family ex pect to camp at the Lake for the next week or two Misses of Toronto are spending a couple of weeks vacation hero and Several people the Civic Holiday at Bonds others on Miss A Hewitt- of- Toronto was of Miss Lottie Brown ham Street the past week- Mrs St Aug Gen reports that in addition to burning the Russians tin town of Hilar on July after defeating Chinese and killing than sic of them Many of the who plunged into the to avoid pursuit were report that committed suicido without The North China rhat he has to the throne for has his baggage to leave the city Tien Aug Via Shanghai Aug This morning at daylight six teen thousand allies attacked the Chin ese at and forced the enemy from the trenches of which the for eign troops are now in possession The attack was made at daylight on Sunday The Chinese occupied a strong position They had deep trenches heavy breastworks and loop- holed houses The allies advanced in the face of ft hot fire For seven hours the made a most stubborn resistance Then the foreign troops rushed the position and the Chinese were swept from The losses the allies were very heavy According to an Express telegram from Tientsin the total losses of the allies were estimated at between and i000 men i Quebec Aug lias reached here today from St Marie Beauce of a terrible accident which place there on Friday which resulted in the instant death of a young girl years of named Mary Her shiyera name is Alexander Milady the 12yearold son of John Milady black smith It appears that the boy wasj during the absence of his parents playing with a loaded gun and thru curiosity looked Monday vriifi hottest day r city for year At in the afternoon record at Ob- dograea A permit nan been Issued to too Grand Trunk for the erection of fltation on the north side of Queen cast at the railway crossing coat to bo about wan a Grimsby and at Park mat Ho lectured there on Monday evening Referring to Cen tury Fund Dr stated that it bad already passed the mark and has every confidence that it will roach the million dollar figure bo- fore the specified A committee of the Ontario Liber al met foe organization on Friday evening last The hat and ooat found at Queens wharf Friday belong ed to Dean Aged 74 The body was found during the day not far from the wharf It was a case of sotoido He has been de- some weeks and stated to hie landlady tbnt no wished death would como demise of Mr J J Wi throw who held the position of President of Toronto Industrial Exhibition for on Sunday from cast a gloom over a circle of friends in this city Ho waa born in Toronto in and baa boon an active busy man alt hie life uniform court probity and industry him one of Torontos men The excursion to Chat ham on Saturday was well attended named Wood worth lost hid life while bathing at Saturday Nixon whn who was phot at home time by a jeal ous was to the city last week is now in St Michaels Hospital where an operation will be performed next week by the use of the rays to locate the bullet The city papers dont to know that North York has a three days show at least up to Wednesday the date has not been given among their fair announcements The Industrial in this city opens on the Premier Ross will touch the electric button and do the opening honors this year All the de partments except horses judging from the entries made will be fully up to last year During July there were prisoners discharged from the jail Of these were males and 34 females of tho total were committed for drunken ness The will of McKenzie formerly of Sutton was filed for probate Tuesday The value of the property is of which is left to Francis A Anderson cousin of the deceased and the remainder goes to Charlotte Edith Mallock daughter of the deceased who is ap pointed executrix Tremendous crowds left the city on the Civic Holiday both by steamer and rail Dr who was with the Can adian contingent in South Africa sail ed from Liverpool on Thursday Aug and is expected- borne Saturday night o A big storm at Cornwall Tuesday Tremendous Purchase of Enormous Slaughter Sale Remnants When in Quebec a few days ago we picked up several cases of remnants We bought these goods at our own price and will make a quick clearance at about half regular prices 1200 yards- of Extra Heavy Factory Cotton in lengths of from to yards well worth per yard pick any length you want at Sc yards Mae Bleached full yard wide in ends from to yards worth 9 and 10c per yard pick you want at Mo a yards Flannelette extra patterns in light and dark lc Any end you want per yard wide heavy goods all shades price 10 to fa Lot No 900 yards Dark and Flannelettes good quality lengths from to yards Per yard About fifty Plain and Twill Unbleached Cotton Sheets sizes two by two and a half yards wide hem well fin ished heavy sheets worth each Special at The Red Ticket Clothing Sale continues this week and every department in the Store has something special to offer so that a look will do you good and a purchase will save you money unroofed and- demolished several build ings including round house and the exhibition grand stand Charles Adams an boy fifteen years of age took cramps while swimming and was drowned town on the Inst to Mr ftiiii Mrs Lloyd a j on Friday AogQBt and Mm J editor Economist a daughter At Hit Moot- the wife of David Burostde Millard of market of a daughter Mr Andrew Hamilton of was drowned while bathing Owen Sound Four thousand Paris cab drivers have gone on strike demanding a lower rate for renting vehicles So Jake the age of will retire unbeaten and leave younger men to fight for honors he held for four years is a re markable record Always in the front rank of oaremen he did not obtain the highest honors championship of the world till he was years of age a time of life most people are satisfied to watch their sons row Now four years later and after a few contests which he won in the most hollow fash ion ho retires tho it is an acknow ledged fact that he even yet head and shoulders above all others in his line A scramble for the championship among the younger oarsmen may lead to revival of interest in the sport Newmarket Bool News Depot Crown Brand Fruit Jars Quests and Hal Gallons Dinner Seta Tea Sets Toilet Sets Fruit Sets Bread and Cake Plates Fruit Plates Bowls Cups and Saucers white and colored Stone all Good Smart Boy for Newspaper Route Itev vjliwK licVIe It foron to down the barrel of the shooter at has returned from an extend- which moment the youth pulled the to Newmarket friends The result appalling THE LEADING Furniture and Underling House Has made a in prioea on Furniture for ft few days before tak ing For Cash Black per 2 P Sideboard with Bevel Mirror up Bedroom i 6Ap tip All goods in proportion is Si lyiod WiOl and the Civic Hoi iH ay Alex Ilether in head of the atoiJiH the due shot iua Mown to loaded with A calls attended to at 125 Bt Mm It Altai On of at the Parsonage Bradford by the Rev George Brown Mr Oral of West to Annie Bast In Bradford on Wednesday Is at the 0 bribes father by the J Mr Bond to lizzie Only daughter Mr J strong Bradford In town on the lost of Mr aged 11 In on Aon Stephens aged and ACT on Tor alt teamed Interred at Cemetery Starrs Grocery it Store Another Supply thta Week Oranges Bananas Raspberrtues Black Peaches Peats Plums Watermelons Tomatoes Beets Beans and Potatoes Bread Cakes and Pastry Q Our Bread Trade is still increasing because wo the best material specially milled for thepurpose Two Car Loads of this Famous Flour received week Give it an honest trial and be convinced Famous Caramels and in the land Try them Jersey leaCream day and for Choice Confectionery litillotthWftWflifetkot All will receive fc Central telephone y i j I ii

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