Newmarket Era, 10 Aug 1900, p. 4

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1- 11 Si infirmHUt from sunn rM or taking to whose could not from pAlns hit ttvrr AUG pi f Intcrvlflwcw at Ottawa Mr recently Bin ted that Joint erf which ho iVfc wll lingo November i lift ilo retained tho service tot Hon Edward to caeca of Canadian before to had to refer i ft -j- two Kerr end who admitted fatal colli- lost wok at 10 their of memory arooudorarrcat with tad will probably bo tried for Russell Sage is the roost person New York fie produce more at a moments notice than any other millionaire in United fl ficlCfxiWp fortune -accumii- In a At his birth his parents highest- for the horn of little wan that ho might turn out a good and a ul farmer lClghty- three ycarw later ho could buy all the farm in the middle of Now York State and though his trousera arc still bag at his greater than the entire income of the United States government for the year in which lie was born How he built he founda tion Advertising Medium v York County jcr Tor first lDECrtloai AoYerlfBcmimlo writ ten InMructlojiR intll forbid and will ho each month change roontb TntiBt bo for at regular rates mutt bo It A bo for any wlicrp or Hit y chorged forfluch to this ruin years later he bought brother out and moved Into another twice the size of the old becoming at one of the men of At worth twentyeight And when he cam to Nov York- City at tho age of he with him his first half million of ipV- lars Twenty years Inter on dis astrous day of the Grant Ward failure he lost in than eight hours And the he was again at his office going thru the usual routine of his work as If nothing had happened I made a granite determination ago he said never to get about anythingto preserve a serene disposition with Hot Iocs find Found tcr K 0 to on good Farm fioltcltor Woiftry Public to Division Court Ontario A CHoppIo of Post Of fice T Herbert Lennox Aurora NJHraarltetouati4rdBy0 and Court DayeV jtBolfcltorfl for J Itow Co and Ontario to fi Ilarrlator to loan toitotfalJlooU Main rfti Hew mar ll Block to PAINTING ac Jus neatly and a tirstCl Walter- at filrms Hardware Blore of Mr Green bead of Street Newmarket and Church Street ftbd AUCTIONEERS for Co of York cold on vOmmleslon Farm fled to I JJolliftgshGQfi tost Office block opposite the CburcUr- at office of Or Porter Brad every Monday Pump kept on or o supplied done notice All Land Master Salfc SEED CORN P Improved JUirrjfii Early Wisconsin Yellow Dint Longfellow and varietiea Mangel Turnip Beet and Gar- Seed willson Cor Huron A opting about below fiincoyarod Oat to A has formed to It no tolling what of ball made of nor future has for The Kingston News rises to re mark It in aid that the liquor habit bo by Well has a or two to try Gonial and were it not for weakness which calls habit worthy and By all oorao follow way with n of of a guar If a well write op fro of A press from Toronto ioutnats ftonounooa that Ohio Ex fit at Ion a note of warning to Ontario of Agriculture calling attention to foci that a company of fraudulent men are collecting money by that they will plant orchards for that iha arc by tuo Ohio Kxpcr cbental That has no irtca of this skyscraping edifice of coo clear lara how this builder of a JiOOtlOO- A crer report pi and Heglo- of Province of Ontario recently an I of last over previooa Partly owing to in- am in and partly to of prlvato tlrm8 from Incorporation in with yea Tho of authorized an mouBDam former- Iota of The Toronto World tlirows a brick at the Government be- cause it did not introduce Prohibitory legislation in response to plebiscite vote If out been hither to favorable to prohibition its censure might have had Borne effect but when the whole country knows as the Star observes that ii does not care a brass button about prohibition but is solely and exclusively concerned about trying to defeat tie present Libera Government the hollow mockery of the becomes all the more apparent The Ontario Government has favor ably entertained the application of the veteran militia of who re pelled the Fenians of that date for a grant of land to survivors- Col J I McMillan of Cornwall in reply to his communication reports having re ceived a letter from Hon J pa- vis Commissioner of Crown Lands expressing sympathy with the move ment and intimating that Mr South- worth Director of Colonization wM be instructed to with Co McMillan with the view to locating the sons and grandsons of the veter ans alluded to on free lands fn New Ontario a a village of lias passed a bylaw aiding a cement wot to extent of 10000 and exempt ing them from taxation A passenger train and a gravel train collided on the TV near Brant ford and Engineer of the train was kitted Thorn in Wood worth aged six teen of of Hamburg eyenue drowned while in Creek- Richard years of age jumped into Thames at in an attempt to commit sui cide He was dragged out and lodged in jail tl half price Enquire at Bit a A Thousand not express the rapture of An nie of Philadelphia when Dr Kings New Discovery cured her of a hacking coagli that for many years had made life a burden She After all other remedies and doctors failed It soon removed the pain my chest and I can now soundly something I can scarcely re member doing before I feel like Bounding its praises throughout the universe Dr Kings New Discovery is guaranteed to cure all troubles of the Throat Chest or Lungs Price and Trial bottles free at Lehmans drug store first is told here as can bo remembered in Sages own words My father and my hard working mother were very poor In they suffered for want of a doctor in health they were obliged to allow others to suffer because of a helpless ness to help At twelve years of age I that poverty meant getting the minimum of life and that the full- nesr thereof lay in a plump purse- therefore made up my mind that money could and should be had So after helping my father all day the farm I chopped wood evenings for a rich neighbor a gentleman fanner At the end of the first week he gave me a dollar I wish I had that bit of silver now for It- was the first dollar all my own Hut I gave it to Lirind year our rich a drawer of water as a hewer of wood increasing my weekly to sir id year he added odd job notably that of mall carrier to and from the post- office nine miles away and I the sum of a week Thus until I was fifteen I work ed on the farm during the summers by day for my father and by for my benefactor down road and first 51000 of some men fitted flvo of hard work and I economy I am bound to say that any young man who really wants to make money has only to make up his mind to It and he will succeed And it is while he Is making the first thou sand or two that he will learn how make the rest In starting out in this moneymaking career he must lay cast Iron rules for regularity Hod i r Tfcynltedptatefvinator finihcdhfe rirst term of and having vorked up to that high honor by hard felt a- na tural and proper pride- in hlotiucccc As the train which was bearing him westward rolled thru central vanfai a sudden and desire to jViDifc little village where he had been a barefooted hoy with only one shirt to his back and one pale of pantaloons to legs came upon him He the conductor- ti give a stop over on his through ticket and dropped oft at a way sta tion it was thirty years or more since Ire had taken an outgoing train there after having trudged ten I railroad from the little back- woods village where he was horn All his- family friends were dead and he scarcely expected to see a familiar face but sitting on the front seat of i I for sums- article down and temperance in every detail of his home life and the routine of his office- He must at any time choose the loss of every cent lie has made rather than perform a single act of dishonesty lie must make it a point never to he in debt will do him no harm to be a tee small fusing to pay fifty cents worth only twentyfive People wonder how so busy life as mine can be carried on for so many years I do not use tobacco I am temperate in the use of stimu lants I eat good plain food and no late suppers I regular hours and I workthat is why I am a young man at eightythree I say to the starters in life Grasp every favorable opportunity while it and hang on to it with the lightness of a vice even if it burns you for a while It is said that attended the district school during the ST come at all winter That by the way was all I received On my my father died and my mother and I mov- llic schooling birthday soon afterward to Troy Here I was apprenticed to my brother Henry He owned a corner grocery on River afreet and must determine the character and became his- errand boy J was now limit of he earning only a week in cash hut as I was also found and as I had a ravenous appetite I considered that rny brother was paying me a week So after all I was making financial progress was probably all was worthall that other grocery boys of my age were as As in vlie spent their vvV I saved half of other half going to my mother At the of the first year I had twenty silver dollars I took them to my brother and asked for a bill in exchange Then put that enormous fortune in the Bible in my room over the store locking the Bible in my old trunk I had learn ed tfievaluc of money I understood that it was a friend At the close of the third year with my brother my apprenticeship ended- and I had five bills- Instead of hiding them in the Bible in the trunk I now put them in the local bank That was my first It is necessary to explain how I came to have five bills when I should have had only three To be brief made extra quarters then I have made extra dollars since was always ready for a swap I was usually lucky my quarters time amounted to dollars Indeed the extra and above the sav ing from my earnings was accumulat ed by nickels and quarters at a time They said had a talent for dicker that I was slick at a boss trade and I guess they right I was now eighteen worth a graduate of my brothers corner grocery I told my brother I would clerk for him for 25 a month and find myself I must- have been a pretty good store hand for He accept ed my oner I still saved half my wages each month and by dint of the continued swapping of a thing worth for something I could sell for I soon accumulated another putting it all in the bank At the end of the first quarter I received a small check from the bank the in terest on ray capital When I went to the bank to de posit Interest money the president called me Into his office and suggested that I invest money in a government bond Pay your down on a bond and the rest in install ments I accepted the bondholders kind offer and from that day on while paying those installments as they be came due I was learning the full va lue of strict economy At the end of two years or five years after I first my brothers shop was absolute owner of a United States government bond Thus in twentieth year by hard work and persistent economy Sage had accumulated his first With the coming of the first quar terly check for the interest however he decided that his Si 000 would yield more If invested in his brothers grocery Anyway he was willing to take the risk So at the bank he exchanged his bond for a bill with which he bought a halfinterest it nevertheless old Was Billy the driver a little greyer a little more stoopshouldered but the same Billy and the senator him His heart gave a sudden bound of surprised plea sure he paid his fare and climbed up beside Billy who gave him a piercing but stealthy glance of uncertain recog nition look the reins clucked to his horses cracked his whip started I After they had travelled a mile or more the senator said Billy do you remember a little barefooted boy by the name that to play troung the streets of thirty year or more ago Yep Maybe you wouldnt believe it to look at me but I am he You didnt know me did you Yep The senator was taken aback by his reception and relapsed into silence But his pride now got the better of him and he was overpow ered by his for recognition Billy said he have you ever heard what I have been doing since I left Yep This cold response cut trie senator still more deeply but he trio again Do you know that I have gotten to be a United States Senator Yep Do all the people in know it Yep What do they say Oh they jest The senator collapsed and settled back on the old leathern seal mad as a hornet pride was laid in the dust and he wished he hadnt come If that is all they care about the success of a barelegged boy who had climbed into the United States senate and shed a halo of glory on his birth place they may get out A prophet is not without honor save in his own country he said bitterly For about ten minutes the senator was all out of sorts and then he did what Billy said that the lians did jest No Men can never he heroes to their valets or prophets to their neigh bors Set that down and when you go back to your old town go back in the capacity of a barefooted boy or the neighbors- will jest laugh i A Poor is not true The trouble with some Is that they fail to recognize and to halt Opportunity as it sweeps by The grasping of even the majority of his opportunities will in the end land any man on his feel upon the pinnacle of success The nature of his work however determine success he can achieve in that line If a young man is ajderk in a store or office for instance he raunoVfexpcet to make a million dol lars out of clerking But observing all the rules for mind and body as I have defined them lei him save all the money he can and as soon as possible buy a share or small interest in his employ ers By saving and selfde nial he may soon be able to purchase a share or two some bank or a part interest in a parcel of real es tate Alvays keeping his head clear and his body free from excesses he will see chances to spread out so thai by the time he has and clear from debt nothing ought to stand between him and assured t Vl J cur them time Half a In Lot rtpetteO a few times Avoid but one Fein Killer Ferry A growing tree is not thinking of the shadow it will feist It is grow to bear its fruit or furnish Iho timber of its being The shadow grows in consequence And it is with an honest good life The iu spiration of it is not the desire for others applause or growth of per sonal influence but the wish to do the duty of the day because it is duty It is not by mere brains that good enduring influence is Char which inspires confidence respect and by the very laws of life tells on others this is tho force which a good man directs But elf- conceit personal vanity and in oneself are not consistent character Let there be unaffected modesty behind power and respect is won and respect implies in the best kind Mi by False and fear of the sur ge knife prevent moat people from to for a sura for Many people cuff er on year after year robbed of their real end sleep by the terribly Itching when they could be entirely cured by a box of OInlment Mr P Dominion Irving at ybfvr street Toronto I buffered for nine from itching at times belli unable to rtit on account of annoyance by them After all remedies In vain I the of Chase a Ointment which entirely cured me cannot apeak too highly of It I have recommended It to friends all of whom been cured by its use Dr Chases Ointment Is by physicians and the pub lic general as the only absolute for cents a box at all or Ed mans on and Co Toronto Hanging Just we were going to press we are startled with the full details a which will no doubt a gloom over thi3 For the present out of respect for the Buffering parents of the lady we re frain from the tho dramatis persona in the scene de scribed below For the last twenty yeara there has lived in this town an eminently respectable family theprido of whose household was a charming of seventeen She was as beautiful as the ideal of a poet and remarkable for her intelligence as for her loveliness Hit eyey vere like stais in a summer night and her form warmed by the blood of youthful vigorous woman hood was as graceful as that of a Grecian Iter hair hung- in graceful ringlets over her pearly shoulders like molten gold and cherry ducks as soft as velvet look- like rosea mingled with As a natural result one would expect a creature possessed- of such charms of mind and form and feature would the grand passion in some mans bosom and such was the case For several months past a fascinating young gentleman has been paying her the most devoted attention He too was handsome and intelligent Her female friends would occasionally tease her about him and a flood of conscious would irradiate her beautiful face at the very mention of his name Everything seemed to pass along smoothly for a while when all of a sudden she lost her spirits and wore a look of melancholy Her musical laughter like tinkling of crystal upon the silver leaves was hushed and she seemed like a lily which had been made tot wither and fade by the burning rays of a summer sun Her parents came anxious about her condition and watched over her with tender solici tude frequently questioned as to the cause of her sadness and de pression of spirits she made no reply except in an equivocal kind of a style that rendered confusion worse con founded Yesterday evening about she was missed from her home and the worst fears of her parents were excited They sought high and low but she was nowhere to be found Finally her father remembered that of late she had been in the habit of sit ting sad weeping and distracted in a vinecovered arbour which leads to the garden He rushed to the arbour and as that- distracted father gazed upon the scene that met his view rendered more dismal by the low glimmering rays f the pale orb of night his blood curdled in his veins his cheeks turned pale and the heav ing of his bosom plainly told that it was filled with deepest emotion There before him was his beautiful daughter her tall and graceful form arrayed in spotless white her long golden hair streaming like a flood light down to her waist hanging oh think of it young men and maidens and parents hanging with her arms around her lovers neck her head pillowed on his manly breast o to A y t lh THE CO AH Tut in The wheel fitted with Tires gives no trouble to the dealer after its sale That is one reason why dealers favor wheels They know that Tires are out ward sign of inward worth in the building of a bicycle As UJU4 la fctrd ftff Abo net to Steady to pu Ho fall tutfen Ct We Want Your Trade Lately starved in London because he could not difest his food Early use of Dr Kings New Life Pills would saved him They strengthen the stomach aid digestion promote as similation improve appetite Price Money back if not satisfied Sold by Lehman druggist H I M I Time to A dude while walking along the streets met a little boy whp asked him the time Ten minutes to nine said the dude Well said the boy at oclock you get your hair cut and he took to his heel and ran the dude after him When turning corner the dude in contact with a po liceman nearly knocking him down Whats up said the policeman The dude very much out of breath said that young urchin along there He asked me time I told him ten minutes to nine and tie said At nine oclock get your hair cut said the policeman what are you running for Youve eight minutes more yet Globe The- fame of Arnica the best in the world extends the earth Its the one perfect healer of Outs Corns Burns Bruises Sores Scalds Bolls Ulcers Felons Aches Pains and all Skin Eruptions Only infallible Pile Cure 25c a box at Lehman drug store run the The peculiar fact that corn pota toes and plants thrive better wKen In rows running north and South has been proved Planted thus they obtain a more uniform Dr SHEPHERD Victoria Street Toronto member Medical Colleges Scotland Ontario Nova Scotia Quebec Ann Arbor Phil will be at tie Royal Hotel Newmarket every Saturday Dr Shepherd is a specialist and will give free Examinations and Consultations to aU parties who will meet him at Newmarket Dr Shepherd has plenty of private funds and will advance money to farmers at per cent yearly No valuations agents fees or commis sions charged For Medical or Financial assistance call on Dr Shepherd at Royal Hotel Newmarket on Saturdays The toad is a friend to the farmer His food fox a season represents worms and insects that would re quire worth of vegetables to feed The toad destroys the destroyers and be never costs the farmer a cent for keep Protect the toads SOLDIERS IN CAMP ExSergeant William Johnston of the Royal Grenadiers Toronto writes f It is impossible for me to speak too highly of Dr Chases Oint ment for piles or any itching skin dis ease It is simply invaluable Many of our men used it while in camp and received excellent results Members of the Canadian contingents took loxta of Dr Chases Ointment with them to South Africa to relieve the sufferings of campaigning life o A of stone measures cu feet and would weigh in the neigh borhood of ten tons The weight however would vary with the kind of stono cubic feet is the cube of feel would make the mea surements feet each way Vie Cant Do It others do yourwerk Can Do Better work te life of your Shirts Collars Ms are by our laudrylog them I J our work pleases you tell your Prop day School Regular Public School Work EVBlilNQ CLASSES to pm for and Now is ib tixoe to improve your cucitioo mode rale POLLOCK Huron St- ivW VHAn I TQt inttrcJ is Mark ftc intto tor jut THAT HANG ON Pneumonia is the result of neglected chest colds colds that hang on and in flame and irritate the bronchial tubes and To promptly and thoroly cure chest colds tightness in the chest and all colds in the throat and bronch ial tubes Dr Chases Syrup of Lin seed and Turpentine has proved itself the most effectual remedy extant Its Kile is simply enormous cents a bottle Family aze CO cents- j TAKE HEED WILL SORELY SPEED lie sure to heed the first symptoms of indigestion pure blood and dyspepsia nervous prostration and all Ihe evils produced by bad blood Hoods is your safe guard It quickly sets the stomach right strengthens and quiets the nerves purifies enriches and vitalizes the blood and up the health tone he first symptoms A Town Carting kinds or Teaming Short Notice DAVID Main All Pills- liver ills cured by Hoods iorrln at ih over la 1

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